Nov 23, 2016

How to Remove the Browser Hijacker?

Hey, there. I was fooled into installing this thing called When I first see it, I thought it should be as good as it looks. What is more, it looks like a thing developed by the Apple company or its joint company or something like that. It turns out to be wrong. When I saw the advertisements targeted my hobbies and preference on every website I visited. I was surprised and scared. I am worrying about its reliability now. I hope everything is fine and it is not too late to remove it completely for the moment. Please help! I will be thankful if you can help!

Get to Know More about the

Before we go ahead in this article, you may show great interest in the program because of its simple but charming and elegant appearance design. Yes, it looks pretty good. But it is, specifically for Mac users, actually a malicious browser hijacker designed to work in all suspicious sorts of ways to endangering your benefits by Linkury company. For this reason, it is not difficult for you to find many removal guides that can walk you through to get rid of the suspicious add-on. The safari browser is a more attractive target for the hijacker. The first reason why this add-on is classified into the category of browser hijacker is the way how it sneaks into a user’s computer. According to reliable reports, the add-on usually get itself installed on a user’s browser automatically and secretly. The second reason that makes the ill-known is its suspicious behavior of replacing the default search engine of a computer user. For users who very much get accustomed to a particular search facility, for example, the Google search engine, this will cause plenty of inconveniences and result in annoying experience of using the browser. The most questionable issue involved with the program is its features as a potentially unwanted program. Many victims notice there are many unbelievably accurate personalized advertising content targeted their preferences and interests on the webpages they are browsing. Because by taking advantage of the tracking technology, the is able to accurately get to know about your likes and dislikes, and accordingly insert the content that will interest you. This will undoubtedly greatly shock a prudent person like me. How do they get to know my interests and preferences? And how about my other personal information like credit card details, login credentials and banking information? Are these information still safe or stolen? Yes, I know, it is totally a nightmare. What is worse, unfortunately, the answer to what you are worrying about is something that will make you frightened. The designer of this program may legally and easily collect all kinds of your personal information by making unfair statements in their Privacy Policy.
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Published by on November 23, 2016 6:25 pm

Nov 20, 2016 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi. I am trying to remove out of my Google Chrome. Since I have seen it, things became weird. I have visited many strange websites, such as product promotion websites and adult websites because of it. My browsing experience has been terrible. By the way, I hate ads that pop up on my screen without any sign. Unfortunately, I know little about computer. So, I come here for help. Hope you can help.

Brief Information of Browser Hijacker is a potential unwanted program that changes settings without your permission. It has the capability to infect many browsers, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari and Bing etc. Once it is installed, will spare no effort to help its developer generate money no matter how harmful it is to your system. The most obvious symptom of this program is that you always have been redirected to unknown websites that you never intend to visit. That will waste your precious time to access the website that you really want. Besides, not all those websites are safe. According to the research, a large number of computer users were attacked by viruses while being redirected by browser hijacker. Hence, do not understate browser hijacker though it does not destroy your computer so fast. It is much more dangerous than you think. To keep your computer safe, get rid of this browser hijacker soon. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 20, 2016 4:24 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 20, 2016

Manual Guides to Kill the Virus from Your Computer.

Hey, there? I apparently have infected with the I really need help from your professional guys. Now I can’t find my old search engine. It was Google search engine I often used. The present engine looks good. But I learn from the internet that it is a virus. I am very scared because I signed in my facebook account during the infection. I don’t whether my facebook is safe or not. Anyway, I should remove it completely right now. You guys can help, right? Please help! Really appreciated!

Important Information about the

The is actually a browser hijacker that is similar to those we have analyzed before. After infection with the, the first symptoms you will see are the alternations made to your web browser. Your default search engine, homepage, new tab page and error page will be changed to or relevant domains. To change the preference settings of the web browser is the first step completed by this nasty parasite to serve its final and wicked purpose. After the browser settings have been successfully modified to their own domains, the will go on to work hard to promote the third-party content by injecting tons of suspicious ads or sponsored links into the result page it provides. That is why many users whose computers have been infected with the report that many advertising links or sponsored links appear on the result page. What is worse, it is pointed out that the reliability and reality of the content is not reviewed, examined and controlled by the designers of the virus. They try to shake off the accountability for the content by saying that they do not originally intend to endorse the visitation or purchase of the promoted products, sites or services. And according to reliable reports, some advertising or sponsored links on the result page of a browser hijacker like the are dangerous or risky. The reports say these links may direct the user to a malware-laden website and play a trick to fool him into downloading and installing a malware into his system. This is considered to be the worst problem involved with a browser hijacker like the
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Published by on November 20, 2016 12:57 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 19, 2016

What Is ? How to Remove?

Hey, there? Hope you guys can help me with the problem on my computer. The problem is that I have a domain named It sticks to my Internet Explorer permanently for some time. If it is a good search engine, I would like to have it. But it results in some inconveniences such as sticky ads. So, I want to remove it clearly. But it comes back automatically every time. I hate it right now. Please help me!

A Closer Look into the

Search engines play a very important role in our daily use of computer and Internet. Without search engines, it is impossible for a user to find what he wants on the internet in an easy way. A reliable and credible search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo will be safe, helpful and professional. While a suspicious or ill-known one like the can cause a lot of inconveniences and problems for the computer users. If you are considering about selecting a search engine as the regular search facility on a daily basis, it is strongly recommended to remove the name of from your list of candidates for you to consider. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 19, 2016 12:04 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 18, 2016

How to Unlock National Cyber Crime Unit Scam Virus? (Manual Removal Guide)

Hey, there. What should I do? While I was browsing on Samsung Galaxy s7, but, all of sudden, I got a warning pop-up. And my screen got locked by the malicious alert. With its title, I could see NCA (National Cyber Crime Unit), the national emblem of United Kingdom, and the emblem of Metropolitan Police. A warning word in red said “ATTENTION! YOUR MOBILE DEVICE HAS BEEN BLOCKED FOR SAFERY REARONS”. Oh, my God! Will I be in trouble? Will I be arrested by the police?…But my family reminded me to calm down and told me that was just a scam virus. It is a National Cyber Crime Unit Scam Virus? Really? How to unblock my phone? Please help!

What to do-If your device got locked by National Cyber Crime Unit Scam Virus?

“Hi, I have gone to access my Internet on my Samsung tablet and it came up with a message saying my device has been locked by safety reasons and said there is a fine of £100 and mentioned authorities. Is this a scam?”

National Cyber Crime Unit Scam Virus is a malicious ransomware which is created by evil cyber criminals with the aims of ripping off innocent users of mobile device. Nowadays, android devices are become kind of common communication equipment used by most people. People used to use their devices to do online shop, watch online movies, read news, browse the Internet for fun, and play games, etc. which are all generally used android device functions. Some people may use their android device as an online transfer tool. Thus, android device can be part of people’s life. United Kingdom is a country with strict and impartial justice system. As a citizen of United Kingdom, you should abide by the law of your country. Hence, if your device is saying “it has been locked for safety reason”, most of you maybe fall into a great of fear.

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Published by on November 18, 2016 1:32 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 18, 2016

How to remove your battery is badly damaged by 4 virus warning popup?

What is “your battery is badly damaged by 4 viruses” warning popup and have you heard of this alert on phone? My Samsung note2 went black and i have not been able to turn it on. The week previous i had some notification that i had a virus and i checked but there was nothing to delete. They wanted me to download something and of course i did not. It also said that my phone was going to shut off by Tuesday and that is when it happened. I called Samsung and they had me do a few things but it did not help. My phone it’s still dead! I lost all my pictures and videos! Is there anything you can do? I just received alert from Google that my phone battery has viruses. Is it a scam? I cannot find the four viruses anywhere in downloaded apps and the anti-virus did not find it. I am afraid this phone has been damaged badly as I saw this alert all the time when I opened browser. The virus must have stay on my phone for a long time. This is driving me nuts! How can I remove the virus and get rid of the alert completely? Please guide me through it. Thank you in advance.

What is “Your battery is badly damaged by 4 viruses” Warning Popup? Is it Real?

“Your battery is badly damaged by 4 viruses” warning popup is caused by a piece of malware. This warning is not reliable or real. It is a scam. Its developers use it as a tool to make unethical money. It makes up bogus alert to scare people into using their apps or even paying money to clear non-existed viruses. To make problem look serious, it hijacks your browser. It is not easy to close the page once it takes over the browser. It just appears again and again before the malware behind it is removed. Most of people would be in panic when seeing warning about viruses. They would concern that virus would continue to corrupt their photos, videos and contacts as the warning described. Hence, they would choose to follow its guide to fix the problem. Many users lost a large amount of money for this fake alert. If you see “Your battery is badly damaged by 4 viruses” warning popup on your device, seek for the malware that displays misleading warning and remove it completely. Get “Your battery is badly damaged by 4 viruses” warning popup off your device to prevent it from installing more dangerous malware. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 18, 2016 10:01 am and last modified on January 16, 2017 8:17 am.

Nov 18, 2016

Get Infected with virus? How to Remove Manually?

Hey, there? I don’t have much knowledge about computer, I need help from your professional PC guys. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have an annoying problem to deal with on my computer. I don’t know how this problem happen to me. And I am not sure whether I have done something wrong. Anyway, I should let you know the problem first. I use Chrome browser and recently it opens new tabs all by itself. I have to stop to close those tabs again and again during the use of the search engine. I have a thing on my browser. It is called I think it is suspicious but not very sure. I don’t know how it gets into my system. Anybody can help in this case? Much appreciated again.

More information about the is a developed version of browser hijacker that is different from the A to Z Search USA or To compare with virus, the seems to be less violent. The Atozsearch-usa is said to be violent because even though the most unrelated queries are entered, the Atozsearch-usa will provide you with a result page of identical contents. This is considered to be completely annoying and malicious. While, even if the has managed to provide refine services by generating more acceptable results, but is still far from making itself a reliable program. There are still many people who get disturbed by some of its features and require to remove it completely.
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Published by on November 18, 2016 6:50 am and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 18, 2016

Trojan.Malscript!gen2 Virus Removal Guide

Hi. Need help of removing Trojan.Malscript!gen2 virus. It keeps coming back after I removed it. It said removal complete while I saw it every time I restarted the computer. I don’t know what to do now. My computer runs very slowly. I am afraid that it will steal my money as always used credit card on my computer. Can you help me get rid of it completely? Thank you in advance.

Brief Information of Trojan.Malscript!gen2 Virus

Trojan.Malscript!gen2 is identified as a new member of the Trojan Family. Once it is installed on your computer, it is able to perform lots of malicious activities to damage your computer and get information it needs under the help of remote hackers. You may think that it is not possible as you have anti-virus program on the computer. We have to tell to tell you that this Trojan virus hides deep in your system. It also is able to block some of the anti-virus programs by making crucial change in their settings. Hence, it is normal that you are not able to detect Trojan.Malscript!gen2 virus with your naked eye or security program. Some security programs can detect it, but they still can’t remove it completely. Virus still can come back as leftover are still on your computer. Once you restart the computer, it activates itself immediately. So far, manual removal is the most effective way. We suggest you remove files of Trojan.Malscript!gen2 virus one by one to make sure that it will not come back again. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 18, 2016 6:05 am and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 17, 2016

How to Remove1-844-569-5858 Pop-up Manually?

Hello. I have problem with home Windows 7 computer. Here is the thing, a pop-up ad telling about how to protect computer redirected me to a website where I was told that I could download a piece of software to keep my computer safe for free. So, I installed it. Since, I received pop-up alerts frequently. Now, a website saying about BSOD, DIIRegisterService and other similar errors takes over my Microsoft Edge. Every time I open the browser, it takes me to that website without any delay. By the way, a free toll number, 1-844-569-5858 is provided. So, is that message come from the Microsoft support? What should I do?

Brief Description 1-844-569-5858 Pop-up

1-844-569-5858 Pop-up is identified as the fake alert which is created by cyber criminals who are trying to swindle money out of unexpected computer users. It pretends to the Windows Defender or other famous tech support company to achieve your trust. Many pop-up alerts have been made up to trick you into believing that something bad goes on your computer. That message would prompt people to call a tech support it recommended. A free toll number would be provided. Behind that phone number, most of them are the cyber criminals. They do not have the capability to fix your problem while they can mess up everything on your computer. Sometimes, the phone number belongs to a legit tech support company. But, this situation is very rare. Once people contact the legit company, they get help and fix their problem immediately which will make people believe that those alerts are authentic. In this way, the opportunity to grab money from innocent computer users is increased. To avoid being scammed, we suggest you remove 1-844-569-5858 Pop-up as early as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 17, 2016 1:39 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

Nov 15, 2016

How to Get Rid of the

Hey, there? I have a problem about my Mac computer. It is not a very urgent issue. I am able to use it now. The story is that my son used my computer to see porn things some time ago and the computer got this thing named I didn’t blame him hard for this matter. He is still young. And he promised to never do it again. But I really want to get this thing out of my Mac computer in case more unknown potential risks are caused. Anybody can help? Much appreciated!

More information about the

The is a browser hijacker that provides Yahoo search results. With the help of an innocent look, and the brand of Yahoo, which is credible and well-known all around the world, the has succeeded in infecting many computers such as Macbooks of Apple company. This is one of the tricks that a browser hijacker like usually play to fool computer users into its trap. If you are a careful computer user, you should be able to find that it is a MODIFIED Yahoo result page that is full of useless and questionable ads or sponsored links by looking at the tab name while typing anything into the box to search things on the internet. According to reliable reports from reliable sources, the tab name should say something together with “Genieo”. And “Genieo Yahoo Search.” is what we find in our test. As for what is the “Genieo”, it is something that is malicious you can get confirmation from articles on the internet.
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Published by on November 15, 2016 6:47 pm and last modified on November 21, 2016 3:27 am.

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