Dec 1, 2014

Exploit:Java/Obfuscator.AH Removal Guide

What is the Exploit:Java/Obfuscator.AH? How can it enter the computer? Why is my antivirus program unable to stop and remove it? What kind of damages this virus can bring to my computer system? Is there a good way to completely get rid of this annoying virus?

Details of Exploit:Java/Obfuscator.AH:

Exploit:Java/Obfuscator.AH is classified as a malicious computer virus created by hackers to mess up your computer and collect your valuable information without letting you know. Because the virus is especially designed by hackers with evil purposes, it has the ability to bypass most of antivirus programs to sneak into your computer. That is why it still can get into your computer successfully even if the computer is equipped with an antivirus program. The virus is very dangerous! First of all, it will weaken the system to create loopholes in the system in order to bring in more viruses helping hackers to remote into the computer. Other effects of the virus include replacement of the system data and files, redirecting the browser and slowing down the speed of the computer.
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Published by on December 1, 2014 4:09 am

Nov 30, 2014

Remove PUP.Augmenter(Step By Step)

Hi, there. Do you know why my computer is getting more and more slowly now? Do you know what PUP.Augmenter is? How can I remove this malware from my computer completely? Why my antivirus program can’t get rid of this malware? I feel so suck about this malicious virus. How do I get this stupid thing into my computer? I know nothing about when it came into my computer. Alright! Anyway, what should I do now? Who can help me delete this virus out of my computer? Millions of thanks!

What Is PUP.Augmenter?

PUP.Augmenter is classified to be a malicious browser hijacker. It is a potential unwanted program which is created by cyber criminals to attack computer users with conducting many evil purposes on the targeted computer. Once it installed on your computer, this virus will contribute several issues on your main browser and computer system as well. It often attacks the most used web browsers like Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. After its installation, it will run automatically when you start your computer or open a new tab. It will change your default homepage and browser setting without your permission. You will be redirected to visit some suspicious websites again and again due to this virus. Lots of pop-ups will be distributed from its domain. You will be so annoyed about this malicious browser hijacker. To remove this virus immediately is a very important task.

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Published by on November 30, 2014 8:42 pm

Nov 30, 2014

“Go Save” Virus Removal

Hi there. I’ve recently downloaded some font styles from the Internet and found out some programs – I don’t remember installing them. And then whenever I open Google Chrome, it starts showing Go Save ads and my internet is very slow. I have uninstalled all the suspicious application, set my dns to google, reset browser settings and deleted extensions, but I still had the same issue. So how do I get rid of those annoying pop up ads and remove this Go Save thing?

Go Save Pop-up Ads Description:

If you keep receiving pop-up ads titled with Go Save whenever you browse online, especially when you are on shopping website like eBay or Amazon, then you should be aware that there must be some kind of potentially unwanted programs or adware installed on your computer without your knowledge. Unlike a traditional virus, “Go Save” is categorized as adware that cannot be detected or removed by any security tools. Usually this program is produced by the bad guys to promote fake application and generate malicious advertisements. By throwing users tons of crazy ads, they can easily earn money from increasing artificial traffic. As similar as other adware, Go Save can change your browser settings without your consent no matter you are using Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or even Safari. Whenever you go online, you will be displayed various pop-up ads that claim to help you save money and give you available coupons. At first sight, this program may seem to be a helpful software that provides computer users various deals and coupons, but in fact it won’t do the exact thing as it claims because once Go Save is downloaded, it may cause various issues that not only interfere with your privacy, but also decrease your computer’s performance.
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Published by on November 30, 2014 2:33 am

Nov 29, 2014 pop-up ads Removal Guide

There! Do you know any thing about pop-up ads? I don’t know where this thing comes from. I just found it with a sudden on my computer while I was surfing the internet. I don’t know how to do with it now. As a matter of fact, my antivirus program fails on catching it on the computer. It is so uncomfortable to let it stay in my computer. How do I get rid of it completely? Any helpful suggestion will be highly appreciated! pop-up ads Description: pop-up ads is manifested to be a malicious adware which has attacked many computers around the world through the internet.Its goal is to gain money by promoting commercial activities and increase sales by displaying tons of annoying pop-ups and you will get constant redirection during your web browsing activities. You will be frustrated as it constantly causes a major distraction and annoying you by pointing you to questionable websites. Therefore when you surf the internet, you may get some unsafe websites and commercial advertisements instead of the websites you want. It would revamp the default home page or default toolbar by changing all crucial parameters and altering registry entry with executable files in order to run automatically each time the system starts up. What is more, it consumes system space, creates many unwanted issues like instability of the computer, blue screen and etc.
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Published by on November 29, 2014 11:08 pm and last modified on December 1, 2014 12:33 pm.

Nov 29, 2014

How to Remove Trojan Regin?

A malware named Regin attacked my computer. I don’t know how this Trojan got into my computer. My security program informs me about this malicious virus but can’t get rid of it. As a matter of fact, it makes my computer encounter poor performance. Why the virus is so stubborn and what damage my computer will suffer from if I do not remove it ASAP? Is there any other way to get rid of the Trojan? I have no idea how to remove it. This is the reason why I am here for searching a solution. Can anyone help me?

Regin Trojan Description:

Regin is categorized as a vicious Trojan horse which can be spread from the Internet in multiple ways and brings series of abnormal actions to the system. Actually if you visit a malicious website that contains Trojan codes, click on malicious ads and download some unwanted software without any caution, the Trojan would enter your computer secretly. Once the Trojan horse installed, it can modify critical system files, registry entries and other processes. And while you go online, you will be always annoyed by numerous popup ads related to your previous search as its goal is to generate profit from promoting products. Due to Regin, boot sector gets damage and you find some application functioning slowly when you try to open some normal programs. What is worse, it can generate many unwanted files to the system consuming system space greatly as it usually runs as a background program.
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Published by on November 29, 2014 8:42 pm and last modified on November 29, 2014 9:36 pm.

Nov 29, 2014

‘Pirated software has been detected’ Ransomware Removal Guide

Is your computer locked by a fake message titled with “Pirated software has been detected” that asks you to pay $500 CAD? Watch out! This isn’t a real warning from the government or any legitimate authorities even though it displays Canadian flags and badges of Department of Justice or National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center. In fact, it is a virus designed by hackers to mislead you and extort your money. The following page contains step by step instruction to help you unlock your computer.

Fake ‘Pirated software has been detected’ Alert Locked PC- An Overall Description

‘Pirated software has been detected’ is a fake alert that belongs to a new variant of ransomware Trojan used to attack computer users in Canada. Other variants like Ministry of Public Safety Canada Virus Scam and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Virus were widely spread before and they have already tricked thousands of innocent users. This virus can get into a computer without any permission, so you may wonder why your computer got locked while you are watching video on YouTube or on Facebook. Basically speaking, this malware spreads via spam e-mails, malicious or hacked Web pages, peer-to-peer networks. Once it is downloaded, it locks you out of your computer and displays bogus message “This computer was automatically blocked. Reason: Pirvated software has been detected.” From the message, it says you are suspected to violate some law related to pornography or copyright, therefore your computer has been blocked and you are required to pay $500 CAD to unlock your computer in 3 days. Also it claims that all your files are encrypted due to violation of the law of Canada. On the top of the message, it shows badges of several authorities like DOJ or others and also with the logo of Canada’s national flag, confusing inexperienced users into thinking this page really comes from the government. And it also says that if you do not follow this warning, you will have to face more serious problems and may even be arrested. The message may look scary, but it is not true. This is a scam and you shouldn’t fall for it. It has no relations with police or any other official institutions and only uses official names and logos to win users’ trust.

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Published by on November 29, 2014 9:14 am and last modified on November 29, 2014 9:16 am.

Nov 28, 2014

Remove Browser Hijacker

Your favorite homepage in Internet Explorer is changed to a strange website called suddenly? Is it a legitimate search engine service provider? Why can’t it be deleted? You are annoyed by this unwanted site because it keeps popping up when you are surfing the Internet? Obviously, your computer is infected with a browser hijacker!

More Details about seems to be a normal web page which appears in the browser as a new homepage. However, it is actually a browser hijacker that should not be underestimated. Generally speaking, a browser hijacker usually dresses up as a common web page containing a search engine. Since it looks no difference from those famous search engines such as Google and Yahoo, the browser hijacker has deceived many computer users successfully; It is absolutely no fun to keep it in your computer. Removing it as soon as possible should be the most important thing you need to do now.
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Published by on November 28, 2014 3:03 pm and last modified on November 28, 2014 3:05 pm.

Nov 27, 2014

Remove CoinVault Virus Ransomware

Oh, my dear. What is this? I just got a message from CoinVault when I turned on my computer this morning. I remembered everything was going right last night when I switched it off. I didn’t do anything wrong with it. The message alert claims that all my files are encrypted. I couldn’t believe what I have read. It is said if I want to decrypt all my files, I have to pay for the fine it asked within 24 hours. I was so frighten about this virus. What should I do now? Should I pay the amount of $300 to get my files decrypted? How do I remove this virus by manual? Any tips?

A Brief Introduction to This CoinVault Virus

CoinVault Virus is classified as a dangerous ransomware virus which is created by cyber hackers to attack computer users system and then encrypt their files. This virus can be spread for a long time through the Internet. It is a vicious virus which may encrypt your files and block your computer as well once it got into your computer. It may display you a security alert about that if you want to decrypt or unblock your computer, you have to pay the $300 via its payment system within 24 hours. This encrypted virus has becomes a great threat to computers running with Windows system like Windows 7, XP, Vista and Windows 8and, Windows 8.1 and so on. After its installation, it can control your computer and then conduct lots of vicious actions on it. The most primary symptom of it is that each time you start your infected computer with the virus alert popping up on your screen automatically and stating that “Your personal files are encrypted!” To say it in details, this ransomware virus is produced to encrypt files on the targeted computer, including .odt, .ods, .odp, .odm, .odc, .odb, .doc, .docx, .docm, .wps, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xlk, .ppt, .pptx, .pptm, .mdb, .accdb, .pst, .dwg, .dxf, .dxg, .wpd, .rtf, .wb2, .mdf, .dbf, .psd, .pdd, .pdf, .eps, .ai, .indd, .cdr, .dng, .3fr, .arw, .srf, .sr2, .mp3, .bay, .crw, .cr2,.dcr, .kdc, .erf, .mef, .mrw, .nef, .nrw, .orf, .raf, .raw, .rwl, .rw2, .r3d, .ptx, .pef, .srw, .x3f, .lnk, .der, .cer, .crt, .pem, .pfx,.p12, .p7b, .p7c, .jpg, .png, .jfif, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .exif, .txt

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Published by on November 27, 2014 7:42 pm

Nov 27, 2014

Remove Trojan.MSIL.Injector.NEP

Help!!!! There is a dangerous virus called Trojan.MSIL.Injector.NEP in my computer which can evade the removal of the antivirus program. I see a security warning from the antivirus program showing that my computer is infected with the Trojan. The virus alert keeps popping up!!! I try to use some tools from the Internet to remove it from the computer. But it is back again and again after my computer is restarted. It seems that the Trojan virus has the ability to bypass most of the antivirus programs and root deep in the system. What can I do now?

Details of Trojan.MSIL.Injector.NEP:

Trojan.MSIL.Injector.NEP is defined as a vicious Trojan infection that has attacked many computers recently from all over the world. It is usually hidden in some corrupted web sites, unknown free items, unknown links and spam email attachments. It sneaks into the computer furtively so that computer users do not know when the computer is infected at the beginning. Usually, the antivirus program will warn the user that the computer is infected with this dangerous virus through popping up an alert but no antivirus program can handle all types of viruses, because some viruses including this Trojan we talk about here keeps upgrading to avoid automatic deletion from removal tools.
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Published by on November 27, 2014 10:10 am

Nov 26, 2014

A-Secure 2015 Rogue Antivirus Removal Guide

Yesterday I found a program named A-Secure 2015 installed on my computer. I am getting into a big trouble now as I have been getting weird stuff on my computer. It keeps bothering me because it always states whatever I try to run is infected. I use google to search for it and I find it is just a rogue antivirus program. But I can’t get rid of it by any anti malware programs. And it claims that my security tool needs to be checked. It is making me crazy! Who can help me to get rid of this fake program out of my computer? I would really appreciate that!

A-Secure 2015 Rogue Antivirus Description:

A-Secure 2015 is rogue antivirus programs which is created by cyber criminals to pursue their commercial goal. It is good at tricking innocent users by using fake scan results, false security warnings. In order to get directed attention from users, they scare users into thinking their computers have a security problem and then state that using its product is the best way to protest the computer. As a matter of fact, they won’t provide any protection to your computer as their creators’ purpose is to gain profit by coercing computer users into buying the full versions of their product. Actually if you pay for this fake software, it is equivalent to send your money to cyber criminals. It is distributed using various ‘exploit. In most cases, computers users get this rogue program after they visited some websites hacked with malicious scripts and downloaded some unwanted applications since it is capable to detect security vulnerabilities of the operating system. And another common way for them to enter the target computer is by the help of Trojans which pretend to be legitimate programs in order to install the infection.
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Published by on November 26, 2014 11:39 pm and last modified on November 26, 2014 11:40 pm.

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