Remove Vanilla Reload Virus From Android Phone

I need help to unlock my android phone! An awful virus named Vanilla Reload keeps displaying on my phone and asking me to pay a fine. I don’t know what happen to it. And I don’t think I did anything wrong. But I can’t figure out a way to kick off the virus completely and get my phone to work normally. Could anyone help me kindly? I will be so grateful if any recommendation is provided.

More details about the Vanilla Reload Virus:

Vanilla Reload Virus is a kind of malware which has been distributed furiously on the internet nowadays. . The malware not only infects the computers, but also puts their eyes on the smart phones as mobile phone market is growing bigger and bigger nowadays. Once you see the Vanilla Reload message on your phone, unfortunately, you have to admit that your phone has been locked by the virus which keeps showing some warning screen stating “Your Phone Has Been Blocked” or similar messages. The virus is one of the malicious ransom software created by cyber attackers to gain profit by tricking phone users into paying money for them. They pretend to come from police enforcing law, for instance, it displays the real logos and seals on the virus page. In fact, this Vanilla Reload Virus is total fake from beginning to end. It is not associated with the Vanilla Reload, the police or the local government at all. This scam warning aims to help cyber criminals who sit remotely accumulate wealth from phone users through MoneyPak, Vanilla Reload or Reloadit. The warning message says that your phone has been blocked because the device is involved with the spam emailing, glancing over or distributing pornography, using illegal apps etc.

The Vanilla Reload Virus scam come up with all the skills to trick you to pay the money by highlighting “You have 72 hours left to enter your payment”, which can be ranged from $100-$500. You should not pay for the non-existent fine stated by it as it won’t help unlock your phone at all and the trouble is still there. Keep in mind that the law authority won’t punish a person by locking phone, alleging you have violated the law and ask you to enter the payment. And many users were so scared to find their phones have been attacked by cyber criminals. Though the name is associated with some legal authorities, like Australian Federal Police, Metropolitan Police, U.S. Department of Justice and FBI, It has nothing to do with them. So nasty this virus is, Vanilla Reload scam can get itself installed on your phone without getting your permission. You may get it by visiting malicious web sites and downloading free software as it is actually designed and distributed through the Internet. This virus program is able to bundle with other infection together, in this way they can mess up your phone easily. Once it’s installed, it will block you out of your phone with some warning message saying “Your Phone Has Been Blocked”. Once it is loaded, it blocks you from doing anything, not to mention open an app on your phone. And you can see only the fake message keeps displaying disgustingly. No doubt that you should take effective method to remove the virus completely. Now you can follow the guide.

Please Contact YooCare 24/7 Online PC Expert now if you don’t know how to start the removal on your phone.

Know more about this virus:

1. Your mobile phone will under its control rapidly once it is downloaded.
2. It may damage the Android system.
3. It is not allowed to change phone settings or to download antivirus program.
4. It will ask for a ransom to unlock the phone.
5. You can’t open other applications.
5. It is a big threat to your phone security and your personal information.

A Step-by-step Manual Removal Guide On Android Phone

1. Restart your phone to safe mode.

Note: When you reboot your phone into Safe Mode, your Android device temporarily disables all third-party apps that you’ve installed on it and lets you analyze the cause.

Safe Mode On Samsung Galaxy S4:
1.Turn off the device. 2. Press the power button to turn it on. 3. When the screen turns up keep tapping the soft Menu key that is left to the Home button till the device boots up.

If you have managed to select Safe Mode, you will see the text “Safe Mode” at the bottom left corner of the screen.


Safe Mode on Galaxy S3 and Others:
1.Turn off the phone. 2. Press the Power key to restart it. 3. Press and hold the Volume Down key till the device boots up (Galaxy S3 and others), Volume Up (HTC One and others), or Volume Down and Volume Up together (Motorola devices) when the vendor’s logo appears.

2. Once you have put your phone in safe mode, contact an expert for further removal instruction.


Vanilla Reload Virus is a risky infection which can not only target the computer but also mobile phone nowadays. Phone users were scared to find their phones have been locked by the virus. It is able to threaten your phone security and your private data. Though the name relates to some legal authorities, don’t be freak out. This is only an internet fraud which is created by hackers. Those bad guys now pursue their purpose by using the familiar way as they have used to scam a lot of users by locking their computers before. And unfortunately, once you run into this terrible situation, you can use the above guide to unlock your phone.

Note: Manual removal needs sufficient professional skills. If you haven’t enough expert skills, you may make some mistakes damaging your phone immediately. If you are not sure how to do, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help.

Published by on September 9, 2014 11:39 pm, last updated on September 22, 2014 9:40 am

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