Vista Anti-Virus 2013 Virus Removal (Uninstall Guide)

Vista Anti-Virus 2013 keeps showing you alert which says it blocks your programs from accessing the Internet? Is this a virus or real? Nowadays, many users installed it by accident and have a hard time to remove it because they can’t  find anything in Control Panel. How to uninstall this rogue program effectively? You’ll find the answer from the following article.

What is Vista Anti-Virus 2013?

Vista Anti-Virus 2013 is classified as a rogue program that uses the same Graphical User’s Interface as its colleague. It gets installed by clicking malicious code or distribute unsafe advertising pop-ups, visiting pornographic website or downloading attachment from spam emails. Once it is running, it displays fake scan results, false security alerts, hijacks your web browser, and does not allow you to run your legitimate Windows applications. It puts your computer in a risky situation.

How does this virus work?

As soon as the virus gets inside the system, it starts reporting that a large number of viruses are detected from your machine. Then it offers to purchase its ‘licensed’ version which claims can remove all these viruses and help you protect your computer. Under no circumstances you should buy this program because it is a scam in reality. As we can see, this rogue program is good at using a potent combination of misleading attacks against your PC, then it tries its best to encourage you spending money on a useless product. Please bear in  mind that this program is lacking in legitimate anti-malware functionality and it is an actual danger to your computer’s security. You are strongly recommended to uninstall it from your computer as quickly as possible.

Don’t have enough skill to deal with this virus? The following instructions require better computer skills to deal with program files and registry entries. If you’re not sure on how to delete this fake antivirus program, please contact YooCare 24/7 Online Expert now.

Virus Image:


Apart from the bogus scan, this rogue program also will show you lots of fake alerts to mislead users into thinking the computer is seriously infected. For instance:

Critical System Alert!
Unknown software is try to take control over your system!

Malware intrusion!
Sensitive areas of your system ware found to be under attack. Spy software attack or virus infection possible. Prevent further damage or your private data will get stolen. Run an anti-spyware scan now. Click here to start.

Privacy threat!
Spyware intrusion detected. Your system is infected. System integrity is at risk. Private data can be stolen by third parties, including credit card details and passwords. Click here to perform a security repair.

Virus infection!
System security was found to be compromised. Your computer is now infected. Attention, irreversible system changes may occur. Private data may get stolen. Click here now for an instant anti-virus scan.

Tips: Vista Anti-Virus 2013 is nothing but a rogue program virus that disables executable antivirus on your computer. Thus, ignore all those fake messages. And all you need to do it to use the manual way to remove it from your machine for good.

Step-By-Step Manual Removal Guide:

1. Reboot your computer to safe mode with networking. As your computer restarts but before Windows launches, tap “F8” key constantly.

2. Show hidden files and folders.

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.
Click the View tab.
Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

3. Open Registry entries. Find out the malicious files and entries and then delete all.

Attention: Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

a. Press the “Start” button and then choose the option “Run”. In the “Open” field, type “regedit” and click the “OK” button.

b. All malicious files and registry entries that should be deleted:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\[RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ‘Inspector’
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

Similar Removal Video:

Vista Anti-Virus 2013 virus uses malicious Registry entries to launch itself every time you start Windows. And it always enters into the targeted PC without any permission. Once it is running, you will see a scanner just pops up on your screen and there are no options to shut it down. After that, you will have a hard time to remove it. Moreover, it does not allow you to run any software. Each time you try to browse the web it will pop-up an alerts like this: “Vista Anti-Virus 2013 has blocked a program from accessing the internet” “Internet Explorer is infected with Trojan-BNK.Win32.Keylogger.gen” “Private data can be stolen by third parties, including credit card details and password” This tricky virus can infect computers in various ways. It can be downloaded via malicious drive-by-download scripts from corrupted porn and shareware websites, spam email attachments, media downloads and social networks. Ransomware like FBI lock computer virus may also be given the chance to get in. Once you detect this virus, you have to delete it without any hesitation.

Spending a lot of time removing this virus but still with no luck? Live chat with YooCare experts now to save your computer and remove the virus safely and completely.

Published by on January 14, 2013 6:01 am, last updated on May 27, 2013 2:32 am

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