Nov 29, 2016

FBI OneVanilla Virus Locked Screen? Unlock On Android Phone 2019

Help! FBI OneVanilla virus locked screen? FBI wants payment of $500 by a inactivated “ONEVANILLA” is this real. I was browsing some porn sites and then my phone got hit with fake FBI virus. It says to pay with a unactivated ONEVANILLA card. How to unlock on Android phone? FBI Vanilla Reloadcard malware blocked android phone, The instructions say to restart y our phone in safe mode. However, I am unable to even power down my phone. No matter how long I hold the power button, nothing happens. Is there an alternative way to accomplish this? My phone has been hit with the fake FBI OneVanilla virus, i would like to know what to do because all the sites I go to say to power down my android phone, but I keep on trying and it wont turn off. I would like some assistance. I do not know if you will be able to reach me because I’m contacting you on a friends computer and my email is on my phone. My 86 years old neighbor was reading a storyline and all the sudden it locked his Android phone, saying it’s the FBI wanting $500 to unlock his phone. I know it’s a scam because these scammed are demanding that he used a one-time vanilla gift card that you purchase at retail stores which those are not traceable in the meantime. My poor neighbor cannot use his phone. Everything on phone is blocked. What can I do to help him? Any assistance will be appreciated.

FBI OneVanilla Virus Locked Screen? Unlock on Android Phone

What is FBI OneVanilla locked screen? Who created it to attack mobile devices? Is it dangerous? The nature of FBI OneVanilla locked screen is a piece of ransomware. Once the ransomware is installed, it locks your screen and issues bogus police threat. This malware pretends to be from the FBI and states that your phone is blocked for safety reason. You are accused of downloading, storing and spreading banned pornography, such as child pornography, zoophillia, rape and urolagnia etc. It demands $ 500 as penalty to unlock the phone and threatens that FBI will come to you and arrest you if you don’t pay within the limited time. In fact, this message is not from FBI or other government department. Its owner is the hacker. Just like the UK police, cyber police and DOJ scam virus. It demands innocent users to pay non-existed fine in the name of law enforcement agencies or officials. The real fact is that it has nothing to do with any legit organization. You are not in trouble with the police but the cyber criminals instead. Hence, there is no need to pay the fine. You only need to remove the ransomware to unlock your device. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 29, 2016 7:39 am and last modified on February 26, 2019 8:44 am.

Nov 28, 2016

How to Manually Remove the Step by Step ?

Hey, there? I have a computer issue about the for you expert guys. I used Google instead of this domain as my search engine before. I don’t know how it is installed in my computer. Anyway, I thought it was not a bad thing, so I let it stay on my browser and often used it to search things on the internet. But one day, I lent my computer to a friend of mine, he noticed the domain and told me it is a dangerous program. So I used google to search information about it, and learned that it is a hijacker and may result in potential violent threats. Then I decided to delete it, but failed several times. I am now worrying about my personal information. Anyway, can you guys guide me to remove it first? Much appreciated.

Important Information about the

“With Search Start Page you get search results from trusted search providers, ensuring you reliably find the information you’re looking for in an instant. Stop wasting time and start getting answers with Search Start Page’s uncompromising search offering”. This is the statement the hijacker uses to lavish praise on itself. When you click on the “about” on the bottom left corner of the, this statement will appear in front of you. Rather than believing in what it boasts, we can learn the fact that the is not a search provider itself, it is just a mediator that relies on the well-known search service providers like Google and Baidu. What is a mediator? Well, in this case, I would like to tell you that a mediator like the is a suspicious search facility that will provide the users with changed result pages. Usually, the browser hijacker will change the result page by inserting its own advertising contents or the contents of their sponsors. In order to maximize their profits, the examination that is performed to check the reliability of the sponsors is slack. So it is possible that you are directed to a malware-laden webpage and fooled into introducing more violent virus into your computer when you accidentally click on one of the links the browser hijacker provides. Therefore, anytime when you find the on your browser, you should remove it completely as fast as you can. Or you may come across a more upsetting situation one day.
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Published by on November 28, 2016 4:34 pm and last modified on November 28, 2016 4:35 pm.

Nov 28, 2016

How to Get Rid of “Your computer has been locked” Screen Locker?

Hi. I have viruses on my computer. Need your help. Here is the thing. I was viewing clothes promotion on a website that a pop-up ads brought me to. Later, I went out for lunch for a while leaving the page open. When I came back, I saw the “Your computer has been locked” alert saying that my computer has virus. It asked me to contact Microsoft Technician for help, but I found that it was too expensive to get their help. Is there a cheaper way to get rid of this “Your computer has been locked” screen locker?

Brief Description of “Your computer has been locked” Screen Locker

“Your computer has been locked” is a fake alert that the cyber criminals use to grab money from unexpected users. It does not like other notifications from legit programs, such as Norton, Avira and AVG etc. The warning is made up by the criminals. They create nasty malware and make them issue misleading popup to trick you. The popup may trick you that your computer is infected with viruses and you need to contact technician quickly. It provides a number to contact the so-called technicians. In fact, they are not the Microsoft certified or Norton certified technicians. They only steal the names of famous companies to scam you without doing any good to your computer. If you call the number, they will spare no effort to persuade you to purchase their virus removal tool or other useless program to fix the problem. The price they offer is very expensive which ranges from $ 200 to $ 500. Do not follow its guide to purchase it. To avoid being scammed, you need to know the big truth. The truth is that the virus reports about other virus detection itself and asks for money to fix the problem. You never should trust it. To get rid of “Your computer has been locked” screen locker, you have to remove the virus completely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 28, 2016 4:27 pm and last modified on November 29, 2016 6:09 am.

Nov 27, 2016

How to Remove the Virus?

Hey, there. I hope you guys can help me, because I don’t know much about computers. This is my problem. The domain of hijacks my browser. I don’t know how it sneaks into my computer. I didn’t visit any suspicious websites. Everything was good two days ago. But now it sometimes even advertising porn things. This is really embarrassed. I tried to remove it myself, but failed several times. You guys are good at computers. Please help me! Many thanks.

More Introduction to the

Is the a browser hijacker? Well, to determine whether a program is a browser hijacker or not, one of the best way is to check and monitor the settings of your web browser. The most popular settings that a browser hijacker works hard to change are settings about your preferred homepage, new tab appearance and default search engine. So if you find a program changes these settings without your permission, you can classify it into the category of the browser hijacker. Apart from this feature, the contents a program displays while you use it as the search engine to find what you want on the internet can also help judge what the program is on earth. Usually, in order to force more hits to some particular websites to increase its advertising profits, a browser hijacker will never miss the opportunity to inject its ads or the ads of its sponsors into the result page of its own search engine. So, if you experience plenty of unwanted ads during the use of a certain program, you can conclude that the program is possibly a browser hijacker. So, how about the Is it a browser hijacker? The answer is Yes. According to reliable reports, the is just such a program that works to change the mentioned settings of the victim’s web browser. And this is said to be able to inevitably cause a lot of inconveniences and thus decrease the efficiency of the user. There is a more disturbing issue involved with the It is reported the program advertises many adult-oriented contents, which are not only unfit for the minors, but also dangerous for the victim’s computer. Because a pornographic website is often regarded as a malware-laden site, if the computer user accidentally click and visit such a website, a more violent virus than the may be introduced into the system.
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Published by on November 27, 2016 2:23 pm and last modified on November 27, 2016 2:24 pm.

Nov 26, 2016

“This Copy of Windows is not genuine” Error- How to fix

I cannot get rid of the “This Copy of Windows Is not Genuine” build 7601. The SLMGR -REARM command has always worked for me, when needed I just refreshed the number of rearms with the procedure described above, but suddenly it stopped working. I don’t have black screen, but in the bottom right corner there is the note that it’s not genuine (build 7601). I’ve tried literally everything but nothing works. Could you please help me out?


Why do you have “This Copy of Windows is not genuine” Error? How to fix?

Our computer will always appear all sorts of mistakes when we use. Are you annoying to get “This Copy of Windows is not genuine” Error? You should know this is not a problem can be ignored, because this error can cause your computer black screen or collapse directly. So why do you have “This Copy of Windows is not genuine” Error? There are following reasons:

Reason 1. Some users go cheap and purchase oem/system builders oem when they want to upgrade. In most cases it will install, activate, and declared as genuine but months or even in some cases years later be declare non-genuine. The oem/system builders oem disk is legal, to use it as an upgrade is violation of microsofts eula. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 26, 2016 2:59 pm and last modified on November 26, 2016 3:00 pm.

Nov 25, 2016

How to Get Rid of Update Apple Information Popup Scam Manually on Safari?

My safari browser is blocked by some mail that stated “Your Apple device has been seen in the viewing of pornography.” Bla bla bla. I lent my friend my iPad. It worked fine when I gave him. Now he returns the iPad with this notice. I didn’t view any pornography. I am innocent. Now it wants my name, bank card detail, code and other private information to have my Safari back. I goggled it and people said it is a scam. So how can I get rid of the Update Apple Information Popup Scam? Any tech support?

Brief Description of Update Apple Information Popup Scam?

Update Apple Information popup scam is another form of ransomware that blocks unexpected users’ browsers for illegal money. The popup claims that it is from Apple and limits access to the browser for safety. You are accused of viewing pornography and other illegal content. In fact, it is only a scam. The cyber criminals make up fake notification to scare you. It demands your name, banking detail, address and other information that is specific enough to take out all of your money. We all know how greedy the hacker is. You should be more cautious. Though you didn’t do anything that violates the laws, you still received this message. Please keep in mind that the real police will not casually make a judge so fast before they have clear evidence. What’s more, Apple will not interfere in your device use though they sold the device to you. They will not block your browser for porn stuff. If you are a victim of this scam, do not send your precious information away. Otherwise, you will lose money for nothing. This message is caused by a piece of ransomware which is harmful to your device. You have to remove the ransomware so as to get rid of Update Apple Information popup scam. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 25, 2016 2:46 pm and last modified on November 25, 2016 2:48 pm.

Nov 25, 2016 Browser Hijacker Manual Removal Guide

Hi, there. I clicked on a site and a pop-up came into my screen and then redirected to automatically. After that, no matter where do I go, I got redirected to its domain again and again even though I deleted it by AVG or reset my browsers. I got interrupted by this pesky websites from my browsing time. Internet researcher reported that it is a browser hijacker virus. I don’t know what to do now. Can anyone help me remove this malicious virus from my infected computer?

More Description About Browser Hijacker: virus is made by malicious cyber hackers with the purpose of hacking into computer users’ system and then performing malicious activities on it. Most of you may not know why your computer gets infected by doing something by mistake while you are online. When you found your computer got infected by this browser hijacker virus, you must be shocked. Then you recalled all your activities online you did during recent days. You found nothing was skeptical except a computer game you just installed days before. Will that be the reason? May be! Well, researchers note to all, that virus will get into ones computer by the help of third party applications such as file sharing, malicious downloads, suspicious websites and infected e-mail as well.

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Published by on November 25, 2016 1:39 pm

Nov 24, 2016

Manual Guides to Remove the Browser Hijacker.

Hey, there? I was told maybe you guys can solve my problem about my computer. OK, it is about a domain called It sticks to my Chome for a long time. I tried to remove it because I learned that it is a virus called browser hijacker. But I failed. Is it really a virus? I have used this domain for a long time, I want to know if my important information is still safe? Please help!! Much appreciated!

Important Information about the

What is the Why do we need to remove it from our computer? Well, to answer these questions, we need to take a look at the definition of a browser hijacker first. A browser hijacker is a malicious program that will cause a lot of damages and troubles for a computer user. It can replace such preferred settings on the browser as homepage domain, new tab domain and default search engine without the user’s consent. This will undoubtedly cause plenty of inconveniences for users who greatly get accustomed to a particular search facility like Bing search engine and thus decrease the work efficiency of the victim. A violent browser hijacker may work to collect your sensitive information by installing a keylogger on the system and help introduce more violent viruses or malicious programs into your computer by directing you to a suspicious website like a malware-laden pornographic site. After some knowledge about the browser hijacker, it is time to know about the protagonist: the . According to reliable studies on the, the program will replace the user’s original settings regarding homepage, new tab appearance and default search engine on the browser with its own. It means anytime you click on your homepage button, you will go to something about the rather than your preferred websites as before. It means anytime you try to use the to find what you want on the internet, you will be provided with a result page that is suspiciously different from the one that is provided by the Google or Bing search facility. It is reported that the page provided by the contains tons of unwanted and suspicious advertising contents or sponsored links. Among these contents or links, some may direct you to a malicious website and help a more violent virus sneak into your computer when they are accidentally clicked on by the user. By this moment, you should have got the answers to the two questions asked at the beginning. Yes, the is just a kind of malicious program called browser hijacker. It can cause a lot of problems for the victims, so you are strongly recommended to remove it from your system as fast as you can.
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Published by on November 24, 2016 4:13 pm

Nov 24, 2016

Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.ahoe Virus Removal Guide

Hey, there. I was searching the Internet last night. I clicked on an interesting ad. Something was downloaded and installed on my computer. That didn’t draw my attention. However, early this morning when I booted my computer, I saw some unknown shortcut showing on my desktop. I knew nothing about them. I got warnings from Norton telling me about the threat: Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.ahoe Virus was destroying my computer. My computer got stuck so frequently. Ads were showing everywhere on my website screen. I can’t do thing on my computer normally now. What should I do? How do I remove this virus from my computer? Please help!

Detailed Information About Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.ahoe Virus:

Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.ahoe Virus is a malicious computer infection which can get into your machine without your consent. This nasty threat can also serve many other harmful threats and malware on your system. It can get into your computer by the help of infection third party applications. Most of the people may get this virus due to their mistakenly online actions, such as downloading infection online resources (movies, PDF files, music etc.), installing infected “free” applications (like games), visiting suspicious websites especially porn websites, clicking on infected automatic pop-up/ads/links, reading junk emails as well as loading its attachments. Thus, most people may not know when and how their computer gets infected by this Trojan virus.

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Published by on November 24, 2016 12:42 pm

Nov 24, 2016 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi. Need help of removing from Google Chrome. First, I need to state that I didn’t install it and somehow it appeared and rooted there. Every time, I open Chrome, it shows while Chrome displays a notification telling that it is deceptive website. I don’t know why it still gives this website as it says it is a bad one. Is Google Chrome forcing me to view that website or someone else?

Brief Description of Browser Hijacker is a potential danger domain that belongs to the browser hijacker family. It is able to attack all the version of Windows OS such as Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10 and so on. No matter what browser you use, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox, there is always a chance that your computer is infected with browser hijacker. Its developer spreads it for marketing purpose. Hence, it will do everything its developer wants it to do for revenue. It changes your search engine and some of the system settings to make it convenient to perform its tasks and avoid being removed. A flood of annoying ads will appear on your screen. Random browser redirect will drive you crazy. Besides, it also targets on your privacy on computer. We suggest you remove as soon as you see it on the browser. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 24, 2016 6:22 am and last modified on November 24, 2016 6:24 am.

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