Sep 17, 2016

Ways to Remove Netutils Pop-up Ads Easily

Hi, there. Yesterday, I was surfing on the Internet. There was a Netutils pop-up ads window intending to deliver advertisements on my computer. It is all kinds of ads about sales and online services. I clicked it, but there was nothing coming up. At first, I did not care about it, and then I closed this page. But curiously, every time, when I open the browser, the Netutils pop-up ads appear again and again. I cannot remove it. I am afraid that whether my computer has been attacked by virus or not. Who can help me to deal with this problem? Thank you!

Description of Netutils Pop-up Ads

Netutils pop-up ads is other sorts of adware that can assist people to search for various products and online service. You may think that it is a piece of good news, because you can go shopping online and buy cheaper product than the ones in physical stores. But in the long term, this kind of pop-up ads like Netutils we called adware which is a potential threat to your computer. You should be care of this software while visiting the websites of the doubtful and unreal special offers. Nowadays adware sinks into your internet browser without your permission. And it will show you ads no matter whether you want all of them or not. Once you click on such popping-up windows, you may be sent straight to unsafe site. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 17, 2016 5:43 am and last modified on September 17, 2016 5:45 am.

Sep 15, 2016

Windows 10 Startup Slowly – How to Speed Up Windows 10?

I had bought my Dell computer for 4 years. I updated the operating system from Windows 7 to Windows 10 a month ago. Since yesterday, I installed an LOL computer game. I found that my computer worked more and more slowly than before. When I start the computer, it took about few minutes to boot into the system. Usually, it just took about one minute. How to get my Windows 10 faster? How to speed up Windows 10? Any idea?

Why Does Windows 10 Start Slowly? How to Make It Faster?

As soon as the new operating system is created by the IT guys, people would like to update their system to the latest version. Now Windows 10 is the newest operation system for computers. Most of people choose to update their system (such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, and Windows XP etc.) to Windows 10. Windows 10 is a fast and stable operating system, but over time it can pick up a number of drag factors that cause performance to slow down. If your Windows 10 becomes slowly at startup and other aspect of performance, what would you do to make it faster?

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Published by on September 15, 2016 5:02 am and last modified on September 15, 2016 5:04 am.

Sep 15, 2016

How to Choose the Best VPN Service for China?

Hello. I need help in accessing facebook and gmail. I came to China to attend training for 6 months. However, I found that I can’t access my facebook and email account in Shanghai. Does that mean I have been hacked? I don’t know what’s going on here. What should I do to login my account? I have important email there. Besides, I must check the email every day. My boss may send me important email in any minute. It’s emergency. Please respond soon. Thanks.

Why can’t You Use Foreign Service on the Internet in China?

If you go to China, you may find that you are not able to visit most of your local websites, such as and It’s not the problem of your device or the network provider. It is because the Chinese government blocks most of the foreign websites with the Great Firewall. As we all know, the Edward Snowden scandal made Internet users consider their online privacy and security more seriously. More and more countries started looking for alternative ways of protecting their citizens. China is a country with high levels of overt censorship and monitoring. In the first half of 2015, people still could visit Wikipedia and However, many websites have been blocked. No matter you are a Chinese or foreigner, you will meet problem in accessing Google Service, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other websites outsides China. That brings inconvenience for people who do business oversea. Therefore, the businessmen use VPN Service for China to bypass the Great Firewall. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 15, 2016 2:50 am

Sep 14, 2016

Javascript of porn infringement won’t go away? How to unlock your mobile?

Last night, I was going online and looking for a birthday gift for my boyfriend. All of a sudden, a pop-up of clothes came into my eyes. I clicked that ad. Without seconds, I was redirected to a porn website. It asked me to download video software which is used to watch porn videos. I can’t exit that website. Javascript of porn infringement showed on my phone screen and won’t get off. Now my phone is locked by Javascript of porn infringement. On the locked screen, I am asked to pay a fee to unlock. Should I pay? I don’t know what I should do next. Please help!

Javascript of porn infringement won’t go away? How to unlock your mobile?

Javascript of porn infringement won’t go away? Why? DO you really need to pay for the demanded penalty on the locked mobile device screen? If you pay, will the scary information go away from the screen? Javascript of porn infringement is a kind of ransomware for mobile device which is created by the cyber criminals aiming to lure innocent mobile phone users’ money easily. Once you see this Javascript information showing on your mobile device, please don’t set yourself into the panic. All the information stating on the screen is not sent by the really police agency. Cyber criminals grasp the fear of being sent into jail for years and create the scary message to hoax the mobile users to pay for the non-existent fee. This virus just likes other types of ransomware which may ask you to pay for a fine once it gets into your computer. Similar to FBI virus, RCMP virus, this virus has the ability to infect all the mobile users around the global.

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Published by on September 14, 2016 3:51 am

Sep 13, 2016

Are the federal bureau of investigation sites that pop up when viewing pornography sites real?

Hello. Are the Federal Bureau of Investigation sites that pop up when viewing pornography sites real? I got warning from the FBI after clicking on an advertised porn site( I know it is a bad habit and I’ve been trying to break it). The warning wants me to pay $500 in three business days. It had a screenshot of my face, knew my location and said that if I didn’t pay, they would contact my family and friends. It even had their numbers on there! Is this real?? I am freaking out! I’ve never been in trouble before!! What do I do? Please help me out.

Are the federal bureau of investigation sites that pop up when viewing pornography sites real?

Did you receive any message saying that you are fined as you were viewing pornography sites? Do not trust it. It is not real. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will not send you online pop-up notice. How come the FBI asks you pay a fine for viewing porn sites? If you did violate laws, they would just break in your house and arrest you directly. You may wonder why your phone/tablet is blocked since you haven’t done anything wrong. It is because your phone/tablet has been hacked. This fake FBI warning is caused by a virus which is created by the cyber criminals. Its owner is not the FBI. You are not in trouble with the police. Please remember that the police will not punish you without a warrant. Do not worry about the non-existed fine or jail. None of those bad things will happen. Your only concern is the nasty FBI virus behind the fake police threat. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 13, 2016 5:18 pm and last modified on September 21, 2016 7:05 am.

Sep 13, 2016

Pokemon Go Virus –How to Remove?

I just downloaded a game called PokemonGo on my computer, but I don’t know why my files have been encrypted. Now I cannot open my files, let alone read them. I realized that it is not a computer game, it is just a virus. I am so worried, because there are some important information on my computer. What can I do? Can I get my files back? Please give me a hand! Thanks.

Description of Pokemon Go virus

A new ransomware called Pokemon Go virus, it try to trick people install it. At first, this virus attacks Android users only, but nowadays it also attacks computer users. PokemonGo is a mobile game, and today is growing ever more popular among the users worldwide. Some scammers take advantage of the renowned game to attack people computers and their phones. Sometimes users find the computer game also is named PokemonGo, so they download it. But unfortunately, documents, music, videos, photos and other precious files are encrypted by Pokemon Go virus. In fact, scammers utilize this name in order to make a computer virus. Many users fall into the trap. Experts have warned that games about a Pokemon Go virus has been going around. The malicious software likes Pokemon Go virus has allowed hackers to gain access to phones and computers of desired players, thus infecting their devices with viruses and malware.
As we have already mentioned, maybe some viruses can be removed by a piece of legitimate antivirus software. But these viruses are changing all the time, not all of the viruses can be removed by antivirus software. Pokemon Go virus is hard to detected by antivirus software, because the logo and the name, all alike, in one game software. Thus it is the most effective way to remove the virus manually. Sometimes antivirus software may stop you downloading some fake software. But make sure that you pick up the one that is utility compatible with your device. Do not download the game software on some unknown websites. Do not click any strange-looking links. Not all viruses can be detected by antivirus software. Most importantly, remember to always keep a close watch for the potentially dangerous applications. Once the virus is installed on users’ computer, it not only encrypts files and asks for money, but also collects the user personal data. It will put the user personal information in danger. It is extremely hard to retrieve them if documents, music, videos, photos and other precious files encrypted by this ransomware. Sometimes you can back up your important files and transfer them to a clean computer just in case. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 13, 2016 2:56 am

Sep 12, 2016

Windows Update gets stuck – How to fix?

Hello! My Windows computer downloaded some Windows automatic updates and the update never completed. Now my computer gets stuck. I have tried to restart my computer, but once I log in my computer, this problem appears again. It is always updating and never install. Is there any effective ways to solve this problem? I am unable to use my computer right now and I really need my computer to finish my work. Please help me! Will high appreciate!

Windows Update gets stuck? Here are related information

Firstly, you need to make sure that your computer really has this “Windows Update gets stuck” problem. Generally, if the update still can not complete in 3 hours, there is a serious possibility that your computer has got this problem and for using your computer preferably, you should find an useful way to fix it. Most of time, windows update works in the background after computer started up and we even don’t know. It is common that when we turn off our computer, then we will see a message saying that there is an update need to be installed, please keep your computer charging. Sometimes this message just stay on the computer screen for a few minutes then the computer turned off. But sometimes the update just sticks at XX% and it won’t be installed. This problem is such annoying and more and more people get this issue. Thus, an effective way to fix this widespread issue should be figured out immediately.
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Published by on September 12, 2016 3:49 pm and last modified on September 13, 2016 2:07 am.

Sep 10, 2016

The $500 fine vanilla card malware locked your phone? -Unlock guide

I need your help. The $500 fine vanilla card malware locked My HTC phone. This morning, I was checking my business emails. Suddenly, a message popped up and called itself the police attention message. I had been accused of keeping child pornography-which of course I do not have). It asked for $500 fine via vanilla card. I was scared in the beginning, but I calmed down and checked it on Google. It turned out to be a piece of malware. I tried everything to remove it, but no luck. Can you help?

Brief Description of the $500 Fine Vanilla Card Malware

The $500 fine vanilla card malware is a nasty mobile device threat released by the cyber criminals for illegal purpose. This virus is identified as the ransomware as it holds your device hostage asking for $500. It is a member of the Urausy vrius family. To make you pay the money flatly, it pretends to the cyber police, FBI, NSA or other law enforcement and claims that your online activities have violated related laws. It demands $500 fine via vanilla card to unlock the device screen. You may be scared by this police threat as it looks “real” in a way. But, do not worry. This message is not from the police or any other law enforcement. You may ask why your device is blocked if it is not the police. It is because your device is infected with a piece of serious malware. You can remove the $500 fine vanilla card malware to unlock your device. And, there is one thing you should keep in mind. Never send any money to the cyber criminals behind this malware. It will not help your infected device. In fact, this virus have been rampant through out the world. If your device is infected, kick it off your device completely. If you are not one of the victims, protect your device well. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 10, 2016 3:43 am and last modified on September 10, 2016 3:58 am.

Sep 9, 2016

Help Removing FBI Wal.mart Money Card Virus Completely

When FBI Wal.mart Money Card Virus blocks your phone? I would like to complain about an incident which happens with me. This morning around 2.45 to 3.00 Am, I was watching some teen-age stuff on my phone and all of sudden my phone got blocked and said that your phone had been blocked by FBI due to some porn stuff which you were watching and they asked me to pay $500 penalty via moneypak, and since it happened with me first time. So I was so scared that’s why I paid them without investigating that matter. I am trying to restart phone but it’s not working, basically my phone is stuck and since i paid them money it’s showing that it’s processing and it will take 24 hours. But after 24h, the virus is still on my phone. What can I do now? Can you give me some advice? Please!

A General Description About FBI Wal.mart Money Card Virus

FBI Wal.mart Money Card Virus is an notorious ransomware, as similar with Ukash virus and PCeU virus. This kind of virus will threaten your android device, and it spreads fast through network, apps, and some strange-looking links. Nowadays Wal-Mart card virus has been attacked many people mobile phones. Maybe this virus is not a newly-released threat, but in recent years, it has been distributed all around the Internet. Why this sort of virus gets into an android operating system rapidly, the reason is an increasing number of Android users. Cyber criminals produce the virus in order to trick people’s money. FBI Wal.mart Money Card scam blocks many Android devices covering tablets and any mobile phones. Once Android device is arracked, the whole screen will blocked by virus. The virus demands victims to pay a so-called fine about £100 to £500 for allegedly committed a crime going through illegal pornography websites. However, the fake UK Police warning page looks like real, because there are so many details on the screen like your IP address, the city where you stay and other information. But do not pay any fines to the virus unblock your device or you’ll only lose your money and get nothing returned.
All in all. this fake police virus is just a scam. It will insinuate into your phone and block it, and then demands a ransom in exchange for unlocking your infected android device. So the best way is to remove the virus as soon as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 9, 2016 6:57 am and last modified on April 22, 2017 5:07 pm.

Sep 9, 2016

How to Clean Registry And Speed up PC’s Performance?

Hi, there. My computer seemed acting really weirdly. It ran so slowly. Sometimes, when I started a new tab or ran a new program, my computer got sluggish and white screen. I got warning report windows telling me that this application stopped working and I was asked to close the application or wait to its response. One of my friends said that there are too much unwanted files and programs on my computer. It’s better to clean Registry which has too many dead entries on my computer so as to tune up my computer performance. How to clean my Registry is a tough process for me who don’t know much computer technology. What should I do? How do I clean Registry and speed up PC’s performance? Please help!

What Is Windows Registry?

Windows Registry is a kind of minimum file with a name of Reg.dat. It is a massive database containing hundreds of thousands of entries. It can store kinds of computer files and record all the activities acting on your computer as well as settings for programs, operating system configuration, hardware devices and more. Due to difficulties of management and maintenance of the initialization files and the damage of the INI files, the computer may suffer hard booting problems frequently like system cannot be started and get windows errors and blue screen and so on. The registry is a kind of DNA for Windows computers as it keeps record of every task performed on the system like opening a file or document, installing and uninstalling applications, visiting a website, etc. Thus, Registry is a crucial factor during the computer’s working. If you delete any files on the Registry wrongly, it may make your programs disable and run abnormally. Therefore, if you want to clear your Registry files, you must be cautious.

Why Should We Have to Clear Registry? Will This Be Helpful to Speed up PC’s Performance?

During the use of computer, each your operation will generate the temporary files as cache files. These files may be stored in the Registry. More and more unless files will be generated while you are browsing the Internet, updating Windows application, installing programs, downloading applications and documents, running programs. These file may take space of your computer. If you don’t clear these file for a long time, your computer will run more and more slowly. Also, Windows will never remove registry entries even if a program is uninstalled as most of the uninstallers won’t be able to remove their own registry keys. So, the registry gets loaded with outdated entries which can cause error messages and slowdown computer speed and performance. Therefore, it is very much important to clean registry in order to boost system speed, free storage space, increase startup time, etc.

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Published by on September 9, 2016 6:42 am and last modified on September 9, 2016 6:53 am.

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