Mar 21, 2017

The Best Ways to Access Twitter in China

Hi, i have a problem with Twitter. When i try to access it in China, it says “The page isn’t working”. No matter how many times i tried, it was the same problem. I don’t think there is anything wrong with my internet connection or Dell computer. Because everything was good when i was on a business trip in Canada two days ago.I really need your help. Because i have to stay here in China for as long as half a year when the project will be completed. I use Twitter a lot to keep in touch with my friends and families a lot in USA. How can i live without it for half a year? Please help me!

More Information about Twitter.

China is the world’s largest producer of goods and has one of the fastest growing economies. But the citizens of China have been facing quite unnecessary website blockings from the government termed as the Great Firewall of China, which can be frustrating in the age of social media.
Twitter is one such site blocked by the government. Twitter is generally used by a person to post ‘tweets,’ 140 characters post on their wall which may help them to interact with the world. Twitter is very famous among many Politicians, Celebrities, well-known people in society to give a statement or views on a topic. Naturally, a person would feel an urge to use it. They can, however, use it and we will state how.
VPN or Virtual Public Network is there to help the people unblock Twitter and many other sites. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 21, 2017 1:28 pm and last modified on April 27, 2017 3:47 am.

Mar 21, 2017

How to Remove “This user is disabled” Virus (Microsoft Support Scam)

What happened? When I booted my computer, I couldn’t access by account since my screen was block by “This user is disabled due to some malicious files found in system” notification asking me to call a support phone number like (1-914-465-0012). It did scare me a lot! Should I call that number? Was it true? Please help me remove “This user is disabled” Virus (Microsoft Support Scam)!

More Information About “This user is disabled” Virus (Microsoft Support Scam)

“This user is disabled” Virus is short for a name of Microsoft Support Scam which is “This user is disabled due to some malicious files found in system”. “This user is disabled” Virus is created by malicious cyber tech support scammers who aims to trick the innocent Windows computer users into thinking that their computers get the problem. In order to fix the problem quickly, they may call the provided free toll and ask for tech support from the so-called “Microsoft Tech Support Team”. If they make the phone call, will they get the real tech support from the tech support team? Of course, not! Microsoft Company announces the public that they will not lock one’s computer and then ask for a call. Microsoft does not send unsolicited email messages or make unsolicited phone calls to request personal or financial information or fix your computer. Thus, it is obviously that your computer is infected with a piece of malware known as Rogue.Tech-Support.

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Published by on March 21, 2017 6:54 am

Mar 20, 2017

How to Remove the Virus ?

Please help! I have a problem related to the thing. I find it on my Chrome today. I am not sure how it come into my computer. I have no impression that I ever installed it. Anyway, I try to delete it and restore my homepage. But when I restart the PC, it comes back again. No matter how many times I try, it sticks annoyingly all the time. I am tired. Please help me!

Important Information about the

The most annoying feature of the is that it sneaks into the users’ system without permission and prevents the victims from removing it permanently in an ordinary way. Many users report that they never install the program on their devices. No matter how many times they try to get rid of it, it sticks to their browser all the time nastily. This is one of the most important reasons why many experts classify the virus into the category of browser hijacker. A typical browser hijacker often slithers into a victim’s system without notification. In addition, it is not a surprise when you use the as search engine to look for what you want on the internet and find there are many unwanted advertising links on the result page. That is because, to make the content of its sponsors stand out, the might make a change to the result page by inserting the content into the result list. What is worse, it is said the is a service which is lack of proper EULA and Privacy Policy. Rogue services can become its sponsors. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 20, 2017 4:23 pm

Mar 19, 2017

The Best Ways to Use Instagram from China

Hello, I am Sally from US. I am going to be sent to China to have a meeting with the business partner of my company. I will stay there for about 2 months. But I heard that Instagram is blocked in China. It is said the block is the result of the Pro-democracy test in Hong Kong several years ago. Anyway, I want to use the Instagram in China. In US, I use the service a lot to keep in touch with my friends, families, colleagues and acquaintances. It gives a lot of fun. For me, it is not only a social networking service, but also part of life. I have no idea how my stay in China for about 2 months will be without the service. What is more, I will go for some sightseeing when I stay there. I want to share interesting pictures with my friends and families. Really, it is very important for me to use the Instagram. Is there any way to unblock the service? How? How Can i find the best ways to use Instagram from China? Please help me, I will set off in two days. Thanks a lot!

What Is Instagram? How Popular Is the Service?

What is Instagram? This is not even a question for many people in many nations especially in USA, because it is a widely known mobile application that allows users to share photos and videos in a public or private way. What is more, the users can share the content through such famous social networking media as Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and so on. There are many people are using Instagram as the way to stay in touch with their friends, families, classmates, schoolmates, relatives and so on. It is reported that the monthly active users of Instagram reached more than 150 million by September 9, 2013. Among the users of the service, there are many celebrities. They use Instagram as an important way to interact with their fans by sharing photos and videos. For many people, Instagram is not only a social networking service, but more also part of their life. It is hard to imagine how upsetting life would be without accessing the service. So, in this article, we are recommending an effective and efficient way to access Instagram in China and other nations where the service is blocked with reliability. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 19, 2017 7:39 pm and last modified on April 27, 2017 3:54 am.

Mar 18, 2017 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

My homepage has been redirected to frequently. I am unable to launch my browsers normally, regardless of Internet Explorer and Google chrome. Besides, the annoying websites present a bunch of pop-ups. I have to close endless ads I have tried many times to get rid of it but ended without success. I need some assistance to handle such a tricky virus. I know little about computer.

What is Browser Hijacker? browser hijacker has been defined as a notorious ad-supported program which is designed by cyber criminals to permeate a browser out of control. The existence of the browser hijacker modifies the default settings of the contaminated browser and takes over it completely. It performs various activities without your approval to help its developer gain revenue. Once installed on a targeted computer, the browser hijacker will mislead victims’ homepage or default search engine to or other suspicious domain without your knowledge. Even when Internet users open a new tab on their browser, the virus will immediately redirect to or some related website with a bunch of pop-ups which interrupt users’ online session on purpose. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 18, 2017 6:40 am

Mar 16, 2017

How to Solve “This site can’t be reached” While Visiting Facebook in China?

I have a problem saying “This site can’t be reached” many times while visiting Facebook. I am now in China on a business trip. I don’t think there is something wrong with my computer or internet connection, because I can visit other websites successfully with them. I need to travel a lot as an oversea engineer. I remember it was good when I was in Canada several days ago. So what is going on? How can I fix this problem? Facebook is my very important way to stay in touch with my friends and families when I am on a trip. Please help!

How Popular and Important Facebook Is for Many Users?

Facebook is an important social networking service and online social media well known all over the world. With Facebook, users can post status updates, exchange messages, share digital photos, videos and links, use all kinds of apps and become informed when their friends or families make posts or update profiles. What is more, users may join user groups of common interest which may be organized by workplace, hobbies or other topics. There are many people using this service to keep in touch with their families, friends and acquaintances in daily life. It is reported there were more than 1.86 billion active users per month on Facebook as of December 31, 2016. And according to number of active user accounts, Facebook is regarded as the most popular online social media in the world. For many people, Facebook is not just a place for social networking, but also a life style. Many things may be messed up. They may feel unbalanced inside without Facebook. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 16, 2017 6:32 pm and last modified on March 16, 2017 6:33 pm.

Mar 15, 2017 Virus Removal Guide

Is your browser working so weirdly recently? You are getting disturbed by a frequent redirection to You are keeping redirected to this webpage no matter where you are on the Internet once you start to browse? What is going on? It is obviously that your browser is infected by Virus, a browser hijacker virus. What should you do? How to get rid of this virus and get your browser back to normal? Take it easy! YooCare expert can help you with this problem. You can read the following post for detailed information.

More Information About Virus Virus is known as browser hijacker virus which can be distributed through spam emails, junk email attachments, freeware downloads, infected links/pop-ups/ads. Watch Your TV Shows Now is the browser extension, designed to distribute and endorse utilization of this virus. Once this virus gets into your computer, this virus may do lots of malicious thing on your computer to keep you away from doing anything normally on your Internet. Firstly, it will add a vile network as your preferred websites. Besides, it may also add a toolbar with a built-in search box and a couple of shortcuts to news feeds and video-streaming platforms which may display everywhere on your desktop. In one words, Virus is fake webpage which should be removed as soon as you find it on your browser website.

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Published by on March 15, 2017 1:49 pm

Mar 14, 2017

How to Use Vimeo in China in 2020?

It is said that there are many websites blocked in mainland China, not sure if you can use Vimeo in China normally. I’ve just tried to open a bunch of Vimeo links and they take ages to load before coming up with the “connection to the server was reset while the page was loading” warning message. I really hope this doesn’t mean Vimeo is blocked out here in China now. I love Vimeo so much, but I have to work for months here. Is Vimeo blocked in China? Do you know how to use Vimeo in China?

What is Vimeo & How to Use Vimeo in China?

What is Vimeo and what you can with it? Can you use Vimeo in China? Vimeo is an American video-sharing website where you can upload, share and watch useful or interesting video freely. Lots of videos from various countries are available for you there. Bad news is that it is not available for Chinese users. Just the same as many other video-sharing websites, Vimeo is blocked in Mainland China due to the famous Great Firewall. It is strong enough to stop users in China to use it normally. However, it is still possible to use Vimeo in China. What you have to do is to use a VPN service to bypass the Great Firewall of China. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 14, 2017 12:05 pm and last modified on February 11, 2020 2:31 pm.

Mar 12, 2017

How to Use Dropbox in China in 2020? (100% Working)

Is Dropbox blocked in China especially in Mainland? If so, do you know How to use Dropbox in China? Hello. Need your suggestions. I came to China last week and found that I couldn’t use Dropbox. My friends and I always used it to store and share important files. I can’t load it here. At first, I thought it’s my network issue and later found that others can’t use it either in China. I need to access my files for work. It’s emergency. Please tell me how to use Dropbox in China. Can’t use Dropbox in China as it has been blocked? Currently, Dropbox is partially banned in mainland China. On some platforms it connects and syncs with no problems in USA or UK, but is is blocked in Beijing and Shanghai, you can’t access Dropbox using the iPhone/iPad or Android device app. So before traveling to China VPN software of smartphones should be changed as Google play store is also banned in China. Geographical location doesn’t matter to that extent, but it is a bit harder to change VPN in China. Here you will know how to unlock Dropbox in China. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 12, 2017 1:19 pm and last modified on February 11, 2020 4:46 pm.

Mar 12, 2017

Got Metropolitan Police Warning on iPad/iPhone – How to get rid of it?

Help! My iPhone Internet had popped up with a page with Metropolitan Police Warning saying I have to pay 200 within 12 hours. I cannot close the window without force quitting Safari. I looked it up and on the internet said this is a scam. Can anyone help me get rid of it? Thanks.

iPad/iPhone Got Locked By Metropolitan Police Warning—How to Unblock?

Ransomware is nothing new to the public now. Metropolitan Police Warning is made by the cyber criminals, which is also known as a kind of ransomware virus. This malicious ransomware attempts to lock your iPad/iPhone, and posing as an unofficial notice from a law enforcement agency, claims that your device has been determined to have visited illegal websites. In order to unblock your iPad/iPhone, you must do the payment for a fine with limited hours. If you don’t make the payment within the required hours, your online criminal activities will be reported to the Police of UK and you will be sent into jail for couples of years. Here comes the question: do the Metropolitan Police really demand you to pay for the fine?

“Is it true or is it scam? I got a warning page blocking my Safari which said it is from Metropolitan Police. It asked me to pay a fine of £200. It warns me if I don’t pay the fine and said my iPhone will be erased and my Facebook/Twitter accounts will be blocked if I don’t make the payment up to 12 hour. What should I do? Please help!”

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Published by on March 12, 2017 12:32 pm and last modified on March 12, 2017 12:33 pm.

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