Sep 11, 2014

How to Unblock the RCMP Virus from Android Phone

Oh, my dear! Is it the truth that my Android Phone was blocked by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police? I was asked to pay a fine of $300 through Ukash to unblock my phone. The warning stated that my phone violated laws, etc. My phone is being recorded…”your phone is detained,” “your data is encrypted”. All these messages make me so scared. I don’t know what should I do. I was wondering whether I should pay for the fine to unblock my phone or not, since I need my phone to deal with my daily business. Thus, this problem should be solved immediately. To pay or not to pay, that is a question. When I calm down later, I confirm this message on the Google. From the Google, I got to know that this is a kind of newly created virus. It is so difficult to be removed since many samrtphone users said about this nasty virus. Anyway, how to get rid of it is a big problem which would drive me mad. I have tried many ways to delete it, but it didn’t work. What should I do then? Urgent! Any recommendation will be highly appreciated!

Android Phone Be Infected By the RCMP Virus—-How to Remove It?

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Virus (also called RCMP Virus for short) is a ransomware that blocks the aimed computers or Mac and tries to trick money from the computers or Mac users as much as it can. At the beginning, this virus aims to attack the PC users in North America, mainly in Canada. It can infect any kinds of operating system, no matter a Windows computer or a Mac computer. Infecting and ruining the user’s PC system are just a piece of cake for the RCMP Virus. And now, with the highly development of the high-tech, more and more people use their Android Phones to surf the Internet and do on line shopping and make the payment on line as well. The smartphone users have become the victims of the virus as well. This malicious ransomware can sneak into the PC or phone usually with the help of a Trojan, then runs in the background by seeking for the unfounded weaknesses. There are lots of such ransomwares that target the innocent victims worldwide, such as Sacem virus from France, FBI Moneypak Virus from UAS and Buma Stemra from the Netherlands. All these annoying viruses are designed by the cyber criminals to hoax money from the innocent users who believed these ransomwares.
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Published by on September 11, 2014 12:33 pm and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:22 am.

Sep 11, 2014 Hijacker Removal

Are you suffering a problem with your computer, which makes you gotten bored so much? What is the problem? Is it that your browser does not work as usual? You are always redirected to an unwanted website which is called while you are going online? You can’t find your default homepage? You must feel so confused about where your default homepage is? Why does the unwanted site keep you away from visiting those websites you used to surf to? How can you get your browser back to a normal and safe one?

More Details about Browser Hijacker: is classified to the family of the browser hijacker. The majority of people maybe think that this website is a usual web, such as the Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox. As a contrary, this unique product is designed by the cyber hackers to conduct their concrete and malicious purposes. It has the ability to totally rule the browsers of the hacked computer. It can be spread by the cyber criminals through the Internet. Thus, many computer users in the world have suffered the same problem, which influences their daily life on surfing the Internet very much and makes them feel annoyed. This problem should be solved as soon as possible. Browser hijacker is technically not a computer virus, but it is an accomplice of virus because it helps lots of other kinds of computer viruses to attack the computers worldwide. Be similar to and, it can play the same ruse to hoax the innocent computer users. This kind of redirect infection is very risky browser hijacker. Once your computer is infected by, all your online activities will be recorded and transferred to the cyber hackers who hide in the remote background. Therefore, measures should be taken to get rid of this nasty browser hijacker from your computer as soon as possible before it can generate much more unwanted problems.
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Published by on September 11, 2014 12:30 pm and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:23 am.

Sep 11, 2014

Win 8 Antivirus 2014 Removal Guide

Hi there. I have a problem on my computer and really need some help. I was trying to find a free TV program and mistakenly downloaded Win 8 Antivirus 2014 on my computer. I looked it up and found it was a fake antivirus product but I cannot uninstall it. It is not listed in control panel. Now I keep receiving pop-ups claiming that there is some sort of virus or hack, and if I try to remove it, I have to purchase something. I can’t go onto the Internet, or do anything. I heard that I’m supposed to end a process on something using task manager but the virus won’t let me open it at all!! It is really frustrating. What should I do now?

Win 8 Antivirus 2014 Description:

Win 8 Antivirus 2014 is categorized as rogue antivirus program that is identical to other rogue security programs from the same line, including Win 7 Antivirus 2014, Vista Antivirus 2014 and XP Antivirus 2014. In most cases, computers users got infected with this rogue program because they have been downloading something from the internet. This rogue program can be bundled with those useful applications users downloaded so the unwary users are tricked into downloading them. Once installed, this virus will add malicious registry entries to launch itself every time you start Windows. Although it looks as if those trustworthy anti-virus programs, it can only pretend to detect or remove infections, and has no functional redeeming features. In another word, Win 8 Antivirus 2014 doesn’t have any capabilities for detecting viruses or other PC threats. It only uses scare tactics that feeds you fake malware alerts and make you purchase its software. As mentioned above, this rogue program is not trusted to disinfect your PC and certainly should never be purchased.
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Published by on September 11, 2014 11:13 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:30 am.

Sep 11, 2014

Remove Win 7 Protection 2014 Completely

Are you familiar with all the antivirus programs on your computer? Do you allow Win 7 Protection 2014 to process its installation in the computer? If you do not, where does it come from? Why can it perform a lot of tasks without permission? It scans the computer automatically and according to the results of the scan, your computer has been infected with a lot of virus infections. Is that true? Why did the other antivirus program in the computer not say that? It seems difficult to uninstall the Win 7 Protection 2014. How to get rid of it thoroughly?

More Details about Win 7 Protection 2014:

Win 7 Protection 2014 appears to be a legitimate antivirus program from its appearance and functions. However, it is actually a fake antivirus program which will mess up your computer and bring you a lot of troubles. Rogue antivirus software viruses now become a major computer problem. They have a lot in common. Generally speaking, they usually dress up as computer protection tools that can provide antivirus and maintain the computer performance through cleaning up junk files for computer users. With the professional appearance designed by cyber criminals, they manage to fool many computer users around the world. As long as the computer is infected, the system becomes fragile. Many other dangerous infections from the Internet will be able to sneak into the computer easily. The final purpose of the rogue software is money. In other words, they help the cyber criminals to collect money from computer users. All the security alerts they display are fake which aim at convincing you to purchase their non-existent full version or activation code.
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Published by on September 11, 2014 10:21 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:35 am.

Sep 10, 2014

Unlock Android Phone from FBI Cybercrime Division Virus

My Samsung galaxy android phone is locked by the FBI Cybercrime Division which asks for a fine over a period of time. Do I need to pay for it to open my phone? But I never do anything like it says in the locked page. It must be a cyber fraud to swindle the innocent users out of money. Have not idea what porn is and I can’t think of anything illegal that I would have been watching. I just looked up the definition of porn and I can tell you that I definitely have NOT been watching or looking up anything like that. I did some read watch and saw that others were getting a virus that caused that. Should I be worried and tell someone that I need to fix it or should I leave it and see if it happens again and then try and fix it? I’m so scared that the FBI Cybercrime Division is going to fine me and I’ll get in trouble… Being accused for watching this stuff but I really have not watched anything like it! HELP! How to unlock android phone from FBI Cybercrime Division Virus? What can I do when I have no way to access anything in the mobile phone because it is locked by the ransomware completely?

Is the FBI Cybercrime Division Screen on Android Phone Real?

FBI Cybercrime Division Virus is a hoax which tricks phone users into paying by any kind of means. This virus will disguise as a government agency to lock your smart phone and accuse you of violating cybercrime laws or doing some improper behaviors. The victim user is required to pay a certain amount of money in order to avoid legal liability and unlock the phone. The virus is originally created to attack computers with windows operating systems. However, android phones also become its main targets nowadays. When the phone is infected, you are barred from accessing anything in the phone. It pops up to lock the main menu immediately every time you power on the android phone, not to mention opening the system menu or surfing on the Internet. The files in the infected phone can be acquired by the virus makers. You worry about the data, but you do not know what to do because you even cannot enter the system.
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Published by on September 10, 2014 9:55 am and last modified on July 29, 2015 3:30 am.

Sep 10, 2014

Win 7 Antivirus 2014 Uninstall Guide

Hi I was watching a TV show online last night and all of a sudden I start getting pop ups for this Win 7 Antivirus 2014 firewall alert. I looked it up and found it was a fake antivirus protector. This rogue program won’t allow me to open anything on my computer, it just keeps showing me a large number of viruses found from my computer and pushing me to pay for its full version. I cannot run my real antivirus program or open my internet browser to search solution. I am using my phone right now. Any help will be highly appreciated.

“Win 7 Antivirus 2014” Virus Description:

Win 7 Antivirus 2014 is categorized as a fake anti-spyware that penetrates into the directory of the operating system and can imitate all of the functions that a typical antivirus program would perform. It is the direct successor of Win 7 Antivirus 2013 rogue. Once installed, it modifies your registry to make it run and scan your computer automatically every time you start up the computer. And then, it pops up lots of security alerts reporting your computer is seriously infected. At the same time, almost all applications on your computer are disabled. Although this program claims it can give you complete PC protection and protect both your Internet Security and Personal Security, you should keep away from it still. As a matter of fact, Win 7 Antivirus 2014 is a horrible computer virus designed to mislead inexperienced users. It is created by online frauds who try to make money by luring users into paying money for this hoax which is not able to remove any real malware.
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Published by on September 10, 2014 5:30 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:37 am.

Sep 9, 2014

Remove Vanilla Reload Virus From Android Phone

I need help to unlock my android phone! An awful virus named Vanilla Reload keeps displaying on my phone and asking me to pay a fine. I don’t know what happen to it. And I don’t think I did anything wrong. But I can’t figure out a way to kick off the virus completely and get my phone to work normally. Could anyone help me kindly? I will be so grateful if any recommendation is provided.

More details about the Vanilla Reload Virus:

Vanilla Reload Virus is a kind of malware which has been distributed furiously on the internet nowadays. . The malware not only infects the computers, but also puts their eyes on the smart phones as mobile phone market is growing bigger and bigger nowadays. Once you see the Vanilla Reload message on your phone, unfortunately, you have to admit that your phone has been locked by the virus which keeps showing some warning screen stating “Your Phone Has Been Blocked” or similar messages. The virus is one of the malicious ransom software created by cyber attackers to gain profit by tricking phone users into paying money for them. They pretend to come from police enforcing law, for instance, it displays the real logos and seals on the virus page. In fact, this Vanilla Reload Virus is total fake from beginning to end. It is not associated with the Vanilla Reload, the police or the local government at all. This scam warning aims to help cyber criminals who sit remotely accumulate wealth from phone users through MoneyPak, Vanilla Reload or Reloadit. The warning message says that your phone has been blocked because the device is involved with the spam emailing, glancing over or distributing pornography, using illegal apps etc.
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Published by on September 9, 2014 11:39 pm and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:40 am.

Sep 8, 2014

Remove Redirect

I’ve recently downloaded some video players from the Internet but I found them useless and already uninstalled them. From that time my computer was extremely slow. It took forever to load up a page. And whenever I browse online, I have lots of pop-up ads which I couldn’t find a way to stop. I also noticed my homepage somehow has been changed to This annoying problem happened on both IE and Firefox. I have tried to reinstall them, it did the same thing. I also ran security tool but it found nothing. So my question is how to get rid of Fissa Search page completely and its related pop-up ads? (Fissa Search) Redirect Description: (Fissa Search) is classified as browser hijacker that commonly attacks web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Now this type of threat can secretly integrate into the targeted browsers for promoting the potentially unwanted programs, dangerous viruses, or even for increasing web traffic and sales of the partner web sites. It modifies your browser settings without your permission by changing your home page, new tab page and default search engine. Although its search page seems to be harmless, if you take a closer look, you’ll see sponsored ads everywhere that may provide you misleading information such as “Your download manager may be outdated” or “Your computer is in a poor performance”. Don’t be taken in and click any of these ads, or you will end up installing various malware on your computer and make it in a worse situation. This is a low-quality search engine created by the adware producers in order to generate web traffic of certain pages and make profit. You cannot use Fissa Search to replace your current default search providers like Google or Bing. hijacker only displays excessive advertisements in all places in the browsers which drive you crazy.

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Published by on September 8, 2014 6:26 pm and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:41 am.

Sep 7, 2014

Remove Police Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus From Android Phone

Help! My android phone has been locked by the Canada Police Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus. It is unbelievable. How has it happened? I did nothing which was against the law when I went on the Internet with my phone. When I saw the message which said that I must pay $100 to unblock my phone within 48 hours, if not, my phone would be blocked forever. This message driven me crazy. I felt like that I could not breathe any more. I have tried every way to get rid of it, but unfortunately, I failed. What should I do then? Who can help me to have this boring Canada Police Cybercrime Investigation Department virus removed from my smartphone? Any recommendation will be so grateful.

Learn More about Police Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus:

Police Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus (Canadian Pacific Police Service Virus scam) is a kind of the malicious virus which is similar to the Department of Justice Moneypak virus. Your smartphone is locked and you are told that a fine of $100 via Ukash is requested by the Police Cybercrime Investigation Department. Actually, this virus can sneak into your phone and installed without your permission and notice. When your phone infected, the warning massage would inform you that what you did on line has been record and you have gone against lots of laws of Canada. It is asking for the payment of $100 via Ukash for unblocking your smartphone within 48 hours, if not, your phone will be blocked forever. Moreover, you will be investigated and brought to justice. You are maybe so nervous when you saw this massage at your first time. This warning sets you into a panic. You are missing your direction. You do not know what to do then. Then many questions come into your mind. Is that true? Is it really the Police Cybercrime Investigation Department? No, it is not the truth. It is just a ransomware scam. This virus can show up as soon as you go online with your phone and you can do nothing. You cannot remove it by the antivirus. No matter what you do, the screen of the Canada Police Cybercrime Investigation Department is always popping up on the phone’s screen. Once your phone is infected, you should have the Police Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus gotten rid of immediately without hesitation. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 7, 2014 8:21 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:42 am.

Sep 7, 2014

Remove FBI Department of Defense Virus From Android Phone

I was looking through my email, and I saw a link to some site, out of curiosity, I clicked on it. Then it said that the FBI has locked my phone and I need to pay them 300 now or I will be charged for viewing child porn. I swear I didn’t even look up child porn or even watch anything to do with kids. I cannot leave the locked page even though I have restarted my phone a million times. Why FBI Department of Defense blocked up my phone? Now I get a feeling that they’re just going to bust down my door any minute now. I really hope that this is fake and it’s just a scam. Any thoughts?

Phone Locked By FBI Department of Defense Virus Scam? – An Overall Description

FBI Department of Defense virus is not something new, but it is still very prevalent in recent years. This virus was created to attack inexperienced users and extort their money by locking the compromised computer or browser. At the beginning, it only targets Windows and Mac computer users, but now it has debuted on Android, using the same method like it attacks computers. If FBI virus is placed on an android device, it locks up phone immediately using a fake FBI pop-up that covers all your other apps, and sometimes even scrambles your data files. It says you have performed some illegal actions that are beyond the the law and therefore all files and applications have been locked. This ransomware uses the name of the government, police or other authorities to scare and cheat you. It claims this warning is from FBI.Department of Defense, Mandiant U.S.A. Cyber Security and U.S.A. Cyber Crime Investigations and even displays your IP address and location to make it look authentic. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on September 7, 2014 8:02 am and last modified on December 25, 2014 4:14 pm.

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