Sep 28, 2014

How to Remove Pop-up?

I was on Facebook and suddenly pop-up came up on my screen and asked me to update video player. I can close the window, but the second time when I opened Google Chrome, the same pop-up ads appeared again. It is very annoying and I’ve been spending my morning searching all around to get answers of how to get rid of it. I’ve tried re-installing Google Chrome and it still did the same thing. I really don’t want to format the computer, any suggestion? Description: is a fake video player website that closely associated with browser hijacker, adware or potentially unwanted program (also called PUP). Now it has been regarded as another online fraud that can make undesirable activities on user’s computer without any consent and knowledge. Computer users that has less experience are easily to be tricked by this fake pop-up site, it pops up a dialog box telling user that you are recommended to update your video player to the fastest version available. If you click on “OK” to continue, you’ll soon find out what you download is malware but not video player program as it markets. The pop up can be displayed in most popular web browsers including IE, Firefox, Chrome or even Safari without asking for any permission. It hosts malware and could track your browsing history and even get access to the passwords you use to login to various accounts, including your Internet banking. Unfortunately many browser hijacker and adware programs are not easily picked up by even the best anti-virus programs, if you find this pop-up on your computer, manual removal is recommended to get rid of it completely.
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Published by on September 28, 2014 3:44 am

Sep 27, 2014

Remove Browsers+ App+ Pro+ Ads

My computer is infected by Browsers+ App+ Pro+ Ads. I don’t know when and how the computer gets infected. I tried everything to get rid of it but no luck. The antivirus program is unable to deal with it too. When I try to run a program, visit a website or open a file as usual, the computer displays something that I don’t want. How to remove the virus? Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

More Details about Browsers+ App+ Pro+ Ads:

Browsers+ App+ Pro+ Ads is a threatening adware program which is designed by cyber criminals to invade targeted computers and perform some malicious activities. Once executed on targeted computer, all the browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome can be hijacked, and the computer would encounter a slow performance. Your browser can’t perform well as usual since some functions of the browser have been changed by the adware. It will redirect you to some unwanted websites frequently and many annoying things will pop up. Typically, restarting the computer takes less than a minute, but you may need to wait about 10 minutes when you boot your infected computer. And it is capable to damages the system, corrupt files and display false ads on the screen. System crash will occur and you will lose your data if you let it stay in the computer for a long time. What is more, cyber criminals are able to track your online record, the contents of the files you are reading and the account password by taking control of the targeted computer remotely. No doubt that the adware is a high risk to the safety of your privacy information.
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Published by on September 27, 2014 5:23 am and last modified on October 1, 2014 3:11 am.

Sep 27, 2014

Remove Downloader.Ponik!gen5

Your personal or work computer is attacked by a virus called Downloader.Ponik!gen5? How can it have the opportunity to enter your computer since there is an antivirus program in the computer? You don’t know what type of things it can do in your computer? Is there a good way to get rid of it? Is your personal information safe? Don’t be panic. You can read the entire article to learn more about the characteristics of the virus.

Details of Downloader.Ponik!gen5:

Downloader.Ponik!gen5 is a computer virus which can be detected by some well-known antivirus software such as MSE and AVG. Since it is created with Rootkit technology, it has the ability to bypass the removal of most antivirus programs and roots deep in the infected computer system. Usually, it is able to hide in some phishing sites or spam email attachments. And unsafe free software can also make your computer infected with it.
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Published by on September 27, 2014 4:58 am

Sep 27, 2014

How to Remove DownQuick Adware

Hey, there! Have you gotten a pop-up message which is asking you to download a program named DownQuick? Does this program really work as it said? What will this fake adware do on my computer if I did download it by mistake? How to uninstall this adware from my operating system completely? Why can’t the security tool delete it permanently from my computer? What should I do now? Please, help!

More Information about This Rogue Program

DowQuick has been classified as a member of the risky adware that would like to attack millions of computer users. It is designed by cyber criminals who use this rogue program to invade the most popular Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, etc, and then conduct their evil purposes on the infected computer. In fact, this program doesn’t do the things as it has promised. Although this Adware is labelled as an advertising platform, it is usually used to trick the innocent computer users. Its pop-ups and advertisements may attempt to hoax you and then guide you to install some potentially unnecessary programs or even redirect you to some unsafe websites. Then you should not visit these dubious sites. Or you maybe get infected by other infections. You should pay more attention to this malicious rogue program. Once it invades your computer, you should take measures to remove it from your computer without any delay.

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Published by on September 27, 2014 12:12 am and last modified on September 28, 2014 1:02 pm.

Sep 26, 2014

Total System Care Uninstall Guide

Is Total System Care installed on your machine without any permission and reporting you there are hundreds of infections found from your system? Is this program reliable or fake? What should I do if my computer has been seriously infected? It says I need to pay the full version then it helps me clean up my computer, is it worth doing this? I already have Norton but it seems to be deactivated after I got this thing. What should I do? Any help will be appreciated.

Total System Care Introduction:

Total System Care is a program that claims it can help you prevent any virus attacks and give your computer an overall protection. However, what it really does is to display exaggerated and misleading alerts to trick users into paying its so called “full version“. It acts like those rogue programs owning the same appearance of a polished and reputable anti-malware scanner, but in reality it has no ability to detect or remove any single virus in the world. This program is not reliable, it can add itself on random machines without any consent and knowledge, especially for attacking computers without any antivirus programs protected. Now windows operating system is the main target of this fake anti-spyware software so it tends to attack Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 OS.
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Published by on September 26, 2014 5:33 pm

Sep 25, 2014

Remove Trojan Generic14.BXSX

I picked up Trojan Generic14.BXSX this morning. And my Norton wasn’t able to get rid of this Trojan virus. I have tried to deal with it by using several softwares such as malwarebytes and tdsskiller. But I was so disappointed because they can’t deal with it. Now tons of ads pop up when I surf the internet and the computer runs extremely slow. What more threats will my computer face if I let the virus stay in my computer? I am really worried about it. How can I delete this Tojan virus on my computer completely? Is there any effective way to help me out of this trouble?

Trojan Generic14.BXSX Description :

Trojan Generic14.BXSX is a very malicious infection which will cause serious problems on a targeted computer using the network vulnerabilities and exposing your PC to various viruses. It can provide a network access backdoor for a remote attacker to take control of the infected computer. Once the invasion of your PC is completed, Trojan virus will change the settings of the system and perform many malicious activities in the background. This risky trojan is able to help other malware to invade the targeted computer without user’s knowledge. Furthermore, it will bundle harmful programs and redundant files to your computer which would consume your CPU and RAM’s space. In this way, your computer would suffer from the degradation of performance. For instance, your computer will shut down randomly, and fail to access the desktop. At some point computer users may have to face lots of malicious pop-up ads that will be very much annoying, leading you to pornographic websites or other undesirable websites to disturb your online activities.
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Published by on September 25, 2014 8:20 pm and last modified on October 4, 2014 7:57 pm.

Sep 25, 2014

Remove Redirect

When you surf the Internet, you are often redirected to a webpage called and some other related websites? You cannot change your homepage as well as search engine to the previous ones? No matter what you do, you have to receive many pop-up windows? What is the best way to get rid of this annoying website?

More Details about is classified as a browser redirect or hijacker which is active in your computer through attaching to your browser. No matter what web browser you use, it can infect the browser easily. Your homepage is changed, because it is able to reset the default browser settings. Like other browser hijackers and, it displays in your browser as a general search engine to provide you with a lot of information online. But the fact is that it is created by the developers to promote ads for the sponsors. So the search results from the redirect contain la lot of ads and even vicious viruses.
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Published by on September 25, 2014 5:46 pm

Sep 25, 2014

Trojan:Win32/Necurs.9 Removal Guide

Attention, please. Now my computer is suffering this situation that it is infected by a kind of noxious Trojan horse virus which is named Trojan:Win32/Necurs.9. Who knows what this Trojan is? What does it really do when it invades my computer? How to get rid of this cunning Trojan? Can the antivirus tool remove it completely? What should I do now? Any help will be highly appreciated!

Detail Description for This Trojan:

Trojan:Win32/Necurs.9 is a vicious Trojan horse virus which is invented by the cyber hacker to attack Window computers’ system. Once it installed in your computer, it will modify your operating system and your registry files. Otherwise, it will slow down your computer’s performance severely that covers booting, shutting down, playing computer games and browsing the Internet, etc. Moreover, it will rule your actions and stop all your processes and even incapacitate the point of your Task Manager or System Restore. Additionally, it will generate some fake ads and messages on the infected computer screen. It will help the cyber criminal to records your confidential information and online activities as well. This malicious Trojan will become a big threat to your computer system as well as your financial security. Thus, it is highly recommended to get rid of this vicious Trojan as soon as possible once it is detected.

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Published by on September 25, 2014 1:08 pm and last modified on November 10, 2014 10:31 am.

Sep 25, 2014

Win64:Rootkit-gen [Rtk] Removal Guide

I need help in removing a virus. I have something called “Win64:Rootkit-gen [Rtk]” on my pc and I have tried just about everything to remove it. Avast keeps showing me the virus alert but it doesn’t help to eliminate it completely. Is there anyone out there that can point me in the right direction, refer me to a tool or help me get rid of it? Thanks a billion in advanced

Learn More About Win64:Rootkit-gen [Rtk]:

Win64:Rootkit-gen [Rtk] is categorized as a Trojan virus that surreptitiously infiltrates a user’s system via contaminate e-mail attachments or links and then does things without the user’s knowledge or consent. Unlike Worm infection, Trojan won’t replicate on it’s own; however it can cause undesirable behavior once it is installed on your machine. This Trojan is used to destroy 64-bit Windows computers and the one targets on 32-bit computers is called Win32:Rootkit-gen [Rtk]. Both of them share the same illegal purpose – to download and install additional unwanted software and mess up your computer system and further access your computer to grab your personal information. Not all antivirus programs are capable of scanning all of the components inside this type of Trojan. Therefore, it is not surprised that you have run a sea of antivirus programs but they all failed to catch this Rootkit virus. Manual removal is considered as the best way to remove Win64:Rootkit-gen [Rtk] virus completely.
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Published by on September 25, 2014 8:38 am

Sep 24, 2014 Pop-up Ads Removal

I have a Dell laptop that is super slow loading web pages in all browsers. In addition, it keeps giving me pop-up and other advertising windows which stop me from browsing online properly. This problem happened after I downloaded a free video player so I guess I might download some malware at the same time. I spent all day in looking up information to fix the issue but nothing helped. I’ve been told this is an adware that should be removed manually. I am not good at computers, how do I do that? Please help!!!

More Details about Pop-up: pop-up belongs to any of advertising-supported software that can install and appear itself on your current web browser without asking your permission. It is categorized as adware produced by people who want to promote their products and earn money from the fake website traffic. Now this type of adware is used to attack Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and even Safari so once it is installed, it can cause numerous trouble for you. The reason you have this adware is that you have ever installed some free programs, especially music-sharing programs or video player programs. The way for an adware to access your computer is by bundling with these freebies. Once loaded, it can show pop-ups at random intervals or based on anything you type on a web page. Usually you’ll be displayed annoying advertisements, pop-ups, or other misleading information about coupons, special offers or web site ratings whenever you browse online. And pop-up ads could be the most frequent pop-up you’ve ever seen after infected.
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Published by on September 24, 2014 7:19 am

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