How to Remove the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 Trojan Virus?

Hey, there? Maybe you guys can help me. Let me describe my problem like this: the computer is really slow. Sometimes it is frozen for minutes. The antivirus can’t work normally. I am not able to use it to scan virus as before. I reinstalled it for several times, the problem is the same. I learn from the internet, it is the symptom of infection. But I don’t know how to deal with it. Please help!

More Description of the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 Trojan Virus.

Backdoor.Bitral!g1 is one of the latest nasty Trojan viruses published by various antivirus program corporations such as Symantec Corporation. According to a reliable report, the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 virus is able to affect many versions of Windows operating system, which include Windows XP, vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and the latest Windows 10. A Trojan virus can do major harm to a user’s computer. Once a trojan virus like the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 has successfully sneaked into your system without consent, it will start several vicious tasks in your system background. The system resources will then be greatly occupied and the performance reduced to a significant degree. The computer will become pretty slow and you can’t perform any task smoothly. Sometimes several softwares that run at the same time may freeze and stop the system from working normally.
To stay unnoticed on the system for a long time, the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 trojan virus will try every effort to block every possible way in which the user can get it deleted from the computer. It would disable your Norton or AVG antivirus programs so that it will be able to escape from being detected and killed by them. It may stop the Firewall from running so that it can serve its malicious purpose more fluently and successfully. To get started in an automatic way at system startup, it would make changes to the registry by writing new entries. The access of some important system programs like Task manager, Regedit, and Control Panel may be sealed off.

The safety of personal and sensitive information like banking details is a issue that all people concern. Unfortunately, to steal such information to make illegal profit is an important task for the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 trojan virus to break into your system. The information of your paypal account, online banking services and membership of various online shops can become the target of the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 trojan virus.

Processing manual removal should have a certain level of computer literacy. If you are not sure how to start or afraid of making any critical damage on the computer system, please open a live chat with YooCare Expert now!

How the Mentioned Trojan Virus Sneak into Your Computer?

As a typical Trojan virus, the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 can make use of various methods to break into your computer. There are some of the most common ways to stay away from a virus like Backdoor.Bitral!g1.
1.Freeware or shareware downloads. Many malicious programs and viruses like to distribute themselves by getting bundled to the freeware or shareware downloads.
2.Spam email attachments. When you receive an unknown email with an attachment, do not try to open and download the attachment no matter how curious you are.
3.Pornographic or malicious websites. If you can’t control yourself and go to visit a pornographic website. You had better get ready to fight against a virus or malicious program because they are the most dangerous place to visit. Any click or download may carry a virus like the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 trojan virus.
4.Misleading advertisements and suspicious links. If your browser has been hijacked by a hijacker, you should manage to remove it as soon as possible and never click on the links and ads you are presented by the hijacker. Because these links and ads may direct you to a website full of viruses and malicious programs.

Note: No matter how the virus accesses your PC, users should know that there are no tools can remove this pesky Trojan automatically at this moment, it is suggested users not spend much time in downloading or paying any security software which claims can delete this stubborn virus. It is totally useless. To completely get rid of the mentioned virus, professional manual guide is needed.

About the Trojan Virus Removal:

Currently many computer users had the same experience that this virus couldn’t be removed by any anti-virus applications. So the manual approach is always required to combat this virus. And here is the step-by-step removal guide for all computer users.

1. End the malicious process from Task Manager.
Backdoor.Bitral!g1 virus is installed,computer user may notice that CPU usage randomly jumps to 100 percent. At any time Windows always has many running processes. A process is an individual task that the computer runs. In general, the more processes, the more work the computer has to do and the slower it will run. If your system’s CPU spike is constant and remain at a constant 90-95%, users should check from Task Manager and see if there is a suspicious process occupying system resources and then end it immediately.

(The name of the virus process can be random.)

Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to quickly bring up Task Manager Window:

task manager
2. Show hidden files and folders.

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.

Click the View tab.

Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

Folder Options

3. Open Registry entries. Find out the malicious files and entries and then delete all.

Attention: Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

a. Press Windows key + R to open Run box. In the “Open” field, type “regedit” and click the “OK” button.


Then a Registry Editor window will pop up as the following picture shows:

registry editor

b. Search malicious files and registry entries and then remove all of them:

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.exe

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\[random]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Temp

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:


There is no doubt that the Backdoor.Bitral!g1 is a serious Trojan virus that will cause a lot of major damages to the computer user. After infection, your computer will become slower and slower. You can’t use the computer smoothly and your work efficiency will inevitably be greatly reduced. Your personal and sensitive information will be put at risk. Disastrous financial loss or serious identity theft would follow if you let the virus stay for a long time on your system. What is worse, the virus is designed to be quite good at hiding and protecting itself from being detected and killed by the antivirus tools such as Norton. To keep away from the Backdoor.Bitral!g1, it is believed that anyone who can closely study the ways of how a typical Trojan virus distributes itself and practice the above mentioned methods properly will be able to keep his computer from being infected with such a Trojan virus as the Backdoor.Bitral!g1.

Note: Still have trouble in removing this virus? If you don’t want to mess up your whole PC, Please contact YooCare Experts for instant help now.

Published by on November 5, 2016 2:51 pm, last updated on November 5, 2016 3:07 pm

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