Aug 9, 2014

Remove Win32:InstalleRex-BO [PUP]

The antivirus program shows the warning about Win32:InstalleRex-BO [PUP] constantly. For the virus cannot be removed completely by the antivirus program, you have to eject the warning over and over? You can see it being listed on the detection result of the antivirus program again and again? Will the computer become weaker if the virus cannot be cleared timely? How to delete it if the antivirus program does not catch it?

Details of Win32:InstalleRex-BO [PUP]:

Win32:InstalleRex-BO [PUP] is a Trojan infection. The purpose of this Trojan horse, according to many victims’ experiences, is to help computer hackers to benefit from the victim’s personal information, so there will be many ongoing issues happening in the infected computer without permission. It is considered to be a newly released Trojan horse. What seems strange is that the antivirus program may be able to find it but can’t delete it. Its stubborn characteristic makes many computer users suffer from a lot of troubles and losses.
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Published by on August 9, 2014 8:45 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:48 am.

Aug 9, 2014

How to Remove Ads by “SaveMass” ?

If you see pop-ups titled with Ads by SaveMass, then your computer must have adware or PUP (also called Potentially Unwanted Program) installed. Don’t believe in this add-on, it won’t help you save your money or bring great deals from all your favourite online shopping sites, instead it only bombards you with crazy ads. SaveMass should be removed manually. Please follow the manual removal step from this post and clean up your computer instantly. 

“SaveMass” Adware Description:

SaveMass is a browser add-on that claims it can bring great deals from all your favourite online shopping sites directly to you and help you to save more funds when you visit on-line stores; however what it really does is to display various kinds of intrusive ads within your browser in order to make you click them and make its developers richer. This add-on is associated with adware or browser hijacker that will alter your browser settings, change your default homepage and search engine and even install unwanted programs or malware to your machine. It can make a great effect on the functioning of your browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. As soon as you browse the web, you might notice many of dubious pop-ups powered by SaveMass adware, and if you click on them you will be redirected to some strange web sites which you have never indented to go. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 9, 2014 1:31 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:50 am.

Aug 7, 2014 Browser Hijacker Removal

The default homepage is replaced by automatically and your online activities are messed up? The network connection is often cut off. You are not allowed to log on to some websites when you surf the web. How to recover the browser?

More Details about may look like a common web site that you can see everywhere, but it is unfriendly to your computer and we call it a browser hijacker which also can be defined as a computer virus to a certain extent because of its unruly behavior. Recently, browser hijackers including this one have angered many computer users. Usually, it will dress up like a normal website with a search engine or an additional toolbar. Computer users are not easy to see through it. However, you will encounter many annoying issues one of which is to redirect you to some websites or display pop-up windows containing Trojan viruses!
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Published by on August 7, 2014 4:35 pm and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:50 am.

Aug 7, 2014 Pop-up Ads Removal

I have been trying to get rid of pop-up on my Dell laptop. I believe there is a malware already in my computer but AVG cannot detect it. My computer is running weird. As soon as I browse online, I get a fake pop up that keeps prompting me to download a flash player. I knew this warning is fake because my flash player is the latest version, however I cannot find a way to remove the pop-up. I can neither close the pop-up window nor minimize it. It is annoying and driving me insane!!! Is there any way I can get rid of the pop-up ads completely? Pop-up Description: is a misleading web page that belongs to one of the fake java update virus scams used to host malware. The content shown on this page will say that your flash player is outdated and a new version is needed if you want to view the page. It may offer various downloads claiming to be a flash player update, but if you really accept and install the downloads, it turns out to be malicious files or applications. This fake pop-up ads is used to distribute adware or PUPs. Watch out! If you see pop-up suddenly appears on your web browsers, no matter it is on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, don’t trust it or download things from this page. It is a fishy website that could install viruses or unwanted programs to your computer, also it indicates your computer is already attacked by browser hijacker threat. The pop up is not a virus, it often comes packed with free software. As long as you are careful enough when download software from the Internet, you can avoid getting this annoying thing.  Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 7, 2014 8:31 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:52 am.

Aug 6, 2014

Remove TrojanDownloader.Win32.Banload.AXD

Your computer is tormented by TrojanDownloader.Win32.Banload.AXD? Where does it come from and why does your antivirus program fail to prevent it from getting into your computer? What can it do to your computer? Find out the answers to these questions here.

Details of TrojanDownloader.Win32.Banload.AXD:

TrojanDownloader.Win32.Banload.AXD is defined as a Trojan infection. It has been reported by many computer users for it is quite rampant to infect many computers from all over the world. Because this kind of Trojan virus is specially designed by computer hacker, it has the ability to bypass most antivirus programs to slip into your computer system. Since your antivirus program cannot prevent and delete it successfully, you must seek another way that is able to remove it completely.
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Published by on August 6, 2014 2:56 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:53 am.

Aug 6, 2014 Pop up Removal

I was trying to download a free TV, then accidentally I got a pop up from asking me to update video or flash player though I am using the latest version now. It just gave me “Accept and Install” option. Though I can see the “X” in the upper corner on the pop up, it didn’t help actually to close that window. This pop-up also opens when i use Firefox. I don’t really know what to do at this point. I am scared I will mess it up and end up getting the actual virus and possibly have to wipe my laptop. Is there any way I can get rid of this pop-up window completely?

What is Pop-up? is a misleading warning pop-up that can appear on any of your browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome and trick you into downloading viruses or malicious browser hijacker, adware and PUPs (as known as Potentially Unwanted Programs). People who are suffering from this unwanted pop up must be worried, annoyed, stressed or uncertain. They take for granted into thinking antivirus can prevent all the viruses, but the truth is it cannot block browser hijacker at all. pop up is not considered as a virus technically; however it can mess up your browser or even the whole system miserably after it is installed. This fake site can pop up every time you try to get online. It can not just affect your browsing experience but also pose risk for your computer because it may cause your computer to be infected and your personal information to be sent to the third parties.

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Published by on August 6, 2014 2:15 am and last modified on August 6, 2014 2:16 am.

Aug 4, 2014

Remove Browser Hijacker

Why is my homepage in Internet Explorer changed to automatically? How can I change the homepage back to my previous one? And I can’t seem to visit other websites. I am redirected to some strange websites and links when I surf the Internet. How to remove it?

More Details about is a web site that has a search engine on its web page. It seems that you can get a lot of resources from the Internet through its search bar. However, it is designed by the developers to collect computer users’ browsing records to gain profit. It is classified as browser hijacker or browser redirect which has become a major computer problem recently. Being dressed as a common site, the hijacker has fooled many computer users and caused a lot of troubles for by creating all sorts of chaos constantly. Because the hijacker is created to gather valuable information from computer users, your private data on the Internet may face the risk of being stolen.
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Published by on August 4, 2014 9:26 am

Aug 3, 2014 Browser Hijacker Removal

The browser is not working currently? The Internet is cut off occasionally? Why is the homepage changed to No matter where I go, this web site pops up constantly. What is it? How do I get rid of it?

More Details about is classified as a browser hijacker which is able to affect most of popular browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. It is designed by the developers to take over the browser completely without asking for your permission and cause many annoying issues such as constant pop-up windows and web page redirects. When you see this website in your browser, you should be careful and don’t start online research from this strange URL. Otherwise, the computer will continue to suffer from more problems.
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Published by on August 3, 2014 8:29 am

Aug 2, 2014

PUP.Optional.SavePass.A – How to Remove?

Hi there. Here is my problem: I bought a laptop a week ago and since yeseterday I found a lot of pop-ups on my browser while I was surfing online. So I downloaded and ran Malwarebytes scan, it detected a virus called PUP.Optional.SavePass.A. I tried to remove it but it seems failed. On the next scan, this PUP can be found again. The virus doesn’t go away for some reasons. So how do I get rid of it without coming back? Is this specific spyware known for stealing banking information? 

Learn More About PUP.Optional.SavePass.A:

PUP.Optional.SavePass.A is classified as Potentially Unwanted Program (as known as PUP) that can install and attack browsers like Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer without any permission. It may not be considered as a virus, however this PUP can help install more system infections since it shows pop-up ads and links that often include malicious content. It is able to corrupt the targeted Internet browser by installing annoying toolbar and causing browser redirection. Now there are many ways for this program to get into the target computer because it is created with sophisticated technology and has the ability to make full use of security vulnerabilities in Windows operating systems. And the most common way it accesses the computer is by bundling with other programs you have intention to download. Also it may enter compromised systems when you open spam email attachments. This PUP can display tons of disturbing ads in all sorts of forms on your screen like pop-up, banner, in-text and link ads once it is downloaded. It only gives users annoyance so there is no reason for you to keep it stay on the PC. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 2, 2014 2:27 am

Aug 1, 2014


The homepage in Mozilla Firefox is changed to What’s wrong? Why is the network disconnected? What is worse, pornographic and other unnecessary sites always pop up on the screen. How do I make my browser stop doing these strange things?

More Details about is an unfriendly web site which can be classified as a browser hijacker. Browser hijackers usually stick to web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.. It helps the developers perform annoying things to interrupt your online activities. If you can’t get rid of the hijacker from your computer, undesirable consequences will befall the computer. Therefore, you absolutely should remove it from your computer timely.
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Published by on August 1, 2014 2:08 am

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