Mar 6, 2016

Remove Pop-up Alert

I opened an additional tab in Google Chrome and tried to enter a football site in my Favorite, but it seems to redirect me to another site with the URL: A screen popped up that said “System at risk” and asked me to call a support number. I attempted to close the tab and was challenged with the options of: “Leave this page” or “Stay on this page.” Although I clicked on “leave this page” two times, it continued to challenge me with the same two options. Is there really a virus in my computer? Is my data like bank information still safe? If this is a fake message, how do I get rid of it from my system?

“” Pop-up Description:

“” pop up is a fake message associated with browser hijacker, adware or potentially unwanted programs. This message usually pretends like a legitimate system alert sent from Microsoft claiming that suspicious and illegal activity detected on the computer so your internet connectivity has been restricted or your computer may have been infected and you need to call a toll free number to fix the problem. The deceptive pop-up aims to trick users into calling their support number and promote them useless products. These types of ads are common in many corners of the internet. Most pop-up ads are caused by adware program which usually gets downloaded along with freeware like video player, adobe flash player, MP3 player or PDF and download-managers. Once inside, it not only interrupts your online activities, but also has the ability to monitor your browsing history and generate personalized ads. alert warning is far from real, not to mention it is a scam with an aim to extort money from you. Don’t hesitate to get rid of it from your system if you detect it on the machine.
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Published by on March 6, 2016 5:12 am

Mar 4, 2016

How To Remove Police & Gendarmerie Nationale Scam Virus?

I am scared and confused. How could I violate the law when I was trying to look for a birthday gift for my boyfriend? The Police & Gendarmerie Nationale is asking me for 100 EURO fine. Is it so serious to have the police to handle this? It blocks my Samsung tablet. I can’t get rid of it. Really frustrated. Will it works if I pay the fine? I need a quick answer. Please help me out.

What Is Police & Gendarmerie Nationale Scam Virus?

Police & Gendarmerie Nationale lock screen is a scam virus. This virus states that your device has been blocked due to it being involved with the distribution of pornographic material, SPAM and copyrighted content. To scare you, it pretends to be the Police & Gendarmerie Nationale asking you to pay a non-existing fine of 100 EURO in the form of an Ukash or Paysafecard code. This is a typical ransom program. Many users sent money to the so-called police, but it didn’t help them solve the problem. Their devices are still blocked. Hence, do not pay fine before you figure out what the truth is. It is useless to pay for the Police & Gendarmerie Nationale scam virus Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 4, 2016 11:38 am and last modified on March 4, 2016 11:41 am.

Mar 3, 2016

Java.Bozmub Virus Removal Guide

Hey, there. My Norton just detected a malicious virus named Java.Bozmub on my computer. I tried to use Norton to clean it from my computer. But it didn’t work. I didn’t know why. Now I am looking method to remove this virus from my computer as soon as possible. What should I do now? I am noticing that my computer starts running more and more slowly now. Please help! Thank you!

What Is Java.Bozmub Virus?

Java.Bozmub is a newly created Trojan virus which has the ability to infect all kinds of windows computer around the world, such as Linux, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. As soon as it targets your computer, it may install itself automatically on your system. Once this virus got into your computer, you may not use your computer normally any more. It will create kinds of malicious computer traffic to interrupt from doing thing normally on your infected computer. It may create lots of malicious pop-ups and ads as well as other related stuff to chock up your computer. Kinds of unknown stuff will be run at the background of your system, which may take over a large part of your CPU. As a result, the performance of your system will be affected so greatly. Your computer will run as slowly as a nail works. If you don’t remove this Trojan off your computer once you detect it, system problems including system crash and boot failure will occur in the infected computer again and again.

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Published by on March 3, 2016 1:08 pm

Mar 2, 2016

How to Get Rid of Hijacker?

Is your browser homepage changed to without your permission? Are your online activities stopped by tons of ads frequently? Is the Internet connection cut off randomly? If you are suffering with these problems, your computer may have been infected by adware or browser hijacker virus. It blocks you from going to your desired web sites when you are online and has illegal purpose. Follow the manual removal guide below to clean up your computer and stop annoying redirection now. Description: is an insecure web search-providing website that refers to browser hijacker which usually replaces the default home page without asking for user’s approval. It is known as potentially unwanted program, adware, or redirect malware.This annoying application often comes along with other unreliable free applications. It gets bundled with those freeware as an add-on/extension. Once configured properly, it changes the default home page and search engine to its own website and then takes control of your browser IE, Chrome or Firefox. New tab with commercial ads can be opened anytime when you are online. In addition, it modifies your settings and displays endless pop-up ads without letting you close down. Clicking them is really dangerous because they may be involved to the distribution of other questionable applications or may even be used for collecting personally identifiable information. This hijacker only has one purpose. It is trying to use the artificial traffic to boost affiliate payments. Although the page itself seems like a helpful search engine, it won’t actually provide you useful information. This spam search shows altered search results and could link you to malicious pages, you should have it gone immediately.
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Published by on March 2, 2016 7:34 am

Mar 2, 2016

OSFirewall.exe Fake Alerts Removal Guide

Many alerts pop up on my computer lately. OSFirewall.exe program says I have a virus and asks me to call 1-855-270-1376 for help. I watched porn video on the internet before. I might get my computer infected with virus from it. Many programs on my computer have been disabled. I have no idea what I should I do to fix it. If I call the given number, will it really help? I just bought my computer not long ago. I don’t know much about virus. Please help me figure it out and fix the problem. Thanks.

What is OSFirewall.exe Fake Alerts?

OSFirewall.exe is identified as the fake antivirus program. After it is installed, it can copy itself in a hidden program for protecting itself to be removed. It displays fake security alerts that state your computer is infected by a malicious virus and suspicious activity is detected. It tries to scare you into believing that your computer is at considerable risk. Pretending to solve your problem, OSFirewall.exe program prompts you to call the 1-855-270-1376 for remote tech support. In fact, the threat doesn’t exist on your computer. After you call the given number, they will sell you useless support service or harmful fake antivirus program. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 2, 2016 1:13 am and last modified on March 2, 2016 7:41 am.

Mar 1, 2016 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

I have no idea why I have on my Mozilla Firefox. I didn’t install or add any toolbar on it. It is absurd. My favorite homepage has changed into and I just can’t change it back. I tried to change the settings, but I failed. It is very annoying as many ads pop up when I visit the website. Why is it so aggressive and stubborn? What can I do to get rid of it? I can’t stand it anymore. I need help from computer experts. is identified as a browser hijacker which is bundled with adware. It can be installed together with an adware so as to track users’ browsing habits and try to reach such information like, what pages you visit the most and what queries you use in your searches. Such data can be very valuable for marketing companies. Later the adware can use it to generate personalized ads. After browser hijacker infects your computer system, it can modify your search results and display numerous ads on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers. It can install some of their components as regular windows programs as well as additional software from Control Panel.Every time you open your browser, the components of adware will get loaded and run along with the browser. Therefore, your browser will run slowly and get degraded.Besides, you will always be redirected to various sponsored websites which has nothing to do with your search queries. In this case, you always are forced to visit many suspicious and untrustworthy websites. To make the matter worse, these sites may be full of dangerous content, such as advertisements linking to pretty harmful software, like trojans, viruses, keyloggers etc. They may try to infiltrate your computer without your permission. As the adware is installed with the normal program, it’s not easy for the security software to detect it as a threat to the computer and remove it out of your completely. Though you may remove one of the suspicious programs, it won’t work as many complex programs are installed. If you don’t remove them all, the one you removed will always come back. So, you need to remove browser hijacker completely from your computer. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 1, 2016 8:30 am

Feb 29, 2016

How to Remove ‘Warning! Virus Invasion Detected!’ Pop-up Alert (Support Scam)

I got a popup URL saying that ‘Warning! Virus Invasion Detected!’ and it detects many viruses from my PC. It asks me to call 1-877-740-6222 for virus removal. The message appears every time I open Internet Explorer, but Firefox seems fine. As far as i know, I have McAfee on the PC and my PC should be fine because it doesn’t detect any viruses like that. So is this alert a real thing? Should i call the number? If not, and if this is some sort of adware itself, then how can i get rid of it?

‘Warning! Virus Invasion Detected!’ Pop-up Description:

If you have ‘Warning! Virus Invasion Detected!’ alert on your problem asking you to call a phone number to fix your PC, then your computer is infected with an adware or a potentially unwanted program. This is a fake Windows error message designed to deceive innocent computer users. It can hijack your browser (including IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari) as soon as it is installed. This adware usually generates a fake pop up claiming that your system was infected with malware or adware and you should call the number given on the pop-up screen to start virus removal. It won’t let you close the pop up but just takes you to some commercial websites and sell you fake antivirus programs. Whatever text the pop up contains, it should be utterly disregarded, because it’s all false: Your computer is not infected with anything and you did nothing wrong. What you’re experiencing is a lame and 100% fraudulent attempt to extort money from you. The ‘Warning! Virus Invasion Detected!’ appears to be a legitimate warning, but it did not originate with Microsoft. This is just another very common and easily perpetrated scam that can affect your computer or Web browser. Don’t call the given tech support and fall for it!
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Published by on February 29, 2016 9:41 am and last modified on February 29, 2016 9:45 am.

Feb 29, 2016 Hijacker Removal Guide

Hey, there. Why was I keeping being redirected to while I was on my browser Internet Explorer these days? I cleared my history and website data. But nothing was changed after that. I was still redirected to its domain. I remembered I just clicked on a Walmart coupon while I was browsing. Later after that my computer worked more and more slowly and weirdly. I did a reach online and found that is known as a browser hijacker virus. What should I do now? Can antivirus application help remove this virus completely? Please help!

What Is Virus? is classified as malicious browser hijacker virus which may not do anything normal on your browser. This infection was created by cyber criminals and used to hacker the kinds of browser such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari and so on. People used to get this hijacker when they clicked on something malicious online, such as vicious ads or links or pop-ups. In addition, virus may get into users’ computer while they are downloading and installing some “free” applications onto their computer without reading the Terms and Agreement carefully and rechecking the standard of the website twice. Besides, this infection may be attached to the spam email. If you read the spam email or downloads spam email attachment, then you may get this virus onto your system. Moreover, it may be associated to the unsafe websites such as porn websites, child pornography websites. If you visited this kind of websites, you may bring the virus into your computer as well. Please go online safely. Do not visit any unknown website or click on any automatic pop-up/ads, or your computer will be infected by the virus.

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Published by on February 29, 2016 5:30 am

Feb 28, 2016

Remove “Windows has detected some suspicious activity from your IP address” Fake Alert from Browser

I have a Dell desktop running with Windows 10 and it has been working fine. But a few hours ago I started to get “Windows has detected some suspicious activity from your IP address” error & it keeps telling me to call 1-866-633-3611. I can’t do anything on my computer because the message won’t let me close it down. Is this alert real from Microsoft? Do I really need to call the tech for help? Or it is just a spam activity trying to hack into my computer? How do I get rid of the message? I was letting my girlfriend used my laptop to pay games and something popped up like ” Microsoft has detected some suspicious activity on this computer. All access to this device has been revoked due to network security breach. How do i pass it?

“Windows has detected some suspicious activity from your IP address” Alert Blocks Your Internet? Is It Real Or Fake?

“Windows has detected some suspicious activity from your IP address” is a fake alert that can take over of your web browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. It is another fake tech support scam which usually tells the user that their computer has some problems and they need to call a phone number and later connects them to the scammers. The scammers usually request a “remote control” to your PC and then they install software and charge annual fees, part of an ongoing process that has cost victims millions around the world. Once your PC is infected, you’ll have a warning that claims to be from Microsoft telling you that Windows has detected some suspicious activity from your IP address. It blocks you from doing anything on the computer and asks you to call a toll free number or visits The fake alert tries to convince you it is a legitimate warning and then further rips you off. You should ignore it and immediately clean up your computer to keep it safe and secure.
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Published by on February 28, 2016 2:40 am and last modified on August 24, 2016 7:27 am.

Feb 25, 2016

How to Remove Saudi Cyber Crime Message from Android Tablet/ Android Phone

Hi. I had the a message from Saudi Cyber Crime claiming that I viewed child porn which i did not do at all. The virus has locked down my phone and says I need to pay £100 fine within 24 hours. It asks me to pay a fine using one of payment systems like Ukash or Paysafecard. It had all my Info like where I was located and everything. Is this message real? I cannot even power down my phone. What should I do?

Saudi Cyber Crime Virus Message Blocked Your Cell Phone/Tablet? – How to unlock?

Saudi Cyber Crime message is another scam designed by cyber criminals in order to rip off Android users in Saudi Arabia. This pop-up has been categorized as “Ransomware” and widely spread all over the world. In American, it is called USA Cyber Crime Center Virus while in United Kingdom it has another name called Interpol Virus. Generally speaking, this type of virus often installs on your Android device after you installed a third-parties app, opened malicious downloads like mp3 or mp4 file, or clicked on any malicious links. It also targets the net users who like to visit online porn website or illegal file sharing sites. The scammers know well to fool innocent users. Once the virus is installed, it pops up a fake message supposedly from Saudi Cyber Crime that falsely informs users that their online activities are suspected of law-breaking, including viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography, violation of “Copyright and Related rights Law” and other violations. And then it demands a fine of £100 or £200 through itunes gift card, Paypal card, Paysafecard or Ukash voucher in 24 or 48 hours to unlock the device, or criminal case will be opened and the target users will go jail, additionally their illegal activities will be sent to their contacts as witness for those crimes.
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Published by on February 25, 2016 10:33 am and last modified on February 25, 2016 10:53 am.

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