Jun 19, 2017

Suspicious Activity Malware Preventing Access to Internet – How to Fix?

Need help! The malware attacks my browser and prevents me from accessing Internet. It says suspicious activities have been detected on my computer and asks me to call Toll free for help. I watched porn video on the internet before. Is watching porn the so-called suspicious activities? I might get my computer infected with virus from it. Many programs on my computer have been disabled. I have no idea what I should I do to fix it. If I call the given number, will it really help? It’s a brand new computer and I don’t want to lose it. I don’t know much about virus. Please help me out! Thank you in advance.

Brief Description of Suspicious Activity Malware Preventing Access to Internet

Do you see pop-up about suspicious activity malware which prevents you from accessing to Internet on your Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox? If your answer is “Yes”, your computer is infected with malicious malware. Firstly, we have to make it clear that the malware we are talking about is the program which displays virus alerts on your browser. Suspicious activities detection alerts are the real computer threat. Behind the alerts, it’s not the useful tech support or antivirus. It’s the cyber criminals who are trying to grab your money. The truth is, the suspicious activities alerts are fake. They are issued by people with the help of malware to promote fake tech support for illegal money. Though it mentions certified Microsoft technicians, they don’t help you fix the issues because they are not computer technicians and don’t have the ability to remove virus. If you call the given number, the trained salesman will try to persuade you to purchase useless product. Hence, do not call the number and spend money on useless product. You can remove suspicious activities malware alerts manually. Locate related programs that cause fake alerts and delete them completely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on June 19, 2017 7:18 am

Jun 17, 2017

How to Find Cheap Airline Tickets with a VPN?

I heard that VPN can help find cheap airline tickets. Is it true? How can make it? This is really fantastic for me. I am a guy who travels for business a lot by airplane all around the world. If it is true, that will help save a lot. I would be happy to invest a service like this. But how to find cheap airline tickets with a VPN? Thanks a lot for any reply!

How Can VPNs Help Conclude the Best Deals?

Some travel websites present their offers online based on your geo-location which is recognized through the cookies and your IP address. For example, if you live in USA and need to reserve an air ticket from New York to Washington DC, travel sites will provide prices on their websites of US version; while when you change your IP to a different country like Norway, you will see a website of Norway version. Sometimes it can result in good bargains. Sometimes this way alone may help little to get decent prices. But it really makes sense if you get to know the following information. Many consumers may have such an experience that the more times you check the price of a flight, the higher the airfare may become. Sometimes some striking red words just drive you into panic and hurry you to conclude the deals although the ticket cost $100 more dollars than your first sight of it because those red words are telling you there is only 1 seat left, if you don’t pay now, you might have missed the flight even though you would be willing to pay rather more later. Why and how does this take place? This is the fact. Travel sites take advantage of cookies to keep track of browsing behavior and record how many times you check the price of a flight. More checks read from the cookies will probably cause a sudden and significant fare increase. This well explains why a flight originally advertised for only $300 may increase to a significantly different amount like $400 or more.

How to find cheap airline tickets with a VPN? Virtual Private Network, VPN in short, is a technology that can help replace your original IP with a different one depending on where the VPN server you choose. Therefore, if you use a VPN on your computer to access a travel site and choose a US server, the travel site will recognize you as a user from USA rather than from UK even if you actually stay in UK. So, a VPN service provider with a wide network of servers in different countries will be more competitive in this sense. Because you can check prices on more versions of travel sites. Besides, you also need to delete the cookies the travel sites plant on your computers. In this way, travel sites will fail to identify your real location and get to know how many times you have checked the price of a flight.

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Published by on June 17, 2017 3:26 pm and last modified on September 28, 2017 4:53 am.

Jun 16, 2017

How to Get in Safe Mode With Networking in Windows 10?

My computer is frozen on a fake tech support page. It blocks me from logging in the computer. I can’t get to the desktop. I learn that if i go into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking. I will be able to fix the problem. That is really a good news. But how can i get in Safe Mode with Networking in Windows 10?

More Information about Safe Mode of Windows Operating System.

Safe Mode is a diagnostic mode of a computer operating system which makes it easier for users to troubleshoot various problems, for instance deleting a violent malware. Under Safe Mode, only such basic startup programs as drivers for keyboard, mouse and the OS itself. Safe Mode with Networking is just the basic Safe Mode where you can access the Internet. “Safe Mode”, “Safe Mode with Networking” and “Safe Mode with Command Prompt” are usually arranged in the same list on the Windows System. If you are first time to use Windows 10 and try to enter into Safe Mode of the system, you will find that the “old methods” of pressing the key of F8 or combination of Shift + F8 keys on the keyboard no longer lead into the list of various Safe Mode at all. The windows 10 system starts up faster than previous systems. This is why the “old methods” stop working. There still exists the Safe Mode list in Windows 10. But it is needed to follow different instructions to boot your computer running windows 10 into Safe Mode with Networking or other options of Safe Mode. In this article, we will discuss two of the most used ways to enter into the option list of Safe Mode. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on June 16, 2017 2:26 pm and last modified on June 16, 2017 2:29 pm.

Jun 15, 2017

Pop up says system has detected (4) virus causing damage to battery – unlock guide

Today I opened google chrome to find out the best place for my vocation, but a window with a warning appeared saying that my browser was hacked by 4 viruses and I needed to download a piece of software to get rid of it. It also said my battery would be damaged due to the 4 detected viruses. I didn´t have any choice so I close it, but now my battery is really a mess. Every single minute it discharges 1% of it. Should I purchase and install the software to save my phone? Please help me out! I don´t know what to do.

Brief information of “system has detected (4) virus causing damage to battery” alert

Do you see “system has detected (4) virus causing damage to battery” alert on your device? Is it real that there are 4 viruses on your device? We can tell you that this virus alert is not trusted. There is no virus which is able to damage your battery. It is a bogus alert which is trying to trick user into purchasing questionable software. Its developers issue misleading notification with the help of adware and malicious websites. This fake alert usually appears after you download or visit suspicious websites. The alert is able to hijack your browser, urging you to install software to remove the virus. We suggest you ignore the alert and remove the malicious files from your device manually. Do not install the software. It will be too bad if the software creates more problems on your device. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on June 15, 2017 2:47 pm

Jun 14, 2017

Internet is Blocked by “Windows Detected Potential Threats on Your Computer “-Unblock Guide

Hey. My computer has ZEUS virus. Now my Internet Explorer is blocked. It said Windows detected potential threat and my system might be deleted. I am asked to call Toll-Free for help. It offers Microsoft toll free. When I tried to close that page, it tells that my hard drive will be deleted. I was so scared and called the number. They asked for $ 500 to fix the problem. I refused because I didn’t want to pay so much money. But I really want my computer unblock. My friends at computer store told me that you are specialize in virus removal. Please help!

Brief Information of “Windows Detected Potential Threats on Your Computer “ Warning

Do you get “Windows Detected Potential Threats on Your Computer “ warning and hear weird voice talking about virus on your computer? Can’t access Internet due to ZEUS virus detection? Is the warning real? In these days, a large number of computers have been blocked by this virus alert. Some victims spent $ 300 to $ 500 on this warning. Some of them couldn’t access their computer as it required a password during the startup while the users had no idea what the password is. Now, we have to tell you that the “Windows Detected Potential Threats on Your Computer “ warning is fake. It’s not the Microsoft behind this warning. Instead, it’s the fake tech support that drop virus on your computer and pretends to offer help. They demand a certain amount of money to remove their own viruses. We do not suggest you call the given number and contact the so called Microsoft because they are not the real Microsoft at all. Most importantly, they are not legit or helpful. We suggest you remove the virus behind this fake warning manually to unblock your browser. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on June 14, 2017 6:02 pm

Jun 12, 2017

How to Remove Motitags Toolbar from My MacBook?

Hi. I got this Motitags toolbar on my MacBook. After I saw this toolbar, I got lots of weird popups and was redirected to unknown websites all the time. I don’t remember when I installed it. I would like to get rid of Motitags toolbar, but I don’t know how. Please help!

Brief Information of Motitags Toolbar

Motitags Toolbar has been classified as a member of the risky adware that would like to attack millions of computer users. It is designed by cyber criminals who use this rogue program to invade the most popular Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, etc, and then conduct their evil purposes on the infected computer. It is able to sneak into both windows and Mac computer. In fact, this program doesn’t do the things as it has promised. Although this Adware is labelled as an advertising platform, it is usually used to trick the innocent computer users. Its pop-ups and advertisements may attempt to hoax you and then guide you to install some potentially unnecessary programs or even redirect you to some unsafe websites. Then you should not visit these dubious sites. Or you maybe get infected by other infections. You should pay more attention to this malicious rogue program. Once it invades your computer, you should take measures to remove Motitags toolbar from your computer without any delay. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on June 12, 2017 3:16 pm and last modified on June 12, 2017 3:18 pm.

Jun 11, 2017

How to Remove W97M.Dowloader.EQK Trojan Virus?

Hey. I need help of removing W97M.Dowloader.EQK Trojan virus completely. I had it removed immediately when the antivirus reported it. However, it came back again and again no matter how many times I removed it with the help of antivirus. It corrupts my email now. I must get rid of W97M.Dowloader.EQK Trojan virus as soon as possible.

Brief Information of W97M.Dowloader.EQK Trojan Virus

W97M.Dowloader.EQK is classified to be a member of Trojan horse family which is a risky and hateful virus. Once your computer gets infected by this malicious Trojan, it will make your computer’s operating system crashed frequently. Many annoying problems will generate in your computer due to this vicious Trojan. This Trojan has the ability to change your system’s default settings like your browser settings and DNS settings. Besides, it can make your computer system disabled as soon as it can since it sneaks into your computer. Moreover, this risky Trojan can be capable to destroy the security of your operating system. Additionally, it is so obvious that the performance of your computer has been slowed down a lot. It is strongly recommended to remove this nasty W97M.Dowloader.EQK Trojan virus from your computer before it makes more damages for your system. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on June 11, 2017 2:56 pm and last modified on August 5, 2017 3:47 pm.

Jun 10, 2017

Remove An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service Virus from iPad/iPhone

Maybe you have meet with the “An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service” on your Iphone or Ipad.

It is embarrassing to talk about this. But I don’t have a choice cause I have no idea how to deal with it. I was watching some kind of porn with my Iphone 5, suddenly the ab garda warning show up. It says the device is locked and asks 100€ to unlock the device within 24 hours. If I don’t pay, it says data like photos, videos etc. will be damaged and I will be put to justice for accessing banned content like child porn, pirated things and so on. Is it real accusation? If I pay via Ukash, will the problem be fixed? This is scaring and I am really worry about it. Is it possibly something like scam virus? Oh! Please help me with it. Thanks a lot!

Ipad has the An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service thing. It is horrible and annoying. Although it accuses me of having illegal activity online like watching porn thing and requires to pay £100. If not, police will come to arrest me. It is ridiculous and I don’t believe it because I am pretty sure I have done nothing wrong. It may just be scamming my money. Anyway, the device is being blocked, i don’t know how to unlock it. I need your assistance. Would you please give me a hand? Really appreciated!

Is It Real? More Information about the An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service Ransomware.

It has been confirmed that the An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service thing is actually a piece of ransomware programmed by cyber criminals to target various devices of Ireland users including Iphone, Ipad, computers and android phones or tablets to cheat money of its victims. Such a kind of typical ransomware usually disguises itself as a law enforcement agency, the police department for example, to accuse the victims of violating relevant law of the nation due to implementing illegal activities online like watching child pornography, visiting banned websites and storing/distributing/viewing pirated resources etc. Accordingly, it will then threaten and demand a nonexistent fine paid via irreversible payment methods such as Paysafecard, Ukash etc. within a designated period of time to settle the issue. If not, the victims will be prosecuted and put to justice according to the law. In this case, the ransomware pretends to be the An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service by stealing and presenting the name and logo of the department on the warning page where is visible and prominent. There are many variants of this ransomware circulating in Ireland. Different variants demand different amount of fine, usually ranging from 100 to 500 euros or pounds. The prison sentence victims may face is also different but very similar. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on June 10, 2017 6:06 pm

Jun 8, 2017

How to Access Blogger in China?

Hey. I need help of accessing Blogger in China. I used it all the time in the past, but now I live in China and it’s blocked in China. Any suggest will be appreciated.

Can You Access Blogger in China?

Blogger is a free blogging platform where you can use blogs to share interesting and meaningful things about your life with your friends and family, give your own advice column, discuss your political views, or relating your experience in a topic of interest. It was bought by Google in 2003 and became Google’s hosted blogging platform. It has more and more users all over the world as it is useful and free. Lots of users choose it to publish blogs. However, Blogger is not available in China. That means you can’t use Blogger in China no matter which country you are from. It is because the Great Firewall of China blocks Google and its affiliated websites and services. Once your China-based IP is detected, your connect to those websites and service will be blocked. The Chinese government censorship is very strict and the national firewall is pretty powerful. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on June 8, 2017 3:26 pm and last modified on March 19, 2018 7:39 am.

Jun 7, 2017

How to Remove “Your phone has been blocked up for safety reasons” Police Warning from Android Phone/Tablet?

Hey. I need help of removing “Your phone has been blocked up for safety reasons” police warning from my Samsung phone. I have been fined $ 500 for watching porn. Please help me. I don’t want to pay $ 500.

Brief Information of “Your phone has been blocked up for safety reasons” Police Warning

Has your phone been blocked by a police warning? Is it real? What should you do? “Your phone has been blocked up for safety reasons” police warning is issued by the hackers to swindle money out of innocent users. How can the hackers show your fake police warning on your android device? The hackers make use of a piece of ransomware which belongs to the Trojan:Android/Koler family. They have ransomware got installed to display bogus alert. Like its namesake, a ransomware virus locks users’ device and demands a certain amount of ransom before unlocking and returning it to proper functionality. However, we do not think victims should pay the ransom as it requires. On one hand, the “Your phone has been blocked up for safety reasons” police warning is not sent from the police. On the other hand, your device will not be unlocked though you give them the prepaid card code. Though it says that your request will be processed in 24 hours, the fake police warning and virus will keep staying on your device until you get it removed. We suggest you remove the ransomware virus soon before it is able to ruin your system and steal money from you. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on June 7, 2017 4:07 pm and last modified on June 8, 2017 7:24 am.

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