Mar 28, 2016

JS.Nemucod Trojan Virus Removal Guide

Need help with my computer. It has been infected by JS.Nemucod Trojan virus. This virus is very stubborn and complicated. My antivirus program tried to remove it, but it keeps coming back all the time. I was about to remove this virus manually while I am afraid that I may make fatal mistakes during the process. Any computer expert can help me?

JS.Nemucod Trojan Program Description

Nemucod is a malicious and harmful computer Trojan horse infection which has been spread widely for illegal purposes. After the cyber criminals release it, it disguises itself as a useful, routine, or interesting program in order to persuade you to install it. It is used to drop malware on infected systems, such as worms, viruses, Trojans, spyware and other similar computer parasites which causes malicious activity on your computer. It acts as a backdoor to allow remote hackers have unauthorized access to the infected computer. It can do everything to fulfill the hackers’ evil goal until they get your money and important personal data. You would find that your computer performance becomes worse and worse. It also causes computer crash and messes up computer system. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 28, 2016 6:22 am

Mar 27, 2016

How to Remove Browser Hijacker Virus

Computer got hacked by What to do? Antivirus likes Norton can’t remove it? Why? You had tried to use all kinds of antivirus programs you know to get rid of it. But none of it worked? This website is known as a malicious browser hijacker virus. Can find a way to remove this virus? Seeking for help? Relax. Here is a post of manual removal method which is the most effective way to get rid of the virus. You are highly recommended to take a look at it. Do hope that this post may do you a great favor on removing such a pesky hijacker off your computer.

What Is Browser Hijacker Virus? is known as a fake search engine, a newly created high-level computer infection. This virus is classified as a member of the browser hijacker virus family. This hijacker just looks like as a good and genius webpage as it wants to be. But, as a matter of fact, if you don’t use it you may not know how bad this virus is. When you find this website displays on your browser, in your first mind, you may not think that this website is a website and a malicious virus. As long time as you use your computer, you may find that thing goes onto a different way which is out of your control. You don’t even know how you get this virus onto your computer. Most of the time, you believe in that you do things wrong online except visit an unknown website or click on an ads. That is the key. This virus used to get into your computer through spam email as well as its attachments, malicious ads or links or pop-ups, suspicious websites and infected freeware downloads. Anyway, no matter when you are online, you must watch out on all your online activities. Please think twice before you want to something you are not familiar with.

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Published by on March 27, 2016 2:15 pm and last modified on March 30, 2016 2:02 pm.

Mar 27, 2016 Hijacker Manual Removal Guide

Is your homepage changed to without your knowledge? Whenever you are browsing online, are there numerous pop up ads, deals and coupons appear on your browser that you can’t get rid of them? Is the Internet connection cut off randomly? If you are suffering with these problems, your computer may have been infected by adware or browser hijacker virus. It blocks you from going to your desired web sites and creates many troubles on your PC. Follow the manual removal guide below to clean up your computer and stop annoying redirection now. Description: is a sophisticated browser redirecting malware that can change your browser settings in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. Browser hijacker has become another popular threat that compromises user’s privacy and may lead to online fraud. It not only modifies your browser settings, alters your startup page, new tab and default homepage, but also forces users to visit malicious ads sites and further rip off them, even steals sensitive personal information. Most browser hijackers are distributed alongside other free applications, so everyone should be all eyes and ears when download program from the Internet. User should read the terms of use/service/agreement carefully before installing any software and avoid downloading additional programs such as extensions, add-ons or toolbar from unknown sources.
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Published by on March 27, 2016 11:16 am

Mar 26, 2016 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Recently, I have been redirected to frequently. At the beginning, it redirected me to interesting websites and I thought it was fun. However, it is totally out of my control now. It redirects me to a strange website which asks me to donate money with various thank notes. They said they donated $ 10,000 and got $ 18,000 in return. I don’t trust it. Besides, lots of weird ads pop up every time I start my computer. Many toolbars have been added to my Internet Explorer, so it takes a long time to load a website. I don’t want this annoying program any more. Please help me get rid of it.

What is Browser Hijacker? is a browser hijacker program which can infect Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Bing etc. It acts as the adware to promote their related programs by changing your homepage into and default settings. According to our research, its developer will get revenue after this program displays ads and redirects you to their affiliated websites. We can not make sure that all relative websites of are good. Though they are safe and legit seemingly, our customs tell us that they usually got viruses from those unknown websites. After all, the cyber criminals can take advantage of high technology to spread virus everywhere they can. Though browser hijacker is not as harmful as computer virus, it can force you to visit certain websites and pick up various malware. The longer it stays on your computer, the more dangerous your computer will be. We highly suggest you remove browser hijacker as early as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 26, 2016 3:24 pm

Mar 25, 2016

Yougoo Search Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi, my start-up page was changed to Yougoo Search without my permission. Why? My default homepage should be MSN. I don’t even know what is going on now. It was changed after I open a link on Facebook, which was sent by my friends telling me about how to lose weight. It kept redirecting me to that webpage as soon as I start to browse. I got lots of pop-ups showing on my screen as well. Clear history and cookies make no sense of cleaning the virus away. What should I do now? Please help!

Learn More Information About Yougoo Search Hijacker Virus

Yougoo Search is a malicious browser hijacker virus which can change your start-up page without your permission. This virus mainly may infect the famous browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari and so on. You may get this virus during the process of visiting suspicious website, installing unknown freeware program, clicking on infected links and pop-ups, watching porn videos and reading spam emails and so on. Sometimes, you may think that you installed the antivirus tool on your computer. So, you can use your computer freely without thinking twice. But the fact is that antivirus program can’t protect your computer from being hacked by this kind of malicious browser hijacker virus. Because of being lack of computer protection, that is why you get infected by this virus so easily.

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Published by on March 25, 2016 7:06 am

Mar 25, 2016 Hijacker – Manual Removal Guide

I have a “search-engine” virus as they have been calling it and so some people told me that I had to install anti-spyware to check my computer for malware, and i installed malwarebytes, spydoctor, super antispyware, adware EVERYTHING and they all did nothing. I need to get this hijacker off my computer as soon as possible because i can’t use search engines such as yahoo or google without it going to this completely different page & my computer is going slower than usual. Please help me! Description:

If you find your current homepage or search engine suddenly get changed to and your web browser starts behaving strangely, it is a clear sign that your PC has adware or potentially unwanted program installed, or your browser has been hijacked by some kind of browser redirecting malware. may seem to be a regular search engine that provides a bunch of quick links to the most popular websites and lets you search images, pictures and news quickly. And its developers also claim to provide web users with useful service, offering functions which should help the users increase the web browsing quality. However, don’t trust such false advertising because this is only a spam search engine that can do nothing but deliver ads. The purpose of this hijacker is to advertise certain websites and drive more traffic so it just displays little information related to your search keyword and mostly you will get sponsored links and popups or banners instead. Generally speaking, such annoying hijacker is known to attack Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer browser, and it can function in most versions of Windows, including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. Once detected, you should get rid of it immediately to avoid further damages.
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Published by on March 25, 2016 5:27 am

Mar 24, 2016

How to Remove Infostealer.Olymvis Trojan Virus

Hey, there. Last night I downloaded three games from the Internet. One of them was an pop-up game which popped up on my screen and then asked me to download at the time while I was playing LOL with my friends. Things went into a completely wrong way after I installed that game on my computer. Infostealer.Olymvis was detected by AVG this morning. AVG can only detect this virus but can’t remove it completely from the compromised computer. I don’t know why. I was told that I had to remove this virus as soon as I can since it may destroy my computer system files. But I don’t have any clue on how to remove it by manual. Can anyone help me get rid of this virus by manual? Thank you very much!

More Information About Infostealer.Olymvis Trojan Virus

Infostealer.Olymvis is a newly created by cyber criminals which has the ability to mess up the whole computer if it gets into your computer. It is a malicious and stubborn computer infection which can only be removed by manual removal methods. None antivirus program can remove this virus completely. By the way, this virus is really hard to be detected by general anti-malware programs, except the famous antivirus application such as Norton and AVG. How does this virus get into your computer? If you don’t observe all activities you do online carefully, you may not know how it comes and how to protect your computer from being infected again. Commonly, virus may be attached to the third application which relates to your online behavior safe or not. Unsafe actions: downloading freeware application from unknown website, replying to spam emails, reading and download junk email attachment, visiting suspicious websites and clicking on infected pop-ups/ads/links, if you do any of these actions online without thinking carefully, you may give the chance to the virus to hack your computer. You are suggested to browse the Internet carefully. If your computer gets infected, please do not hesitate to take measure to remove it as soon as you can.

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Published by on March 24, 2016 12:54 pm

Mar 24, 2016

How to Get Rid of Hijacker?

I am so frustrated! I have accidentally downloaded something that has hijacked my search engine in Firefox. I tried downloading some antivirus programs but none of them worked. I checked my browser settings, options and they seem to have no problem at all. I checked my extensions and nothing suspicious was listed there. I also checked my installed programs in control panel and the bad application was not listed there either. I’m at a loss. I have an HP laptop running Windows 7. My address line and my searches are hijacked by a weird URL “”, so how do I get rid of it completely? Description: is not a reputable website because it owns the characteristics of a browser hijacker or a redirecting malware. This is another spam search engine that can hijack web browsers such as Safari, IE, FireFox, Chrome, modify the DNS settings and redirect search results in Google, Yahoo and Bing to a multiple undesirable websites. This application is often distributed together with various freeware and it can be installed without asking for user’s permission. Although it looks like other regular search page such as Yahoo, Google or Bing, in reality it just offers fraudulent search results, delivers ads and also forces your web browser to malicious websites constantly. This bogus search provider filters search results and only displays sponsored links and unwanted pop-ups ads to its users. It attempts to offer the user useless services or products and distribute potentially unwanted programs in order to boost affiliate payments.
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Published by on March 24, 2016 7:51 am and last modified on March 24, 2016 7:52 am.

Mar 24, 2016

Phone is blocked by CSIS for watching banned websites? Unlock guide

My Samsung phone is blocked by CSIS. It says that I used my phone to watch banned websites. I need to pay $ 200 to unblock my phone. I am so scared. I paid the fine to avoid trouble involved with CSIS. But my phone is still blocked. Didn’t they receive the money? I believe I gave them the right code. What can I do to fix my phone? I need my phone. Do I need to go the police station?

What is CSIS Scam Virus?

Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) scam virus is a harmful and dangerous program which tries to swindle innocent users out of money in the name of Canadian Security Intelligence Service. It just works the same with “Ukash Virus,” “FBI Virus” and “Homeland Security Virus.” It claims to be the authority institution and blocks your device, saying that your device has been involving watching banned websites, spreading malicious or illegal content or violating Copyright laws. To get your device back, you need pay certain fine which ranges from $ 100 to $ 500. In fact, it has been proved that this is a fake warning. Its owner is the hacker instead of Canadian Security Intelligence Service. It just steals the title to scare you. Do not be fooled by it and pay money to the cyber criminals. If you see Canadian Security Intelligence Service warning pops up on your device, ignore the warning and remove this scam virus as soon as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 24, 2016 6:41 am and last modified on March 24, 2016 6:45 am.

Mar 23, 2016

How to Remove Paypal My Cash Card Scam from iPhone/iPad?

I am freaking out. I was using safari on my iPad and then a suspicious pop up appeared saying that I have violated child pornography and copyright laws. It had my ip address and location. It locked me out of Safari and asked me to pay a fine of 500$ with Paypal My Cash Card within 72 hours or all my apps, photos, games, etc would be deleted and my Apple ID will be blocked forever. It really caught my attention and made me very nervous and anxious. Is it a scam? I tried exiting safari and even turning the phone off, but every time I went back onto safari, that message popped back up. How do I get rid of it from my iPad for good?

Paypal My Cash Card Scam Description:

A new variant of mobile device fraud has been discovered which blocks mobile users from accessing Internet and demands a fine of $500 through Paypal My Cash Card. This is another Ransomware that can be installed on both computers and mobile devices, without asking for any permission. Ransomware has been around for several years, but now it doesn’t just impact home computers. The hackers have turned their eyes on the growing mobile markets, aiming to steal as much money as possible from mobile phone users. So this virus is able to affect all iOS device: iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s plus and iPad mini/iPad air/iPad pro. The bad crooks also design many different variants aiming to attack Apple users in different countries, including United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United kingdom, Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Greece and other Europe countries:
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Published by on March 23, 2016 2:42 am

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