I have a virus on my android tablet. It randomly comes up with a white screen saying that I violated laws. Obama is there pointing at me, but I didn’t watch any banned porn or view other illegal content in fact. I am wronged. To figure out what is happening to me, I googled around and found out it is a scam virus. People said my tablet will be fine after I remove the virus. I have problem in the virus removal. I cannot access anything on my tablet, it is totally locked down, can’t turn off the tablet either. Can you help me get rid of this white screen virus? Thank you.
White screen virus belongs to the Urausy vrius family which takes mobile device hostage and asks for ransom. The nasty virus pretends to be the law enforcement and scares innocent users into paying non-existed fine. It owns the international character and attacks android devices all the over world. The cyber criminals steal many law enforcements’ names and apply them in different countries. Waring also is written in different languages. On the white screen, it says it is from FBI, NSA, Cyber police, United Kingdom Police, AFP or other famous departments stating that your device has been blocked for safety reason. You are supposed to pay a certain amount of money to unblock the device. Most of the users are so scared that they just sent them money. However, we have to tell you that it is a scam. Behind this police threat, it is the cyber criminal instead of the real police. The criminals are trying to swindle money out of you in the name of police. They will run away after they get your money. Hence, if you see this white screen virus on your android device, do not pay the so-called fine. The virus will not away until you get it removed.
White screen virus infection is very common among Android users. Most of the victims were attacked by virus while they viewed pornographic websites or downloaded porn from suspicious websites. The cyber criminals tend to hack websites that most people would like to visit. In this way, virus hides on suspicious pornographic websites waiting for your visit. For the safety of your device, do not visit unsafe websites. Also, virus can be downloaded alongside with app from the Internet. The criminals make virus work by repackaging legitimate apps from the Google Play store with malware, and then released it to a third-party store. Once you download the infected app, virus is able to access your device. Hence, do not download app from unknown websites or app stores. Besides, white screen virus is embedded in email attachment and link in spam. You may receive spam which pretends to be Amazon or other famous company. It tells you that it failed to deliver you a package or something similar to trick you into clicking on provided link or opening attachment. In fact, it is inviting you to download virus. We don’t suggest you click on link or attachment in a spam. Remove spam as soon as you see it to keep your device away from white screen virus.
As soon as the while screen virus is downloaded, it blocks your device with fake police threat. Sometimes, it only blocks the Internet on your device. It doesn’t allow you access the browser. When you open browser app, it redirects you to the white screen. No option is provided to close this page. You can quit the app. However, it will always come back when you open browser app again. Sometimes, it blocks everything on Android device. Nothing is accessible. You even can’t turn off the device until you remove the battery. The police warning takes over the whole screen. It appears every time you start the device. On the white screen, it has the photo of president or other politician. Logo of law enforcement is displaying on top of the screen. It claims that you download, store and distribute illegal content. To take your device back and avoid further punishment, you must pay a fine via prepaid card, such as vanilla card, MoneyPak, Paysafecard and iTune gift card etc. It usually gives you 48 to 72 hours to send the money. It threats that your data will be erased if you don’t pay within the limited time. It shows your IP address and location to scare you that you will be arrested and put into jail. To make it look authentic, it displays some of your contacts saying that your friends will be interrogated. In a way, this warning is horrible, especially for those who don’t know much about tech and virus. Therefore, many people fell in the trick and sent the cyber criminals money. In those years, they had grabbed a huge amount of illegal money with the help of white screen virus. You must get rid of white screen virus to stop the criminals.
White Screen Virus on Android Tablet – How to Remove?
Step 1: Please try to put the infected android phone into Safe Mode at first to unlock the screen temporarily from the powerful scam virus
(1). For various android phones: hold down the power button to bring out the menu with Power Off and Reboot option—-hold down the Power Off option (If nothing happens, please tap and hold the Reboot option instead)—-click OK on the pop-up box asking if you want to access safe mode
(2). For Samsung Galaxy S4 and Samsung Galaxy S5: power off the device—-turn on and tab the soft-touch Menu button repeatedly
(3). For Samsung Galaxy S3 and other phones with similar customized android system: power off the device—-turn on and hold down the Volume Down button (try Volume Up or Volume Down and Volume Up together if Volume Down does not work) when the brand logo shows up
You will see “Safe mode” at the lower left corner of the screen if you access safe mode successfully
Step 2: Search and remove suspicious files which are related to the virus
Step 3: Reboot the device to get out of safe mode.
There is no doubt that the white screen virus is very dangerous and aggressive. We understand how upsetting it would be while dealing with this virus. We suggest you calm down when seeing any message which asks for money. No police will inform you something via a pop-up message. They will not punish criminals by locking their devices. They would rather break in your house and take you away. The cyber criminals spare no effort to steal money from Internet users every say. You must be careful. Never trust the white screen virus and pay ransom. It will not help your blocked device though you paid. You can ignore the warning and remove the virus immediately. We don’t know if the white screen virus will install more malware for your credit card detail. Therefore, take action right now. Do not give it any chance to access your precious information or damage your device!
Published by on October 12, 2016 6:16 am, last updated on October 12, 2016 6:16 am
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