Oct 8, 2016

MyWay Redirect Virus Manual Removal Guide

What is MyWay Redirect Virus? I was hijacked by MyWay. How do I uninstall it on my Google? I was trying to download Google calendars back then. My Google page is now owned by MYWay and all their logos. When I try to print out a blank calendar page, my webroot warned against it as malware, but I had already clicked on the extension, which is the hijacker. Please help me get it off. Thank you.

Brief Description of MyWay Redirect Virus

MyWay redirect virus is classified as the browser hijacker which hijacks your browser for commercial purpose. It is able to change your homepage, search engine and the default settings without your permission. Not like other domains, it does not allow you take your original homepage back. You may always find that your homepage is replaced by other domains. The difference is that you can change the homepage back easily. Every time, you open a new tab, Myway takes over the page. At the same time, you are redirected to unknown websites all the time. Besides, endless ads pop up on your screen while you surf the Internet. That will be pretty annoying. In fact, MyWay redirect virus infection is very common among computer users. Meanwhile, people find that it is not an easy job to get rid of MyWay redirect virus as they are lack of certain computer knowledge. In a way, MyWay redirect hijacker is a complicated virus. It can infect Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explore, Microsoft Edge, Bing, Safari and other similar browsers. You will not notice it until your antivirus reports about it as it hides deep in your system. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 8, 2016 2:55 pm and last modified on October 10, 2016 2:50 am.

Oct 5, 2016

Myluckywheel.net Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hello? Is anyone here? I have problem with my Google Chrome. It is not working properly. Someone forced me to visit strange websites while I clicked on search items. When I viewed clothes online, non-related ads from Myluckywheel.net popped up all the time. I barely could see the pictures. I also find that my computer runs slow. I believe that my computer is infected with a virus.

Brief Description of Myluckywheel.net Browser Hijacker Infection

Myluckywheel.net is a browser hijacker that changes your default browser settings without your permission. It takes over your browser and redirects you to its sponsored websites. This virus is able to infect various browsers, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explore, Mozilla Firefox, Safari etc. Once infected, it changes the browser settings and makes it difficult to change it back. Though you reset the browser, it just comes back automatically. Besides, you will receive endless pop-up ads from Myluckywheel.net. That will be very annoying to see those ads when you watch video or view online products. What’s worse, it collect your sensitive information to promote its products and for other purposes. Do not leave this Myluckywheel.net browser hijacker on your computer any longer. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 5, 2016 2:51 pm

Oct 4, 2016

Help Removing heur:Trojan-Downloader.Script.Generic!

Hi, there. I have some problems about HEUR:Trojan-Downloader.Script.Generic. I cannot take it off my computer. I don’t know why. I have tried many ways to solve my problem, but it is in vain. It just comes back and will not go away. Can you help me get rid of this virus completely? Please help! Thank you in advance.

Brief Description about HEUR:Trojan-Downloader.Script.Generic Virus.

HEUR:Trojan-Downloader.Script.Generic is a pretty risky Trojan that has been found as one of the most dangerous computer threat. It is newly created by the vicious cyber criminals. This virus doesn’t look aggressive but it is able to attack many versions of Windows computers all around the world, such as Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 10 and so on. Some people may have question about this virus. Why the anti-virus software cannot detect and then remove this kind of virus in time. It is well-known that not all viruses can be detected by antivirus. The virus changes all the time. Sometimes, they are bundled with free software. Sometimes, they are embedded in some links. The fact is that you find it is hard to tell whether that piece of software is safe or not. Lots of viruses have been utilized by hackers to violate your sensitive information. Usually this threat exploits system bugs and gets inside your system. Your PC would be put in a mess once infected. HEUR:Trojan-Downloader.Script.Generic will navigate your browsing activities by making changes to default settings. When you surf the Internet, you will find everything starts behaving strangely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 4, 2016 6:36 am and last modified on October 4, 2016 1:27 pm.

Oct 3, 2016

How to remove Tavanero.Info browser hijacker

Hi! What can I do now? My browser has taken over by Tavanero.Info, now I am unable to browse other websites. Every time I open my browser I always get this web, I don’t know why and I don’t know what to do to get it off my browser, do you know? Could you please help me? I really need this computer and I need to visit other websites to finish my work now. please help me fix this as soon as possible. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Know some details of Tavanero.Info

What is Tavanero.Info? How can it get to your browser? Tavanero.Info is a browser hijacker that is very annoying. It can change the browser settings, homepage and search engine once it get into your computer. Every time you open your browser, what you only can see is this browser hijacker, it has change your browser default homepage to itself and you has no ability to close it. You can search something on it but what you get is many ads that may contain virus which is more harmful to your computer. If you want to restart your computer to get this Tavanero.Info browser hijacker off your computer, it won’t be an effective way. The virus won’t be removed in this way. The only way to remove it is to delete the related files manually. Don’t know what the related files are? You need to contact an expert for help then.
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Published by on October 3, 2016 11:27 am

Oct 1, 2016

How to Repair “Corefoundation.Dll Is Missing” Error?

Upon startup, I keep getting an error message saying that the program can’t start because corefoundation.dll is missing from my computer. I don’t know what it’s all about. Now my computer fails to work properly. I am so worry. What can I do to resolve this issue? Thanks!

What is Corefoundation.DLL and what it does?

Do you know what is corefoundation.dll? Actually, corefoundation.dll is just a dll file. Dynamic Link Library file is the property of Apple.inc that comes with iTunes program, MobileMe and other Apple applications and used by Safari, QuickTime and even Windows programs such as Photoshop to access component that uses Corefoundation.dll. This file is used to access media files such as music, videos and images. Maybe corefoundation.dll doesn’t look very striking, but its function is very important. If your computer runs without this file, apple programs such as AppleSyncNotifier.exe can’t execute or open. Most of the time, this issue occurs on your computer when the iTunes files or other related applications are corrupted. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 1, 2016 1:27 pm and last modified on October 1, 2016 1:33 pm.

Sep 30, 2016

How to Free Up Android Phone/Tablet?

Hello. My android phone runs slow lately. When I am about to install an app, it tells me that Storage memory is full. The size of that app is pretty small. I don’t know how it happens. Now I can’t install new app and download movie with large size. It makes me feel frustrated because there are many games I haven’t played. The message which tells me Storage memory is full will not go away and just sits on my notification bar. I am uneasy with the notification. Is there a way to free up my phone? What do I do? By the way, it’s a Samsung S6. I bought it not long ago and I don’t want get a new one right now. Please give me advice. Thank you in advance.

Do You Need More Free Space on Your Android Phone/Tablet?

How is your Android phone/tablet running? Does your device run slow? Do you have difficulty in installing new app due to the full Storage memory? It is well-known that Android phones and tablets can be filed up soon after you downloaded apps, music, movies, pictures and other data off the Internet. No matter how many gigabytes of storage you have on the device, the memory will run out eventually. If you have no enough free space on the phone, your phone will lags in response and get stuck frequently. Especially when you play games, it takes a long time to load. You can’t play the game smoothly and the tableau sense is terrible. Not only for game apps, other regular apps like Facebook and Twitter load and respond slow. When you get update notifications, you fail to update them because there is not enough free space for the update. You need more free space to make your device properly. Therefore, it is necessary to free up your Android phone/tablet. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 30, 2016 5:04 pm and last modified on September 30, 2016 5:08 pm.

Sep 29, 2016

How to Remove “MAC Malware Warning Alert” Manually From Mac?

Hello. I am in trouble. “MAC Malware Warning Alert” message pops up on my MacBook continuously though I installed a piece of reliable antivirus software on it. How come the malware bypasses my antivirus software and stays there well? I need to fix this issue soon because “MAC Malware Warning Alert” makes me feel nervous. I am afraid that the malware would steal my credit card detail. I made payment on this Mac all the time. Though the alert gives me a free toll number to call, I don’t trust it. You helped me remove ransomware before, so I come here for help again. Please help me remove the alert completely. Thank you.

Brief Information of “MAC Malware Warning Alert”

“MAC Malware Warning Alert” is caused by the fake tech support virus. This virus hijacks your browser like Google Chrome and Safari and displays non-existed alert to scare you into calling the fake tech support for help. The alert claims that your Mac has been infected and you must call support technician to fix the problem. The virus pretends to be the Apple Certified technician and try to persuade you to purchase their useless software. We kindly remind you that it is a tech support scam. The Apple support will not send you alert via a web message. In fact, the “MAC Malware Warning Alert” is delivered by a deceptive website. In the beginning, the cyber criminals mainly attack Windows users with tech support scam. In those days, they start to target on Mac users with the same trick. Once you see “MAC Malware Warning Alert” on your Mac, remove the virus behind it manually and keep your Mac from safe. Do not send money to support the fake tech company. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 29, 2016 7:59 am and last modified on September 30, 2016 6:32 am.

Sep 28, 2016

How to Remove Funnysiting.com Browser Hijacker?

Hi, there. I am getting into browser hijacker virus problem now. The day before yesterday, after I clicked on an interesting ads, I got Funnysiting.com virus sneaked into my computer. I don’t want to damage my computer more badly. What should I do? Does anyone know how to get rid of this virus completely? Please help me. Thank you!

Brief Information of Funnysiting.com Browser Hijacker

Funnysiting.com virus is made by cyber criminal with the purpose of hacking your installed browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox as well as Safari. This pesky browser hijacker not only can infect Windows computer such Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7 and so on, but also can attack IOS Mac computers. This fake website can be installed via downloaders found on video and file sharing sites. These sites will offer free videos or downloads, but in reality install the Funnysiting.com hijacker on your computer. Besides, while you are visiting malicious websites which contain porn, child abuse and violent content information, this virus may get the opportunity to dive into your computer by being associated with this malicious information links. In addition, unknown links, ads, pop-ups are connecting with this virus’s installation as well. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to the license agreements and installation screens when installing anything off of the Internet. You should always choose Custom or Advanced installation options so as to avoid other 3rd party software being installed on your computer as well. One word, if you want to protect your computer from being infected by this virus, you should be more cautious while you are browsing on the Internet.
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Published by on September 28, 2016 6:26 am and last modified on September 28, 2016 6:26 am.

Sep 27, 2016

How to Remove Ad-ware Lavasoft?

Hi, there. I got a new laptop. I had gotten an Ad-ware Lavasoft from Lavasoft for couple of weeks. This application attach to my computer while I just bought my computer. Due to this Lavasoft application, my computer worked weirdly. I was told to uninstall the program from my computer. But I tried to use antivirus programs to uninstall it. None of them worked. What should I do? How do I remove Ad-ware Lavasoft from my computer? Please help!

What Is Ad-ware Lavasoft?

Ad-ware Lavasoft is an anti-spyware and anti-virus application which made and published by Lavasoft. According to Lavasoft, Ad-Aware detects spyware, computer viruses, dialers, Trojans, bots, rootkits, data miners, aggressive advertising, parasites, browser hijackers, and tracking components. Do you think that this program is really reliable and reputable antivirus problem? However, if you do more information research on the Internet, you may find the truth. Based on the information from PC world, it implied the software may still leave users vulnerable to spyware and hijacking. It is said that Ad-Aware has security holes requiring users to completely reinstall the application. Information from the user who used Ad-ware Lavasoft:

We HAVE to use this type of software but, sadly, I still don’t trust it. Too much money to be made by them to just look the other way for a while so that specific “paid-up” pieces of spyware get to run loose long enough to do their job. Then Ad-aware suddenly becomes aware of the problem and SAVES us all from the horror!

I have Ad ware by Lava soft on my PC-ity was not active until I looked at it last week to see what was the status. I now seem to have half installed updates which in turn are interfering with the startup process when I turn my PC on.
I have tried to uninstall it, load it in full etc. My diagnostics says it is slowing the computer but \I cannot switch it off as it does not show on my start up menu.

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Published by on September 27, 2016 12:35 pm

Sep 27, 2016

How to Remove AV Defender Professional

One day, when I turned on my laptop, there was popping up a window named AV Defender Professional on the screen, which looks like antivirus software, and then it automatically forced to scan my laptop. I had no choice, so I had to wait for it. About 8 minutes later, it showed me that there were lots of viruses on my laptop. I just watched movies, sent some emails to my friends or wrote some articles on the Facebook. I didn’t know what I do wrong on all of these actions. I had no idea how to do next. This application advised me to pay for the anti-virus software in order to remove these viruses as soon as possible. I followed this advice. But it was not useful! Then I realized that it was a fake. What can I do? Who can help me to fix this problem?

“AV Defender Professional” Description

AV Defender Professional is a kind of rogue programs which would like to attack windows computer, such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Window 10, Windows Vista, and Windows XP etc. Once AV Defender Professional got into the target computer, it will add malicious Registry entries to your system in order to launch itself every time when you start Windows. It will force to scan your computer and show you that there are some viruses on your computer. When you click on any button which is related to antivirus and it will jump to the purchase page of this site. That is why we name AV Defender Professional as a Rogue Software or Fake antivirus. Sometimes your computer gets this virus, there is a pop-up warning saying that your computer is infected with xx virus or has a critical system error on the right corner of your computer. And then it will advise you to activate the software to solve the problem. Do you really need to do this? Will activate this fake antivirus help you fix your problem? Oh, no. Please don’t do that. If you do, it means that you are falling into this fake application’s trap. What you have to do is that to remove AV Defender Professional as soon as you detect it on your computer. Once this fake application is removed, your computer will work well likes before.

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Published by on September 27, 2016 10:44 am

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