Jan 2, 2017

How to Remove the Trojan.Gen.NPE.2 Virus Completely?

Hey, there? I get a virus in my Dell computer. It is called Trojan.Gen.NPE.2 . It was my fault. I was so curios as to open the infected email sent to me in this morning. Now the computer is still working fast but I am not sure if my important information stored in the computer is still safe. I am really concerned about that. So if you guys can’t help remove the virus, I will restore the whole system to get rid of it. Anyway, since you are experts, I feel confident. Please help!!! Thanks a lot!!

More Description of the Trojan.Gen.NPE.2 Trojan Virus.

Trojan.Gen.NPE.2 is a baleful computer virus that has be reported by many victims. After infection, the virus will work to carry out a plenty of tasks in the conquered computer that will heavily devastate the operating system. The vicious activity of the Trojan.Gen.NPE.2 Trojan horse is known in several aspects as follows.
If a computer has been infected with the Trojan.Gen.NPE.2, the performance of it will be little by little corrupted because resources of the system such as CPU consumption will be eaten up in the background. As time goes by, the victim will notice that his or her computer is becoming more and more slowly. The computer will take more time than before to power on or restart. The victim will have to wait minutes to open a program to handle tasks. In some worse cases, the infected computer will break down completely all of a sudden without allowing the victim to save the data that he is dealing with.
Besides, as any other Trojan virus, the Trojan.Gen.NPE.2 will try every effort to steal credential information stored in your computer. This undoubtedly become the most concerned issue for most computer users. Such information as computer login detail, online bank information, online shop account and password and so on will be included but not limited into the information type that may be to the hacker’s interest. The stolen information will be sent to hackers or its buyers for illegal purpose like identity theft. It is reported that, to better collect sensitive information of the victim, a tiny program called keylogger may be installed sneakily to record whatever you type into the computer with the keyboard. That means even if the credential information is not stored in the computer, the Trojan.Gen.NPE.2 will be able to steal them with the help of the keylogger..
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Published by on January 2, 2017 12:57 pm

Jan 1, 2017

Easy Guides to Remove Win32:DomalQ-CV Trojan Virus Manually

Yesterday, I scanned my personal computer and found out the Win32:DomalQ-CV Trojan virus. I got it removed immediately. However, it came back when I started the computer this morning. My computer is sluggish. Sometimes, it just refuses to respond and gets stuck for a long time when I try to run my antivirus. Is there any way to get rid it completely? What Do I do?

Brief Description of Win32:DomalQ-CV Trojan Virus

Win32:DomalQ-CV is a malicious Trojan virus which has the capability of damaging your system silently. The hackers design it very well to attack Windows computers for illegal money. This threat can bypass your security program and install itself on your computer without your knowledge. Furthermore, it brings more malware to support its evil tasks. Your system settings will be altered. Dangerous files will be dropped on your computer. It just tries everything it can to destroy your system and steal money from you. If Win32:DomalQ-CV Trojan virus is not removed in time, your computer will freeze and crash suddenly. Some of your basic applications will be disabled. You will get errors and alerts all the time even though you use antivirus to protect your computer. Win32:DomalQ-CV Trojan virus can upgrade itself and becomes more powerful. You have to get rid of it before things are out of control. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 1, 2017 12:55 pm

Jan 1, 2017

Steps to Get Rid of the Startjoytabsearch.com Virus.

Hi, there? Please help me. I think I have been hacked. There is a thing named Startjoytabsearch.com stay on my Microsoft edge all the time. You don’t know how nasty it is. My homepage domain has been replaced, and so is the search engine of Google. It brings me a lot of inconveniences and troubles because I get used to the Google search engine and my original homepage is the one I have to visit a lot every day. I don’t know how this domain sneaks into my computer. I believe I have done nothing wrong. Anyway, I want to remove it out of my computer completely without any delay. Because I search information about it online that it is a browser hijacker and will causes a lot of problems. But the issue now is no matter how hard I tried to remove it all by myself, just failed. I am so disappointed. Please help me. Much appreciated!!

Important Information about the Startjoytabsearch.com.

Startjoytabsearch.com is a browser extension that becomes the focus of the reviewers recently. As a matter of fact, the word “reported” will be a more accurate wording to sum up the reviews involved with the program. Startjoytabsearch.com has been classified into the category of browser hijacker since it was put forward. How does this happen? There are three aspects that can help ascertain this judge. The Startjoytabsearch.com is actually a mediator between to the victim and a world famous search engine. When you try to search items on the internet with the search facility the Startjoytabsearch.com provides, a changed yahoo webpage will be displayed as the outcome of your search operation. On the Startjoytabsearch.com page, a bunch of links are provided. Anytime you click on one of them, you will be redirected to a popular site. Besides, when infected with the latter version, the default homepage of the victim will be changed into something related to the Startjoytabsearch.com and all this is done by default without victim’s control over them. Finally, the fact that the Startjoytabsearch.com is also a potentially unwanted application adds to the classification of the extension into the category of the browser hijacker. It is reported that the Startjoytabsearch.com is developed to help advertise some specific content of its sponsors or partners.

How to Protect Your Computer from the Startjoytabsearch.com virus?

One aspect about browser hijacker known to many people is that these kinds of unwanted programs are generally spreaded with other ad-supported applications. Together with these adware programs, they are usually bundled within the installers of freeware or shareware. While, to decide which specific freeware or shareware installer will contain the Startjoytabsearch.com is , in fact, a really difficult task to carry out. On some occasions, it even becomes impossible. However, there is a highly effective and efficient method that will help prevent the Startjoytabsearch.com browser hijacker and any other similar hijacker form infecting your computer. If you can’t tell whether there is malicious program like the Startjoytabsearch.com included in to installer of a piece of freeware or shareware, you are recommended to make full use of the Advanced/Custom mode of the installation wizard. It is an easy way to help both computer newbies and experts to protect their devices from the Startjoytabsearch.com-like infections.

The instructions followed require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure and are afraid to make any critical mistakes during the operation, please live chat with YooCare Expert now.

Startjoytabsearch.com Redirect Image:


Malicious Browser Hijacker Manual Removal Guides:

Startjoytabsearch.com hijacks your browser to redirect your web search results and changes the homepage and browser settings. To completely uninstall it from an infected system, manual removal is the first choice because sometimes antivirus software cannot pick up the exact computer threat timely or remove it permanently. Now most browser hijackers are quite similar to spyware and adware threats and therefore cannot be removed with the help of popular antivirus products. Users can follow the manual guide here to get rid of this browser hijacker completely.

1. Clear all the cookies of the Startjoytabsearch.com from your affected browsers.

Since this tricky Startjoytabsearch.com virus is able to use cookies for tracing and tracking the internet activity of users, it is suggested users clean up all the cookies before a complete removal.

Google Chrome:

Click on the “Tools” menu and click the “Clear browsing data” button.
Select “Delete cookies and other site data” to delete all cookies from the list.

Internet Explorer:
Open Internet explorer window
Click the “Tools” button
Point to “safety” and then click “delete browsing history”
Tick the “cookies” box, then click “delete”


Mozilla Firefox:

Click on Tools, then Options, select Privacy
Click “Remove individual cookies”
In the Cookies panel, click on “Show Cookies”
To remove a single cookie click on the entry in the list and click on the “Remove Cookie”
To remove all cookies click on the “Remove All Cookies” button


2. End the malicious process of the Startjoytabsearch.com from Task Manager.

Once Startjoytabsearch.com hijacker is installed, computer user may notice that CPU usage randomly jumps to 100 percent. At any time Windows always has many running processes. A process is an individual task that the computer runs. In general, the more processes, the more work the computer has to do and the slower it will run. If your system’s CPU spike is constant and remain at a constant 90-95%, users should check from Task Manager and see if there is a suspicious process occupying the system resources and then end it immediately.

(The name of the virus process can be random.)

Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to quickly bring up Task Manager Window:


3. Show hidden files and folders.

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.

Click the View tab.

Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.


4. Delete all the malicious files related to Startjoytabsearch.com hijacker manually.

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\*.exe

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main StartPage

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:


Startjoytabsearch.com has been categorized into the kind of virus of browser hijacker. It has been reported that, many web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari browser or Microsoft Edge and so on can be locked as targets of the Startjoytabsearch.com virus. Like any other browser hijacker, after infection, the Startjoytabsearch.com will try every effort to get control over the victim by replacing the default homepage domain and search facility of the web browser without the victim’s permission. And the Startjoytabsearch.com is accused of causing many suspicious and annoying advertisements and redirections that will bring about tons of inconveniences and may help introduce more violent viruses into the victim’s computers. When it speaks to the removal of the Startjoytabsearch.com virus, it is reported many antivirus applications prove to be useless on these occasions while manual removal carried out by an expert turns out to be most effective and efficient. So when you find such an infection like the Startjoytabsearch.com on your system, it is recommended to talk to a professional as soon as possible.

Note: If you have little knowledge about computer and do not know how to operate the removal, please contact experts from YooCare Online Tech Support for further help.

Published by on January 1, 2017 4:37 am

Dec 31, 2016

Promo.info-giveaways.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi. I think my computer has viruses. My computer started to run slowly since I saw Promo.info-giveaways.com on my Chrome. Ads and virus reports pop up all the time. I scanned my computer with the anti-virus program, but nothing has been found. Is Promo.info-giveaways.com a virus? If it is a virus, why my anti-virus can’t detect it?

Brief Information of Promo.info-giveaways.com Browser Hijacker

Promo.info-giveaways.com is a potential unwanted program that belongs to the browser hijacker family. It is tricky enough to escape from some of the anti-virus programs and perform malicious tasks freely. It makes change on your computer so as to take over your browser and firewall settings. Your homepage, default search engine and browsing background will be replaced by unknown programs. Its developers would deliver you ads in order to promote its products and websites. You will suffer a flood of ads every day. One of the most obvious characters of this threat is browser redirect. It forces you to visit unknown websites suddenly while you are browsing. Useless programs will be installed without your knowledge to mess up your computer. As time goes on, your computer will run pretty slow and get stuck frequently. Besides, object helpers will be installed to collect information on your browser. Your personal information is at risk. It is very necessary to get Promo.info-giveaways.com browser hijacker off your computer. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 31, 2016 12:06 pm

Dec 31, 2016

Guides to Unlock Phones/Tablets Infected with FBI Popup Scam Virus.

Hi, please help me. I got this nasty FBI thing on my Galaxy s7. It says it is FBI agency and accuses me of visiting porn websites and watching porn things. And now my phone has been fully locked up. It also says I need to pay a fine of $500, or I will be put into jail for pornography. I am freaked out now. Is it real? Will they come to my house to arrest me? How can I unlock my phone without paying the $500 fine? Please help! Many thanks.

FBI Popup Virus Description:

The FBI popup virus is a malicious and nasty program developed by the hackers. It has been prevailing on phones/tablets for several years. Lately, some new variants of the FBI popup scam virus were developed and released by the cyber criminals to make as much money as they can. The new variants opf the FBI popup scam virus have been developed with the ability to attack phone/tablet users all around the world. You must feel unbelievable when you find your phone/tablet is blocked from making calls, sending messages, surfing the internet and any other normal use of the features of your phone/tablet by the FBI popup scam virus. Because it is all the time believed that phones/tablets are well designed in safety aspect to protect themselves from all kinds of viruses, including the FBI popup scam virus. Undoubtedly, phones/tablets are attacked by the FBI popup scam virus in an aggressive way and many victims are frightened much at the first sight of this infection. The virus will lock up the victim’s phones/tablets and threaten to pay a non-existent fine from $100 to $500 to escape from possible punishments and to unlock the device. It is reported from many victims that their phones/tablets get infected with the FBI popup scam virus all of a sudden for visiting porn websites. In all cases, the victims’ devices were completely locked up and none of them could escape from being demanded to pay a fine of certain amount within a period of time. And many victims said they had done nothing illegal before finding their devices get this FBI popup scam virus. While, many users were so scared as to be fooled into falling in this stupid and annoying scam trap. Many victims rushed to make the payment in an irreversible way without getting the problem fixed.
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Published by on December 31, 2016 6:36 am

Dec 30, 2016

Microsoft Office Activation Wizard Tech Support Scam Virus Manual Removal Guide

Hello. Please help me fix the computer. I have a pop-up saying that Activation is required to authenticate the copy of my Microsoft Office. It says I can do it over the Internet or by phone. I tried both of them, but I didn’t proceed because they asked for $200. It’s too expensive for me. Besides, I heard about fake tech support before. Is it possible that the Microsoft Office Activation Wizard is a tech support scam? If it is a scam, what do I do to get rid of it?

Brief Information of Microsoft Office Activation Wizard Scam Virus

Microsoft Office Activation Wizard is a tech support scam virus that shows fake notification to mislead computer users. It mainly attacks Windows computers, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows7, Windows8 and Windows10 etc. Once this scam virus is installed, it displays fake notifications, claiming that it is from Microsoft Office. That would persuade some users who know little about computer to believe that it is reliable and they would be willing to pay money to do the fake activation. In fact, those notifications have nothing to do with Microsoft Office company. They are brought by the fake tech support scam virus. To get rid of the fake pop-up notifications, you need to remove Microsoft Office Activation Wizard tech support scam virus. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 30, 2016 5:52 am

Dec 29, 2016

Trojan:Win32/Derbit.A Virus Manual Removal Guide

Hello. Need your help. My computer is infected with Trojan:Win32/Derbit.A virus. The anti-virus can’t remove it completely and the virus comes back again and again. I am not good at computer. Please help me remove it. Thank you.

Brief Description of Trojan:Win32/Derbit.A Virus

Trojan:Win32/Derbit.A is a nasty and harmful Trojan virus. It is able to attack various operating systems, such as Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista and Windows XP. It performs malicious activities to damage your system and steals your sensitive information. Strange programs and files will appear on your computer. That will cause a series of computer issues and information leak. Computer will not work properly. Many kinds of errors will pop up and stop you from using some of the basic applications. Browsers acts slowly and strangely. To put everything back to normal, it is the very right time to get Trojan:Win32/Derbit.A virus off your system. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 29, 2016 6:24 am

Dec 29, 2016

How to Remove OnlineFormFinder Adware Virus?

How to Remove OnlineFormFinder Adware Virus? My computer got into this trouble. Kinds of unknown add-ons were added onto my Chrome browsers extension. I couldn’t browse the Internet normally. I couldn’t go to the website I want to. I was redirected to visit lots of unfamiliar website continually. Fake alerts were reported by Norton frequently. What should I do? Please help!

More Information About OnlineFormFinder Adware Virus:

OnlineFormFinder Adware Virus pretends to be a good and useful app which can provide kinds of features on your Chrome New Tab. As a matter of fact, this adware is reported as an unwanted toolbar that may get installed on browser through freeware. Yes, you can download this virus and installed it onto your computer for free. After the adware is installed, you may find that this adware may inflict so many troubles when installed on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox. You can’t use your browsers normally. This virus will claim that it can help you enhance your web browsing experience. It seems to be a useful application. However, due to some annoyances like excessive advertisements and redirect functions, it was deemed malicious and unnecessary browser add-on. Pop-ups and banners, coupons and ads will be showing everywhere on your computer screen to stop you from using the website normally. In a word, OnlineFormFinder Adware is a unwanted and malicious application and kinds of browser hijacker virus.

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Published by on December 29, 2016 6:21 am

Dec 28, 2016

How to Remove the Search.searchwti.com Virus?

Hi, there? Please help me. It was on last Friday. When I used my Chrome browser to surf the internet after my friend return my Dell computer, I found my Chrome was not working as before. I have the Search.searchwti.com thing sticking to it. I felt very curious so I search information about it on the internet and learned that it is a not reliable program. I had done nothing wrong before I found this issue. I thought it probably happened during the time when I lent it to my friend. Anyway, I want remove it from my computer completely right now. Can you guys help me? Thanks a lot.

Important Information about the Search.searchwti.com.

The Polarity Technologies, Ltd. which is known for having produced a great many PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs), is believed to be the one behind the Search.searchwti.com virus. The Search.searchwti.com is one of the other similar malicious programs that are developed to serve similar wicked purpose. After infection with the Search.searchwti.com virus, if you find your homepage and default search facility have been changed to the domain of the Search.searchwti.com without your permission, there is no need to feel surprised at all. Because it is a common trick that all the browser hijackers will play to serve it immoral and illegal purpose. And that is why many cases are reported by the victims saying that someone has secretly made alternations to the homepage and default search engines of their web browser. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 28, 2016 10:19 am and last modified on January 6, 2017 2:39 pm.

Dec 27, 2016

How to Remove Search.searchtaccess.com Browser Hijacker?

Hey, there. How to Remove Search.searchtaccess.com Browser Hijacker? My IE can’t run well on my new laptop due to this virus. What should I do? Kinds of pop-ups and ads are continually coming into my screen to stop me from browsing the Internet normally. Please help!

More Information About Search.searchtaccess.com Browser Hijacker:

Search.searchtaccess.com is a fake search engine which will make you into believing that it can help you find your favorites easily. On its homepage, you will see “Search” and a bank box with a magnifying glass as Google, Bing which are legit search engine. This fake search engine also provides you some shortcut links like Shop This Holidays…Watches, Nikes…etc. All these shortcuts seem real and useful. However, if you use this fake search engine to find your needs, you will find that there is nothing good relates to your favorites, but kinds of commercial links and pop-ups. If you click on any of these results’ links, you may not be redirect to the websites you want to, but some unknown websites with malicious activities. Thus, you should be clear that Search.searchtaccess.com virus hacks into your computer if you see its website appearing at your homepage.

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Published by on December 27, 2016 1:08 pm

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