Aug 15, 2013

Remove Trojan:Win64/Sirefef.AL Virus

Does your anti-virus program keep reporting Trojan:Win64/Sirefef.AL Virus but always fail to remove it? What does the Trojan do once it is downloaded? Remember this nasty Trojan is able to collect information about users and send them to host computers without any knowledge or consent. You should have it deleted immediately.

Cannot Remove Trojan:Win64/Sirefef.AL? – An Overall Description:

Trojan:Win64/Sirefef.AL is considered as a destructive Trojan that may come from malicious sites, inappropriate application downloads, or spam email, etc. Just like other variant from the same Sirefef family like Trojan:Win64/Sirefef.AK, it can access users’ computer system secretly and allow remote access of a hacker to the target computer system. This type of Trojan aims to attack Windows computer system with 64 bits and it is often good at disguising itself as a normal looking file to escape the detection of most anti-virus program.
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Published by on August 15, 2013 5:34 am and last modified on November 6, 2013 4:53 am.

Aug 14, 2013 Virus Removal Guide

What is this website? How can this take over my homepage? I just install a music program from the Internet and this webpage appears. But I can use my Google Chrome normally, it just infect the Internet Explorer. Am I infected a virus or not? Any help will appreciate.

What is Redirect? is a new browser hijack redirect that can infect the Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google chrome and other browsers. Usually the victim will get this virus infection when they visit unsafe webpages and install the infected programs. Some victims even get this browser hijack redirect when they open the unknown E-mail attachment accidentally. This browser hijack redirect can modify your system settings easily like homepage and default browser, that is why many victims will lose their homepages. It has been one of the most malicious virus on the Internet, you need to pay attention to this big browser hijack redirect

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Published by on August 14, 2013 1:05 pm

Aug 14, 2013

Remove Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus (Uninstall Tips)

Is Antiviral Factory 2013 virus or real Firewall Alert? Got an unexpected software yesterday from this outfit that said, “Antiviral Factory 2013! Warning! 38 Infections found”. It scares me as there are so many threats on my computer, neither i watched porn nor visited some malicious sites. But how did it come up? Please help!!!

Description of Fake Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus Firewall Alert

The Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus is a very slick attack that pretends to be a real security program, alerting the user that there has been malware and other dangerous files on their computer, it is a new version of System Care Antivirus. After what appears to be a very detailed scan it displays the results and lists several detected threats. When the user selects the option to deleted all of the dangerous files the program displays a notice that the software must be updated to the full version in order to finish the clean up. This isn’t a real program and although it looks like the virus tools that come standard on most Windows based computers, it is actually a computer virus that attempts to extort money from the users that it infects. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 14, 2013 11:15 am and last modified on August 14, 2013 12:12 pm.

Aug 14, 2013

Pup.optional.defaulttab Virus Removal

My anti-virus program says that my computer is infected by the Pup.optional.defaulttab virus, however, each time I try to remove it by my anti-virus program it can not succeed. This Trojan horse keeps coming back after I restart my infected PC. How can I get rid of from my computer? Should I try another anti-virus program or other ways? Please help

Description of Pup.optional.defaulttab:

Pup.optional.defaulttab is a latest Trojan horse that attacks the victims by infected program, E-mail attachment, unsafe website and forum. Usually it can infect the PC while the victims are installing the infected programs so that it can not be prevented by the anti-virus program. This Trojan horse can cause great damage on the infected machine like low performance and even the blue death, that is why it can be one of the most dangerous viruses on the Internet. It will do the malicious things without your permission, the stubborn virus needs to be removed completely before this Trojan horse makes the big problems on your PC.
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Published by on August 14, 2013 7:32 am and last modified on August 14, 2013 7:34 am.

Aug 14, 2013

Trojan horse generic34.yqe – How To Remove

Does your anti-virus software perform well to delete the virus Trojan horse generic34.yqe entirely? Is your computer running safe with this Trojan horse? How to take it off before more it causing more damages? Does it keep coming back? How to know if it is in your computer and what would happen if it is already in? Learn from this post and follow removal guide below to remove the Trojan horse safely.

Trojan horse generic34.yqe Instruction:

Trojan horse generic34.yqe is known as a new released version of Trojan horse virus that is causing troubles on the infected computer once your computer is being affected. It is created by the hacker to degrade security levels and intrudes more threats into the victim computer. It is nasty viruses that can change computer settings to hide behind root system so that you cannot use simple tools to remove it completely. Every time you deleted it, restarted the computer, then you realizes that it comes back again and again. It is made to violates your privacy and steal your personal info so that hackers can take advantages from those important files.
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Published by on August 14, 2013 5:42 am

Aug 14, 2013

Remove Trojan.Win32.Pasta.vwx Virus

Computer is attacked by a dangerous virus named Trojan.Win32.Pasta.vwx? You don’t know when and how the virus infected the computer? Why does the antivirus program installed in the computer fail to stop it? You just want to run a program, visit a site or open a file as you usually do every day, but the computer keeps showing you a message saying Not Responding? What do you need to do so as to remove the Trojan and use the computer normally again?

Trojan.Win32.Pasta.vwx Instruction :

Trojan.Win32.Pasta.vwx is a dangerous Trojan virus which is created and released into the Internet world by cyber criminals. It is very rampant now. Installing some free applications that are from unsafe sources, visiting websites that are controlled by the cyber criminals or opening attachments that are in spam emails will facilitate it to enter the computer. Besides, clicking on links which are released by the cyber criminals will also point you to download the virus.
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Published by on August 14, 2013 5:39 am

Aug 13, 2013

Fake WSearch Redirect Removal

Fake WSearch has hijacked my Internet Explorer, my homepage has been changed this website, I try to remove it by my anti-virus program but it says no virus has been found. Each time when I try to visit some webpages, I will be redirected to some strange webpages like advertisement and something else. How can I remove it from my computer?

What is Fake WSearch Redirect?

Fake WSearch is a new browser hijack redirect that can attack victim when they visit unsafe website and forum, usually the hijackers spare this virus by infected website, program and E-mail attachment so that it can not be prevented by the anti-virus program easily. This website can take over the homepage and modify the settings on the infected machine. That is why it has become one of the most dangerous browser hijack redirects on the Internet. You’d better get rid of it completely before it causes further damage on the problematic machine.

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Published by on August 13, 2013 4:59 am and last modified on August 13, 2013 5:00 am.

Aug 13, 2013

Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Virus Removal On Mobile Device or PC

Can the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police lock PC/Macbook or Mobile device(Android phone/tablet, iPhone/iPad)? Is your computer locked by Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police virus that asks you to pay a fine through Ukash? Is this warning saying you have been breaking the laws and watching porn really from Canadian Police? Browsers are blocked by the CACP virus on mac asking for CAD $100 fine? Cannot access programs on mac pro? Currently, this virus scam not only lock your computer but lock your browser on Macbook pro or mobile devices like Samsung galaxy phone, tablet and iPhone/iPad and it asks for $150 CAD. The victim said:” I received the CACP virus on my MacBook Pro (the webpage that pop up and tell I should pay the 100$ fine to unblock my Safari browser).” How to unlock PC screen from Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Ukash scam virus asking for CAD $100 or $150? How to unblock browser from CACP virus block page?

Why Does Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Virus Lock Your Computer or Mobile Device? – How to Unlock?

Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Virus (as known as Ministry of Public Safety Canada virus or CACP Virus) is a malicious Ransomware designed to attack computer users located in Canada. This virus is extremely tricky and it pretends to work together with Canadian police. It illegally uses the name of Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and Ministry of Public Safety Canada to scare users and to win over their trusts. Once the virus is running, it rapidly blocks your PC, Mac computer or browser on your mobile device and displays a fake Canadian Police warning claiming that your computer or your mobile device has been blocked due to some Copyrighted or Related violations involved with the distribution of pornographic material, spam and copyrighted content online. To unlock the computer or mobile device, the victims are asked to pay a fine of $100 CAD via Ukash payment. However, users should not fall into this scam. This warning is not related to any government organization, it is designed by remote hackers aiming at stealing money and sensitive information from its victims.
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Published by on August 13, 2013 4:44 am and last modified on September 14, 2015 6:49 am.

Aug 13, 2013 Pops Up – How To Remove

My browser has been kidnapped by a strange website named Since I got it, my computer begins acting wired. I have no idea about it! My internet is being cut of once in a while and my browser is not working properly. I cannot go to wanted websites and even cannot change my original homepage back. My computer is running slow after this adware appears. Is there any useful way to get rid of this trouble quickly? Is there any chance for me to remove it without damage? I want to get my browser back!! Pops Up Instruction : Pops Up is considering as a harmful browser redirect that will appearing on the screen when your browser has been infected with some harmful adware. It will generate numerous pop-ups when you are using the victim browser and forcible commanding your browser to show unwanted ads while you are disturbing your online activities. This can happen in many famous browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.. After installation, it will change browser setting to display its domain all the time without lots of unwanted advertising pop-up. You may get wired sounds while using the infected browser. Your search engine and default homepage is being replaced by its domain and you cannot change it back. While using its domain, your search result will be either redirected forcibly back to its site or pointed to undesired result. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 13, 2013 4:40 am

Aug 12, 2013

How to Remove PC Defender 360 Firewall Alert

PC Defender 360 Firewall Alert makes me freaked out as it keeps popping up on your screen asking you to activate its registered version to clean your computer. Is it a real and licensed program as stated? How does it automatically install in my computer even if I don’t ask for? Will it be harmful to my system? How to completely uninstall this fake anti-spyware from my computer? Any idea will do me a great favor.

Description of PC Defender 360 Firewall Alert

PC Defender 360 Firewall Alert is identified as a fake anti-virus software that automatically installs in the target computer when you visit malicious websites, open risky email attachments or download hazardous freeware without any caution. As soon as this fake software installs in your system, it will pop up on your screen every time you launch your system. Many computer users may be tricked by this rogue program as its interface is quite similar to licensed software. However, it is not a beneficial or useful program that will keep your computer clean as it stated. This rogue program obtain similar tricky tactics to lure computer victims into purchasing its so-called licensed copy for threat removal in order to help them clean their computers, just as another fake software Vista Total Security 2013 does. For your sake of your computer environment, you should take steps to uninstall this harmful fake anti-spyware from the infected system promptly other than install its non-existing activated version.

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Published by on August 12, 2013 12:27 pm and last modified on August 14, 2013 10:21 am.

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