Jan 4, 2014

Remove PUP.Optional.ToolbarWid Virus

Help! PUP.Optional.ToolbarWid is on my new computer! My anti-virus program detects the virus infection, however, it can not remove it completely because each time when I reboot the computer, the PUP virus appears once more. How can I remove this nasty PUP virus from my machine completely? Should I change another advanced security tool? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of PUP.Optional.ToolbarWid Virus:

PUP.Optional.ToolbarWid, as a nasty potentially unwanted program, it belongs to PUP virus family that can target on the Windows OS machine to make chaos and problems. Cyber criminals will plant this PUP virus to some programs and links on the malicious website, once the PC users open theses files, the PUP.Optional.ToolbarWid virus will be activated in a short time. Usually the security programs on the infected machine like firewall or anti-virus program will give PC users virus warning about this PUP virus, but most of them hasn’t the ability to do the virus removal for it. It is strongly suggested that PC users should remove the PUP.Optional.ToolbarWid virus in a manual way.

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Published by on January 4, 2014 8:00 am

Jan 4, 2014

Remove Click.dealshark.com Hijacker

Infected by Click.dealshark.com redirect? My browser homepage was replaced by this hijacker and all Internet search results went to the unwanted content. I ran my antivirus and got rid of all reported threats. But the browser hijacker still popped up after the computer was restarted. Why did the antivirus fail? How to clean out the browser hijacker completely? Benefit yourself from this post and remove the redirect successfully with following removal instructions.

Description of Click.dealshark.com Redirect:

Click.dealshark.com is an advertising network popup which is identified as browser hijacker. It is released by cyber criminals to hijack net users who gain access to malicious websites, spam email attachments and risky download resources etc. Soon as the browser hijacker attacks the computer, it adds to users’ Internet browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer and so on. It takes over the whole browser and exploits the system leaks to install some stubborn ads-on, plug-ins and toolbar in the computer. Consequently, the CPU usage is taken up obviously, and the computer gets slow system performance and poor network connection. Users just find that they have to spend several minutes to load websites, open files and launching programs etc. Sometimes, the target browser may get crashed during surfing the net. In fact, the hijacker infection makes the computer vulnerable for potential threats which also invade the contaminated system miserably. The Click.dealshark.com actually affects functions of normal programs to make them malfunctioning. As a result, your antivirus gets disabled by the redirect as well. Therefore, a manual removal process of this browser hijacker is greatly required to save your computer.
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Published by on January 4, 2014 5:02 am

Jan 3, 2014

Remove OnlineWebFind.com Pop-up Ads

You receive many pop-up ads from OnlineWebFind.com? Who changes the browser homepage without rhyme or reason? In addition, your browser and even the entire computer have a lot of other problems? You cannot recover the browser settings? After scanning the computer system, antivirus software cannot find anything dubious? You may have guessed all problems are caused by OnlineWebFind.com, but you do not know how to remove it from your computer? This article can help you get out of trouble.

Details of OnlineWebFind.com:

OnlineWebFind.com is an adware which displays a variety of pop-up ads in various browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. It sneaks into the computer system when you install plug-ins from unsafe websites, click on malicious links and open unknown email attachments. Moreover, many computer users do not pay attention to the installation process of some free programs. You should know that many free programs are bundled with other unknown things, thus, always clicking Agree on installation means allowing these unknown things to enter the computer. This adware is equipped with advanced components and makes good use of computer system vulnerabilities, thereby bypassing security software to get into your computer.
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Published by on January 3, 2014 12:51 pm and last modified on January 3, 2014 1:37 pm.

Jan 3, 2014

Remove HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic

You even do not know when the computer is infected by HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic until your antivirus program pops up a warning? How does it get into your computer without disturbing you? You have used a variety of antivirus programs and they can detect the presence of the Trojan horse but cannot get rid of it completely? You are about to give up, however, do you know what will happen if you allow it to stay in the computer? From this article you will learn more.

Details of HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic:

HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic is a serious computer virus created by cyber criminals with new technology, which has the ability to make the infected computer in a mess and be infringed by other viruses easily. In general, it lands in the target computer smoothly by making full use of security vulnerabilities and computer user’s reckless behaviors. For example, clicking on some pop-up ads from malicious websites, clicking on unknown links and opening spam email attachments will attract the attack of this Trojan horse virus to your computer. HEUR:Exploit.Java.Generic and HEUR:Trojan.Script.Iframer are similar to it.
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Published by on January 3, 2014 12:39 pm

Jan 2, 2014

Remove Http://www.javabashen.com Hijacker

IntroductionHttp://www.javabashen.com browser hijacker has recently become a common problem, which bores many computer users. Is your browser often redirected the hijacker’s domain? Do you want to know the reason why your homepage is modified without your consent? These problems are just the tip of the iceberg as the browser hijacker can bring computer users more other troubles. You still do not know how to get rid of it? Through this article you will be able to have a better understanding of it.

Details of Http://www.javabashen.com:

Http://www.javabashen.com is a browser hijacker that is able to lurk inside the computer to attack your web browser, like Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. The malicious websites of this type often promote fake software update, which is intended to mislead computer users to download malicious software or spam programs. From the web page of this hijacker mentioned in this article, we can see that it spreads false Java update bundling various adware and even malicious software. If you download the software it promotes, you have to face various chaoses. The default browser settings, including search engine and homepage, will be altered surreptitiously. The unknown software will also make other links on the web browser be redirected to Http://www.javabashen.com.
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Published by on January 2, 2014 1:23 pm

Jan 2, 2014

Trojan.Ransom.ED – How to Remove

Because the computer operation speed becomes slow suddenly, you use the antivirus program to scan the entire system and you see Trojan.Ransom.ED in the scan result? Then you do not hesitate to click the Remove button of the antivirus program. But after restarting the computer, the performance still does not improve. You scan the computer once again and find that the Trojan virus is still there? In this case, what can you do to cast off its entanglement? This article has the information you want.

Details of Trojan.Ransom.ED:

Trojan.Ransom.ED is a terrible Trojan virus. It has the ability to enter the computer secretly when you do not perceive and start malicious activities immediately. It makes full use of security vulnerabilities in Windows operating systems to attack computer initiatively. So far there have been many innocent computer users becoming its victims. In addition, your computer will be occupied if you visit a malicious web site, download a suspicious free program and open a spam email attachment. You do not know your computer is infected until your antivirus program gives you alerts.
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Published by on January 2, 2014 10:39 am

Jan 2, 2014

Trojan.Crypt.ZPACK.Gen2 Virus Removal

Trojan.Crypt.ZPACK.Gen2 virus infection on my Dell laptop! My anti-virus program detects the virus infection while installing a free program downloaded from the Internet, the AVG removes this Trojan horse from my computer, however, each time when I rescan my Dell laptop, this Trojan horse appears again! How can I remove this threat from my PC completely? Should I try manual removal?

Description of Trojan.Crypt.ZPACK.Gen2 Virus:

Trojan.Crypt.ZPACK.Gen2 virus process is a dangerous Trojan horse that can do chaos on the infected computer. PC users may get the Trojan horse infection while installing unsafe programs, processes, visiting unknown sites or viewing spam E-mail attachment. Once this virus process has been installed successfully, the infected machine will face a terrible virus infection like running slowly and even system crashing, some PC users want to get rid of it by anti-virus program but most advanced security tools don’t have enough power to do this virus removal. Cyber criminals spread the Trojan.Crypt.ZPACK.Gen2 virus to collect information and profit from the infected PCs. PC users had better to remove this nasty virus process to protect their PCs from getting more damage.

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Published by on January 2, 2014 8:06 am and last modified on January 2, 2014 8:07 am.

Jan 2, 2014

Globososo.inspsearch.com Redirect Removal

Whenever I open Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, the Globososo.inspsearch.com tab always appears. I have removed the suspicious extensions and uninstalled the unwanted programs. Also I’ve tried scanning my PC with lots of antivirus programs but nothing touches it. Anyway I’ve searched the web till my fingers bleed and can’t seem to find a way to get rid of the redirect thing. The Globo Soso Search still keeps reappearing. How can I remove it from my computer?

Globososo.inspsearch.com Description:

Globososo.inspsearch.com is an unwanted page that can appear in most popular web browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. Most of Internet users are still not aware that this kind of bogus search engines can pose a serious harm for their computers. In fact, this hijacker is affiliated with browser hijackers and the ZeroAccess Rootkit that can infect a computer by exploiting security vulnerabilities. Also it is able to access the target computer through freeware and shareware. These programs tend to include this annoying Globo Soso Search to their ‘Components’ list, so it is important to check every item when you download and install programs. Don’t allow anything you are not familiar with to change your browser settings or install other unnecessary add-ons on your computer, otherwise your browser activities will be greatly influenced.

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Published by on January 2, 2014 2:50 am and last modified on January 2, 2014 2:51 am.

Jan 1, 2014

Win32/Qadars Trojan Virus Removal

While I was scanning my computer with Norton 360, it shows that my computer was infected with virus!! Virus alert kept popping up saying that my computer is infected with Win32/Qadars Trojan Virus. What is this virus? How does it harm the computer? I am not computer savvy at all and I don’t know what is going on, what should I do to get rid of Win32/Qadars completely??? 

Win32/Qadars Trojan Virus Description :

Win32/Qadars is classified as a Trojan virus, to be exactly, Win32/Qadars Trojan Virus, which is a PC viral infection that anti virus software can pick up on your computer. The Trojan horse virus is not very friendly to your computer. Once it’s settled down, it will bring chaos to the infected PC. Created by computer hackers to make an invasion to target computer, it has failed many removal from anti virus programs and it has the ability to dive into the fragile system without the consent of the owners of the infected PC. If you get this Trojan warnings appear on your computer, please be careful. Your computer is already vulnerable because of the Trojan horse infection you have in the infected computer. It is considered to be a Trojan horse, which may be associated with the different types of malware and even the third party. This helps them open the get of many computers around the world to hackers.
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Published by on January 1, 2014 12:45 pm

Jan 1, 2014

How to Remove BOO/Cidox.B

Your antivirus program reminds you that your computer is infected with BOO/Cidox.B but cannot completely remove it? You do not know when the computer is infected by this virus? How does it sneak into your computer secretly? How terrible is the virus? Do you want to know what will happen if you do not remove it promptly? By reading this article, you can get more knowledge about it.

Details of BOO/Cidox.B:

BOO/Cidox.B is a particularly aggressive computer virus. When you open any spam email attachments, click on the links posted by strangers in some social networking websites and download shared files or unsafe free software, you will give it a chance to visit your computer. It also belongs to a Rootkit. Its work is focused on the secret attack to user’s computer, which thanks to its ability to hide the intrusion and break through the block of antivirus software to obtain the access authority. Therefore, victims of such malicious infection could hardly recognize their computer is infected, unless their antivirus software in the computer can detect the virus and pop up alerts. It is able to make use of loopholes in the system, destroy software on the target computer, release the binding malware and collect confidential information furtively so that other illegal activities can be underway smoothly.
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Published by on January 1, 2014 5:21 am

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