Sep 8, 2016

Are all Browser Extensions Safe to Use?

Hello. I have questions about the browser extensions. I use browser to work and do shopping every day. However, I saw pop-up message suggesting me install extensions to improve browsing experience. It says I should install InvisibleHand extension as I always buy product online. It will help me find cheaper and better goods. Should I install it? Is it reliable? Can it be the spyware?

What is Browser Extension?

Browser extension is a browser plug-in that extends the functionality of your Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Opera. You can use the extensions that supported by your browser safely. Nowadays, the reliable extensions are able to change the user interface of the web browser because they are authored using web technologies such as JavaScript CSS and HTML. Different browsers started supporting extensions in different time. The first browser that started supporting extension is Internet Explore. The second one is Mozilla Firefox. It has supported browser extensions since it was launched in 2004. The third one is Opera desktop web browser which supported in 2009. Next, Safari and Google Chrome both started in 2010. Safari mainly supports native extensions. Microsoft Edge didn’t support extensions until March, 2016. Besides, it supports fewer extensions. In addition, different browsers support different extensions. You need to choose the ones that suit your browser. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 8, 2016 2:56 pm and last modified on September 9, 2016 3:29 am.

Sep 7, 2016

Computer Gets Stuck While Playing Games?

I am getting very frustrated. So I bought a gaming computer about a month ago. Recently, I’ve been having some troubles with it while playing CS GO, COD mw2, Battlefield, Bad Company 2 and Demigod. Sometimes when I play the game, the computer gets stuck for a few seconds. Sometimes, it lasts for few minutes. At the same time, the sound gets “stuck” as well, and then it returns back to normal. It usually happens more than once during a couple of minutes, and sometimes it never comes back on, so I have to restart the computer. I never had that problem before. Can you tell me what’s the problem and what should I do? Any assistance will be much appreciated.

Does Your Computer Get Stuck While Playing Games?

Computer games are very popular among young people. Some people would like to relax themselves with game. Others play games for money. They can earn money and enjoy themselves at the same time. The computer games bring people sense of happiness. However, there is a condition. The games are supposed to be smooth and immersive. However, many people find that their computers get stuck frequently while they play certain games which makes you feel annoyed instead of happy. They just “die” in the game. Later on, your computer gets stuck frequently though you don’t play computer. Something is wrong on your computer.

Why Your Computer Gets Stuck While Playing Games?

Many people ask, “Why my computer gets stuck while playing games?” There are several reasons. First of all, your network is slow and not stable. The video will not load properly if your network does meet the game’s need. Secondly, too many programs run in the background when you play games. Those programs occupy much memory, thus your computer responds slow and get stuck easily. Thirdly, there are too many junk files, plug-ins and other useless programs on your computer. If you don’t clean your computer regularly, the junk files can pile up quickly. It will badly affect your computer performance and ruin your game experience. Fourthly, your computer is overheating. After you play games for a long time, the overheated computer hardly can respond you. Fifthly, your graphic card drivers are out of date. If you don’t update them regularly, the computer will not to handle high graphics game. As we all know, graphic card drivers are very important for computer games. Last but not least, your computer may be infected with viruses or adware. If your computer is infected with viruses or other threat, it will slow down the computer and prevent it from operating well. The viruses are performing malicious activities when you play the games. Hence, you usually get stuck.

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What can You Do?

Can’t stand the stuck games any more? Let’s talk about how to avoid this. Do not run too many programs in a time. Close the programs that run in the background completely. Then, clean the junk files frequently. You can empty the Recycle Bin and free up hard drive space. Uninstall the programs that you don’t use. Locate plug-ins that comes into your computer with other programs. They are useless to your computer. You can remove them safely. It is a good idea to use computer cooler and graphics cooler if you usually play computer games. If your computer is always overheating, it will not only make your game stuck, but also damages your hardware badly. It will cost you a large sum of money if the hardware goes wrong. Also, it is a wise idea to check if your computer is infected with virus frequently. Keep your computer away from virus. Besides, you check the driver update and update it in time. If you still are not satisfied with your game experience, you can think about buying a higher graphic card. Of course, it is a bit expensive. Hope this article will help you. If you need help to fix the problem safely, please contact YooCare Experts.

If you are afraid of making any critical mistakes damaging your computer, please contact YooCare Expert for further removal help.

Published by on September 7, 2016 6:56 am and last modified on October 8, 2016 1:36 am.

Sep 7, 2016

White Virus Page Pops up On Phone – How to Unlock?

I was using safari. Suddenly a white box pop up appeared saying I had been using sites related to illegal porn. I was not viewing anything illegal. I powered off my phone quickly in fear of a virus, I remembered it was asking for money. I was not sure whether it was real, because the white box pop up looks so genuine (identical box that appears when your iOS update is available but was a bit longer) any way would this be a scam pop up or do apple ever send things like this? It happens again, I go a screenshot. Is this a piece of malware? Who can help me remove this virus? Please help!

Description of White Virus Page Pops up Hits Your Smartphone

If your phone is locked, you see a white warning page pops up asking you for money while you are trying to visit a website. That means your mobile phone is infected with a piece of malware known as white virus page. So what is white virus page pops up, do you have any knowledge about this virus? For this virus, we call White Screen virus. It’s an unpleasant program that has recently started scaring many phone users. A huge white screen will occupy your smartphone out of nowhere and block all your programs. In effect, once a white virus page pops up that occupies on your phone whole screen, it means your mobile phone has been hacked. You may have already heard about a series of fake police virus related ransomware programs that block user’s phone claiming the users have acted against law. Some infamous viruses like FBI MoneyPak virus, United Kingdom Police virus, Cerber2 virus and many more. Scammers attempt to utilize this virus and trick you pay a fine in this way.
Once this white virus is installed on your phone, the white virus page will display a bogus notification that pretends to be from a law enforcement agency and states that your smartphone has been locked. Maybe you may ask why your mobile phone is always attacked by virus. You just surf the Internet likes many people do. But first I may want you to recollect whether you opened some malicious websites or click some strange-looking links pop-ups while you was surfing the Internet, or sometimes you watched some child porn on illegal websites. These behaviors would make your phone was vulnerable to the threat of the virus. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 7, 2016 6:25 am

Sep 5, 2016

How to Make a Bootable USB Successfully?

Hi, there. I was trying to make a Bootable USB for my computer, so that I could reinstall my operation system and then fix my computer problems. I did a research on Google on the Internet about how to create a bootable USB for both windows and mac computers. And I got kinds of information on it. My computer is a Windows 7. I followed the guide online. I thought I did everything as it said. But no matter how many times I tried, I still couldn’t make it work. I am really upset now. I know I am not a skillful computer genius. I need help from real tech support guys. Please help.

Detailed Information About Bootable USB?

A bootable USB is one that contains instructions for your computer’s bootloader to load up various assets to run an operating system. It is the process of using a USB flash driver to boot or start a computer’s operating system. It enables computer hardware to use a USB flash driver to get all essential system booting information and files rather than the standard/native hard disk or the CD drive or DVD driver. A common use of a bootable USB flash drive is to use it to boot into Windows. Usually, before you install a new system on your computer, you have to prepare a USB flash drive or a blank CD-R or DVD-R disc which used to save new system files. Beside, a good computer with administrator right is needed as well, which will be used to make the OS files to the bootable drivers. So, a bootable USB acts as a replacement of previously used CD-ROM which can be used to install (even demo run) various operating systems on a computer system at the time the computer has loaded its BIOS settings. Thus, if you don’t have a blank CD-R or DVD-R disc when you want to install your Windows system on your computer, you can also use the USB flash drive at least 1 GB instead. The needed storage volume of USB flash drive depends on the types of Windows you want install, such as Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows XP and Windows Vista and so on.

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Published by on September 5, 2016 6:12 am

Sep 4, 2016

How to free up hard drive space on your Computer?

How can I free up disk space on my computer? My hard drive is nearly out of free space. I keep getting a low disk space warning. I always failed to install software even if its size is pretty small. Now my computer runs extremely slow and freezes suddenly. I hardly can use it to work. It is a Dell computer with Windows 7. It’s not an old one and I bought it 6 months ago. Is it because I downloaded too many files? I receive pictures, videos, music and various files from my partner every day. I was about to remove some of the files, but I was afraid that I might remove the wrong ones as I know little about computer. Important files are stored in my office software. Do not want to lose them. Please help me free up the hard drive without losing important data. Thank you.

Is Your Hard Drive out of Free Space?

Did you get low disk space warning? Does your computer run slow? In those years, the size of computer hard drives have been enlarged at an amazing rate. You can have 1 TB of storage on your device. However, you may find that no matter how large your hard drive is, it is still possible to run out of memory. As we all know, the software we use has been undated regularly. Meanwhile, the more functions it has, the larger size it has. You may install more software to meet your need and download more files for work. In this way, your hard drive will be filled soon. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 4, 2016 5:38 pm and last modified on September 9, 2016 3:31 am.

Sep 4, 2016

FBI message accused watching porn – How to unlock?

FBI message accused watching porn – How to unlock? Well, I was on the internet last night and a like popped up before I had a chance to get rid of it. A FBI message came up on my iPhone screen saying I was watching illegal pornography and that I had to pay a fine of $500 USD through Paysafecard. And it’s blocking me from using the safari at all. What should I do now? Was it real or a scam? Help.

FBI message Locked Your Device—What to Do?

FBI message had been created by cyber criminals for years. FBI message accused watching porn, this is a scam virus message sent by cyber scammers who made it to disguise to be sent by real government agencies. Most of you maybe confuse watching porn content videos or files are legit or illegal action? Actually, if you are an adult, you can do that. But if you are an adult, you should not do that. However, even though you watch porn content video, this action violates morality, does not go against Law. So, it is not illegal. No matter what, you should not watch porn. Since cyber criminals use to attach this FBI scam virus to suspicious websites like porn websites, if you do watch porn on your device, you may give the chance for the virus getting into your device without your attention. Besides, because the ways of scam virus distribution are various, hence, this FBI message may be associated with freeware downloads, infected ads, links, and pop-ups as well. If you want to get your device away from FBI scam virus attack, you should be always doing legal activities on the Internet while you are online. You should always download applications from authorized website, not an unauthorized one. You should visit legit website with healthy information, not the one with unhealthy content like porn content, violent content, child abuse content etc. You should be cautious on clicking the unknown and unfamiliar links, ads, pop-ups. One word, if you don’t browse the Internet safely, you may bring your device into a great potential risk.

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Published by on September 4, 2016 6:16 am and last modified on April 22, 2017 5:09 pm.

Sep 3, 2016

Cannot Totally Remove SSC Service Utility from Your PC?

Hello. I have a problem on my pc. Here is the detail. I have changed printers and deleted SSC Service Utility from my control panel, but when I try to delete it from my C Drive, it tells me access denied. How do I get that folder off my C Drive program files? I tried everything, but no luck. Please help me. Thanks a lot.

What is SSC Service Utility?

SSC Service Utility program is developed by SSC Localization Group SSC which allows you reset various parameters on printer. Its size is about 781 KB. If you install SSC Service Utility, you can clean the color and black print heads separately thus saving inks. However, it is difficult to uninstall it when you don’t want it any longer. SSC Service Utility comes onto your PC without a built-in uninstall option. You can’t remove it in a traditional way. It is common that people without proper PC knowledge meet problems when uninstalling this program. Therefore, if you have problem in removing SSC Service Utility, we suggest you ask someone who is skillful at PC for help. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 3, 2016 12:15 pm and last modified on September 9, 2016 3:32 am.

Sep 1, 2016

How to Remove Data Text US Police or Data Null Message from iPhone/iPad?

Can someone help me? the I was watching some videos on YouTube just like daily video people watch. And then, a warning from the FBI said if I didn’t pay $100 in moneypak thing. I would be arrested within 24hr. The things said that it had my address due to my broadband or something and that they would be sending a letter. it completely blocked me from using safari on my phone… Should I be worried? Is it a scam? Could they send a letter to my home? Help me out please. Thank you in advance.

Brief Information about Data Text US Police and Data Null Message on iPhone/iPad

In those years, the cyber criminals abuse the name of authority law enforcement to scam people rampantly. They have virus installed on your iPhone/iPad and show you Data Text US Police or Data Null Message. The virus may say it is FBI, cyber police American national security agency, us marshals, Cambridge police, American national security agency, Homeland security police, Department of Justice and other law enforcement. The Data Text US Police or Data Null Message accuses you of watching banned videos, violating copyright or other illegal thing. They block your Safari or Google Chrome saying that you must pay a ransom to have your device back. You probably are scared by this “horrible” message and want to send the “police” money to solve the problem. However, we have to tell you that this police threat and data null are fake. Its owner is the cyber police. You don’t have any trouble with the real police. The criminals are trying to scam you by using your fear as the weapon. You are not supposed to pay any money to the nasty virus’s owner. Just ignore the fake warning. However, you must remove the virus to get rid of the Data Text US Police or Data Null Message. Do not leave the virus on your iPhone/iPad for a long time. Do not give it any chance to damage your device further. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 1, 2016 11:48 pm

Sep 1, 2016

Trojan.Sysridge!gen1 Removal Guide

Hey, there. I don’t know what is going on now? I couldn’t browse well. I was redirecting to some unfamiliar websites. I realized that my computer must be infected by a kind of virus. I must find it out. Norton told me that my computer was infected by Trojan.Sysridge!gen1. But I can’t use Norton to remove this virus completely. Can anyone help me remove this virus step by step? Thank you very much!

Computer Be Infected By Trojan.Sysridge!gen1—How to Remove?

Trojan.Sysridge!gen1 is a threat that is used to take over a computer and give a third party access to the target computer. This Trojan is classified to be the member of malicious Trojan family which is created by vicious cyber criminals with the purpose of hacking all kinds of Windows computer users around the world. This virus can be attached to the third applications like spam emails, junk email attachments, suspicious websites, freeware downloads and infected links, ads, pop-ups and so on. Therefore, this virus can get into your computer through the process of downloading freeware, visiting suspicious websites or links, reading or responding spam emails as well as its attachments and installing unsafe programs on your computer. So, you can see that the ways of virus distribution are various. If you want to avoid being infected by the virus, you should be more cautious while you are online. Please think twice before you do something.

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Published by on September 1, 2016 4:35 pm

Aug 31, 2016 Hijacker Removal Guide

Hello, there. Whenever I clicked a link during a google search, something funny happened… I was either redirected to another page (usually or I was directed to the correct page but a weird domain shows up in the transit. This problem occurred in both Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. I’ve tried to manually remove malware/adware (usually what works is deleting plug-ins in Chrome). But after I restart my computer, it happened all over again. When I did a full scan on my computer, both Norton and McAfee virus protection told me that there are no threats on my computer. What should I do? I need some help.

More Information About Browser Hijacker: hijacker is a newly created browser redirect malware which is made by cyber hackers with the purpose of affecting the famous browsers, including Edge, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari and so on. This virus can be associated with third party applications so that it can dive into the target computer without computer users’ attention. Generally speaking, this hijacker may be attached to spam email, junk email’s attachments, free applications, suspicious websites, unknown links, ads, pop-ups etc. So, this virus may get into your computer secretly just due to one mistakenly operation on it. Once you see this virus on your computer, it is recommended that you should close the virus immediately. And then contact a legit tech support company to help you remove this virus from your computer immediately if you don’t know how to fix it by yourself.
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Published by on August 31, 2016 5:19 am

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