Jan 17, 2016

How to Remove International Cyber Police Warning from an Iphone/iPad

How to remove international cyber police warning from my iPhone? The international cyber police demands for fine from me. That horrible message popped up when I was searching for the Christmas present for my friend. I was totally freaked out at that moment. It locked my Safari and asked for $500 of ransom. I can’t close the warning page. It’s still there no matter how many times I restarted my iPhone. It never disappears and won’t let me do anything on my Safari. Is that a real authority institution or just a scam? Do I need to pay for it? What should I do? Help please.

How to Remove International Cyber Police Virus from an Iphone

International Cyber Police Warning is the ransomware virus that is designed by the cyber hackers aiming at attacking mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod and Macbook and so on. As the mobile devices are widely used today, hackers mainly target the tablets and phones. The cyber hackers spare no effort to spread the virus on the internet. Therefore, it’s easy for the internet users to get the virus. More and more victims suffered from it.
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Published by on January 17, 2016 12:08 am

Jan 14, 2016

Search.mypackagesxp.com Hijacker Removal

Hi there. I seem to have a hijack virus on my Firefox browser. It changed my homepage to Search.mypackagesxp.com and altered my search results. I tested on Chrome and it was working fine, only Firefox. It keeps going to random sites and even after I close it out, in the task manager the firefox.exe starts back up by itself and totally kills my CPU! So far I have used avast, malware bytes to scan the PC, but still no luck. What should I do? How do I get rid of this hijacker completely?

Search.mypackagesxp.com Virus Description:

Search.mypackagesxp.com Hijacker Virus is labeled as browser hijacker that modifies your browser settings and disturbs your online activities. It pretends to be a legitimate search provider that offers an advanced search, but in reality it is sponsored by third parties and used for increasing web traffic and generating income via the pay-per-click system. You may download this hijacker accidentally along with other freeware, such as video or music players, download managers, or other popular free tools. The virus can disguise as a helpful add-on hidden under quick/basic installation option. It uses unfair method to get into your system and then starts various marketing campaigns no matter whether users want that or not.
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Published by on January 14, 2016 2:37 am

Jan 13, 2016

Remove ACMA Virus to Unlock iPhone/iPad

When i searched on a website and suddenly I got this ACMA block on google and Safari, this said I had a fine to pay of $100 AUD to pay immediately or face prosecution for viewing illegal sites(which I was not). I was subsequently that this was a scam and my unit now had I virus(malware?). I then contacted your company for guidance. I am in my 70s and have very little knowledge of using this iPad. I was using Safari on my iPhone 6 and this ACMA virus warning came up saying it was from the Australian Communications and Media Authority, telling me my location and that I was being accused of viewing or distributing child pornography and if I didn’t pay $500 using PayPal in a certain amount of time that I would be prosecuted. I was freaking out and then I restarted my iPhone, but the page didn’t go away. I can’t access Internet because Safari has been blocked. What should I do? What does the virus usually do on an iPhone? How do I get rid of it for good?

ACMA Virus (Australian Communications and Media Authority Virus) Description:

ACMA Virus (as known as Australian Communications and Media Authority scam) is a misleading pop up that labeled as Ransomware aiming to target Australian users only. Actually this malware has been circulated online for a long period. At the beginning, it mainly hits and locks windows computer to trick computer users into sending money and unlock their device. Nowadays, the virus is upgraded and able to attack android phone, tablet and Apple products including iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad. Technically speaking, it is not a virus and your iOS device has not been infected. It belongs to a “hijacker” that is limited to your web browser. ACMA ransomware will silently install on your device and then take control of your browser including Safari and Chrome to stop you accessing Internet at all.
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Published by on January 13, 2016 10:23 am and last modified on March 1, 2018 3:26 am.

Jan 13, 2016

Search.medianewtabsearch.com Virus Removal Tips

If you are redirected to a strange website– Search.medianewtabsearch.com when you start to browse the Internet, you must keep an eye on your computer. This symptom indicates that your computer gets a browser hijacker virus. This infection may change your default homepage as well as your browser settings without your permission. How to get rid of this hijacker completely? Is it a big problem for you now? Take it easy! Here is the guide for removing this infection step by step. You can follow it to remove the virus from your compromised computer permanently.

Search.medianewtabsearch.com Introduction:

Search.medianewtabsearch.com virus is known as the browser hijacker which is created by the cyber criminals who may spread this infection through the Internet. If computer users who don’t pay attention to what they do on the Internet, they may bring this virus into their computers secretly. How does the virus get into users’ computer system since they have installed antivirus programs on their systems already? If you think that antivirus applications can protect your computer from being attacked by this infection, the fact will show how this virus lies to the antivirus tool scanning. Hacker used to attach this virus to some unknown websites, free application downloaded, suspicious links and popup ads so on. Users who know nothing about these things, they may possibly fall into the trap hacker made.

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Published by on January 13, 2016 5:56 am

Jan 12, 2016

Remove Cyber Crime Unit Scam from Android Phone/Tablet

I have this Cyber Crime Unit scam on my android tablet, and it is frozen. I have turned it on and off but the block is still there. My tablet comes on to a screen which says my device has been blocked by cyber police for watching child porn and I have to pay $100 itunes gift card or I would be persecuted for and charged as a criminal. I have never been on porn sites. It just happened when I clicked on a link on Twitter. What do I do? Any help you can give would be really appreciated.

Cyber Crime Unit Malware Blocked Your Cell Phone? Is it Real or just a Scam?

“Cyber Crime Unit Scam” refers to a series of Ransomware like ICSPA Virus, FBI Virus, Cyber.Police American National Security Agency Virus or many others. Such kind of scary ransomware is on rise and it mostly targets on Android tablets or Android phones. The malware holds your phone/tablet’s hostage and tricks you into paying a ransom in order to unlock your device. Most victims download this virus through spam emails. According to the research, more than 15,000 spam emails containing malicious files has hit the inboxes of mobile device users in the last few days. When a user simply clicks on a link, or opens a file that attached to the spam email, Cyber Crime Unit virus can find its way to the device immediately and lock up everything on your phone or tablet. On the other hand, this virus can be downloaded after clicking on malicious links and downloading free games or music. Almost all Android viruses are delivered via apps installed on your device, therefore users should avoid installing other apps one outside of the Google Play app store.
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Published by on January 12, 2016 7:46 am and last modified on April 1, 2016 1:46 am.

Jan 11, 2016

How to Remove Snjsearch.com Virus

Hi, there. Snjsearch.com has kept popping up on my Google Chrome while I started to browse the web. I got no idea why? While I was online, I got lots of pop-ups and ads stopping me from browsing the Internet normally. My computer got stuck so frequently as well. Google Chrome stopped working. How can I get my computer back to normal? I just knew that this webpage is a browser hijacker virus. What should I do now? Please help!

More Information About Snjsearch.com Virus

Snjsearch.com Virus is a browser hijacker which is created by Internet hackers who wants to create computer traffic on your compromised computer. Once this virus gets into your computer, it cannot be removed by any antivirus program. It can be detected by the anti-malware apps. Once you see this virus on your computer, you may find that your computer is working more and more slowly than before. Once it is on your web browser, this browser hijacker will control your web browser by change the homepage and search tool, then you have to use its homepage and search engine. However, when you use it to search whatever your favorite, you will find that it cannot offer the correct search result but just redirects you to strange sites. It may add itself to all your browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari etc.) Then it will change your default homepage as well as your browser settings automatically. That is why no matter you start a new tab or reopen the browser, you always be redirected to Snjsearch.com.

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Published by on January 11, 2016 6:18 am

Jan 9, 2016

Remove Search.searchfec.com Virus

If your web browser starts behaving strangely like keep forcing you to visit Search.searchfec.com or change your default homepage and search provider, then your computer must be hijacked by a browser redirecting malware or infected by an adware. Watch out! This site is not a reliable website that you could trust even though it looks like a legitimate page that can link you to Gmail, AOL, Yahoo or Outlook quickly. Actually the site only displays a lot of sponsored results that are not relevant to you search queries and it won’t provide you any useful information. Follow the manual removal guide step by step to get rid of this redirect virus completely.

Search.searchfec.com Description:

Search.searchfec.com belongs to browser hijacker that can take control of your web browser (including IE, Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari), change your home page, redirect your search results to malicious sites, or hammer you with a barrage of popup ads. Browser hijacker is a potentially unwanted program, usually a web browser add-on or plugin, which causes modifications in web browser’s settings without user’s permission. Although it can’t spread itself or damage your system, it can perform tons of annoying activities to interrupt your online browsing. Once your computer is compromised, the first trouble you’ll have is that you can’t navigate to certain web pages as you wish properly because the virus keeps redirecting people to predetermined websites that are trying to increase their popularity. So you will be redirected to Search.searchfec.com again and again against your will. Your homepage and default search provider may have been changed to this page too. Besides, your internet connection may keep disconnecting all the time because the virus can change your DNS settings without your knowledge.
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Published by on January 9, 2016 2:58 am

Jan 8, 2016

Is there a fine for watching videos on phone/tablet?

I was on a normal porn site for watching videos and then when I refreshed the page I got a pop up from Cyber Police. It said I was accused of watching child porn and had the government seal on it. It freaked me out so I quickly exited out of the window. Then another window popped up claiming that I have to pay a fine of $250 in 72 hours. It won’t let me close the popup saying my device has been blocked for safety reason. Is this real? Is there really a fine for watching videos? Can I get in trouble for this? I’m still shaking. Please help!!!

Fine For Watching Videos on Phone/Tablet? – Watch Out The New Internet Scam!

Now a scam that blocks mobile device, accusing users of viewing child porn and asking for a fine has caught many people’s attention and made them feel nervous and anxious. Thousands of Android users are scammed by this fake police virus which requests a fine from $100-$500 for watching videos. The users are usually asked to pay their fines through the Ukash voucher system, Paypal prepaid card, Moneypak, Moneygram or even itunes gift card. Actually scams like this have been going on for a while now — just do a simple Google search on “cyber police virus” “FBI virus” and you’ll find a lot of results. They are using the same scare tactic to extort money from innocent users. Most recently, the scam has focused on android devices including android tablets or smartphones. It is prone to attack cell phone with brands like Samsung, LG, Motorola, Huawei and others.
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Published by on January 8, 2016 8:33 am

Jan 7, 2016

Backdoor.Elmost Removal Guide

Last night, I found that my computer was running really slowly. It got stuck so frequently. It never ran in this way before. Why did it become like this? I thought that there may be too much unwanted stuff on your computer. Then I ran a scanning with Norton. Could you imagine a stubborn virus named Backdoor.Elmost was reported? I was shocked while I read the report from Norton. I could not remember how I got this virus into my computer. The main problem now is that Norton could not remove this Trojan from my computer. I did try to use antivirus tool to get rid of this infection. However, each time I removed it with antivirus program successfully. But next time I reboot my computer, Norton kept telling me the warning of this Trojan. What should I do now? How can I get rid of this Trojan? Can anyone walk me through the removing process? Help!

Computer Be Infected By Backdoor.Elmost —How to Remove?

Backdoor.Elmost is a newly designed malicious Trojan virus which is widely spread on the Internet. This virus is created by vicious cyber criminals in order to hacker windows computer users. Once this new infection gets into your computer system, it has the ability to escape from being removed by security tools. Since it is a new virus, this antivirus hardly gets rid of it. Once infected, it may do lots of malicious things to stop you from doing anything normally on the compromised computer. It is an extremely dangerous Trojan virus as it can not only damage the infected systems by its own, it can also help many other kinds of infections to come and make more troubles to the corrupted machines. Once this Trojan is detected, please do not hesitate, but to take immediate action to remove this infection right now.

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Published by on January 7, 2016 1:56 pm

Jan 5, 2016

How to Remove TabNewSearch.com Virus?

Hey there. A file was keeping downloading from TabNewSearch.com. I stopped it before. But it kept coming again and again. Why? I searched online it is said that TabNewSearch.com is a bad virus. It is a pesky and malicious browser hijacker. No any antivirus program can remove this hijacker completely and permanently. This virus can only be removed by manual. How can I do this? Where should I start first? I have no any idea! What should I do now? Please advise!

More Information About TabNewSearch.com Hijacker

TabNewSearch.com virus is created by the Internet criminals who want to hack your computers browsers so that they may get a profit while the virus redirects to this hijacker related webpages. This infection is a browser hijacker which can be added to your browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari etc.) with the help of various channels on the Internet. Commonly, this virus used to be bundled with freeware downloaded (porn videos, free applications from unknown webs, etc.), spam emails as well as its attachments, suspicious websites (porn web, violated content webs, etc.), infected pop-up or ads or links. Hence, you must be cautious while you are online. You have to think twice before you download something online. You’d better download from authorized websites. You should be carefully while you want to click on a link or ads or pop-up which just pops up suddenly. If you are more careful while you are online, it is less opportunity that the virus can get into your computer.

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Published by on January 5, 2016 6:24 am

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