Greetings. I got problem with my MacBook Air. I was browsing on Safari when a screen popped up suddenly that states: “Your Mac has been blocked….error #268D3….Call us immediately at 855-900-9120. Please do not ignore this critical alert. If you close this page, your computer access will be disabled to prevent further damage to our network. Your Mac has alerted us that it has been infected with a virus and spyware. The following information has been stolen…Facebook login, credit card details, e-mail account login, photos stored on this computer. You must call us immediately so that our engineers can walk you through the removal process over the phone. Please call us in the next 5 minutes to prevent your Mac from being disabled” I don’t know what’s going on here and I don’t want to call them. Can you help me remove error code #268D3 from my new MacBook Air?
Error Code #268D3 is generated by adware or browser hijacker which does nothing good to your computer. Instead, it is harmful to your system, trying to damage your computer and get something precious from you. If you see “Your Mac has been blocked error code #268D3” on your computer, that means there are unwanted programs in the system. The error code #268D3 is a phony message which is made up by cyber criminals to mislead users. It states that your computer is infected with viruses and prompts you to call a phone number for help. In fact, the real threat is itself. Usually, it asks you to call a fake tech support and swindle money out of you. Once you call the number, they will try to persuade you to purchase their product to remove the virus that they created. If you did buy their product, they might only withdraw its fake alert. Sometimes, it can be worse. The alert is still there and your browser is still blocked though you did exactly as it required. In this way, people lost money for nothing. Therefore, do not trust error code #268D3 and call the given number. It is a fake alert brought by malicious software on your computer. You must find out the real threat and remove it completely to get rid of error code #268D3.
As we know, various viruses have been spread on the Internet by the cyber criminals. Your computer can be infected with a virus easily if you clicked on something bad. You might be browsing, watching videos online or other doing other usual things as you did before. The unusual thing was that you got a virus alert which blocked your browser, namely the error code #268D3. The malware was just installed on your computer without your knowledge. It could hide on malicious websites or good websites that have been compromised. When you visited those websites, the malware could sneak into your system secretly. Also, the malware could be embedded in videos, music or software you downloaded from unknown websites. Malware would be installed immediately once those programs were downloaded. Besides, the cyber criminals delivered virus to you directly via spam. They dispatched spam to thousands of users every day, pretending to be some famous companies to trick you into opening the attachment or clicking on a link. In fact, you would download virus once you did that. Malware that shows you error code #268D3 is widely spread. You ought to protect your computer well.
As soon as the malware is installed, it starts to do everything its owners demand. It corrupts your system and browser settings to create chaos. In order to make you call their fake tech support, it displays error code #268D3. It tells you that your MacBook is infected with spyware. The fake alert hijacks your browser completely and does not allow you to access Internet. Sometimes, you even can’t close the browser to access your desktop. It also says that your personal information about account and password is being stolen. It urges you to call them for tech support. Otherwise, your MacBook will be completely disabled. Many users were scared by this fake alert and called the number immediately. According to the victims, they had been charged $ 500 to remove the so-called spyware after they called. We have to tell you that it totally a bad idea to call them for tech support. Though they said that they would help you remove the virus over the phone, they created the virus to attack your computer. Do not trust them. Besides, it doesn’t take so much money to remove a virus even though you have a real virus. The cyber criminals are trying to make immoral money from this error code #268D3 with the help of malware which is installed on your computer. It is very necessary for you to delete the malware and get rid of error code #268D3.
You may see alert like this,
Error # 268D3
Please call us immediately at 1-855-900-9120
Please do not ignore this critical alert. If you close this page,
your computer access will be disabled to prevent further
damage to our network.
Your computer has alerted us that it has been infected with a
virus and spyware. The following information is being stolen…
>Facebook Login
>Credit Card Details
>Email Account Login
>Photos stored on this computer
You must contact us immediately so that our engineers can
walk you through the removal process over the phone. Please
call us within the next 5 minutes to prevent your computer
from being disabled.
Toll Free: 1-855-900-9120
Notice: Please do a system backup before you start to delete “Your Mac has been blocked error #268D3” malware manually
1. Since your browser is already blocked by error #268D3 malware, you can’t exit out the virus page in a normal way. If your Safari browser is hijacked by this Ransomware, you can click the Search button in the top right corner like the picture shows. And then type in: Safari and hit Enter key to reopen a browser without virus page first.
2. On the Apple menu bar, click Safari, and then click Preferences.
3. On the Extensions tab, delete all the suspicious add-ons.
4. Next, select “Preferences“, go to the “General” tab and change the “Default Search Engine” to Google. Then, in the “General” tab, find the “Home Page” and change it to “”.
5. If the error #268D3 page still appears, please contact YooCare experts online for further help.
There is no doubt that error code #268D3 is a fake alert. It is not released by Apple or Microsoft. If your computer is infected with a piece of malware, your computer will tell you first. How can it inform the so-called tech support first and then let the tech support to tell you? There is no spyware on your computer. You don’t need to call them for help. However, there is something that you need to take care of. Though the spyware that error code #268D3 mentions does not exist, there is malware on your computer. It is the one which shows you spyware alert. Behind this error code #268D3, the malware is the real threat to your computer. It misleads you to call the fake tech support for help which takes lots of money to remove the non-existed spyware while the real threat is able to escape from your eyes. If you see similar alert on your computer, we suggest you remove the malware manually. As the real malware is able to block your antivirus program, manual removal is the most effective way so far. Locate and remove the malware right now. You will fix the problem and get rid of error code #268D3.
Published by on April 20, 2017 5:40 am, last updated on April 20, 2017 5:41 am
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