Oct 17, 2016

Search.searchemaila.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi there. I need help of removing search.searchemaila.com out of my browser. I don’t know how I got this, but it becomes my homepage. It appears all the time when I open the browser. I even have been redirected to search.searchemaila.com when I was viewing news online. Besides, I got pop-ups all the time. It is crazy! Is it a virus? How Can I stop it? Any assistance would be appreciated.

Brief Information of Search.searchemaila.com Browser Hijacker

search.searchemaila.com belongs to the browser hijacker family. It hijacks your browser and redirects you to its sponsored websites thus helping its developer make money. To get what its developer needs, it performs malicious activities without your knowledge. This malware is very tricky hiding deep in your system. You will not notice its existence before your anti-virus program detects it. Sometimes, it even can escape from anti-virus program. In this case, you will not know something goes wrong on your computer before this threat messes up your days. Numberless ads supported by search.searchemaila.com will pop up while you use the browser. That will interrupt your daily work badly. Like other virus, search.searchemaila.com browser hijacker is able to infect Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows XP, Windows Vista and other systems. It is not an easy job to handle this virus. We suggest you ask computer experts for help. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 17, 2016 6:11 am and last modified on October 18, 2016 2:25 am.

Oct 15, 2016

How to Remove Trojan.Lethic!g2 Virus

Hey, HELP! My Norton sent me a report telling me that my computer got a virus which was called Trojan.Lethic!g2. How could I remove this virus completely? I can’t use my computer normally now. I have lots of work to do. Please help! Thanks.

Infected by Trojan.Lethic!g2 -How to Get Rid of?

Trojan.Lethic!g2 is sorted to be a destructive computer infection which belongs to the Trojan horse family. It has the ability to mess up the whole computer if it gets into your computer. This virus mainly attack windows computer users, such as Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista and so on. Commonly, this trojan may be attached to the third application which relates to your online behavior safe or not. Unsafe actions: downloading freeware application from unknown website, replying to spam emails, reading and download junk email attachment, visiting suspicious websites and clicking on infected pop-ups/ads/links, if you do any of these actions online without thinking carefully, you may give the chance to the virus to hack your computer. Therefore, you should be more cautious while you are online. You should think twice before you do anything online.

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Published by on October 15, 2016 6:18 am

Oct 13, 2016

How to Remove NCA Scam Virus on Mobile Device?

Hi. My phone is coming up with a NCA message asking for money when I put my phone on and now it’s not saying NCA its saying installing system’s updates. Is this a virus? It is saying I have to pay £100 by a Paysafecard. What should I do about it saying £100 fine? Will I get the police coming to my door? It said I will receive a letter in 10 working days. It is not letting me turn on the phone. Should I pay the fine because they are going to send a letter out in 2 days? Will I get prosecuted? It is saying the act of 198 and 162. I’m really scared I don’t know what to do. Please help me out. Thank you so much.

Brief Description of NCA Scam Virus

NCA scam virus is newly created by the cyber criminals to trick unexpected users into paying non-existed fine. If your device is locked by a NCA message which demands a penalty, you have been attacked by a virus. A piece of ransomware is installed on your device. The virus pretends to be the Metropolitan Police and cyber Crime Unit, accusing you of violating laws. To punish you, the police lock your device. You are required to pay £100 or more money to sort things out. Most of the victims were scared by this NCA message and chose to send money. However, we have to tell you that it is totally a scam. The owner of this waning message is not the NCA. It is sent from the cyber criminals. They build lies to trick you. In fact, it is useless to send them money as it required. They only want money from you and do not care about your device at all. Your problem will not get fixed until you remove NCA scam virus. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 13, 2016 2:42 pm

Oct 12, 2016

White Screen Virus on Android Tablet – How to Remove?

I have a virus on my android tablet. It randomly comes up with a white screen saying that I violated laws. Obama is there pointing at me, but I didn’t watch any banned porn or view other illegal content in fact. I am wronged. To figure out what is happening to me, I googled around and found out it is a scam virus. People said my tablet will be fine after I remove the virus. I have problem in the virus removal. I cannot access anything on my tablet, it is totally locked down, can’t turn off the tablet either. Can you help me get rid of this white screen virus? Thank you.

Brief Information about White Screen Virus on Android Device

White screen virus belongs to the Urausy vrius family which takes mobile device hostage and asks for ransom. The nasty virus pretends to be the law enforcement and scares innocent users into paying non-existed fine. It owns the international character and attacks android devices all the over world. The cyber criminals steal many law enforcements’ names and apply them in different countries. Waring also is written in different languages. On the white screen, it says it is from FBI, NSA, Cyber police, United Kingdom Police, AFP or other famous departments stating that your device has been blocked for safety reason. You are supposed to pay a certain amount of money to unblock the device. Most of the users are so scared that they just sent them money. However, we have to tell you that it is a scam. Behind this police threat, it is the cyber criminal instead of the real police. The criminals are trying to swindle money out of you in the name of police. They will run away after they get your money. Hence, if you see this white screen virus on your android device, do not pay the so-called fine. The virus will not away until you get it removed. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 12, 2016 6:16 am

Oct 12, 2016

Nasty Web sites warning of police offence viewing – How to remove?

Hi, there. Nasty Web sites warning of police offence viewing – How to remove? I was on the internet and a like popped up before I had a chance to get rid of it a message came up saying I was watching illegal pornography and that I had to pay a fine of €100 through Paysafecard. And it is blocking me from using the safari at all. My infected device is a iPhone 6. Now I can’t use my safari. Is the information real? I did nothing wrong online. I am a good citizen with good online habits and higher education. What should I do? Please advice!

Your Safari/Chrome Are Locked by Nasty Web sites warning of police offence viewing, what to Do?

“I’m just sending a message because a couple of days ago, I got some fake pop up blocker accusing me of watching illegal pornography. Multiple windows with porn ads popped up and then this blocker with all of these fake articles/laws telling me they’ve caught me viewing illegal pornography, which obviously, I was not doing. It demanded $500 or something, claimed it was US Marshal.”

Nasty Web sites warning of police offence viewing locked your mobile device, is the information real? From the information screen, you may see the police government’s badge, like FBI, US Homeland Security Cyber Police, UK POLICE, USA Cyber Crime Investigations, and The ICE Cyber Crime Center. To make it looks more real, cyber criminals may list your information in details on the warning message, such as the name of city you are living, country… “County: United Kingdom, Region, England, City: Golders Green, Your location 51.57631- 02003 Operation System: IOS” You may be freaked out as soon as you see this warning message popping up onto your mobile device screen. In order to make you to believe that this information is “real”, cyber criminals used to use the name of the legitimate Authority as listed above and then created the non-existent illegal activities you did online. To make it more horrible, it is saying that government accuses you doing illegal things of “viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape etc). You have violated World Declaration on non-proliferation of child pornography…”

Name: Jordan Middleton
Country: United Kingdom
Cellurar Network: Vodafone
Offender device: Samsung GT-I9300
Android Version: 4.3

Your device has been blocked up for safety reasons listed below.
All the actions performed on this Device are fixed.
All your files are encrypted.
You are accused of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape etc). You have violated World Declaration on non-proliferation of child pornography. You are accused of committing the crime envisaged by Article 161 of the Kingdom of Great Britain criminal law.

Article 161 of the Kingdom of Great Britain criminal law provides for the punishment of deprivation of liberty for terms from 5 to 11 years…”

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Published by on October 12, 2016 5:51 am and last modified on October 12, 2016 5:52 am.

Oct 11, 2016

JS.Downloader!gen23 Virus Manual Removal Guide

Hi, I got a report from Norton saying that my computer got a malicious virus. It is named JS.Downloader!gen23 Virus. My computer got stuck frequently recent days. I couldn’t use it normally as before. What is going on my computer? My Norton seems to remove this virus. However, each time when I reboot my computer, I got threat warning again and again. What should I do? Can anyone help?

JS.Downloader!gen23 Virus’ s Detailed Description:

JS.Downloader!gen23 Virus has been classified to be the family of Trojan horse virus which has the ability to attack on innocent users’ computer system all around the world. This virus may attack all the Windows computer users around the global, such as Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 8 and so on. Once this Trojan gets into your computer, it will conduct kinds of malicious activities on the compromised computer. It has the ability to download and install lots of unwanted and unknown programs on your computer without your approval. It will run itself at the background of your computer and create lots of troubles for you while you are doing things on the computer. Besides, it may change your important system file like DNS settings, essential registry entries etc. without your knowledge. As a result, you will get different kinds of error while you are running your programs. Fake alerts and errors will continue to display on your computer screen to interrupt you from doing anything normally on the infected computer. Nothing good will be done after the virus infected your computer. So, you should remove it as soon as you detect it on your computer.

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Published by on October 11, 2016 1:24 pm

Oct 11, 2016

How to Manually Remove Data://(null) Virus Message From iPad, iPhone?

Hey, there. Please help. I am scared. My iPhone 6 plus got locked by Data://(null) Virus Message thing. It said I did wrong online, I went against the Law of the country. It asked me to pay $500 through Paysafecard. What is Paysafecard? If I paid for the penalty, will the virus go off my phone? If I paid, I won’t be sent into jail, correct? What should I do? Please advice.

Data://(null) Virus Message Locked iPad, iPhone-How to Remove?

“I got an about Data://(null) Virus warning on my phone whilst on the google chrome app, it says I broke a law and I need to pay. I believe it’s fake as I haven’t broken this law and it gave a popup also about a Paysafecard and paying a fine of $500. If this is a virus that could lock my iPhone, I’d like some information on how to remove it. Thank you!”

Data://(null) Virus Message is just malicious ransomware which is created by vicious cyber criminals with the purpose of ripping of innocent victims’ money. This virus mainly attacks Apple device users such as iPad, iPhone & iPod and so on. Cyber criminals aim at threatening victims to pay for the fine so that they can earn money easily. This scam virus has kinds of variants like US Marshals.gov data://(null) virus, HTTP://POLICE.UK/ virus. This virus is similar with FBI virus, U.S. Department of Justice virus or NSA security malware which are all created by cyber scammers. These ransomware used to pretend as a legitimate government agency. Once this malware infected your iPad or iPhone, you may see information screen saying it is sent from FBI, United Kingdom Police, AFP etc. in order to make this information looks like real. Besides, it will say that “You are accused of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape etc). You have violated World Declaration on non-proliferation of child pornography…” You will see that IP and Apple ID, name, address will be listed in details at the beginning of the warning message. All these messages seem to be sent by legitimate institution. However, it just a scam virus. It is bogus information, a trap made by scammers.

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Published by on October 11, 2016 12:36 pm

Oct 10, 2016

How to fix Firefox redirect virus?

Hello? Is anyone here? I need help of removing Firefox redirect virus. I was trying to download the free computer theme from an ad website, and then the ads took over my browser. Since then, I always have been redirected to unknown websites no matter when I opened a blank tab or clicked on a normal tile. I also find that ads appear anywhere now and then. I hardly can use Firefox. I have Internet Explore on my computer, but I think it works to slow. I want Firefox back as early as possible. Please help me. Thank you.

Brief Information of Firefox Redirect Virus

Firefox redirect virus belongs to the ad-supported program on your computer. It is released for marketing purpose. Once your computer is infected with this virus, it redirects you to its sponsored websites and delivers ads to promote its products. How did it make that happen without your knowledge? This nasty Firefox redirect virus alters the default settings in order to take over your browser. In this way, it is able to perform malicious activities without asking for your permission. Of course, this redirect virus not only infects Firefox, but also infects Google Chrome, Internet Explore and other browsers. Not like other aggressive computer threat, it does not do something big to have your attention. Sometimes, the antivirus can detect it as a threat and inform you. However, it fails to remove the threat completely. Sometimes, the antivirus just can’t detect it as it hides very well and disguises itself as a good program on your computer. To hunt it out and remove it completely, computer knowledge and skill are required. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 10, 2016 8:39 pm and last modified on October 10, 2016 8:39 pm.

Oct 10, 2016

Web-start.org Redirect Virus Removal Guide

Hey, there. What will you do if your computer gets infected by Web-start.org Redirect Virus? Will you ignore it and then set it as trusted website? Or will you take action immediately to get rid of this virus? No matter what you do, you should keep in mind that this website is a fake search engine. It can’t offer anything you need. Please review the following post on how to get rid of this virus by manual in details. You maybe get some ideas on what you should do next once your computer is infected. Best wishes!

More Information about Web-start.org Browser Hijacker:

Web-start.org is a fake and unwanted website application which is part of Adware/Shortcut Hijacker virus. It has been classified as a member of malicious browser hijacker virus. It is said that this virus is capable of changing your installed browser’s shortcuts and modifying your default homepage and search engine without your permission. Thus, each time when you start to browse, you will be redirected to Web-start.org automatically. What’s worse, you can’t change your previous start-up page back as before. You don’t even know how malicious this virus can be, do you? Once installed, kinds of various pop-ups, ads, banners, shortcuts, may display everywhere on your desktop and website screen. You can’t find a way to close them completely since they can pop up again automatically after you close the windows. In addition, this virus has the ability to change your DNS settings. So, sometime, while you are browsing the Internet, you can’t visit websites normally or will be locked out from some websites. One word, once infected, your computer will have to face kinds of computer troubles and errors. If you want to get your computer back to normal again, you are suggested to get rid of Web-start.org redirect virus as soon as you can.

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Published by on October 10, 2016 6:08 am and last modified on October 21, 2016 1:23 pm.

Oct 9, 2016

Windows Live Essentials Uninstall Guide

Hey, there. What is Windows Live Essentials? Is it useful? If yes, why do I get troubles on the computer while I was using it? Is it just a package for application tools? I need to download everything while it asks me to do update. Why? My computer runs more and more slowly after I do an update. I want to uninstall Windows Live Essentials. But I can’t uninstall it normally as I uninstall other program by using the antivirus program or through control panel. By the way, my computer is Windows 8. How do I uninstall this program successfully? Please help!

What Is Windows Live Essentials?

Windows Live Essentials is a suite of free application package with various tools installation package, which is created by Microsoft. This free application aims to offer computer users with integrated and bundled other application tools including Windows Live Messenger, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Movie Maker, and Windows Live Mail, Outlook Connector Pack, Windows Live Writer, SkyDrive, Windows Live Family Safety (Windows 8 and other higher Windows systems don’t contain this component). It is said that if you install the full version of this application you can enjoy e-mail sending, instant messaging, photo-sharing, blog publishing, and security services more easily. Windows Essentials applications can be installed for free on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 as well as Windows 10 etc. Previous versions are also available on Windows XP, and Windows Vista.
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Published by on October 9, 2016 4:51 am

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