How to Remove nengine.dll

I got this nengine.dll error message after the computer was starting up. Immediately, I ran full scans via my antivirus, but nothing was found. I thought the RunDll error occurred by accident, but unfortunately, I kept getting this error message every time I reboot the system. When surfing the net, I was bothered with numerous pop-up ads and fake alerts related to viruses or adware. Is it a computer infection? Has my computer been exposed to all sorts of threats? How can I remove this error message and other potential threats? Benefit yourself from this post and follow removal instructions to fix the nengine.dll issue completely.

What is nengine.dll Error? How to Fix It?

This nengine.dll error message will pop up automatically at start up. It is a kind of RunDll errors which targets worldwide computers running with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and even the latest version Windows 8.1. The error can be associated with adware or potential unwanted programs. If a computer is attacked by hazardous adware or other infections, it is likely to pick up this serious nengine.dll file error. For instance, adware threats detected as NewNextDotMe, Adware.NextLive.1 and PUP.Optional.NextLive.A etc. can cause such a nengine.dll error once they penetrate into target computers. Usually, the Dll file attacks the computer while users download insecure freeware, shareware and other software carelessly. It installs in the computer secretly and pops up automatically every time the contaminated system starts up. It is capable to take use of system loopholes to come bundled with potential threats like Mobogenie and other risky infections. To more specific, the nengine.dll error message can be read as follows: There was a problem starting C:\Users\admin1\AppData\Roaming\\nengine.dll. The specified module could not be found. Indeed, the nengine.dll error/RunDll error turns out to be a big computer issue which users should be aware of this error and remove it from the computer as soon as possible.

The nengine.dll error may belong to adware and potentially unwanted programs. To deeply affect the computer, it may enable some notorious ads-on, extensions and toolbars to be installed in the computer without any consent. Consequently, the computer will be exposed to all sorts of threats. Actually, the fake Dll file error can affect the system performance and makes great troubles to users’ online activities. It may cause redirection during your Internet searching process. Meanwhile, constant pop-up ads which are related to browser hijacker viruses or unsafe free download resources will appear on the screen. Moreover, the fake file alert-associated adware can change the system files and create registry entries in order to mess up the computer terribly. It also modifies the browser or computer settings to enable potential threats to access the contaminated system secretly. There is no circumstance for computer users to ignore or leave the nengine.dll pop-up error message-associated adware in the computer.

How to get rid of the nengine.dll error? Many computer users complain that their security programs can’t seem to detect or any other adware threats properly. In fact, the antivirus will be disabled and fail to fix the error. It is difficult to fix the nengine.dll error since the dll pop-up error at startup is associated with adware and other infections. In this case, PC users had better delete all threats from the computer and fix the nengine.dll/RunDll error issue with removal guide below.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure and are afraid to make any critical mistakes during the process, please live chat with YooCare Expert now. nengine.dll Error Image: nengine.dll

Instructions on Fixing This nengine.dll Error at Start up Completely:

Manual removal is a complicated and risky process which requires sufficient PC skills. If you are afraid to make any changes to your system, please back up your vital data before going ahead to delete any system file and registry entry related to this nengine.dll error. Also, be cautious when moving forward to deal with the pop-up error issue manually.

1. Please restart the computer to Safe mode with Networking first. Here’s the guide: Restart the computer and start hitting F8 key repeatedly when PC is booting up; if successfully, Safe mode options will show up on the screen for you to select. Please use arrow keys to highlight Safe mode with Networking option and hit enter key. System will be loading files into this mode afterward.


2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop nengine.dll related processes in the Windows Task Manager.

3. Go to Folder Options from Control Panel. Under View tab, select Show hidden files and folders and uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended), and then click OK.

4. a. Press Windows+ R keys to pull up the Run box.


b. Search for regedit in Run. (Type regedit in the Open filed of Run, and click Ok)

Registry Editor

*Note: Remember to back up beforehand.

Delete associated files and registry entries related to nengine.dll or this error message-associated adware as follows:

%AllUsersProfile%\Programs\{random letters}\
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\~r
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\~dll
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “CertificateRevocation” = ‘1’
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments “SaveZoneInformation” = ‘0’

5. Reboot the computer normally to take effective, when the above steps are done.

This Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

In Conclusion:

The nengine.dll is a pesky pop-up error message that causes destructive damages to the computer. It makes modifications to browser or computer settings and exploits system leaks to deliver additional threats to the computer. The error causes many troubles to computer users in that it may display pop-up ads or other fake alerts during your web browsing activities. It also affects the computer to make it slowly. Such a nengine.dll error bundled with potential threats corrupts the computer miserably, so it must be removed from the computer immediately. However, there is not a perfect antivirus that can fix the error as expected. In fact, the error message must be fixed manually. If you have no idea of this nengine.dll removal, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online who will offer you the most effective tech support to fix it successfully.

Friendly Reminder: If you have tried in vain, please contact YooCare: PC professionals 24/7 online will offer you the most effective tech support to fix the nengine.dll issue completely.

Published by on April 18, 2014 6:27 am, last updated on April 18, 2014 6:27 am

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