Remove Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus (Uninstall Tips)

Is Antiviral Factory 2013 virus or real Firewall Alert? Got an unexpected software yesterday from this outfit that said, “Antiviral Factory 2013! Warning! 38 Infections found”. It scares me as there are so many threats on my computer, neither i watched porn nor visited some malicious sites. But how did it come up? Please help!!!

Description of Fake Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus Firewall Alert

The Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus is a very slick attack that pretends to be a real security program, alerting the user that there has been malware and other dangerous files on their computer, it is a new version of System Care Antivirus. After what appears to be a very detailed scan it displays the results and lists several detected threats. When the user selects the option to deleted all of the dangerous files the program displays a notice that the software must be updated to the full version in order to finish the clean up. This isn’t a real program and although it looks like the virus tools that come standard on most Windows based computers, it is actually a computer virus that attempts to extort money from the users that it infects.

If the user does not immediately pay the upgrade money the virus will then begin to display fake security warnings as they use the computer in an attempt to further scare them into paying the money to upgrade. It continues to alert the user that all of the data on the computer is at risk by displaying many fake warnings. All of the warnings and messages that the Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus displays are fake, and even though they look authentic they should be ignored. Users get this infection on their computers by either visiting a file download site and downloading a file that had been infected with the virus, or opening an email attachment that was sent to them that contained the virus. It is very easy to become a victim of this attack, and immediately after it is installed it begins to change the system settings while disabling the Windows utilities, task manager, and registry editor. This will also block the user form opening specific programs, most notably any real virus scanning software on the computer. If these files that have been blocked are attempted to be opened the other error message will display.

These alerts will not stop, and it is designed to continue to scare the user until he or she pays the upgrade fee. There is something that can be done to stop the annoying messages, allowing the user to remove the Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus from the computer. The following registration key will disable the warning messages once entered, but remember that is DOES NOT remove the virus. Use this key: 1147-175591-6550. Once this is done, follow the manual removal instructions located below to clear all of the infected files from the system. This will remove all traces of the Antiviral Factory 2013 rogue thing, and once this is done we suggest users visit some safe websites and run with legitimate programs to prevent this from happening in the future.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure and are afraid to make any critical mistakes during the process, please live chat with YooCare Expert now.

Fake Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus Screenshot:


Antiviral Factory 2013 Firewall Alert Screenshots:

Antiviral-Factory-2013-firewall alert

How Much Do You Know About This Fake Anti-Virus Program?

The Antiviral Factory 2013 virus is a malicious attack that is designed to trick users into paying for an upgrade for a virus removal tool that doesn’t exist. That is correct, the warning messages and the scan results that this program displays are all pre-manufactured by the hackers that have designed this attack. While it looks like a real program and closely mimics the design and look of many of the top virus scanning tools this one is not to be trusted. It isn’t actually scanning the computer. The threats and viruses it finds and made up. It is all done in an attempt to trick the user into paying for an upgrade of the program.

After the false results are presented to the user they typically click the button to remove all of the threats from the computer, but a message will pop up stating that the program is not up to date and it must be upgraded to the full paid version in order to complete the removal. Many users are scared of losing data on their computer so they pay for the upgrade without even thinking that it could be a scan. When a legit looking message shows a list of possible threats the average user is going to act immediately to remove them right away. This is why the hackers have spent so much time perfecting the appearance of the Antiviral Factory 2013 virus. They are able to trick millions of users into paying. Now, if they do not immediately pay they will receive the warning messages over and over.

Step by Step Instructions on Removing The Rogue Program Manually:

1. Restart your PC before windows launches, tap “F8” constantly. Choose“Safe Mode with Networking” option, and then press Enter key.

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop Antiviral Factory 2013 Virus Firewall Alert virus processes in the Windows Task Manager.

3. Delete associated files from your PC completely as follows:

4. Search for all related registry entries infected by  Antiviral Factory 2013 infection and wipe them out:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableTaskMgr” = 0
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\IEXPLORE.EXE\shell\open\command “(Default)” = ‘”%LocalAppData%\kdn.exe” -a “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”

5. Reboot the computer to normal mode when the above steps are done.

Video Guide to Remove Antiviral Factory 2013 Fake AV


If you don’t clean it out completely, the Antiviral Factory 2013 virus will continue to display the fake scan results as well as the warning messages in attempt to get the user to pay the upgrade fee. It is important to know this program doesn’t even have the ability to detect a real virus or threat even if one did exist! Once installed it will change the system settings and disable as many programs and features on the computer as it can. This helps to make the user think that there is indeed something wrong with the computer. Never under any circumstance submit payment details through the computer for this upgrade. It doesn’t exist and the users will just be handing over their credit card information to criminals. Instead, take action to remove the virus from the computer. The instructions above will show users how to properly remove all of the Antiviral Factory 2013 virus files from the computer and return it to the condition it was in before the virus was installed. But manual removal requires expertise, if you are not computer geek, please don’t do it by yourself, as any mistakes will lead to system crashed. The best way to save your computer is consult with PC experts for assistance.

Friendly Reminder:If you have no clue to uninstall this Fake AV, please contact YooCare experts 24/7 online in time for instant help to remove Antiviral Factory 2013 Firewall Alert virus completely.

Published by on August 14, 2013 11:15 am, last updated on August 14, 2013 12:12 pm

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