Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

I have no idea why I have on my Mozilla Firefox. I didn’t install or add any toolbar on it. It is absurd. My favorite homepage has changed into and I just can’t change it back. I tried to change the settings, but I failed. It is very annoying as many ads pop up when I visit the website. Why is it so aggressive and stubborn? What can I do to get rid of it? I can’t stand it anymore. I need help from computer experts. is identified as a browser hijacker which is bundled with adware. It can be installed together with an adware so as to track users’ browsing habits and try to reach such information like, what pages you visit the most and what queries you use in your searches. Such data can be very valuable for marketing companies. Later the adware can use it to generate personalized ads. After browser hijacker infects your computer system, it can modify your search results and display numerous ads on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers. It can install some of their components as regular windows programs as well as additional software from Control Panel.Every time you open your browser, the components of adware will get loaded and run along with the browser. Therefore, your browser will run slowly and get degraded.Besides, you will always be redirected to various sponsored websites which has nothing to do with your search queries. In this case, you always are forced to visit many suspicious and untrustworthy websites. To make the matter worse, these sites may be full of dangerous content, such as advertisements linking to pretty harmful software, like trojans, viruses, keyloggers etc. They may try to infiltrate your computer without your permission. As the adware is installed with the normal program, it’s not easy for the security software to detect it as a threat to the computer and remove it out of your completely. Though you may remove one of the suspicious programs, it won’t work as many complex programs are installed. If you don’t remove them all, the one you removed will always come back. So, you need to remove browser hijacker completely from your computer.

As the adware is bundled with bunch of free third-party applications, the users would get browser hijacker installed without their knowledge constantly. During the process when the users install the normal applications with adware, a option to install adware will be given, but not in an obvious way. The option is checked as a default. If the users failed to notice it and just skip that step, adware will be installed. Therefore, when you install a program, you should read the rules carefully and choose the Custom installation process instead of a Basic one. After the the adware is installed, your homepage will changed into and other related sites automatically. Unwanted toolbar will be added on your browser and ads websites will be added to your favorite websites. And annoying ads will pop up now and then.This way it seeks to increase traffic of promoted websites and boost their page ranking. You may be curious why this program shows such annoying things to us. The fact is that browser hijacker participates in unfair marketing activities, entrapment and social engineering so as to generate a revenue stream. By collecting users’ browser data, the product propagandist can make their advertisement more attractive and conspicuous on the internet in every corner of the world. In this way, their product will be known throughout the world and sell well. This is why some people would specialize in browser hijacker creation and make it difficult to remove.

Processing manual removal is supposed to have a certain level of computer literacy. If you are not sure how to start and are afraid of making any critical mistakes damaging the computer system, please live chat with YooCare Expert now.

Screenshot of the Browser Hijacker: Browser Hijacker
1. Clean Add-ons and Extensions

* Internet Explorer:

(1). Click Tools in the Menu bar and then click Internet Options

Tools in IE

(2). Click Programs tab, click Manage add-ons and disable the suspicious add-ons


* Firefox:

(1). Click Tools in the Menu bar and then click Add-ons


(2). Click Extensions, select the related browser add-ons and click Disable

* Google Chrome:

(1). Click Customize and control Google Chrome button → Tools → Extensions


(2). Disable the extensions of

2. End Relevant Processes

(1). Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc together to pop up Windows Task Manager, click Processes tab


*For Win 8 Users:

Click More details when you see the Task Manager box


And then click Details tab


(2). Find out and end’s processes

3. Show Hidden Files

(1). Click on Start button and then on Control Panel

(2). Click on Appearance and Personalization


(3). Click on Folder Options


(4). Click on the View tab in the Folder Options window

(5). Choose Show hidden files, folders, and drives under the Hidden files and folders category


(6). Click OK at the bottom of the Folder Options window

*For Win 8 Users:

Press Win+E together to open Computer window, click View and then click Options


Click View tab in the Folder Options window, choose Show hidden files, folders, and drives under the Hidden files and folders category


4. Delete Relevant Registry Entries and Files

(1). Delete the registry entries related to through Registry Editor

Press Win+R to bring up the Run window, type “regedit” and click “OK”


While the Registry Editor is open, search and delete its registry entries

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\[RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ‘Random’

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Random

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “CertificateRevocation” =Random


(2). Find out and remove the associated files




%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\random

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\~random

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.dll HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Random “.exe”

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:


All in all, if you see the following symptoms, your browser has been hijacked by Firstly, your homepage has been changed into a suspicious one. Secondly, your default search engine has been changed without your permission. Thirdly, you get re-directed to websites you didn’t intend to visit. Besides, many unknown ads pop up on your screen. Also, new strange toolbars are added on your browser. If you are bothered by those problems, you need to remove this program right now. Though those activities are not dangerous, the hidden risk is huge as it will redirect you to unsafe websites and get virus accidentally. To prevent this potential risk, wipe browser hijacker out of your system manually as soon as possible.

Published by on March 1, 2016 8:30 am, last updated on March 1, 2016 8:30 am

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