Sep 26, 2016

How to Optimize Windows PC for Gaming?

Hi. This is David. My PC always gets stuck in the middle of game which is very frustrated. For this reason, I barely could enjoy the game. I was about to relax myself with game, but it ruined my day instead. So, I am trying to make it run smoothly. I simply emptied the recycle bin and cleared rubbish with my security program. And I don’t think it worked a lot. Is there any way I can optimize the PC for gaming effectively? Can you help me? I don’t know much about computer. Thank you in advance.

Does Your PC Freeze Frequently When Playing Game?

PC games are pretty popular among Internet users in those years. People would like to entertain themselves with PC games, lying in comfortable chair as they are under pressure at work. They can do something that they are able to do in real life, enjoying the sense of victory. However, there is one condition. Namely, your PC performance must be good enough. In fact, many users who know little about computer always get stuck in games. Sometimes, it takes more time to load the game, and it even lags in game. When they are about to defeat the enemies, PC just freezes and won’t respond for a long time. How upsetting it would be! Does your PC freeze frequently when playing game? If you also are annoyed by the choppy game experience, we suggest you optimize the PC so as to enjoy the excellent game experience. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 26, 2016 6:08 pm and last modified on September 26, 2016 6:09 pm.

Sep 26, 2016

Manual Guide for Removing Browser Hijacker

Hi, there. I do really need help to remove browser hijacker. It seems like a normal and useful website at the very beginning. But when I started to use it, I found that my default homepage on Mozilla Firefox was changed to The most important thing was that I couldn’t change it back to my previous one. I tried to clear my browser, but it was in vain. When I opened Mozilla Firefox, this fake website would pop up on my screen. Now, my laptop runs slowly. It takes me more time to run programs. What should I do? Who can guide me to remove it? Please help! Thank you!

Brief Information of Browser Hijacker is a kind of malicious browser hijacker. It has been defined as pesky computer infection that interferes with browser programs. It is capable of forcing browser to show one particular webpage:, inserting advertisements in other web pages, messing up search results or showing various popups in the browser. As a result, you might not be able to use your browsers normally at all. When you open the website and search for something, you will find that all the provided links seem normal as usual. At first, you maybe don’t care about it. If you click on those links, you may find that there is nothing related to your favorites, but is kinds of unknown websites and pop-ups. Due to this virus, you may not use your computer normally as usual. If you want your computer back to normal again, you should take actions to get rid of this virus as early as you can.

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Published by on September 26, 2016 3:24 am and last modified on September 27, 2016 12:55 pm.

Sep 25, 2016

Microsoft Edge is Frozen with a Warning Page “your hard drive will be deleted in five minutes”-Unlock Guide

Need help! Microsoft Edge is Frozen with a Warning Page “your hard drive will be deleted in five minutes” This morning, I was attacked by a very dangerous virus while surfing overs some old gaming sites. After opening the website when I clicked the news tab at the top, then my browser locked up suddenly. A pop-up warning appeared in the middle of the page stating “your hard drive will be deleted in five minutes unless you call the number that we have provided for further information”. What was even more frightening, there was also an audio file playing this message. I immediately had my power button turn off my computer and turned it back on. However, the warning page came back once I Opened Edge. Can you help me unlock it? Thanks.

Brief Description of Fake Warning “your hard drive will be deleted in five minutes”

Fake warning “your hard drive will be deleted in five minutes” is caused by the tricky virus. It is created to promote fake tech support for illegal money. The Internet has been awash with all manner of scam virus for a long time. The cyber criminals make up fake system alerts and errors to scare users into paying money to remove non-existed viruses. Once the scam virus sneaks into your system, it blocks your browser and display alerts. It claims that your computer is infected with viruses prompting you to call a number for tech support. We don’t suggest you call the tech support or send money to them. They are the owners of the virus which attacks your computer. If you call them, they will trick you into purchasing useless software or unneeded service. You ought to remove the fake warning “your hard drive will be deleted in five minutes” manually. If you have problem in removing the virus, please contact a reliable company like YooCare for help. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 25, 2016 12:36 pm and last modified on September 26, 2016 7:20 am.

Sep 24, 2016

How to Uninstall a HTC driver in the C folder?

Hello. How to uninstall a HTC driver in the C folder? I connected my phone to my computer to transfer some photos last night. And then I saw the HTC driver in the C folder. I know it is not a bad program, but I don’t want it to occupy any space on my computer. The problem is I have no idea how to remove it completely. I did remove some files and its shortcut while it said “Failed to uninstall.” I don’t know what’s wrong with it. Can you help me uninstall it? Thanks.

Brief Information about HTC Driver in the C Folder

HTC driver is a free application created by the HTC Corporation which offers the special features and services on the computer. It aims at providing the effective and convenient use of computer. Though it is harmless, many users do not feel comfortable with it as it is installed without users’ consent and notice. Some of them think that they will not use it any more. Hence, it is not necessary to keep it. If users’ hard disk is getting full, they would like to remove unneeded programs to gain as much free space as possible. However, they find that it not an easy job to uninstall the HTC driver. Strange errors pop up continually when uninstalling it. After they “finish” the uninstall, HTC driver is still there. Indeed, this job is effortful because uninstalling this by hand takes some skill related to removing Windows programs manually. If you want to uninstall HCT driver safely and completely, we suggest you contact experts for help. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 24, 2016 6:24 am and last modified on September 24, 2016 6:26 am.

Sep 23, 2016

FBI Cyber Crime Department Datacenter Locked Phone or Tablet? Unlock Guide

My phone was locked by the FBI cyber crime department datacenter, is it a virus? If it is, how can I remove it completely from my phone? Do you know how and could you please help me? It locks everything on my phone now and I can’t do anything with my phone, I want to make phone call to my friends, we will have a party tonight. And I also was worried that is it possible that my contacts will lose or will I lose anything in my phone? This phone just is very important to me. Please help me unlock my phone, please! It is an urgent issue, please help me immediately. Thanks a bunch in advance.

Know More About FBI Cyber Crime Department Datacenter

Is FBI cyber crime department datacenter a virus? The answer is “Yes”. This scam virus has been distracted on the Internet for a last long time and it has locked many online users’ computers, tablets or phones. When the device is infected by this virus, the device will not able to go to the internet or even can’t work normally. The infected device’s user may not surf on the internet or they even can’t use the device to make a phone call, text message or open any applications in the device. If the virus locks everything on the device, what the user can do may just be turning the device off then turning it back on. But no matter how many times the user restart the infected device, what always appears on the screen is the FBI cyber crime department datacenter scam virus. In some case, the user even can’t restart the infected device at all. Then what you can do to fix it if this scam virus locks your computer, phone or tablet? And what this virus can do in the infected device? Is any risk if you don’t remove the virus from the infected device immediately?
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Published by on September 23, 2016 12:34 pm and last modified on June 30, 2017 8:52 am.

Sep 22, 2016

How to Remove Virus?

Hi, there. How to Remove Virus? Early this morning, as soon as I started my computer and went online, I was redirected to unknown website named, which was not my default home start-up page. I used to use as my default home page. But now all things are changed without my approval. My computer starts to work weirdly. While I am browsing, kinds of pop-ups and ads display on my screen and I can’t find a way to exit them. I keep being interrupted to visit normal websites, but being readdressed to some unfamiliar websites. I can’t use my computer normal as usual any more. What should I do? Please help!

More Information About Virus: is a malicious browser redirect virus which created to take effect on the target computer. This redirect virus is not the same as the legit search engine web like Google and Bing. It used to pretend as a useful and good search engine. When you are being redirected to this fake website, you may see that nothing looks differently from its fake screen. Everything seems to be good before you use it to search your favorites. Once this virus gets into your computer, it will immediately show its ability. Once infected, it will take the whole control of your online actions and then redirect you to right away. Then it will change your default home page and search engine automatically without your approval. You don’t have any way to change these settings back unless you remove the virus from the compromised computer. Besides, if you do the research on the fake web, you may find that all the provided links are nothing related to your key words, but kinds of unknown things and malicious website links. In addition, lots of pop-ups and commercial ads will display on your web screen to stop you from doing anything normally. Thus, you should know that removing this fake website is the most urgent task as soon as you see it on your computer.

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Published by on September 22, 2016 5:57 am

Sep 21, 2016

How Can I Remove Duplicate Files without Losing Anything Important on Windows?

Hello. I am trying to remove unneeded files for more free hard drive space. I emptied the recycle bin and removed unnecessary applications. But I am not sure how to remove the duplicate files being afraid of losing important data. As I always travel around, I have many pictures and videos on my computer. I edited the pictures and videos many times before I posted them on Facebook because I must make sure that all of them were perfect. Hence, there are many similar pictures and videos. I realized that I have to remove some of them, but I am thinking about writing a series of books with those beautiful pictures and creating blogs with the fantastic videos. I don’t want to lose the ones I want to keep by mistake. Please help me remove the unwanted ones safely. Thanks.

Do You Notice that Duplicate Files Exist on Your Windows Computer?

Do you always use your computer to download homework from the public email or important documents from your boss? If you do, you might download the same file multiple times. Sometimes, you just forgot where you stopped the last time among the list of files. Sometimes, you downloaded the files first and left them alone in a particular folder for a period of time. Somehow, you could not remember where you stored them when you needed them again. You have to download them again while they already existed on your computer. Do you use your computer to edit pictures, videos or blogs? If you say “Yes”, many duplicate files can come into beings on your computer. To achieve a satisfied work, you have to edit and design it for many times. You have to save several versions and pick up the best one. Besides, you have to backup the files so as to avoid any accident and data lose. You may copy them from Drive D to Drive E. Hence, duplicate files can pile up quickly. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 21, 2016 5:36 pm

Sep 21, 2016

Ways to Get Rid of Cerber3 Ransomware Effectively

Hi, guys. Yesterday I switched on my computer as usual, and I continued to finish my work. But I could not open my flies. It said that my documents had been encrypted. What the hell! I did not set any passwords on my files. I have done everything to solve this problem, but in vain. What can I do now? These files have taken me several weeks to complete, I do not want to lose them. Please! Help!

Description of Cerber3 Ransomware Virus

An update and reformative version of the notorious ransomware has emerged. It is named Cerber3 Ransomware which is a risky ransom virus. Apparently, this virus will not allow you open your own files freely. Even worse, it encrypts some files which are selected files on PC. In most time, Cerber3 Ransomware disguises as important files like documents, images, music, and videos which you have. Once the virus gets into your computer, it will blocks some web sites especially security pages where you can download tools and utilities that are useful in cleaning the PC from threats. Cerber3 virus demands you finish the payment in Bitcoins to exchange for a decryption key. In general, the ransom payment is about $100 to $700. Same with Cerber2, this new virus will create ransom named Decrypt My File.txt, Decrypt My File.html, and Decrypt My File. vbs on different locations of the compromised PC. It also changes another background automatically including some messages that serve as warning to users.
Cerber3 works and behaves like its predecessor and much like any other present day ransomware does. But there is a little different between Cerber3 virus and BFI moneypak virus or Ukash virus, because the fake police virus do not encrypt your files and the malicious programs can be removed easily. It is more difficult to handle Cerber3 virus. After gaining access to the victim’s device, Cerber3 virus uses strong encryption to encrypt the targeted files and make them virtually inaccessible. Your sensitive information can be stolen by hacker who can access your PC with the help of this Cerber3 virus. These kinds of viruses are seriously cunning. They will look for deficiencies on the system and utilize these flaws as an entry point. Most of time, some of the antivirus cannot detect them, so that the process is hidden to most antivirus programs. To be honest, once Cerber3 Ransomware virus gets inside the PC, it will disable some of the security functions running on the target computer promptly. So you should pay more attention before Cerber3 virus getting into our computers. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 21, 2016 8:04 am

Sep 19, 2016

How to Fix Windows PC Crashes?

Hi, I am facing the problem. My windows7 PC crashed for a long time. I just run my video app and went to watch a movie, but it was crashed suddenly and I can’t move to other page. I pressed the power button directly and forced shutdown, and then restarted my computer, it looks well and back to normal. After a while, the screen has been crashed again, I don’t know why? How to fix the problem? Please help.

Many netizens often encounter windows PC crashes, but they don’t know what the reason of the PC crashes. There are some performances of the windows PC crash: blue screen, screen “freeze-frame” and no response, mouse and keyboard cannot input, the running software interrupt abnormal and so on.

Why your windows PC crashed?

There are two reasons: Hardware issue and Software issue. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 19, 2016 3:35 pm and last modified on September 19, 2016 3:44 pm.

Sep 17, 2016

How to Free Up Disk Space on OS X Mac?

Hi there. Is there a way to free up disk space on my OS X Mac? I store lots of business files on it because I need them to deal with my daily business. Besides, I have lots of videos and picture of my lovely family, especially my little boy’s stuff because I always go out for business trip. Though I have 512 GB space on the disk at the beginning, less space is available. It makes my Mac run slow, but my work needs a fast computer? Should I buy a new Mac? But I don’t think the one I have is old. I bought it about 9 months. What should I do? Any advance would be appreciated.

Is Your Disk on OS X Mac Getting Full?

With the development of technology, users have larger and larger space on your hard disk. Meanwhile, do you notice that your disk is getting full? With large space, they can use the computer fast and freely. Especially when you use a Mac, you can enjoy the fast running during work. However, you may find that the space is still not large enough if you use your Mac to browse and receive new files every day. As time goes by, it will run out of storage eventually. If you want more space, you need to do something. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 17, 2016 1:46 pm and last modified on September 17, 2016 1:47 pm.

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