Jan 14, 2015

TrojanDownloader:Win32/Small.gen!I Removal

You have a virus called TrojanDownloader:Win32/Small.gen!I in the computer? You find that it is difficult to be deleted by antivirus programs? This Trojan virus is very dangerous and can bring a lot of problems to your computer. Hence, you should remove it as soon as possible according to the guide below.

Details of TrojanDownloader:Win32/Small.gen!I:

TrojanDownloader:Win32/Small.gen!I is one of the latest Trojan viruses which is trying the best to break into the target computer systems from around the world. Don’t underestimate the virus. Many other viruses and malicious software can access your computer with the help of this Trojan viruses to cause further damages in the backdoor. So once the antivirus program finds it on your computer system, you need to try your best to get rid of it by the manual removal method for the antivirus program is unable to delete all its malicious files and registry entries. If you do not completely remove it, you will see it coming back again and again every time you restart the computer.
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Published by on January 14, 2015 7:08 pm

Jan 14, 2015

Dragon Coupon Ads Removal

How do I stop Dragon Coupon pop-up ads on my browser? I suspect that this thing may be a virus but I have run a full scan on Norton 360 and it is still there whenever I start Google chrome, Firefox and IE 9. I also have the Ad-block extension to chrome and Firefox but why is it still there? I can’t seem to find a way on how to remove it. The ads keep showing up on every site i visit. Please help.

Dragon Coupon Pop-up Ads Description:

Dragon Coupon is classified as adware that is capable of displaying annoying advertisements on various web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari and Mozilla Firefox. Are there numerous ads titled with ‘ads by Dragon Coupon’ on your browser while you are shopping on Amazon, Ebay, Walmart or some other commercial stores online? Is your default homepage suddenly changed to another spam site without your consent? If you are suffering with these problems, it indicates that your web browser is already hijacked by some kind of potentially unwanted program or browser hijacker malware. Although this application appears to be a useful program that helps Internet users save a lot of money while they are shopping online, YooCare Experts recommend users NEVER download it because this program poses risk for PC users. It is a program designed to track users’ browsing history and generate ads according to their interests just to get more clicks.
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Published by on January 14, 2015 8:09 am

Jan 13, 2015

Searchboxlistings.com Removal Guide

Your homepage in the Google Chrome browser is changed to Searchboxlistings.com? You cannot change the homepage to the site you want? You even cannot go to the accurate places when surfing the Internet because it controls your browser? Your computer obviously has been infected with a browser hijacker. You need to manually remove Searchboxlistings.com as soon as possible.

More Details about Searchboxlistings.com:

Searchboxlistings.com can be classified as a browser hijacker which is able to take over computer user’s browser completely. It appears in your browser as the default homepage as well as search engine, remains steadily in your computer and brings you a lot of troubles constantly. Searchboxlistings.com has the ability to redirect all search results without your approval to some unreliable web sites, some of which are corrupted. Once you land into those corrupted sites, many malicious viruses will be automatically downloaded into the computer and you even do not know that.
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Published by on January 13, 2015 8:16 am

Jan 13, 2015

Tasearch.com Redirect Removal Guide

My homepage has been hijacked to this Tasearch.com page. Along with this: (1) my pc slowed down; (2) when i go to Internet Options to change it, the Home Page part has grayed out; (3) when i try to open REGEDIT, i only got this message, “Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator”; (4) once in a while, another IE browser is loading even if i’m not opening another browser. I have already scanned it using McAfee but there was no virus detected. Will someone tell me what it is and how can I fix it?

Tasearch.com Redirect/Hijacker Description:

Tasearch.com is a low-quality search engine supported by advertisements and it can hijack all the popular web browsers installed on your computer including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. It is closely linked to browser hijacker, adware or potentially unwanted programs. At first sight, the page seems regular and doesn’t look suspicious, it seems to be another search engine which helps users to get information they want. However, this kind of spam search provider will never provide any reliable search results as the users wish. Its sole aim is to push shopping deals and offers via pop-up ads, coupons, and discount windows. Therefore, when you look up something through Tasearch.com, you will see many sponsored links on the top of search results. In addition, during your online sessions, there will be tons of ads come out of nowhere, pushing you to click on it or even redirecting you to website you don’t want.
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Published by on January 13, 2015 7:35 am

Jan 12, 2015

TR/FakeAV Removal

Hey, there. My computer is getting a Trojan virus which is called TR/FakeAV. Do you know how to remove this virus from my computer? Please help. This Trojan makes lots of computer troubles for me. It is so malicious and pesky program for me. I don’t want to keep this virus on my computer any more. But I can’t remove this virus with my security tools. What should I do now? Any recommendation will be so appreciated.

Learn More About TR/FakeAV

TR/FakeAV is a dangerous virus which belongs to the family of Trojan virus that is designed by cyber criminals to infect Windows computer users’ system. This Trojan can sneak into your computer without your permission and knowledge. This malicious Trojan commonly associate itself with some unauthenticated file sharing, spam email attachments, freeware downloads, unsafe web pages. So if you install something on your computer or go online carelessly, you maybe get this kind of Trojan. You may find this infection when you do a scan on your computer only. The most important is that this virus can’t be removed by any antivirus program. This virus can only be gotten rid of by manual removal.

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Published by on January 12, 2015 10:23 pm

Jan 12, 2015

Remove Riskware.Win32.Searcher.csnymk

Is your computer suffering from the torture of Riskware.Win32.Searcher.csnymk virus? You do not know how to delete it in the case that your antivirus program even cannot delete it successfully? It appears again an again and restarts the computer randomly? The virus should be removed manually, only in that way, it can be gone completely. You can follow the below manual removal instructions.

Details of Riskware.Win32.Searcher.csnymk:

Riskware.Win32.Searcher.csnymk is an extremely dangerous Trojan virus. It is similar to the Win32/Criakl.C and JS:BProtect-A [TRJ]. Many computer users from around the world have been annoyed a lot by this Trojan horse infection. You should not underestimate this virus. Computer hackers create this virus so as to bring innocent computer users a lot of troubles and collect as much money as possible at the same time. So be careful when it is on your computer. This problem has become a global one so everyone can have the opportunity to get the infection.
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Published by on January 12, 2015 3:47 am

Jan 12, 2015

FreeDelivery Ads Removal

I’ve been having FreeDelivery adware problem lately, and it’s really bothering me. I usually use IE, but for some reason, something has caused it to load on it’s own with a lot of popups! I have Trend Micro AntiVirus, Webroot Spy Sweeper, and even Ad-Aware, but everytime I run these programs they come up clear. I know something’s wrong, but I don’t know where to start to fix the problem. I don’t need any of FreeDelivery pop-up ads. Please help me get rid of them.

FreeDelivery Pop-up Ads Description:

FreeDelivery is an advertising-supported software that can take over your web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome and display a lot of annoying, disgusting and intrusive ads in your browser. Although this program is presented as a useful application, claiming it can provide Internet users the best deals with the lowest price. However, it is really intrusive and it is recommended to get rid of it as soon as possible. This adware usually travels bundled with other free applications and gets installed on users’ computers without even being aware of that. So, if you’re a person who is active in downloading and installing free programs, his computer will be easily attacked by such kind of adware.
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Published by on January 12, 2015 12:59 am and last modified on January 12, 2015 1:02 am.

Jan 11, 2015

Volumedl.com Removal

Hey. My computer is hacked by virus? I am so scared. It is called Volumedl.com. It keeps popping up again and again no matter I go to visit which site. I have cleaned my registry and all my add-ons. But it is no use as the hijacker is still doing the same thing on my computer. It is so annoying. How can I get rid of this virus? Who can help me remove this infection from my computer? It will be so appreciated. Thank you!

More Information About Volumedl.com

Volumedl.com is a vicious browser hijacker which is designed by cyber hackers to hack computer users’ system. This virus is created to share the identical interface and produced as the most popular research engine, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. However, this program is not doing the thing as a real and good program does. What it does is at the opposite side, which only makes troubles for users. It is a malicious application which should not be installed and used on one’s computer. This virus can readdress you to visit dangerous domains or web pages when it gets into your computer. It will stop your work or browsing the Internet frequently. It is high recommended to remove this virus as soon as you can.

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Published by on January 11, 2015 3:10 pm

Jan 11, 2015

YourAdExchange Pop-up Ads Removal

whenever I open Google Chrome, the YourAdExchange tab always appears. I uninstalled Chrome, then reinstalled, didn’t help. I have also removed the suspicious extensions and uninstalled any unwanted programs. I’ve tried scanning and cleaning my PC with Malwarebytes and CCleaner for like a thousand times. But the pop up keeps coming back and disturbs my online activities. How do I get rid of this annoying pop-up ads completely?

YourAdExchange Pop-up Ads Description:

YourAdExchange is classified as a potentially unwanted program (also called PUP) or adware that is able to compromise your web browser and change your default search engine and homepage without your permission. Once infected, it can change various browser settings such as your proxy server usage and your designated homepage to block your Internet access or generate tons of annoying pop-up ads. Every time you open your web browser like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or even Safari, it will redirect you to a deceptive website which looks like a legitimate search engine such as Websearch.thesearchpage.info or Www-searching.com. But these spam sites do not provide you any reliable search results related to your queries. Instead, it increases the risk of your computer security.
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Published by on January 11, 2015 1:23 am and last modified on January 11, 2015 1:23 am.

Jan 10, 2015

Remove Thesmartsearch.net

You best-loved homepage in the Google Chrome is suddenly changed a strange website called Thesmartsearch.net? Is it a legit search service provider? Why is the antivirus program unable to delete it? You cannot access some popular web sites, because it takes over the browser completely when you surf the Internet? Obviously, your computer is infected a browser hijacker!

More Details about Thesmartsearch.net:

Thesmartsearch.net seems to be a normal web site when you see it in the browser at first blush. However, it is actually a browser hijacker that you should not look down upon. Generally speaking, a browser hijacker normally pretends to be a common web page with a ordinary search bar. Because it is similar to some other famous search engines such as Google and MSN, it has deceived many computer users triumphantly. It is absolutely no fun to keep this browser hijacker on your computer. Hence, getting rid of it as soon as possible,should be the most urgent thing that you need to do.
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Published by on January 10, 2015 6:08 pm

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