Nov 15, 2016

Safari Has Been Locked by [email protected] Ransomware Virus-How to Unlock?

Hey, there. It was just an accident that I mistakenly clicked on a link while I was browsing for birthday gift on my iPhone 6 on Safari. Then, everything turned to be wrong because my safari got a pop-up saying “Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid.” I couldn’t go anywhere even though I tapped on “OK”. On my iPhone screen, I could see lots of nasty porn pictures. There were words in red saying “Your device has been locked for illegal pornography, Send email to [email protected] for unlocking.” Oh, my god. Should I send email to that provided email address? I was out of my mind. My safari has been locked by [email protected] ransomware virus-how to unlock? Any advice?

Safari Has Been Locked by [email protected] Ransomware Virus-Is It Real?

[email protected] Ransomware Virus is totally a malicious scam virus which is created by cyber criminals with the purpose to rip off the device user’s money. Cyber scammers used to take the scare tactics to threaten the infected device users into thinking that they really do something illegal online which goes against the law of the country. In order to make it looks like real, you will see warning messaging showing on your device screen as follows: “Your device has been locked for illegal pornography, Send email to [email protected] for unlocking.”

“ATTENTION! If you see this alert, your mobile device has been blocked for safety reasons. You are accused of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophillia/rape/urolagnia/fishing/suffocation/bdsm and etc.). You have violated World Declaration on nonproliferation of child banned pornography. ”

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Published by on November 15, 2016 1:10 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 14, 2016

Windows Update Keeps Checking for Updates-How to Fix?

Hi. My Windows update started not to work last night. A Windows told me that it was checking for updates. The Windows kept openning for hours and I couldn’t close it. So, I just shut down the computer and didn’t pay much attention to it. I thought problems would be fixed automatically. It had worked greatly since I bought it. But, it doesn’t update after I start the computer. Now computer freezes frequently. I don’t know what to do. Please help me fix it. Thank you very much.

What is Windows Update?

Windows Update is a Microsoft service which keeps Microsoft Windows and several other Microsoft programs updated. Usually, it works in the background. You probably may not notice its work until something goes wrong with it. In fact, it is a program that has been used to provide updates like service packs and patches for the Windows operating systems and other Microsoft software. You also can use it to update drivers for popular hardware devices. It releases security updates regularly. However, Windows update also may keep doing one thing wihtout an end when things go wrong. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 14, 2016 5:25 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 14, 2016

How to Remove “The Smart Search” Virus from Your Browsers (IE, Google Chrome,…)?

Hey, there. Please help! I installed a computer game on my computer last night. Then I got warnings from Norton saying there was malicious threat on my computer. “The Smart Search” Virus was founded when I started to browse on Internet Explorer. I tried every means I can to delete the virus. But it was still there. What should I do? Any suggestion?

“The Smart Search” Virus Hijacked IE, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox…What to Do?

“Well, I had accidently added something on my computer, and my computer had gotten a virus which had added to “The Smart Search” And I was wondering if you know how to delete it…”

“The Smart Search” Virus is a fake search engine that can get into the target computer by third party applications. Free software installation used to associate with this virus. It acts as plug-ins or add-ons hiding at the Customs and Advance installation. This virus can get into your computer at the time while you are visiting bad websites like porn webs, unintentional clicking on ads /banners /pop-ups/links, downloading unclear resource (such as PDF files, documents, infected e-mail attachments ) from unauthorized websites. That is why you know nothing about the coming of the virus until it is found.

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Published by on November 14, 2016 5:48 am and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 13, 2016

Trojan.Zekapab!gen Virus Removal Guide

Hi. Need help of removing Trojan.Zekapab!gen virus. I have removed it thousands of times, but it is still there. At first, the anti-virus program told me my computer is infected. I had it removed with the removal tool, but it came back after I restarted the computer. I also tried to remove it manually, but I got the same result. I think I might miss some steps. Can you help me remove Trojan.Zekapab!gen virus completely? I feel very uncomfortable to see this virus again and again. I can’t stand it any more. Can you help me remove it completely?

Brief Information of Trojan.Zekapab!gen Virus

Trojan.Zekapab!gen is identified as a new member of the Trojan family which is one of the most dangerous computer threat. With an international character, it is spread throughout the world and is able to infect many systems, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows7, Windows8 and Windows10. To avoid being removed, it performs malicious activities secretly without security warning. You will not notice that a computer threat is corrupting or deleting your important system files until your anti-virus program finally detects it. To get what it wants, it allows remote hackers to access your computer. They can steal your data and transmit it to a third party which can cause a serious security risk. Junk files and dangerous malware can be downloaded without your permission on computer. The bad news is this Trojan virus is pretty stubborn. It will always come back if you don’t remove it in a right way. Hence, we suggest you ask computer experts for help to get rid of Trojan.Zekapab!gen virus completely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 13, 2016 2:49 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 12, 2016 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hello. Need help. I think I there is a virus on my computer. Things are changed and I don’t know how. Now becomes my search engine and Google search engine is gone. Not to be mean, but I don’t like the new search engine. Too many useless things fill up the search results. I also see many pop-up ads. They interrupt my browsing experience badly. Besides, computer runs very slow. All those things caused by a virus, right? If it is a virus, please help me remove it. Thank you.

Brief Information of Browser Hijacker is identified as an unwanted browser hijacker which changes your default browser settings without your approval. Its developer spreads it widely via the third party programs to infect computer throughout the world. Your computer can be infected with browser hijacker no matter where you are from if you visit the malicious websites or download infected programs. Once it is installed on your computer, it is not easy to detect as a threat and remove it because it is pretty tricky. It pretends to be a useful program to achieve your trust so that you will keep it as your search engine. However, we do not suggest you use it to search for information. It only wants to deliver useless ads to you instead of useful information that you are looking for. You also will suffer from a flood of ads every day. According to the computer experts, it helps its developer collect sensitive information on infected computer. Special plug-in will be installed will be installed to support it. Hence, we suggest you remove browser hijacker. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 12, 2016 3:10 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 11, 2016

How to Get Rid of the Virus Thoroughly.

Hey, there? Please help! I am sure I get infected with the virus. Please let me tell you my story. It was several days ago I found my settings of the browser changed to the mentioned domain. I thought it looked good and I liked it and determined to have a try. But things became negative only about three days after I accepted the domain. Tons of suspicious ads pop up, I have to stop to close the popups again and again during my work with the computer. And to search things with the search engine on its website is another annoying experience. It continues to direct me to unknown websites, and my work efficiency is greatly reduced. I can’t understand why it is so nasty. Anyway, I can’t withstand it any more. I will remove it right now. How do I delete it? Please help me!

More information about the

Browser hijacker is probably the best way to define a malicious program like the According to essays about the, It is developed by a company named ShortAD Limited and has two versions of different languages. One is an English version and the other is German. Both versions are dangerous and harmful. The page is designed to look nice and attracting. On the top of the, there is a colorful ribbon. At the place below and close to the ribbon, it is a search engine box. The brand mark of the and several navigation links lie respectively at the left top corner and right top corner of the page. All elements are placed in the dark backgrounds and look so cool that many infected users at first thought it useful, friendly and liked it. On the page, you will find such categories as Adults, Arts, Business, Games, Health and etc. in the white backgrounds. In sum, the looks seemingly useful and beautiful. But this can’t change its malicious nature as a browser hijacker. Because according to the reports of many users, the causes a lot of problems and inconveniences to the infected computer. It will change the settings of a user’s web browser without getting the user informed in any away beforehand. It is just like a thief sneaking into your house without your consent. It will change your homepage, new tab URL, error page and default search engine to what they rely on to serve their purpose. The program will also have you experience the problems of being flooded by tons of nasty ads popups and endless and annoying redirections. It goes without saying all these ads and redirections may be useless for the user. What is worse, this behavior may help introduce more violent infections such as a Trojan horse into your computer and thus cause more and greater damages.
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Published by on November 11, 2016 1:31 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 10, 2016

How to Remove the

Hey, there? I have a problem with my computer. It is a Win10. The computer is good. But the browser is working weird. My homepage domain has been reset to It looks nice, but I don’t like it. And I can’t close it. I don’t know how I get this thing. Everything was good before I installed a shareware. Please help me remove it. It will be appreciated.

More information about the

In accordance with a reliable source on the Internet, the should be developed by the same organization such as a company or individual who have developed such similar suspicious search engines as,,, and so on. Some people may think the statement is nothing but stuff and nonsense. But in credible reports, the statement is evidenced by stating that all the above mentioned programs are hosted on the exact same server. And it is further pointed out that these programs work actually in the same way to serve the developer’s purpose. Therefore, it is believed both and the aforementioned search engines are suspicious programs designed and released by the same developer to carry out secret and unfriendly tasks.
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Published by on November 10, 2016 1:21 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 10, 2016

Trojan.Trickybot!gm Virus Removal Guide

Hey, there. Norton detected threats, something saying Trojan.Trickybot!gm Virus as well as its related threats. My computer got stuck so frequently during recent days. According to Google, this Trojan is really hard to remove. Antivirus can’t remove this virus from the infected computer completely. What should I do? Please help!

More Information About Trojan.Trickybot!gm Virus:

Trojan.Trickybot!gm is a malicious computer infection which may perform several actions when executed. This infection can spread in a variety of ways. If you read the email, you get this virus into your computer. This virus also can dive into your system while you are installing unsafe programs or visiting suspicious websites (porn webs). Once installed, this Trojan may control your Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) by altering search results and gaining online profit for its authors. In a word, once Trojan.Trickybot!gm intrudes into your PC, it starts to execute various malicious activities in your Computer background which as a result degrades your System responding speed. You have to remove the virus from your infected device as soon as you can.

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Published by on November 10, 2016 8:26 am and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 9, 2016

How to Get Rid of [email protected] Scam Virus?

Have you heard of [email protected] scam virus? Hi. My iPad’s browser is locked with [email protected] screen. Rest of the functions like email is working normal. It says my iPad is locked for illegal activities and demands money. I swear that I didn’t do anything as it says. I was watching a funny video on Facebook. It was shared by my best friend. I didn’t expect that I could get virus on my iPad for that. I know little about computer and have no idea how to remove it. Can you please help and guide me to remove this virus? Thanks a million.

Brief Description of [email protected] Scam Virus

[email protected] scam virus is created by the cyber criminals to attack mobile device for illegal money. It is a new member of the Urausy vrius family which takes innocent users’ devices hostage and demands a non-existed fine to unblock device in the name of cyber police. This virus uses the old tricks of its predecessor. However, there is still something different. It requires you to send an email to [email protected]. At the first sight, it really looks like an official email. Many people would be scared by its name thinking that they really have trouble with the police. It also claims that your device is locked for illegal pornography. You need to send email to [email protected] for unlocking. People who know little about computer will believe that it is real and do as it demands. In fact, it is only a scam virus. Its owner is not the real police. This phony message is released by the cyber criminals. They are trying to swindle money out of you by scaring you with the fake police warning. If you see this message on your device, do not send email or pay the fine to so-called police. It will not help your infected device. Do not ever trust the evil criminals. To get rid of this fake police threat, you need to remove the scam virus completely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 9, 2016 1:54 pm and last modified on November 25, 2016 2:37 am.

Nov 9, 2016 Pop-up Virus (Support Scam) Manual Removal Guide

Early this morning, when I booted my computer, as soon as I started my Google Chrome, I got a pop-up showing on my screen and a blue error screen under that pop-up with the address I was shocked. What was that thing? Google said that webpage is Pop-up Virus (Support Scam).Oh, my god. One thing comes into my mind that is my computer is infected by browser hijacker virus. What should I do now? I can’t browse the Internet safely and normally as usual now. Please help!

More Information About Pop-up Virus (Support Scam) is an adware which is also known as a member of browser hijacker virus family. This virus mainly attacks the famous browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. So, when you see random pop-up ads from within your browser, then your computer is infected by the virus. Obviously, this website is a potential unwanted webpage which may not do anything good on your computer once it appears. This virus can get into your computer with the help of third party applications. Generally, this fake website is spread by using the various monetization platforms during installation. This vicious virus is typically attached to freeware downloads and installation (video recording/streaming, download-managers or PDF creators). Otherwise, it can be added to the spam email as well as its attachment, suspicious websites (porn websites)/links/pop-ups, infected commercial ads etc.

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Published by on November 9, 2016 5:42 am and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

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