Feb 5, 2014

Rapid-Searcher.com Hijacker Removal

Rapid-Searcher.com took over my Firefox, and it popped up during all Internet browsing activities. I reinstalled the affected browser and ran full scans many times, but I just resulted in a failure of this redirect removal. How to get rid of the browser hijacker successfully? Learn more about this hijacker infection from this article and remove it effectively with following guide.

Description of Rapid-Searcher.com Redirect

Rapid-Searcher.com is fake search engine which pretends to provide users with various functions, such as browsing webs, images and videos and searching for favorite online resources. It is not a friendly search engine that users can take it as default search engine and browser homepage. Instead, it is a risky computer infection needed to be removed from the computer immediately. Once the browser hijacker affects the computer, it adds to the Internet browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer etc. Meanwhile, it takes use of the system leaks to install some nasty ads-on, plug-ins, toolbar and extensions in the computer without users’ notice. The hijacker infection makes chaos to the computer, as it redirects the web search results to non-beneficial web pages which belong to the redirect or other third parties online. In additional, it changes your default homepage, search engine and other browser settings, making users very freaked out. While being affected, users will find it difficult to visit Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo mail etc. via the target computer. Moreover, the browser redirect is designed by cyber hackers to pilfer vital information from unwary users. Tricky as the Rapid-Searcher.com hijacker is, it must be cleaned out from the computer as soon as possible.
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Published by on February 5, 2014 5:15 am

Feb 4, 2014

16Start.com Redirect Removal Guide

My browsers are infected by 16Start.com redirect while going online, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome are both infected by this browser hijack redirect virus, each time when I open the infected browser, I will be redirected to some unknown sites or forums. I try to remove this redirect virus on the control panel but can not find it. How can I remove this browser hijack redirect from my PC completely? Should I try another browser or anti-virus program? Any help will be appreciated.

What is 16Start.com Redirect Virus :

16Start.com is a fake search engine which is created by the cyber criminals to collect information and data from the infected browser and computer. Usually PC users may get this browser hijack redirect while clicking on the malicious links, installing infected programs or processes, once the 16Start.com redirect virus has been installed to the infected browser, it is able to change the key settings on the browser and even the whole computer. This 16Start.com browser hijack redirect virus has the ability to attack all the browsers on the computer including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, it is an extremely dangerous virus which needs to be removed completely.

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Published by on February 4, 2014 8:17 am

Feb 4, 2014

PUP.DownloadnSave Removal Guide

My computer is infected by PUP.DownloadnSave virus while installing a music program. Each time when I run my anti-virus program, it will be detected immediately. However, my anti-virus program does not have enough power to get rid of this PUP virus, it will keep coming back after rescanning. How can I remove this virus completely? Should I try another advanced anti-virus program or firewall? How about manual removal? Please help.

Description of PUP.DownloadnSave Virus:

PUP.DownloadnSave vieus, as a latest PUP virus, it is created by the cyber criminals to attack PC users which use Windows OS like Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Usually cyber criminals will plant this virus process to some programs, once the PC users download and install those infected programs, their computers will be attacked by this PUP.DownloadnSave in a short time. That is the reason most of the PC users don’t know how can this PUP virus infect their machines. Most of the anti-virus programs or firewalls can not get rid of this PUP virus because this nasty virus process has the ability to hide its own process in the registry and change the name frequently. Thus, manual removal is the best way to kill this virus completely.

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Published by on February 4, 2014 7:44 am

Feb 3, 2014

Remove Outfox.tv Hijack Virus

I’ve recently downloaded a free dvd burner program on my computer and soon I uninstalled it immediately when I found it useless. However, since then whenever I open Firefox, a new tab from Outfox.tv always appears. I guess it must be something related to the program I downloaded. It comes along with “Conduit Search” which has changed my default search and homepage. I’ve searched the web till my fingers bleed but can’t seem to find a way to get rid of the thing. It is really annoying. I’ve run just about every scan on the web and nothing touches it. I hope it won’t collect any information from me. Any help to get rid of this hijacker will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Outfox.tv Description:

Outfox.tv is categorized as a browser hijacker that can change the browser search, add unnecessary add-ons/extensions or change start page and new tab page on the most popular browsers like IE, Firefox, and Chrome. It often comes bundled with various music players, video recorders and download managers. While you are installing this program and waiting for a “next step” of the installation process, you may see some options prompting you that some bundled software will be added on your computer, if you miss this step to opt-out, you can get this hijacker inside immediately. From that time, you will soon realize what you install is a disaster that makes all the web browsers run out of control.

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Published by on February 3, 2014 5:20 am

Feb 3, 2014

PUP.GoforFiles Virus Removal Guide

My new computer is infected by PUP.GoforFiles. My AVG has detected and removed the virus for thousand times, but it will come back after restarting the infected machine. I try to get rid of it by my own but have no idea how to do that? Where should I begin? What is the best way to clean this PUP.GoforFiles virus from my computer? Please help.

Description of PUP.GoforFiles Virus:

PUP.GoforFiles virus is a new virus process which belongs to the PUP virus family. This PUP virus is created to invade the computers for the malicious purpose, usually the PC users may get this virus infection while opening infected files on E-mail attachment and removable device. Once PUP.GoforFiles is installed to the infected PC, it is able to change and hide its position on the infected PC to protect itself. That is why most of the advanced anti-virus programs can not handle this PUP virus well. Homepage, desktop image and search engine can be replaced and the security programs can be even disabled by it. Since this PUP virus has been one of the most dangerous virus processes on the Internet, PC users need to be cautions while dealing with the virus infection.

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Published by on February 3, 2014 3:03 am

Feb 3, 2014

Local Crime Watcher Toolbar Removal Tips

My browser is infected by a Local Crime Watcher Toolbar, Internet Explore and Mozilla Firefox are both infected completely. I want to uninstall this toolbar on the control panel, but it will keep hijacking my browser no matter how many times I have uninstalled it. My anti-virus program is not able to remove this toolbar as well. How can I get rid of this nasty toolbar from my browser? Any help will be appreciated.

What is Local Crime Watcher Toolbar Redirect Virus :

Local Crime Watcher Toolbar, as a malicious toolbar, it can attack all kinds of the browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and others. Usually PC users will get this virus infection while installing some unsafe programs and processes because cyber criminals will attach the virus process to these programs or processes. Once the PC users activate the virus process, Local Crime Watcher Toolbar will be installed without PC user’s permission, that is the reason PC most of the users have no idea how and when they get the virus infection. The malicious toolbar will take over the infected browser and create malicious add-ons on it, those malicious add-ons will redirect PC users to visit other unsafe websites or forums. Anyway, it is not a reliable tool at all, PC users need to get rid of it completely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on February 3, 2014 1:57 am

Feb 2, 2014

How to Remove Windows Safety Master

Your computer is infected with Windows Safety Master because you download one unknown program from a forum? This fake antivirus program stops you from opening any program on the computer? Every time you try to open some programs such as Excel and word documents or visit websites, it always pops up telling you that your computer is infected with many Trojan infections? How to remove this malicious program from the computer? You think your legitimate security tool is able to remove it, but it even will not let you access the security tool? What to do to get rid of this nasty thing?

Windows Safety Master Fake AV Introduction:

Windows Safety Master virus, which is similar to Windows Ultimate Booster, Windows Efficiency Kit and Windows Prime Accelerator, is a kind of rogue software. It installs on a computer system without user’s consent and results in privacy issues including credit card theft, cyber criminals’ invasion and identity theft. This rogue usually mimics the basic structure of those famous security programs to confuse inexperienced computer users. The most common symptom of this Rogueware is that it will scan the computer and the result always shows that the computer has been threatened by many high-risk infections such as Trojans, worms or spyware. Then it claims that it has the ability to remove all the threats and protect the computer if you purchase its full version.
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Published by on February 2, 2014 5:16 am and last modified on February 8, 2014 4:22 am.

Feb 1, 2014

Remove Websearch.searchinweb.info Redirect

When you start the web browser, Websearch.searchinweb.info often shows up? Is it a useful search engine? If you allow it to stay in the computer, what kind of potential risks can it bring to your computer? All kinds of anti-virus software cannot stop it? There are some strange toolbars displaying in the browser? You do not think you permit the installations of these toolbars into the computer? This article will help you learn more about the redirect.

More Details about Websearch.searchinweb.info:

Websearch.searchinweb.info is a browser hijacker. When it lands in your computer successfully, it replaces your browser’s homepage and default search engine with its own site immediately, which means you first can see is the hijacker’s page when you open the browser. Your search in some of the famous search engines Google, Bing and Yahoo will be automatically redirected. Many users are compromised and use it to look for some information, but you will know that it is able to display a variety of weird advertisements as well as sponsorship links in your search results. Your search keywords also will be collected so as to make ads depending on your preference to your computer. As a result, the developers can get some income.
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Published by on February 1, 2014 11:48 am

Jan 31, 2014

Gyp.javadriver.net Pop-up Removal

Do you keep receiving Gyp.javadriver.net pop-up ads while you are surfing online? Now most PC users are complaining that constant pop-ups are the most irritating issue that interrupts their browsing activities. It also causes lots of computer problems. If you found your browser kept showing pop-up ads, banner and sponsored links, please follow the manual removal guide below to get rid of the unwelcome pop-ups immediately.

Gyp.javadriver.net Pop-up Ads Description:

The Gyp.javadriver.net pop-up is associated with adware or PUP (as known as Potentially Unwanted Program) which always comes into the vulnerable computer bundled with programs downloaded from the Internet. Once installed, it starts continuously rerouting Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines to its domain where undesirable ads are displayed. You may see non-stop pop-up ads and sponsored links while you are using Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. This adware can completely take over your browser, making you difficult to access Internet.

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Published by on January 31, 2014 2:30 am and last modified on January 31, 2014 2:32 am.

Jan 30, 2014

Policia Departamento Cibercrime Virus Unlock Guide

I am freaking out! I believe my computer was blocked by Policia Departamento Cibercrime virus. Last night I was on a “normal” porn website when suddenly my cam flashed and subsequently I got a message from Policia Departamento Cibercrime. It said I did something illegal and asked me to pay 100 euro either using Ukash or Paysafecard to unblock computer in 48 hours, or the authorities might prosecute me. On the locked page, it also displayed my IP address, my location and my username. I don’t know what to do now. I can’t do anything on my computer. Is it real or just a scam wanting €100 from me? How can I get my computer unlocked?

PC Locked By Policia Departamento Cibercrime Virus Scam? – An Overall Description

Policia Departamento Cibercrime Virus is another variant of Ukash virus used to attack PC users in Portugal and other countries. Similarly to other Ukash or Moneypak Ransomware, it will lock the a target computer and demand that a fine must be paid in order to remove the block. Generally the amount will be requested for €100 and this virus even limits the time for you to pay the ransom. It only gives you 48 hours and threatens you if the fine is not paid in time, you will have to go jail or face other consequences about legal issues. If your computer has been blocked by Policia Departamento Cibercrime Ukash message, please ignore what it says. Even though it has a convincing appearance with government seal and symbol, it is not associated with any legal authorities. This is a scam designed with an aim to scare innocent users and then collect money from them. Things displayed on the blocked message saying that you have done something illegal like spreading pornographic files, watching porn or violating copyrights are not real at all.

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Published by on January 30, 2014 5:39 am

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