Apr 15, 2017

System is Heavily Damaged by Four Viruses Message on Amazon Kindle – How to Get Rid of It?

Hey. I got “System is heavily damaged by four viruses” message on Amazon Kindle frequently.How do I get rid of it? It looked real because it shows the Google logo, telling me to download and install Sharecloud for free on Google Play. Since then, lots of popups showed up. Kindle runs slowly lately and it takes a long time to charge. Does that caused by the four viruses? If so, how can I get rid of them?

Is “Your System is Heavily Damaged by Four Viruses” Message on Amazon Kindle Real?

“Your system is badly damaged by 4 viruses” message is brought by a piece of rogue software that you downloaded accidentally. This warning is not reliable or real. It is a trick of the software developers. The developers of rogue software use it as a tool to make unethical money. It creates fake alert to scare people into using their apps or even paying money to delete non-existed viruses while covering the real threat to your device. To make the warning authentic, it takes over your browser and injects annoying ads to your basic apps. It is not a easy job to close the page once it takes control of the browser. It just pops up again and again before the malware behind this message is removed. Most of people would be so scared when facing warning about viruses. They would worry that the four viruses would continue to attack their photos, videos and bank card detail as the warning described. Hence, they would choose to follow its guide to fix the problem. Many users spent a large amount of money on this fake alert. In fact, the four viruses do not exist on your device. Instead, the real threat is the warning itself, namely the rogue software. If you see “Your system is badly damaged by 4 viruses” message on your on Amazon Kindle or other device, seek for the rogue software that displays misleading warning and remove it completely. Get “Your system is badly damaged by 4 viruses” message off your device to prevent it from installing more dangerous malware. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 15, 2017 4:48 pm and last modified on April 17, 2017 7:30 am.

Apr 12, 2017

How to Remove “your device has been locked due to illegal pornography” Notice

I have received this “your device has been locked due to illegal pornography” notice on my device. I then received an email from Interpol requesting payment of $300 or my bank accounts etc would be frozen. I have replied to this email requesting more details as they requested voucher codes to the value of $400 from Woolworths or several other outlets. This rang alarm bells in my mind as I didn’t think Interpol would use this type of payment for fines. My iPad has since been unlocked, and I haven’t provided any further information to them. Is this all I have to do? I am very distressed by this occurrence. I also received a case number CP-78190000-12687 and the sender name is Martin Beckingham. Any idea?

Is “your device has been locked due to illegal pornography” notice real or fake?

Hackers never stop spreading malware on mobile devices so they are still trying various ways in order to extort money from those innocent users. Now a fake warning was used by them to keep cheating unwary users. When mobile users firstly got attacked, a notice that said “your device has been locked due to illegal pornography” will pop up right away on the screen, with no way to close it. The window was usually labeled as FBI, AFP or metropolitan police and said user was in violation of illegally downloading media, viewing porn, or taking part in other illegal activities. It may list fines and penalties for each and then it directed users to pay $200 to $500 via a prepaid card such as MoneyPak, Moneygram or Paysafecard. Moreover, instructions were given on how to load the card and make the payment on the screen. The page says if the demands were not met, the phone can be blocked forever and criminal charges would be filed. Users cannot do anything on the device, even power off option is not working.
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Published by on April 12, 2017 7:51 am

Apr 11, 2017

Unlock Mobile from [email protected] Notice on Safari

Hi. How to unlock Mobile from [email protected] notice on Safari? I have an iPhone 7 and I recently just went to open my browser but received a pop up saying the safari cannot open the browser because the address is invalid. I then noticed an open tab from stating to be Australian Federal Police and that they have locked my browser and to open my browser I have to pay a penalty. I have been asked to send email to [email protected] for unlocking. I’m not sure what this is, is it a scam? It also says I have been viewing illegal content, which I certainly have not. Please help me out. Thank you.

What is [email protected] Notice on Safari?

[email protected] notice is brought by a scam virus dispatched by the cyber criminals. If you see such a police threat on Safari that demanding a fine to unblock, your device is infected with a serious virus. The virus blocks Safari and states that it is from the Australian Federal Police. It accuses you of viewing illegal pornography and demands a fine as the punishment. In fact, the information is phony. The cyber criminals are trying to scare you into paying a fine by making up a criminal case in the name of famous police. Besides, [email protected] notice will not disappear and the virus will keep staying in your device until you get it off completely. If your Safari is taken by the “Your device has been locked for illegal pornography,” calm down and do not trust the notice. What you need to do is removing the nasty virus behind this scam to unlock mobile from [email protected] notice on Safari. Do not give it any chance to steal information or money from you. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 11, 2017 1:13 pm and last modified on May 2, 2017 2:52 pm.

Apr 9, 2017

How to Unlock Mobile from [email protected] Scam Virus Screen?

My granddaughter’s phone has been locked with a warning, supposedly, from the police. It says, “Your device has been locked for watching illegal porn. Send an email to cybercrime [email protected] to unlock, stating she had watched pornographic material, asking for $500 within 3 days, and so on. I assume this is a scam and would like to know how to remove this “Your device has been locked for watching illegal porn” warning from her phone, unlock her phone, and protect phone front further hacking. Please help.

Is “Your device has been locked for watching illegal porn” Warning with [email protected] Real?

Did you see “Your device has been locked for watching illegal porn” message on your mobile? Someone asked you to pay a virus by emailing [email protected]? If the answer is yes, your mobile is infected with a nasty virus. The police warning is fake and it is not sent by the police. In fact, it is the hackers who created virus to attack and threaten you to pay a penalty with a non-existed criminal case and bogus police warning. Do not believe that the [email protected] scam virus screen. Like other ransomware, it blocks users’ mobile devices and demands a fine to unblock. Otherwise, you will face more serious problem with higher law enforcement agency. More fine and punishment you will get if the fine is not paid before the deadline. Most people must be so scared that they believed the “Your device has been locked for watching illegal porn” message is real and paid the fine to end trouble. However, the police threat will not disappear and the mobile device is still blocked. Nothing changes. The fact is that the “Your device has been locked for watching illegal porn” message is made up by the cyber criminals to swindle money out of innocent users. Hence, please keep in mind that it is a scam virus. It is useless to the pay the fine. You have to remove the malicious programs to unlock your mobile from [email protected] scam virus screen. Do not leave it on your mobile for long in case it steals precious information or money from you. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 9, 2017 2:42 pm

Apr 7, 2017

Got Paying $300 to A Number through PayPal or A Prepaid Card Message, Is This Fake or Real?

Case 1: I was searching internet and then received a message saying Samsung phone was in lockdown for looking at porn and i was asked to send email to them to have it unblocked. After that, i recieved email saying I have to pay $300, or my bank account and credit cards will be frozen and I can go to jail.
Case 2: Hi,i was on my iPhone and i got locked out of my brower. How do i stop it from locking me out? It says i need to pay a $300 fine randomly because i violated a pornography law.It says i need to send a message to a number with a prepaid card code in it.

More Information about the Message of Paying $300 to A Number Through PayPal or a Prepaid Card

In essence, the message of paying $300 to a number through paypay or a prepaid card is a piece of ransomware developed by the cybercriminals to steal money from the victims.This nasty ransomware can attack various systems including diffrent versions of Android and iOS. So phones and tabletswith these systems can be targeted by this virus. There are many different variants of this ransomware prevailing in different nations. The most popular ones include the FBI prism scam, Police-mobile-block.com alert, Metropolitan Police Warning, [email protected] unreal notice, “Cannot Open Page” popup, [email protected] message, [email protected] blackmail, police-block.site website etc. circulating in such countries as USA, UK, Australia, NewZealand and so on. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 7, 2017 8:01 pm and last modified on April 16, 2017 3:21 am.

Apr 6, 2017

How Do I Get Rid of a Virus Locking Me out of Safari?

Hi! So what happened? We are watching free movies online and then the blocked.Safari popped out when we accidentally press something and now it doesn’t go away! Its saying we have to pay $100 to unlock our safari again! One of my friends said that it is a virus. We don’t know what to do! How do I get rid of a virus locking me out of Safari? Please help!

How Do I Get Rid of a Virus Locking Me out of Safari?

Have been locked out of Safari for no reason? Have been accused of violating related laws? That means your device has been attacked by a malicious virus. Many people would believe that the warning was genuine and they were in big trouble. It threatens users to pay a fine within 24 or 72 hours. Otherwise, they would be taken to court and spend years in jail if the fine was not paid in time. Though it claims to be the FBI or cyber police, the information it shows you is fake. It has nothing to do with the FBI or cyber police. Its owners are the cyber criminals. Do not trust the fake message. It is a scam virus that locks your Safari for money. You are not obligated to pay the non-existed fine. Your urgent task is to remove the nasty virus which blocks your Safari. Though it only blocks your Safari at this moment, no one knows what else the hackers require the virus to do on your device. Do not understate any program that you are not familiar with, especially the dangerous ones. We suggest you get rid of the virus locking you out of Safari as soon as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 6, 2017 12:49 pm and last modified on April 25, 2017 6:29 am.

Apr 5, 2017

How to Remove Police-mobile-block.com Scam Virus from iPhone/iPad?

Safari is locked by police-mobile-block.com. How to fix? When i was going to enter my iphone’s safari to search up an image of a tree, it took me to this site that tells me that I have been blocked from my safari due to viewing and distributing illegal materials prohibite by the criminal law of the unite states of america, called pornography with elements of child pornography, rape, and zoophilla, which I have never been involved in. And it won’t let me off the page until i pay $100.00 with an iTunes prepaid card. By the way, it is police-mobile-block.com. Is it the police? I am wronged. Please help me out. I would like to end this ridiculous case and take my Safari back right now.

What is police-mobile-block.com Scam Virus?

Police-mobile-block.com is classified as the dangerous program on mobile devices. It takes users’ browser hostage and demands a fine to unlock. Therefore, we also call it ransomware. In order to grab money from innocent users successfully, it steals the name of cyber police, Cybercrime Government, FBI, Metropolitan Police, UK Justice, Federal Justice, Justice Zealand or other law enforcement agencies and accuses you of law violation. It has the logos of various authorities and items of specific laws to make everything look authentic. Many users were terrified and believed that the message was really from the police. They chose to pay the fine, trying to avoid trouble and unlock the browser. However, we must tell you that the police-mobile-block.com message is a scam virus. It is useless to pay the fine as they only want money from you. Even though you paid the fine, the hackers would not unlock your browser. Many victims told us that their browsers still were blocked and the virus did not disappear after they sent code to pay the fine. Hence, do not trust the fake police message and do as it requires. You need to calm down and figure out a way to remove Police-mobile-block.com scam virus as soon as possible to avoid further loss. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 5, 2017 6:19 am and last modified on May 2, 2017 2:54 pm.

Apr 4, 2017

Guides on How to Access Line in China.

Even though China has practiced the policy of reform and opening up for tens of years, there are many services or websites blocked by the Chinese government for the security of the nation. Apart from such services as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Dropbox, Gmail, Netflix, etc. Line is also among the services being blocked. When you travel to China, you will be stopped from accessing the Line without taking any proper measure. So how to access Line in China and what is the best way to successfully use Line in China? Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 4, 2017 6:47 pm and last modified on January 15, 2020 7:54 am.

Apr 3, 2017

The Best Way to Access Dropbox in China.

Hi, there? I have a question about Dropbox for you. Can you please help? Or give me some advice. I am on a business trip in China. I arrived about 2 days ago and find the Dropbox service is not available to access in China. Dropbox is the service I use to keep and share all kinds of files, but now it takes a long time to show me nothing. My internet connection is good. I am sure nothing is wrong with my computer. Because I have checked and confirmed everything when the problem take place. Dropbox is very important for me. I have a lot of files and documents about this trip stored on it. Please help me! Thanks a lot! Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 3, 2017 7:39 pm and last modified on January 15, 2020 7:57 am.

Apr 2, 2017

How to Access Wall Street Journal in China on Windows?

Hey. How can I access Wall Street Journal in China? When I tried to visit wsj.com, it said “This site can’t be reached” all the time. I don’t know what’s going on here. I always read news on that site from my Windows computer when in US. Now on the same device, I can’t access it here in China? Is my IP had been blocked by this site? I didn’t do anything wrong on the Internet. Please help me.

Can’t Access Wall Street Journal in China? How to fix?

With the development of globalization, people in different countries can communicate and exchange viewpoint via the Internet fast and easily. However, it is not easy for users in China to do that because many famous websites and services are blocked there. The internet security in China is very strict to the rest of the world. To save “cyberspace sovereignty,” China has put up a national internet security or internet filter called the Great Firewall of China. Like other famous websites, Wall Street Journal is blocked and not available for users in China. No matter how much you like Wall Street Journal. Once you go to China, you can’t read news or stories on that website in a simple way like you did in your country. The Great Firewall of China is very powerful and complicated. It is not an easy job to fight against it and bypass the strict censorship. You need a good VPN to help you fix the problem. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 2, 2017 6:16 am and last modified on April 7, 2017 11:57 pm.

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