Nov 8, 2016

Trojan:Win32/Peals.A!cl Manual Removal Guide

Hi there. I was told that my computer has been infected with Trojan:Win32/Peals.A!cl. I was trying to remove it with my antivirus program. I thought problem has been fixed as it said removal complete. However, it said that Leftovers of the virus are still there when I started computer the next day. So, I was about to remove them manually, but it’s still the same. Very frustrated. Would you please help me out? Any assistance will be appreciated.

Brief Description of Trojan:Win32/Peals.A!cl Virus

Trojan:Win32/Peals.A!cl is newly detected as a Trojan virus by Microsoft Security Software products. The cyber criminals intend to access the compromised computer under the help of this malware. Once it is installed, it follows the remote owners’ will to act, aiming at accessing your personal data and money. Some antivirus programs are able to detect it while it is not able remove the threat completely. Some antivirus programs even are not able to detect it because it is really at good at disguising itself as a legit program. More malware and plug-ins will be installed to damage your computer and help it escape from detection. That also will make it more and more difficult to remove. Therefore, we strongly suggest you get rid of Trojan:Win32/Peals.A!cl as soon as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 8, 2016 5:33 am and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 7, 2016

How to Manually Remove Hijacker from Web Browser

Well, I just got hijacked by a domain I have tried many times to change back my original start page Google, but it doesn’t work and this page comes back again and again. Some strange toolbars and bookmarks show there. I believe they should come with this browser hijacker.  Endless pop-ups drive me to be mad. I don’t know how to stop them popping up. I have installed MSE and Avira, but they also can’t help. Any ideas? Hijacker Attacks Web Browser? How Can I Get it Removed? is not a reliable webpage but a browser hijacker to attack web browsers. On the interface of this, it also offers quick search to image, news or websites, etc., which seems legitimate as google or bing search, but once you use it to look up something you want, you will find it cannot help at all. What it does is to redirect you to malicious websites and show you unrelated search results. Those websites redirects you to might be infected with some other aggressive and dangerous infections like worm, adware, malware and ransomware. If these computer infections get into your machine, they will mess up your computer and damage the system. So please don’t be a fool to click on those things, as it just will bring worse affects to computer. Even worse, hijacker can introduce more threats into computer to worsen system. More threats will occupy more system capacity. More running processes will take up the rest of CPU usage. Then computer will run very slow and get stuck when you’re running many big programs at the same time. Therefore, please eradicate this redirect infection as soon as you find it on computer.
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Published by on November 7, 2016 6:40 am

Nov 6, 2016

Got “Windows 10 Support – Case ID 398748” Pop Up – How to Remove?

Hi! I clicked on a website about 5 minutes ago and straight after that a page has come on to my screen saying about Windows 10 Support – Case ID 398748. It has a chat window and it ask me to call 1-858-430-8516 for support. It tells me that there are some malicious viruses in my computer and it tells me to call a number for help. It all looks pretty fake and I believe this is one kind of scam. And now the thing is I can’t exit this page in any way! How could I get rid of this? please help me. It is so annoying, now I can’t use my browser. Hope you can help me fix this immediately, thanks so much!!!!

“Windows 10 Support – Case ID 398748” Pops Up – What is it?

Got this “Windows 10 Support – Case ID 398748” Pop Up on your computer and can’t leave it? Then your computer has been infected by an adware program. You should be aware that an adware program should be removed immediately as it can make your computer chaotic. This pop up is distributed on the Internet to trick the infected online computer users to believe that their computers have been hacked by some kind of virus. It aims to scare infected users into calling the offered number in order to get help for removing the virus. In fact, this pop up is a fake tech support, if you call the number, you may be told that you need to pay a really big fee to get virus removal support and you may be told that they need to remotely get to your computer to remove the virus. Actually they may install the unnecessary or malicious programs to your computer.
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Published by on November 6, 2016 1:33 pm

Nov 5, 2016

How to Remove the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 Trojan Virus?

Hey, there? Maybe you guys can help me. Let me describe my problem like this: the computer is really slow. Sometimes it is frozen for minutes. The antivirus can’t work normally. I am not able to use it to scan virus as before. I reinstalled it for several times, the problem is the same. I learn from the internet, it is the symptom of infection. But I don’t know how to deal with it. Please help!

More Description of the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 Trojan Virus.

Backdoor.Bitral!g1 is one of the latest nasty Trojan viruses published by various antivirus program corporations such as Symantec Corporation. According to a reliable report, the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 virus is able to affect many versions of Windows operating system, which include Windows XP, vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and the latest Windows 10. A Trojan virus can do major harm to a user’s computer. Once a trojan virus like the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 has successfully sneaked into your system without consent, it will start several vicious tasks in your system background. The system resources will then be greatly occupied and the performance reduced to a significant degree. The computer will become pretty slow and you can’t perform any task smoothly. Sometimes several softwares that run at the same time may freeze and stop the system from working normally.
To stay unnoticed on the system for a long time, the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 trojan virus will try every effort to block every possible way in which the user can get it deleted from the computer. It would disable your Norton or AVG antivirus programs so that it will be able to escape from being detected and killed by them. It may stop the Firewall from running so that it can serve its malicious purpose more fluently and successfully. To get started in an automatic way at system startup, it would make changes to the registry by writing new entries. The access of some important system programs like Task manager, Regedit, and Control Panel may be sealed off.
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Published by on November 5, 2016 2:51 pm and last modified on November 5, 2016 3:07 pm.

Nov 5, 2016

How to Remove Hallmark eCard Tech Support Scam Virus Manually?

Hello. I think I have virus on my computer. Lately, I got Windows notifications all the time since I clicked on a link from Hallmark which told there was an ecard for me. At the beginning, it said Hallmark eCard that has expired. After that, my computer has been suffered from a flood of ads and alerts about Critical System Failure every time I login my account. It told me that I could get help from tech support by providing a number. And it’s (855) 518-8366. I did call, they told that they would fix my computer with a fee, but I can’t afford. I mean I would like to pay, but it was too much for me. Is there any cheaper way to fix my problems? Would you please help me? I know little about computer. Thank you in advance.

Brief Information of Hallmark eCard Tech Support Scam Virus

Hallmark eCard Tech Support scam virus belongs to the tech support scam Trojan family. Usually, it is bought by the third party programs. Once it is installed, it starts performing various activities without your knowledge to help its owner generate revenue. Do not trust it and allow it to stay on your computer. It makes up fake Windows notifications to scare unexpected users into calling fake tech support for help. In fact, the alerts it shows you do not exist. There is no need to worry about the fake serious problems. To avoid being scammed, it is necessary to note that no Windows notification will ask you to call a number for tech support. Do not call the number or buy software of the suspicious tech support. The most important thing you need to do right now is to remove Hallmark eCard Tech Support scam virus completely. Do not give it any chance to ruin your computer any further. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 5, 2016 5:52 am and last modified on November 5, 2016 6:06 am.

Nov 4, 2016

How to Remove the Fake Anti-spyware Programs from A Computer?

Hey, there? I have a program called SpySheriff. I don’t remember I ever installed it. It always reports that there are potential risks on my computer. And I fail to visit some websites, I am told those websites are not safe. Is it right? The application looks like an antivirus program. But I search for information about it, and learn that it is a fake anti-spyware program. It can’t kill the risks detected by itself and ask me to buy a registered version. Should I buy the program? Or it is just a scam? Help, please!

More Details about the Fake Anti-spyware Programs:

A fake anti-spyware program is a malicious program that can infect various versions of Windows operating system such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows xp and so on. Different computer users may get infected with different fake anti-spyware programs of different names like SpywareSheriff and SpyTrooper. While no matter what the names are, they are the same fraudulent and useless anti-spyware applications. When talking about anti-spyware programs, such similar programs as Brave Sentry, Pest Trap, SpyTrooper, Spywareno and MalwareAlarm are usually referred to display the way they work and how computer users are persuaded into falling into the traps. The tactics used by the the fake anti-spyware programs to scam is simple but sneaky. After infection, the fake anti-spyware programs will give fake or misleading reports about potential risks on the user’s computer. And the user will be informed that a registered version of the softwares is able to remove the risks and he should pay to get a registered software. For this kind of scam, some people are able to identify that it is a trick to steal money, but for some computer users who know little about computers and the fake anti-spyware programs, it is difficult for them to tell whether the reports are true or not, so they can be easily fooled into paying money to buy those softwares to wipe out the imaginary risks on the computer. This happens more frequently when the users get nervous about the trick. But what is most upsetting is that the problem is not solved even you have payed to purchase the softwares as what they say.
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Published by on November 4, 2016 5:53 pm and last modified on November 5, 2016 12:12 am.

Nov 4, 2016

PC TuneUp Maestro Manual Uninstall Guide

Hello, PC TuneUp Maestro keeps telling me that there is not enough space on my computer. It recommends me to do an optimization on my computer to free up the space. But I just trashed all the caches and cookies and did a completely clean by using Norton last night. Besides, my computer is working perfect right now except this fake warning hint pop-up. I didn’t remember when I installed this program on my computer. It just found it on my computer when the pop-up showed up on computer screen. What is it? Does it really help tune up the computer? But Google said it is an unwanted program. What should I do? I can’t remove it from my control panel. Norton doesn’t work. Please help!

What is PC TuneUp Maestro?

PC TuneUp Maestro is a potential unwanted program, which is advertised as a system optimizer. This fake application claims that it has the ability to help you clear/tune up your computer to make it worked faster and free from accumulation of trash. Once this virus installed, it first will run a full scan on your computer and then tell you few issues which were detected on your computer. From its self-promotion statement, you may think that this program is useful and legit computer clean product. However, there is nothing wrong with your computer. The stated issues are not existed. If you follow its guide to fix these issues, you may find that your problems can’t be fixed completely. PC TuneUp Maestro next will mention you that you have to buy the full set of this problem if you want to solve your problem quickly and completely. Watch out! Please don’t fall into the trap made by this rogue product’s producer. This is completely a rogue application which may not do any help for you on your computer. You should not keep it on your computer if you see it on your system. At the meantime, you should uninstall this fake program from your computer as early as you can.

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Published by on November 4, 2016 5:45 am

Nov 3, 2016

How to remove Bilabordnet Redirect from Mac OSX and Safari

Hey! What should I do to remove Bilabordnet from my Safari and anywhere else in my MacBook? Whenever I click on Safari I get this address in my search bar, it locks my safari and I can’t click on “Preferences”. How did it happen? I have tried turning off my MacBook and then turn it back on, but I still get this pop up on my Safari. I don’t know what to do then. Did my MacBook get virus or something like that? Did my MacBook have risks? Please help me get rid of it! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Get Bilabordnet on Mac OSX and Safari? – How to Remove?

Bilabordnet is a program that promotes many ads. It helps computer users to fastly download and install programs from its own resources. Apparently it is good to use, but actually it is not safe to use as the programs you downloaded may be bundled with other malicious programs. Once you download some programs from Bilabordne, you may download other software which could be malicious infections at the same time and you will not know it. Once you run the programs which you download from this Bilabordnet, you would see many ads. And please note that it is not safe to click on those ads or your computer may get some kinds of virus. Some malicious and harmful adware that could mess up a computer are spread via this program. Thus Bilabordnet could receive payment from the adware services. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 3, 2016 1:20 pm

Nov 2, 2016

Browser Is Hijacked by Virus—How to Remove?

My Internet Explorer kept popping up kinds of banners about my favorite on recent shopping. But when I clicked on any of the banners, I was redirected Why? Researchers online reported that this search engine is a potential unwanted program, a rogue search engine. Now it is obviously that my computer is infected by Virus. How do I get rid of this pesky browser hijacker virus? Any suggestion? Thank you!

What Is Virus? is a browser hijacker which can take effect on the famous browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox as well as Safari etc. Most people complain that they just clicked on a link then everything was changed on their computers. They know nothing about why. Technical experts do a detailed analysis on how virus gets into the target computer without computer users’ knowledge. They have pointed out that cyber criminals used to bundle this virus with third party applications like freeware downloads (multimedia player, games, tools, download manager etc.), spam emails and its attachments, suspicious and unsafe websites/links/ads/pop-ups. This virus can cause serious computer issues after its attack. Hence, it is greatly suggested you should always take a look at all the Terms and Agreement carefully, be away from visiting a website with bad reputation or featuring a lot of unsafe third-party content.

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Published by on November 2, 2016 12:59 pm and last modified on November 25, 2016 1:39 pm.

Nov 1, 2016

Trojan.Kotver!gm2 Virus Manual Removal Guide

Hello! Finally, I found this website that I can talk to experts. I have difficulty in removing Trojan.Kotver!gm2 virus. The other day, Norton was identifying “Trojan.Kotver!gm2” and saying that it would be resolved with a restart, but I have been told that it is still there though I have restarted the computer many times. Then, I decided to remove the Trojan on my own, but no luck. It says Trojan.Kotver!gm2 has been found on my computer. I also tried another antivirus program which said no malware has been detected. However, Norton tells me again and again that Trojan.Kotver!gm2 is still there. I am completely confused. What’s going on? Is my computer infected or not? If it is infected, is there anyone who can help me remove it completely? Thank you in advance.

Brief Description of Trojan.Kotver!gm2 Virus

Trojan.Kotver!gm2 is identified as a malicious Trojan which has been programmed to attack computer all around the world. It is able to infect Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows Vista, Windows XP and other systems. In order to support the hackers and help its owner make money, it performs malicious activities without your permission, such as changing settings and other important files which can cause serious computer problem. It is very tricky and hides deep in your system. Not all the antivirus programs have the capable to detect Trojan.Kotver!gm2 virus as it makes use of the registry tricks to escape from detection. You will not notice its existence until Norton or other famous security program reports the infection. It is very dangerous as you don’t know what is happening on your computer, let alone stopping its nasty activities. We kindly suggest you scan your system well. Then detect and remove Trojan.Kotver!gm2 virus as soon as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 1, 2016 11:46 pm and last modified on November 8, 2016 3:09 am.

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