Computer Gets Stuck While Playing Games?

I am getting very frustrated. So I bought a gaming computer about a month ago. Recently, I’ve been having some troubles with it while playing CS GO, COD mw2, Battlefield, Bad Company 2 and Demigod. Sometimes when I play the game, the computer gets stuck for a few seconds. Sometimes, it lasts for few minutes. At the same time, the sound gets “stuck” as well, and then it returns back to normal. It usually happens more than once during a couple of minutes, and sometimes it never comes back on, so I have to restart the computer. I never had that problem before. Can you tell me what’s the problem and what should I do? Any assistance will be much appreciated.

Does Your Computer Get Stuck While Playing Games?

Computer games are very popular among young people. Some people would like to relax themselves with game. Others play games for money. They can earn money and enjoy themselves at the same time. The computer games bring people sense of happiness. However, there is a condition. The games are supposed to be smooth and immersive. However, many people find that their computers get stuck frequently while they play certain games which makes you feel annoyed instead of happy. They just “die” in the game. Later on, your computer gets stuck frequently though you don’t play computer. Something is wrong on your computer.

Why Your Computer Gets Stuck While Playing Games?

Many people ask, “Why my computer gets stuck while playing games?” There are several reasons. First of all, your network is slow and not stable. The video will not load properly if your network does meet the game’s need. Secondly, too many programs run in the background when you play games. Those programs occupy much memory, thus your computer responds slow and get stuck easily. Thirdly, there are too many junk files, plug-ins and other useless programs on your computer. If you don’t clean your computer regularly, the junk files can pile up quickly. It will badly affect your computer performance and ruin your game experience. Fourthly, your computer is overheating. After you play games for a long time, the overheated computer hardly can respond you. Fifthly, your graphic card drivers are out of date. If you don’t update them regularly, the computer will not to handle high graphics game. As we all know, graphic card drivers are very important for computer games. Last but not least, your computer may be infected with viruses or adware. If your computer is infected with viruses or other threat, it will slow down the computer and prevent it from operating well. The viruses are performing malicious activities when you play the games. Hence, you usually get stuck.

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What can You Do?

Can’t stand the stuck games any more? Let’s talk about how to avoid this. Do not run too many programs in a time. Close the programs that run in the background completely. Then, clean the junk files frequently. You can empty the Recycle Bin and free up hard drive space. Uninstall the programs that you don’t use. Locate plug-ins that comes into your computer with other programs. They are useless to your computer. You can remove them safely. It is a good idea to use computer cooler and graphics cooler if you usually play computer games. If your computer is always overheating, it will not only make your game stuck, but also damages your hardware badly. It will cost you a large sum of money if the hardware goes wrong. Also, it is a wise idea to check if your computer is infected with virus frequently. Keep your computer away from virus. Besides, you check the driver update and update it in time. If you still are not satisfied with your game experience, you can think about buying a higher graphic card. Of course, it is a bit expensive. Hope this article will help you. If you need help to fix the problem safely, please contact YooCare Experts.

If you are afraid of making any critical mistakes damaging your computer, please contact YooCare Expert for further removal help.

Published by on September 7, 2016 6:56 am, last updated on October 8, 2016 1:36 am

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