Jul 24, 2016

Called a number and they wanted $100 for malware protection?

I went to a website and tried to watch a video this morning, and then a pop-up came up on my screen saying there is a Trojan virus on my computer from visiting adult websites, even though I’ve never been on one. It told me to call a number to have the Trojan removed. My browser is now freezing and won’t let me exit out of this pop-up. My internet is having difficulty working. So I called, and a man with an Indian accent answered the phone. He said he is from ‘Microsoft tech support’ and he can help me get ‘bad’ files off my computer as long as I pay $100USD for malware protection. I asked where he was calling from and his phone number, but he couldn’t give me an address. I’m a little worried so i didn’t make the payment. Is this a scam? If so, how do I fix my computer and get the pop-up off my browser? Please help.

Suspicious Pop-up Asking You to Call a Number and Wants $100 for Malware Protection? – What is it?

Today many people got scammed by a telephone call from someone saying that they were from Microsoft, calling because of PC error reports. Those bad guys usually ask the victim for a remote access first, and then they start to “check” and scan the PC, falsely claiming that the computer has infected with some bad malware, and at last they will demand payment from the victims for “fixing” the computer. Actually this is a simple scam and do not fall into it. Microsoft doesn’t call people because of viruses or errors on their computers. Neither do ISPs, or any security companies. They won’t even show people pop-up alerts on user’s browser and ask them to call a number for malware protection.
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Published by on July 24, 2016 4:33 am and last modified on July 24, 2016 11:54 pm.

Jul 23, 2016

Win32.gamarueremlink.A Trojan Virus Removal Tips

Do you think that antivirus can remove the malicious Trojan off the compromised computer completely? I do have a Norton installed on my computer. Win32.gamarueremlink.A Trojan Virus has been detected by it a few days ago. I thought that it must be removed completely by Norton. But why did I keep receiving malicious threat warning from Norton each time I booted my computer? That virus was still there on my computer, right? What should I do now? How do I get rid of this Trojan virus from my infected computer as soon as possible? Please help me! Thank you!

What Is Win32.gamarueremlink.A Trojan Virus?

Will Win32.gamarueremlink.A Trojan Virus do good things on your computer once it installed? How do you think about that? This virus is produced by cyber criminals aiming to hacking into the target computer and then doing malicious activities on the compromised computer. Now you should know something about that malicious Trojan virus. This Trojan virus mainly attack Windows computer running with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows 8.1, Windows Vista and Windows 10 and so on. You have to be more cautious if you are using a Windows computer. Most of you would like to install some free antivirus programs on your computer so as to protect your computer away from being attacked. However, you may not imagine how malicious and tricky this Trojan would be. This computer infection was created with the ability of running away from the general antivirus scanning. Even though you can detect it with the professional antivirus application, you still can’t avoid being hacked by this virus and remove it by antivirus tool. This virus can only be removed by manual removal way.

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Published by on July 23, 2016 5:58 am

Jul 22, 2016

How to Remove Malsign.generic.6C7 Manually?

Help please, I have the Malsign.generic.6C7 adware on my computer. I restarted it like AVG said but it is still not removed. I’m lost. My computer is running with Windows 10. Please help me get rid of this nasty Trojan. Thanks.

Malsign.generic.6C7 Virus Description:

Malsign.generic.6C7 is a specific detection used by AVG Antivirus and it is categorized as an unwanted Trojan that could commit evil conducts on the infected machine. This infection has unclear objectives, but one thing that can be sure is such nasty Trojan can show unwanted pop-ups/advertisements/banners to users while browsing online in order to boost advertising revenue. Once it gets inside, PC performance will become slow and sluggish. The Trojan modifies the default or custom settings of the browser, changing the default home page and search settings. It also disables firewall and invites other malware onto the machine without your permission. Considering this virus leaves you wide open to further attacks you’d better get rid of it as soon as it is upon detection.
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Published by on July 22, 2016 8:34 am

Jul 22, 2016

Mytrustsearch.com Virus Removal Help

Hi, may I know what Mytrustsearch.com virus is all about? Is it a good website for research? If it is good, why are there lots of unknown pop-ups keeping showing on my screen and stopping me from doing anything normal? What is going on there on my computer since Mytrustsearch.com was added into my browser? What should I do now? Please advise! Thank you!

More Information About Mytrustsearch.com Browser Hijacker

Mytrustsearch.com virus is a newly produced browser hijacker which is said to be a similar research engine just like Google Search. It states that it will provide you useful information you need like Google or Bing quickly. It convinces people into believing that it is a practical and useful application by designing its website with “Google Search” on the name of new tab and “Google Custom Search” on the search box. It says that it is powered by Google Company. From its appearance, this website seems it is a worthy using program. However, once you enter your inquiry on the box, this fake application will direct you to malicious website with infected information links, but not the usual information link you get while you are using Google. If you still can’t recognize this fake website, you click on the information link it provides, you will get more troubles on your computer, such as countless pop-ups/ads/coupons/banners and so on. As a matter of fact, that kind of trouble is just the tip of the iceberg which may happen on the compromised computer.

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Published by on July 22, 2016 6:09 am

Jul 21, 2016

Remove HTTP://POLICE.UK/ Warning from Safari

Hi, I was on safari for my iPhone and then suddenly I got a message from HTTP://POLICE.UK/ saying I was blocked for viewing child pornography contents and violating copyright and related right laws. It asked me to pay £100 or else my apple ID, photos, videos etc will be deleted and i will be subject to prosecution. I am freaking out. Is this true? The warning had my IP address, location and even my contacts information. It says if the fine is not paid in 2 days, it would contact all of my contacts in the address book about the situation and start an investigation immediately. What do I do? Any help with this?

HTTP://POLICE.UK/ Warning Description:

HTTP://POLICE.UK/ warning, also referred to the United Kingdom Police virus is nothing but a scam designed to deceive innocent Apple users into paying a non-existent fine. So if the warning pops up on your iPhone or iPad, please do not overreact, and just ignore what it says. This malware aims to target Apple users in United Kingdom and it can be installed right away after opening spam email attachments, clicking pop-up ads or visiting unsafe websites. From the first sight, it may look like a legitimate notification from the UK Police because the URL of the pop-up starts with HTTP://POLICE.UK/. It blocks down the Internet browser and tries to warn the user about illegal Internet activities, such as the violation of Copyright and Related rights Law and others. In addition, it asks to pay a fine of £100 and promises that this will help to gain access to the Internet again. However, in reality the appearance of ‘HTTP://POLICE.UK/’ warning just means the only thing – your iPhone/iPad has been infected with Ransomware, which has infiltrated your device and used malicious javascript to hijack your Internet browser. The POLICE.UK message asking you to pay a fine is not sent from the law enforcement. Real UK Police will not demand fines through web pop-ups in any circumstance and there is no technology that would allow them to do so even if they wanted to. It is a bogus notification designed by cyber criminals to rip off your money so you’d better get rid of it as quickly as you can.
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Published by on July 21, 2016 8:17 am and last modified on July 21, 2016 8:51 am.

Jul 20, 2016

Ghost Push Virus – How to Remove?

I got hit by a virus called ghost push virus. When I connect to Wifi, my tablet keeps downloadding apps and popping ads. And I can’t control my tablet. This evil virus is too powerful for me to take it down. Even if I delete a bunch of apps under settings on my tablet, the virus goes back again and again. It is just like an annoying ghost haunting there. What should I do to get rid of it? I don’t think I can handle this issue by myself. I know little about tablet tech. Can you walk me through to remove it? Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Brief Description of Ghost Push Virus

Ghost Push Virus is a Trojan program that has been created to infect Android devices. It is one of the most aggressive and complicated virus. Once your device is infected, the virus program is set into the device ROM which will cause great damage to the system. Without your permission, it downloads lots of malicious programs and installs viruses that are very difficult to remove. In order to access your important information for illegal money, it opens your data automatically and sends it to the remote hackers. Your money in bank is at considerable risk if you use your debit card or credit card to do online shopping on your device frequently. You may find that your device runs slow. You have to charge the device now and then as the ghost virus can drain your battery. It spares no effort to damage your device and steal your money. You must remove this Ghost Push virus as soon as possible.
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Published by on July 20, 2016 6:32 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:11 am.

Jul 19, 2016

How to Get data://(null) message off iPhone/iPad?

Hi. I was just on my phone it’s an iPhone6s. I don’t know if you need to know that or not, but I will describe my problem in detail. When on the Internet and there was a whole load of opened tabs, I wanted to delete them which were all porn and stuff so obviously. I was worried that I had been hacked, so I tried to end and delete them. However, I was not able to. Now it comes up with a data://(null) on my Safari saying I could go to jail for up to 5 years and had to pay a 500 pound fine. If I don’t pay £500 within the next 24 hours, everything on my phone will be wiped and it wants to me to type in some sort of code. I don’t know what I should do. I looked it up and a whole load of sites said it’s a scam but I have to get it off my phone as soon as possible. This is why I come here. Can you help?

Brief Description of data://(null) message

data://(null) message is indentified as a scam virus which blocks your browser in the name of law enforcement department. Commonly, it pretends to be from the PCeU, Cheshire Police Authority, Metropolitan Police, Usmarshals.gov/crime, FBI etc. saying that your browser is blocked due to being involved in downloading and spreading illegal content. In fact, its owner is the cyber criminal which has nothing to do with the police or any other authority. It steals the name and logo of the authority department to scare you. To access your browser again, you have to pay a fine which may ranges from £100 to £500. Hence, we also classify it as a piece of ransomware. This virus has been spread widely throughout the world. It not only attacks people in the United Kingdom and United States, but also attacks people in Canada, Australia, Germany, China, Japan and so on. This data://(null) message can be translated to different languages in different countries. Though the fine it demands and other content of the data://(null) message are different, it is the same virus program. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 19, 2016 1:31 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:10 am.

Jul 19, 2016

Locked By Cheshire Police Fine Scam Asking For £100 Fine—How to Unblock My Android Device

Hey, there. Early this morning as soon as I woke up, I started to browse the Internet looking for Movies for my coming holidays. I clicked on a movie ad which saying it will offer me lots of interesting movies for free. Without any doubt, I visited that website! However, when I was on that website, just a minute, I got a warning message from Cheshire police crime saying I broke the law. I didn’t know what it was going on with my Sony phone. All I see on my phone screen is the Cheshire Police Fine Scam asking for £100 fine warning message. I couldn’t exit out that warning page. I had no any idea on what I should do next. Should I pay for that penalty? Was that Cheshire police crime notification real? If I pay for that fine, will the message disappear and my phone gets unblocked? I was so scared. Please help!

Cheshire Police Fine Scam Asking For £100 Fine Locks Android Device—Is It Real?

Cheshire Police Fine Scam Asking For £100 Fine has been classified as ransomware which aiming at tricking android device users’ money. This virus is similar with other ransomware variants, such as Metropolitan Police Ukash Scam Virus, Cheshire Constabulary Scam, U.S. Marshals warning, United States Cyber Security virus, etc. As same as other scam virus, once this virus gets into your android device, it will stop you from doing anything normally by locking your screen with a warning message. In order to convince android device users to believe that this warning message is real, it will disguise itself as a legitimate government department, such as the Cheshire Police Authority, United Kingdom Police of Police Central e-crime Unit (PCeU) or Metropolitan Police. On the warning message, it will claim that you are accused of doing illegal actions online such as watching banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape etc. ), copyright violations stemming from the illegal download and sharing of copyright files as well as the distribution of SPAM emails. Due to the mentioned reasons, your android device has been locked. The fake alert just likes the message below:

Name: Jordan Middleton
Country: United Kingdom
Cellurar Network: Vodafone
Offender device: Samsung GT-I9300
Android Version: 4.3

Your device has been blocked up for safety reasons listed below.
All the actions performed on this Device are fixed.
All your files are encrypted.
You are accused of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape etc). You have violated World Declaration on non-proliferation of child pornography. You are accused of committing the crime envisaged by Article 161 of the Kingdom of Great Britain criminal law.

Article 161 of the Kingdom of Great Britain criminal law provides for the punishment of deprivation of liberty for terms from 5 to 11 years…”

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Published by on July 19, 2016 11:10 am

Jul 19, 2016

How to Remove BSOD: DLL RegisterServer failed with error code 0x80040202 Warning?

Earlier today I did a web search and after clicking on one of the search results I suddenly got a pop up message on Edge browser which gives me a blue screen and Windows Defender Error Code: 0x80073afd thing. Now I am not able to get access to the Internet. On the pop-up message, it wants me to call a tech support number to fix the issue. I searched this problem on the other laptop, and downloaded a few security tools suggested to solve the problem, but none of them worked. I still cannot get this page off. Why I got this BSOD: DLL RegisterServer failed with error code 0x80040202 Warning on my computer? My PC is running with Windows 10 and it is out of protection, so i need help to fix this problem. Is there any way I can get rid of the warning completely and gain Internet access back?

Brief Description of BSOD: DLL Virus

BSOD: DLL RegisterServer failed with error code 0x80040202 Warning
is a fake message generated by potentially unwanted programs or adware with an aim to deceive innocent computer users into paying for a bogus technical support service. Tech support scams promoting suspicious toll free numbers are nothing new but yet they still continue to affect and fool many users. This BSOD: DLL Virus is one of the scams that can attack all kinds of common-used internet browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera etc. At first glance, the pop-up warning seems real as it uses a blue background and a message that seems reminiscent of the Windows Blue Screen of Death. However, unlike the real BSOD, the ‘BSOD: DllRegisterServer failed with the error code 0x80040202’ pop-ups doesn’t cover the whole computer screen, instead it only appears in a Web browser window. It is like an ads pop-up that blocks users from going online.
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Published by on July 19, 2016 2:12 am and last modified on July 19, 2016 2:13 am.

Jul 18, 2016

How to Get Rid of Windows Detected ZEUS Virus pop-up Manually?

I have a Windows Detected ZEUS Virus pop-up on my computer. There is a blue screen which displays error code, my IP, Browser and OS on my Edge. It says Microsoft has detected that a porn virus has infected your system and trying to steal pictures, data and social networking passwords. And it tells you Please Do Not Try to Fix Manually, It May Crash Your Data. It provides a customer number to call. Should I call them? It tells me not to restart my computer and gives detail of the Trojan virus. I am not able to close the tab completely. Every time I close it, it launches automatically. What do I do to get rid of this pop-up?

Brief Information of Windows Detected ZEUS Virus pop-up

Windows Detected ZEUS Virus pop-up is a redirect virus which hijacks your browser such as Google Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. We also call it browser hijacker sometimes. It displays fake computer alert and notification about computer update and security. Do not believe that it is trying to help you fix the problem via scanning your system and providing support number. In fact, the alerts and problems supported by this program do not exist. They all have been made up by the cyber criminals to scare you into purchasing useless software to fix the problem. We do not suggest you follow its guide to call the fake Microsoft number and pay for fake virus removal tool. If you see Windows Detected ZEUS Virus pop-up on your browser, you should get it removed manually right now. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 18, 2016 6:11 pm and last modified on February 27, 2017 4:08 am.

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