Apr 5, 2016

Searchguide.level3.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Dear experts. My computer has issues. Here is the detail. I think someone dropped Searchguide.level3.com on my computer because it just appears on my Google Chrome suddenly. I didn’t download it before. It took place of my homepage. I think it can control my browser now as it can force me to visit websites that I don’t want to visit. It displays ads arbitrarily. I am not able to get my original homepage back. Please help me!

Searchguide.level3.com is an unwanted browser hijacker which can change your browser default settings without your permission. It changes your homepage into Searchguide.level3.com and redirects you to its affiliated websites. Hence, it has been classified as a browser hijacker. It can hijack Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explore etc. This program is pushed by the third-party sharing sites for marketing purpose. Though you may think that it is a normal and safe website as your security program does not tell you that it is a computer threat, it is a bad program for your computer because it can make you pick up viruses! Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 5, 2016 7:07 am

Apr 3, 2016

AVG Detects idp.alexa.51 Virus? – How to Remove

I installed AVG Free version 3 days ago and yesterday something called idp.alexa.51 popped up frequently and it didn’t allow me to get rid of it. The virus comes back every time I open Google Chrome. What is going on? Is it a false positive by AVG? Will it harm to my system and programs? Please help me to delete it completely. Thanks.

What’s idp.alexa.51 Virus?

idp.alexa.51 is a malicious Trojan virus designed by cyber criminals in order to steal account information, passwords, online banking data and credit card information from the target users. It mostly comes into the system through spam email attachments, pornographic websites and unverified free programs. Also while browsing the Internet, you may see an Internet advertisement or window appears saying your computer is infected or a unique plug-in is required. If you don’t understand what it is, you may accept the prompt and then it brings this virus in your computer immediately. Once downloaded, this virus can embed itself deeply into your computer so even you’re using the most popular antivirus program such as AVG or Norton, you still have problems to kick it off from your computer. It makes people frustrated because it can pop up every time you run a normal application or open your Internet web browser including IE, Firefox or Google Chrome.
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Published by on April 3, 2016 9:46 am

Apr 2, 2016

Search.listchack.com Hijacker Removal

Hi there. I have a Dell laptop running with Windows 8.1. Since last night my internet browsing has been interrupted quite frequently by numerous types of pop up ads and my start page also has been changed to Search.listchack.com. I cannot change the homepage back to Google anymore. I mostly use Firefox. So I uninstalled firefox, then reinstalled, didn’t help. Scanned with malwarebytes, nothing showed, uninstalled, same thing, I installed google chrome, same thing. I searched on internet, found lots and lots and lots of others with same problem, so many suggestions and antivirus suggestions, many very complicated and involved with many warnings about messing with registry files etc. Can anyone help me remotely?

Search.listchack.com Description:

Search.listchack.com is a low-quality search engine, which is initially promoted as a reliable tool enhancing the user’s browsing quality. But in fact it is labeled as browser hijacker that can replace your homepage, take over Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox browsers by modifying DNS settings in Microsoft Windows hosts file. Browser hijacking is not a tiny issue so you should not underestimate the amount of damages this threat can cause you. Though its page looks like other reliable search engines (Google, Bing, or Yahoo Search), if you try to search something from this bogus search engine, you will get a lot of sponsored results that are not relevant to your search queries which entirely waste your time. Also every time you try to go online, you’ll be bombarded by an entire array of pop-up ads. More infected symptoms are included:
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Published by on April 2, 2016 2:33 am

Apr 1, 2016

How to Get Rid Of Search.cucumberhead.com Browser Hijacker Virus

Getting Infected by Search.cucumberhead.com browser hijacker virus on my computer without any clue, what should I do now? My security program keeps popping up the warning threat asking me to take action to get rid of this virus as soon as I can. I feel so annoyed. It is really crazy! I don’t know how to remove this pesky virus. Please help! Thank you.

More Information About Search.cucumberhead.com

Search.cucumberhead.com is a malicious browser hijacker virus which may affect all your browsers greatly once it infected your computer. This virus seems as a good and practical search engine webpage as the famous search engine Google and Bing. But is it really good? It is a doubted question. Let’s see why. This virus may get into your computer secretly and then change your default homepage as well as your browser settings with your permission. Then it will force you to use its domain as your start-up page. You can’t change it back to any webpage until it is removed. Is it easy to remove? Oh, no. You can’t imagine that how hard it is to get rid of this malicious virus from your computer completely. If you use antivirus tool to remove it, it looks like it is removed by antivirus program. However, antivirus program can’t remove the deep hidden files clearly. So, it will be installed automatically on your compromised computer again. Hence, it is not the best way to remove this vicious virus by antivirus application. If you do more research online, you may see that it is greatly recommended to eliminate this virus with the use of manual removal method.

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Published by on April 1, 2016 5:36 am

Apr 1, 2016

SA Cyber Crime Police Blocked and Fine me 100$. How to Unblock My Samsung?

I clicked on a picture and suddenly I was sent to a pornographic page which I tried to leave. But then I got a pop up from SA Cyber Crime Police saying I had broken the Saudi Arabia criminal law, mentioning something about child pornography. I was asked for money. It said I need to pay 100$ fine with Cashu refill coupons or it will delete my data. I knew it was a scam but I was super scared that my information will be taken away from the hacker virus guy and I was wondering if I can just turn off the phone? Will that stop the guy from taking more info? Also how do I unblock my phone from this virus? I’m using Samsung S6 if that helps. Thanks in advance.

SA Cyber Crime Police Blocked Your Cell Phone? Is It Real Or Just A Virus?

SA Cyber Crime Police Virus (as known as Saudi Cyber Crime Police Malware) is a very convincing looking scam/fraud specifically designed to attack mobile users in Saudi Arabia. Actually this type of malware is very common and it can infect both Apple users and Android users in different countries, including United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United kingdom, Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Greece and other Europe countries. Once installed, your cell phone will be covered by a pop-up saying that your phone has been blocked up for safety reason because the SA Cyber Crime Police detected you downloading child porn, pirating copyrighted content, or some other illegal activities. It has the official SA Cyber Police logo at the top and lists victim’s IP address, location, and the name of your ISP. Specifically, you will see a fraudulent warning like this:
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Published by on April 1, 2016 3:13 am and last modified on April 1, 2016 3:15 am.

Mar 31, 2016

Trojan.Annieco Manual Removal Guide

Norton detected Trojan.Annieco on my Dell laptop this morning. But this antivirus program couldn’t remove that virus. I didn’t know why. Now my computer keeps getting stuck or frozen while I am online. I was told by my friends that I had to remove this virus by manual. I know that. But I don’t know where I should start first. Now I am here asking for help from the public. I hope that anyone can help me with this difficult problem. Thank you!

What Is Trojan.Annieco?

Trojan.Annieco is a stubborn computer infection, which is classified as a Trojan virus. This infection may do lots of computer traffic for you once it installed on your system. Once installed, this virus may take control of your online activities immediately. It may records all on your online data and cookies. What’s more, this Trojan has been associated with multiple types of computer threats that may steal confidential information and then transfer it to the remote hackers, such as bank account information, credit card data, trading account information and so on. In addition,this virus may open a backdoor for other infections to get into your computer easily, such as other Trojans, adware, malware and spyware and so on. So, your computer may be flooded with kinds of malicious virus as well as other unwanted stuff which are installed automatically by the virus itself.

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Published by on March 31, 2016 1:27 pm

Mar 30, 2016

Maktub Locker Virus Removal Guide

Maktub Locker virus locks most of my stuff on my computer wanting $ 1000 from me. Is there anyone who saw this virus before? Did you pay the ransom? Did that work? I can not access my wedding photos. I am desperate. Those photos are everything for my life. I need them back. My business files also are not available. I would like to do everything to get them back. Please help me remove this nasty virus! Thank you in advance.

What is Maktub Locker Virus?

Maktub Locker is a vicious virus that has been found as one of the recent explosion and propagation of encryption-type computer threat. It encrypts computer users’ important files asking for money. It is different from FBI scam virus, AFP virus and other similar virus. Though they all ask for money, Maktub Locker virus is more aggressive. It can scan your computer and choose your important data to encrypt. As more and more people realize the nature of ransomware, they choose not to pay ransom and figure out a way to remove the virus completely. In that way, the cyber criminals did not get what they want. Therefore, they develop the virus further to make it more complicated. It is strong enough to infect many operating systems, like windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, windows vista, and mac os etc. Hence, Maktub Locker virus infection is common in these days. We kindly recommend you to remove the virus but not pay the money. Otherwise, you are supporting the criminals. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 30, 2016 2:59 pm

Mar 30, 2016

How to Remove Search.sosodesktop.com Browser Hijacker

I just clicked on a link on a pop-up while I was watching a game video. Then I got being readdressed to Search.sosodesktop.com. My computer seems working normally except I was redirected that annoying website. Why did I get this website? I didn’t think that I did anything wrong online. It was so weird. Anyway, this webpage was said as a browser hijacker virus. How can I remove it now? None of my antivirus tool works. Please help!

More Information About Search.sosodesktop.com Browser Hijacker

Search.sosodesktop.com is a newly browser hijacker which has been created by malicious cyber criminals recent days. This website is a fake search engine which pretends to be good so that you will not notice it and then keep using when it gets into your computer. But, things will go against your will after you use it on your computer. If you don’t remove this virus when you see it on your system, it is said that you may leave a great threat on your computer. This virus will bring into other computer issues’ occurring. This virus is a cunning and hard to be removed as it may get into your computer through an unusual way on the Internet. You may be unexpected that you just click on a link/ads/pop-up as usual then you get this virus on your system. That is why we say this virus is so cunning because it may be attached to the thing you can’t think of, such as spam emails, junk email attachments, freeware downloads, suspicious website, unsafe pop-ups/ads/links. So, if you want to avoid this virus hacking, you’d better to be very cautious while you do something online.

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Published by on March 30, 2016 6:29 am and last modified on March 30, 2016 2:02 pm.

Mar 29, 2016

Remove Apple ID Blocked Scam $500 Fine from iPhone/iPad

I was on safari for my iPhone and then I got a message that is locking me out of safari from the FBI saying that I have been accused of looking up child porn and all these other things that I did not look up on the internet and they are expecting me to pay a $500 fine. I am being accused looking up illegal porn and now they are saying that if I don’t pay them in the next 3 days they are going to block my apple id and delete everything I have on my phone and lock me out of it. I was freaking out. So I went to my local CVS about 15 minutes later and got a PayPal My Cash card and put $500 on it. I entered in the pin of the card and my screen said something along the lines of “YOUR PAYMENT WILL BE PROCESSED IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS” So, today around the same time I anxiously went to turn my phone on and the problem had not been solved. My Internet was still blocked and stuck at the same screen. Is that a scam? How do I get my money back and remove this Apple ID blocked scam from my iPhone 6s?

Apple ID Blocked Scam Description:

If you got a pop-up message saying that your Apple ID or your iPhone is blocked and you are asked to pay $500 fine within 24/48/72 hours to unlock the device, then you must suffer with the Apple ID Blocked Scam now. This is a common malware used to target Apple users in United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, Italy, Germany and others countries so don’t fall for it. It is known as another variant of FBI Virus that also utilizes JavaScript to hijack internet browsers such as Safari and Chrome on Mac OS X. This type of scam actually has been running for a few years and certainly isn’t new. But it’s still going on and it can get installed and pop up to block user’s access to the Internet without any permission.
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Published by on March 29, 2016 3:14 am and last modified on May 17, 2016 5:51 am.

Mar 28, 2016

AFP Scams and itunes Payments on Android Phone/Tablet – Unlock Guide

Hey, there. This morning when I woke up I turned on your tab 3, I got a police screen showing on my screen saying that “Your tablet is blocked”. This warning stated that it was sent by the AFP. I was so scared. It said that I have to pay for a fine to through iTunes card. Is that true? Do I have to pay for that iTunes payment? I can’t get rid of that scary warning and even can’t use my tablet any more. I searched on the internet and found out it is not real. So when the AFP Scams and itunes Payments show on my tablet, what should I do now?

When the AFP Scams and itunes Payments On Your Android Phone or Tablet, How to Unlock The Mobile Device?

Kinds of android device scam virus have been created to hacker innocent android phone/ tablet users. AFP Scams and itunes Payments is newly discovered android device fraud which will block your whole android phone/tablet and stop you from accessing your Internet and demand you to pay for a certain fine through iTunes card. This is another kind of ransomware which can infect both computer and android phone/tablet. This virus used to get into your android phone/tablet without your permission and attention. You may get it by accident sometimes. As soon as this virus gets into your android device, you will see a virus warning page with the symbol of the police government on it. This warning message seems to be real as it is really sent by a real government agency. It looks so scary. You may want to die once you see it on your android phone/tablet. The first thing comes into your mind may be how to solve this problem. Most innocent android phone/tablet users may pay for the fine by buying an iTunes card as it asked and then put into the code on the block screen. Doing the iTunes card payment is the most silly and stupid thing to remove the virus. Even though you do that payment, your android phone/tablet will still be blocked.

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Published by on March 28, 2016 1:24 pm and last modified on March 29, 2016 2:56 am.

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