Apr 17, 2016

Downwithloadsoftquicknow.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Help me get rid of Downwithloadsoftquicknow.com. It takes away my favorite homepage and changes my browser default settings without my permission. I can’t stand it. It makes me feel that I am not the owner of my computer any more. It forces me to go visit strange websites that I have never heard. Help me get my homepage back and kick this nasty thing off my browser immediately. Thank you in advance.

Brief Description to Downwithloadsoftquicknow.com Hijacker

Downwithloadsoftquicknow.com is categorized as browser hijacker that can hijack various kinds of browser, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and other similar browsers. Though it looks like a regular search engine, it is an ad-supported type program that is used to promote its sponsored products. Its developer will generate revenue by redirecting its victims to affiliated websites which makes their websites popular in a way. It is necessary for you to note that potential risk may exist on those unknown websites. You must stay alerts against those websites that you are redirected to for no reason. After all, virus can hide anywhere on the Internet. If you see Downwithloadsoftquicknow.com browser hijacker on your computer, do not hesitate to remove it out of your system. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 17, 2016 1:13 pm and last modified on April 24, 2016 1:02 pm.

Apr 17, 2016

Search.mykotlerino.com Hijacker Removal

If your web browser starts behaving strangely and it keeps sending you to Search.mykotlerino.com or changing your default homepage and search provider, then your computer must be hijacked by a browser redirecting malware or infected by an adware. Browser hijacker is hard to be deleted from a PC. When you go to control panel, you will not know which program caused you the hijacker and even though you found it and deleted it, the problem was still there. The hijacker has to be deleted manually so that it can be kicked off from your machine for good.

Search.mykotlerino.com Description:

Search.mykotlerino.com is a browser hijacker that created by hackers solely to direct Web surfers to pages hosting malware and increase website traffic. It changes your browser settings, replaces your search provider, adds unwanted extensions and bookmarks without your permission. At first sight, this website looks like those regular search page such as Yahoo, Google or Bing, but actually it just offers fraudulent search results to its users. It claims to offer convenient web search, homepage, and default search but actually it just delivers ads and forces your web browser to malicious websites constantly. A browser hijacker must have a great effect on the functioning of user’s computer. It may disconnect your Internet, slow down Internet speed and even monitor your browsing activities. In some cases, it could result in many serious computer problems like blue screen of death, system crash or other program malfunction issues as well.
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Published by on April 17, 2016 10:22 am

Apr 16, 2016

Remove Computer Encryption Scam Virus

Need help removing computer encryption scam virus! It encrypts all of my photos, videos and important business documents asking for $500. Luckily, I backed up all of my important files last Friday. I still have them on my external disk. But the problem is that I have no idea how to remove this virus in a safe way. I need computer experts’ help. I am not willing to put my files back to computer until I get this evil virus removed.

Brief Introduction to Computer Encryption Virus

Computer Encryption scam virus is a recent computer threat which corrupts users’ important files. It is different from those fake police scam viruses. It does not try to convince its victims that their device is involved in using copyrighted content or initiated other illegal activities on the Internet. Instead of blocking user’s computer system, it encrypts user’s sensitive files, like photos, videos, documents etc. To get your files back, you need to pay $ 500 or $1,000 ransom via Moneypak, Ukash, or Bitcoin. Do not pay ransom to the hackers. There is no guarantee that your will get a decryption code for your files. This type of virus mainly targets on businesses. As we all know, business files are very important and precious. Business file lose can cause huge financial lose. You need to protect your files well. Also, you can back up your precious files frequently in case computer encryption scam virus attacks your computer. This type of virus becomes common in those days. You ought to stay alert to keep your private files safe from virus. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 16, 2016 6:08 am and last modified on May 26, 2016 8:34 am.

Apr 16, 2016

Is it possible that the FBI can lock my phone after downloading an app by mistake?

“FBI” holds your phone for ransom – How to remove it?

“I was watching porn on the internet (I knew it was bad), and then something was installed on my phone. My phone is completely locked now, all it does is to stay on an FBI pop up screen saying how I am begin accused of viewing child pornography. It wants me to pay 500$ or they will send something to all of my contacts, and they took a picture with my camera! I have tried to reboot my phone and all it does is give me a few seconds before it pops back up. I am very scared. Is the message really from FBI? I don’t know what to do! How do I get rid of it to unlock my phone? Do I really need to pay the fine?”

FBI Virus is nasty malware that has been reported repeatedly over the past few years. It targets mobile users by installing malicious application which freezes a cell phone or tablet, holds it as ransom, and then demands the user to pay as much as $500 to unlock it. Also it can use javascript to hijack the Internet browser and prevent users from getting online until a fine is paid in 48 or 72 hours. At the first sight the virus looks like a legitimate warning from the FBI, it shocks people because it has FBI logo and seal on the top. Also it lists user’s IP address, location, user name as well as device information on its page. The malware locks down a cell phone or a tablet in the name of the FBI with a big warning titled with “Your phone (Internet) has been blocked for safety reasons”. It falsely states that you have been violating Copyright and Related Rights Law. You may have visited some illegal articles, pornographic websites, online videos or music. In the end of the warning it says you have to pay $500 fine with Paypal MyCash card within the next 72 hours after the infringement. It gives you a countdown telling you the remaining time to pay the fine. The 72 hours countdown keeps going and it definitely causes hypertension for victims who get infected by FBI virus. But actually this is a fake message created by cyber hackers and it has no affiliation to the federal government. FBI will not hack your mobile device in any cases. So you don’t have to pay the fine at all. Sending the fine to this fake FBI warning will not help you unlock your device. It is just an  illegal way used by hackers to collect money from innocent users. Government institutions will come to your house without noticing you if you really break the laws. It won’t lock people’s device and show any messages like this for just asking a small fine through a prepaid card. Don’t be a victim to pay the ransom fine. If your phone or tablet has been blocked by FBI warning, you are recommended to consult an expert to get rid of it manually.

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Published by on April 16, 2016 5:36 am and last modified on April 16, 2016 5:36 am.

Apr 15, 2016

How to Remove Walasearch.com Browser Hijacker

I was dealing with my email yesterday. All of a sudden, my browser asked me to add a link to my add-on folder. I clicked on Yes. After that, all things on my computer ran so strangely. It was really hard to tell why. Lots of pop-ups and ads are floating everywhere on my screen no matter what I am doing. I am kept redirected to Walasearch.com without choice. I did a research on this webpage and found that it is a malicious browser hijacker virus. But I have no any clue on how to get rid of it. Can anyone help me sort out this problem? Thank you so much!

More Information About Walasearch.com Hijacker

Walasearch.com is a newly created browser hijacker virus. This new computer infection may show its rapid affection as soon as it gets into your computer. Why? See. Most of you may be tricked by this fake webpage’s appearance as it seems really normal. It used to pretend to be a good and useful search tool just as the famous search engine, Google, Bing. However, it is not as useful as the way it stated. You may not get any useful links if you use it to search your favorite. You may get this virus at the time while you are visiting the unfamiliar websites, while you are downloading “free” apps from unauthorized websites, while you are responding junk emails or reading spam email attachments, while you are clicking on infected links/ads/pop-ups.

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Published by on April 15, 2016 5:19 pm

Apr 14, 2016

Searchhub.info Virus Removal Guide

I clicked on an interesting ad. Then I was redirected to Searchhub.info without any action. Now I get lots of ads popping on my screen while I am on the Internet. I can’t do anything normal on the computer now. What should I do? Please advise!

A Brief Introduction Of Searchhub.info Virus

When you find the virus on your computer, do you feel shock? Why you get this virus on your computer? It must be sure that most of you may feel unbelievable. Home page and default search engine was changed automatically without your knowledge or approval. Searchhub.info is a malicious browser hijacker virus which may infect your browser without any reason sometimes. In most cases, this virus infected the famous browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari and so on. This virus may not only attach Windows computer system, but also hack IOS mac computers. All the computer users around the world may be in danger of being infected by this pesky virus. If you want to protect your computer safely, you are recommended to browse the Internet safely while you are online. You should be very cautious and careful when you want to click on something you are unknown.

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Published by on April 14, 2016 6:24 am

Apr 13, 2016

Fake Security Tool Removal Guide

Security Tool tells me that my computer is at considerable risk. It lists many threats and alerts. Many programs on my computer are disabled. What’s worse, my Norton also is infected. I can’t run it properly. Security Tool provides free toll number to get remote tech support. When I contacted them, they asked me to buy their software to remove virus and fix my computer. I was not sure whether their software is reliable. This is the reason I look for tech support to fix my computer here. Please tell me what I should do. Should I buy their software?

What is Fake Security Tool?

Security Tool is a rogue anti-virus program which displays fake alerts to trick computer users into believing that their computers are infected with various serious viruses. In reality, this Security Tool is an adware-type program which has nothing to with security program. It is trying to mislead computer users to purchase their virus removal tool. When you see that Security Tool reports your system scan results and computer threats, you ought to note that those alerts are fake. They just want to scare you with non-existed threats so as to sell their full version of virus removal program. We do not suggest you buy the so-called virus removal tool because their products do not have the capability to remove virus. Do not give money to this scam program. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 13, 2016 11:26 am

Apr 13, 2016

How to Remove Search.leperdvil.com Hijacker?

Hi there. Earlier today I suddenly found that there were lots of unknown programs on my computer which I didn’t download them at all, then I deleted all of them one by one from control panel but I still have problem while surfing on the Internet. I use Firefox as the default browser and Bing as my homepage. But now it changes to Search.leperdvil.com. Is it a reliable search engine? No matter how many times I tried to change the homepage, it just won’t go to Bing anymore. How do I fix the problem?

Search.leperdvil.com Description:

Search.leperdvil.com is a corrupted website that usually disguises as a legitimate website providing PC user a useful search engine. At first glance, it looks as similar as Yahoo, Google or Bing Search, but in reality it is just another spam search engine that connects with browser hijacker, adware or potentially unwanted program. Technically speaking, browser hijacker is not a virus but it is capable of causing all sorts of troubles to destroy your browsing experience, even ruin your computer system. This hijacker is prone to hijack popular web browsers such as Safari, IE, FireFox and Google Chrome. It modifies browser settings, redirects your searches, adds unwanted extensions, and displays sponsored websites and tons of ads whenever you try to get online. It specifically offers PC users fraudulent search results. So if you search information through the site www.search.leperdvil.com, many bad sites will pop up without your expectations, some of which contain erotic contents, commercial ads or even dangerous computer infections.
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Published by on April 13, 2016 8:10 am

Apr 13, 2016

How to Remove Startjoysearch.com Browser Hijacker Virus

Hey, there. I got a pesky browser hijacker virus on your computer after I downloaded a tool from an unknown websites. It is named Startjoysearch.com. I tried every mean I can think of to remove it, but none of them worked. I feel really sad and boring at the moment. I don’t what I should do now. Can anyone have any suggestion? Thank you!

Learn More Information about Startjoysearch.com Virus

Startjoysearch.com is a malicious browser hijacker virus. It has the ability to take control of your web browser by change the homepage and search tool. So you may be forced to use this virus’s domain as your start-up page and search engine. You can’t find a way to change your default settings back to normal until you remove this virus from your computer completely. At the very beginning, you may think that this search engine seems so useful to use. Is it really good to use? The fact will destroy your thought in a mess. When you use it to search whatever your favorites, you will find that it cannot offer the correct search result but just redirects you to strange sites. Your computer is completely messed up by this pesky virus. You have to any choice but to remove this virus as soon as you can.

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Published by on April 13, 2016 5:41 am

Apr 12, 2016

How to Delete Win32/Xpaj.jen Virus?

Is your computer infected with Win32/Xpaj.jen virus? Is system performance affected greatly due to this virus? Are there random pop-ups on your browser and mess up your online activities? Do you realize what this virus will do once it is downloaded on your computer? The following post will make you have a clear understanding about this Trojan and show you how to get rid of it step by step.

Infected With Win32/Xpaj.jen Virus – How to Remove?

Win32/Xpaj.jen is categorized as Trojan virus usually installed on your computer when you click on suspicious ads, download an infected video codec or open an infected email attachment. Also unsafe free program downloading resources can make your computer infected with this virus too. The virus compromises your computer by exploiting system security leaks and it can lead to many serious computer problems. Once it is running on the computer, it disables your firewall and current antivirus program. And then it modifies your system settings and immediately makes certain changes on the browser to block you from visiting legitimate web pages. Furthermore, it will cause slow PC performance, annoying browser redirection and unwanted pop-up ads. The virus also tries to connect to a remote server and download more threats onto the infected system.
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Published by on April 12, 2016 9:45 am

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