Jun 26, 2016

How to Stop All-search-engines.com Redirection?

My laptop has been working well but since yesterday something strange happened. Every time I was online, I started being redirected to various pages that gave me crazy pop-up ads that asked me to sign up for a membership or sold me some suspicious looking applications. And I also noticed my default homepage was suddenly changed to All-search-engines.com. The problem was on Firefox and IE was working fine. I tried to reset Firefox and it didn’t help. I used AVG and it didn’t detect anything suspicious. What should I do?

All-search-engines.com Description:

All-search-engines.com is an insecure web search-providing website that associated with adware, browser hijacker and potentially unwanted programs. At first glance, this customized search may appear like Google, Bing, or Yahoo, but in fact it cannot really provide users reliable search results. Instead, it only shows results that contain full of ads and sponsored ads which can mislead user to visit advertiser’s web site. A browser hijacker can be added on a computer after the user downloaded freeware from various servers. Most of the time, users are not aware that they are loading this dubious search engine while installing freeware or shareware until they find some changes on the web browser. This application aims to affect browser applications including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari and other Internet browsers. In order to create artificial traffic and boost affiliate payments, infected users will be forced to visit All-search-engines.com again and again and get fraudulent search results against their wills. Meanwhile, other unwanted activities can be initiated immediately after the browser is hijacked:
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Published by on June 26, 2016 2:38 am

Jun 25, 2016

Remove Search.yourmovietimenow.com Hijacker from IE/Firefox/Chrome

My homepage has been suddenly changed to Search.yourmovietimenow.com and it gave me many annoying pop-up ads which I couldn’t find a way to stop. My PC was super slow now and I thought I had some malware on my PC that hijacked my web browser. Even if i closed Firefox and reopen, the page will come back, same if i restarted my laptop. I ran Norton and it says my computer is clean. I don’t know what to do now and I do not want to rebuilt my system. Please help!!!

Search.yourmovietimenow.com Description:

Search.yourmovietimenow.com, as known as Your Movie Now Search, is an unwanted search engine protected by Safer Browser and made to generate revenue for its authors. The page is linked to potentially unwanted program or browser hijacker that mainly attacks browser application such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. It can force the affected web browser to visit specific pages and change the homepage, as well as default search engine without user’s permission. The application alters browser settings so it can display annoying pop-up windows containing advertisements or websites with unsafe content all the time. It interrupts user’s online activities and stops users from browsing the web properly. Unlike other computer viruses, browser hijacker doesn’t have the ability to encrypt your files or destroy your computer system, so your antivirus program cannot detect it at all, not to mention removing the virus from the system. The program only causes many inconveniences for its users. Although this hijacker thing looks similarly to those reputable search engines like Bing or Google, it won’t really provide users reliable search results. Instead, the results Search.yourmovietimenow.com provides are mostly irrelevant to your search query. No one likes pop-up notices and advertisements, therefore it is suggested that users should remove the virus manually as quickly as possible.
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Published by on June 25, 2016 2:40 am

Jun 23, 2016

How to Delete cdn.atlassbx Popup?

How to remove cdn.atlassbx pop-up browser hijacker virus? What is this virus? I got this virus onto my laptop after I visited a porn website. I clicked on the ads on the porn websites. I thought that it was fine to click on all things on that web. However, my browser kept pop-up the cdn.atlassbx virus screen to stop me from browsing well. Lots of ads and pop-up chocked up my screen. I couldn’t use my computer normally now! What should I do? Please help!

What Is cdn.atlassbx Popup?

cdn.atlassbx Popup is a pesky and annoying browser hijacker virus which is created by cyber criminals with the purpose of hacking into computer users’ system and then doing malicious activities on the compromised computer without users’ approval. This pop-up is a newly produced adware which can pop onto your screen automatically and then add as your extension by itself. When you find it on your computer, it means that your computer has been infected by this virus for a certain time. You may be concerned about why you get this virus onto your computer. This question is asked by lots of victims. You can take a look at the following message which will show you how this virus gets into your computer without your knowledge. Usually, the cyber criminals attach this virus to a third party application which you may not pay much attention to it while you are online. While you are doing the following things online careless, such as downloading freeware, visiting suspicious websites or links, reading or responding spam emails as well as its attachments and installing unsafe programs, you may give the chance for the virus hacking into your computer without your attention. Thus, you are reminded to browse safely online in the future just in case you may get hacked by this virus or other kinds of infections again.

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Published by on June 23, 2016 1:35 pm

Jun 22, 2016

How to Remove ww92.www.google.com Hijacker

Computer got infected by ww92.www.google.com Hijacker? How to remove it completely from the infected computer? You just clicked on a link? Then this virus screen appeared on your screen without any attention? What’s up? Couldn’t delete it from your Google Chrome? Antivirus tool couldn’t remove this virus? Why? Please advise!

What Is Ww92.www.google.com Hijacker? How to Remove It?

Ww92.www.google.com Hijacker is a newly created browser hijacker virus that is made by cyber criminals. Cyber criminals make this website looks like the famous search engine: www.google.com. Google is a genuine and useful search engine which is widely used by the users around the global. On the contrary, ww92.www.google.com is a malicious browser hijacker which pretends to be a good and practical search engine stating that it will provide what you need quickly and usefully. However, this virus does not do the same thing as Google does. This fake search engine will not provide you anything you want except kinds of malicious links which may contains malicious virus. It may get into your computer out of your attention. Usually, this virus may get the opportunity to dive into your computer while you are visiting a corrupted website like a pornography site or downloading a fake app. It may also infect your system while you are installing a game or program, opening a picture, playing a video file or shopping online. It is obvious that any mistake step you made online may bring ww92.www.google.com virus into your computer. So, while you are browsing, watch out on all your activities. Please browse safely!

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Published by on June 22, 2016 5:46 am

Jun 21, 2016

Remove XXX. Extension Pop Up Virus from Samsung Phone/Tablet

Earlier today an XXX. Extension pop up came up on my Samsung tablet and accused me of watching bad porn and was going be fined 200,000 if I didn’t pay $100 iTunes card. Was it real or just some kind of virus? It frozen my Internet browser so I can’t go online anyway. It said the money should be paid in 48 hours or else I will go prison and my photos, musics etc will be erased. I didn’t do anything wrong. I was freaking out. What should I do to get rid of the warning?

What’s XXX. Extension Pop Up on Android Device?

XXX. Extension Pop Up is a form of malware, as known as Ransomware that can freeze user’s Internet browser and even seize control of the infected device to stop users from doing anything on it. This virus doesn’t encrypt user’s files, but, instead of that, it holds the phone/tablet’s hostage and then starts showing a fake warning message to trick users into paying $100 through iTunes card. On the XXX. Extension pop-up, it usually displays a message which is supposedly from a law enforcement agency (FBI, CSIS, Australian Federal Police, Metropolitan Police, Cyber Police, International Criminal Police Organization) and states your device has been used to visit websites containing pornography, child pornography, zoophilia and child abuse. Your illegal activity on the Internet has been recorded so that a fine of $100 through iTunes card is needed to avoid getting into jail. This virus usually masquerades itself as a pure text or pdf file, and naive mobile users might get tricked to download and open it. Until then, the browser on the phone or tablet will get blocked because this warning always shows up while browsing the Internet. The virus relies on JavaScript that blocks the browser and causes a huge warning message to demand money so it should be deleted as quickly as possible.
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Published by on June 21, 2016 9:08 am

Jun 21, 2016

Fake police virus has stopped me getting Internet Explorer on my laptop how do I fix it?

Fake police virus has stopped me getting Internet Explorer on my laptop how do I fix it? Hi, there. I was browsing on my new Dell laptop searching for a hotel for my holiday on Internet Explorer. All of a sudden, a pop-up window pops on my screen. I wanted to close it. So I clicked the “X” at the corner of the pop-up. But, I couldn’t! I was redirected to visit a porn website. I didn’t mean to! I couldn’t exit out that website because I got a FBI virus pop-up locked my screen asking me to pay for 500$ to unblock my screen. I didn’t what to do at that moment. I was freaking out! Now my problem is “Fake police virus has stopped me getting Internet Explorer on my laptop how do I fix it?” Please help!

Fake Police Virus Locked Internet Explorer—How to Remove?

Fake Police Virus has been created by cyber criminals for years with the purpose of hacking into users’ device and then tricking their money. From the very beginning, this fake virus mainly attacked windows computer users. Nowadays, it may attack all kinds of device, including Windows computer (Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, etc.), IOS computer (Mac), as well as android device market (android phone/tablet, iPhone & iPad). This virus has lots of variants such as FBI Department of Defense Virus which mainly attacks users of the Unite State of America, Australian Federal Police AFP Virus (also known as AFP Ukash virus) which mainly hacks people who live in Australia, Cheshire Police Authority Virus (Ukash Scam) which mainly targets to attack computer users in United Kingdom, and Ministry of Public Safety Canada Virus which aims at users of Canada and so on. Except the listed scam virus, there are still lots of Fake Police Virus’s variants which are also widely distributed over Internet. This ransomware has the ability to trick users all over the world so far. Hence, no matter what kind of this virus’ variant you see on your computer, one thing should be cleared is that this virus is a scam virus that is all fake warning. You should take immediately measures to get rid of this ransomware as quickly as you can.

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Published by on June 21, 2016 4:47 am and last modified on June 21, 2016 5:43 am.

Jun 20, 2016

Fake Police Mobile Lock Warning – How to Remove

I was on the internet on my 2 year old samsung tablet and received a fake police mobile lock warning that states I violated Federal Law (I did not) and demands $500 in Paypal prepaid card as a “fine” for breaking the law. It states i have 24 hours to pay the fine, or else all my information, photos, movies, games and documents will be deleted and I will be prosecuted. I am really scared and I have never done anything illegal before. I searched online and then I know this is fraud, but the warning will not go away and will not allow me to reboot my tablet. My screen is locked up with this notice I cannot do anything on it. What should I do? Does anyone know how to make this go away? I really need my tablet for working, please help me unlock it as soon as possible. Thanks.

Fake Police Mobile Lock Warning on Android? – What’s This?

If you ever get a fake police mobile lock warning on your android phone tablet, don’t panic. It’s a scam – you’ve done nothing wrong, and what the violation claims most likely have nothing to do with you because it’s not a warning from the real police. Such pop-up window is just a fake warning designed by cyber criminals to extort money from innocent users. The fake warning usually pretends to be from a law enforcement agency (FBI, Australian Federal Police, Metropolitan Police, U.S. Department of Justice), scaring people and blocking them from using the device. When the device is infected, a fake alert titled with “ATTENTION! Your phone has been blocked up for safety reason” will pop up as soon as the phone is on. It takes control of the phone screen and will not allow users to close the warning or even power off their device. By locking up your phone screen, the fake police mobile lock warning falsely accuses that you have violated Copyright laws, and your device has been used for visiting websites containing pornography, child pornography, and child abuse, therefore victims are threatened to pay a fine of $100-$500 within the limited period of time in order to get the device unlocked. Otherwise, criminal cases will be automatically started against infected users and they could face the chances to be caught to jails. Everything seems real and scary. No one wants to be trapped by illegal issues so some people are willing to pay the fine to avoid further problems, however it only gets things worse. They lost their money after the fine has been sent from a prepaid card and they got no idea how to get a refund when they realized it is a scam. The fake police mobile lock warning is merely a scam. It is known as the “Police virus” which is often distributed through malicious website and spam emails. Once found, an immediate removal is needed.
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Published by on June 20, 2016 10:52 am

Jun 19, 2016

Remove “Your Computer has been blocked Error # 268D3” Scam from Browser in 2017

I think my computer has been infected by some malware because 10 minutes ago a screen popped up suddenly that states:”Your Computer has been blocked error #268D3….call us immediately at 855-900-9120….please do not ignore this critical alert. If you close this page, your computer access will be disabled to prevent further damage to our network. Your computer has alerted us that it has been infected with a virus and spyware. The following information has been stolen….Facebook login (I’m not registered with Facebook, credit card details (I do pay on-line, I do not store details), e-mail account login, photos stored on this computer. You must call us immediately so that our engineers can walk you through the removal process over the phone. Please call us in the next 5 minutes to prevent your computer from being disabled”. I clicked on a link that has infected my computer with the warning and the child pornography scam saying i need to pay $500 or give my apple id. I can’t remove this off my mac computer. How do i do it? What does this pop up mean? Is my computer really infected? Do I really need to call this number to clean up my computer? Many users got this alert when they were surfing online and this made them scare as there are many important information and data on the system. Nobody wants the things lose. The question is what is the best way to deal with this big problem?

“Your Computer has been blocked Error # 268D3” Scam Description:

“Your Computer has been blocked Error # 268D3” pop up is a misleading alert generated by adware or browser hijacker that usually states victim’s computer has been infected with various viruses/malware and encourages users to contact technical support via provided phone number. Computer illiterate often get tricked into thinking that this message is genuine, yet it is actually a complete scam. The message belongs to a tech support scam and every single day innocent people are tricked into spending hundreds of dollars on this hoax. If the scam alert suddenly pops up on your web browser, no matter it’s on Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox, you are advised to ignore it immediately and do not call the phone number in any cases. The number is not free, and even the shortest call may cost you lots of money. This alert which aims to mimic genuine warnings from Microsoft or your security software may usually appear after you open an email attachment, download files, visit websites hosting malicious software or click on a pop-up advertisement. Its goal is to deceive the user into calling the support number listed on the webpage, where the user will be sold various PC protection products at a high subscription rate.
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Published by on June 19, 2016 2:54 am and last modified on January 24, 2017 8:08 am.

Jun 17, 2016

How to Remove Metropolitan Police Ukash Scam Virus On Android Device

Hi, there. What is Metropolitan Police Ukash Scam Virus? I was watching a porn video on a website. Just with a sudden, my Samsung phone screen’s front camera takes a snap of my face. And then my phone screen got locked by a pop-up with its name of the government of my country. I was so scared. It was said that I had to pay for a fine via Ukash. Or it will get me into jail. Was it real? Will I be sent into jail? If I don’t pay for the fine, will the police come to my house to arrest me? What should I do now? Please advise!

Android Device Gets Locked By Metropolitan Police Ukash Scam Virus—How to Remove?

Metropolitan Police Ukash Scam Virus is a nasty ransomware scam virus which has been widely distribute from the United Kingdom by cyber hackers for a long time. At the very beginning, it mainly attacks computer and Mac users. Victims who are lack of basic knowledge of law used to suffer from the financial loss which is non-existent scam fine. Nowadays, these malicious cyber criminals aim their eyes onto the android device market including android phone, android tablet as well as IOS device (iPhone and iPad). If you google about this virus, you may find that more and more people report this virus online, all stating that this virus is a malicious scam virus using to trick innocent device users’ money. With such information provided online, why do people still get infected and scammed by this pesky virus? Before people get into this kind of trouble, they will not concern on this kind of information. Hackers may associate the scam virus with lots of unknown things which you don’t notice usually, such as malicious links, spam email and its attachments, suspicious websites (porn websites), infected ads/pop-ups and so on. Your android device may be infected by this scam virus since you do online activities too carelessly, such as downloading freeware, visiting suspicious websites or links, reading or responding spam emails as well as its attachments and installing unsafe and unknown programs on your android device.

“Hi, how are you! Last night I accidentally click on a website and then I saw a police attention and said “your phone have been blocked for safety….I have to pay fine 100 Pounds and I could pay via Ukash. I can not tell this message really from police or virus. I am so scared. Would you like to give me some suggestion? What should I do now? Thank you very much.”

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Published by on June 17, 2016 1:28 pm and last modified on June 28, 2016 5:40 am.

Jun 17, 2016

How to Remove search.greatsocialtab.com Browser Hijacker Manually?

My computer is infected with this search.greatsocialtab.com browser hijacker. I might click on something bad accidently to pick up virus. I have to admit that I know little about computer. I always brought harmful programs onto my computer. Now search.greatsocialtab.com replaces my favorite homepage and installs weird programs on Google Chrome. When I open a new tab or click on pictures online, it redirects me to unknown websites. I feel like someone is controlling my browser. I don’t want it any more, but I don’t what I should do. Please help me out.

Brief Description of search.greatsocialtab.com Browser Hijacker

search.greatsocialtab.com is a malicious website which hijacks your browser and changes the default browser settings without asking for your permission. According to computer expert, this browser hijacker is spread for marketing purpose. It pretends to be a useful search engine on your computer and performs evil activities to help its developer gain profit. You need to know that it is only an unwanted ad-supported program. Its developer designs it with advanced marketing technique and spreads it widely throughout the world. Also, it is capable of attacking browser such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Edge and Safari. After your computer is infected, it can redirect you to unknown websites randomly and install useless programs to support itself. Do not be tricked by its innocent appearance and leave it on your browser. You had better remove it completely as early as possible.
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Published by on June 17, 2016 5:47 am and last modified on August 26, 2016 8:47 am.

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