Dec 17, 2016 Browser Hijacker Manual Removal Guide

Hello. Please help me get rid of It takes the place of my google search engine and I can’t take it back. So many weird things since I have seen this domain. I have got too many popups recently. They take me to unknown shopping sites. Google Chrome opened ad websites automatically after I clicked on other programs. That makes me feel stressed. Really need your help. Please reply me soon. Thank you.

Brief Information of Browser Hijacker is a browser hijacker. Its developers use it to create traffic and extort income from the user by showing ads. It alters system and browser settings without your permission. Your homepage, search engine and even default videos player will be changed into unknown ones. No matter you use Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Safari, is always able to hijack your browser. One of the most obvious characters of this threat is browser redirect. It just redirects you to strange websites and forces you to view their unreliable ads. It also installs useless ad-supported and useless programs on your computer. Those programs will damage your computer further. Besides, it is necessary for you to note that one of its important tasks is information collection. That will cause sensitive information leak. They will use your personal information to develop their product and make money. You must stop and delete browser hijacker before it is too late. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 17, 2016 5:15 pm

Dec 16, 2016

FBI Ransomwares Block Phones/Tablets? How to Remove ?

Help!! I have a FBI thing on my phone. It is either a real accusation or a piece of nasty ransomware. But I am not sure. Can you please help? My ignorant son tried to use my phone to visit a game website full of suspicious advertising content of all kinds of games. According to him, all of a sudden, the phone was locked completely, with a notification saying something like “ATTENTION! Your phone has been blocked up for safety reasons”. He was so scared and attempted to close the continuously popover notification, but just failed no matter how hard he tried. I have no idea how to stop this nasty thing at all. Can you guys please help? It will be greatly appreciated for any help. Thanks.

FBI Ransomware Description:

The FBI ransomware is classified to be a member of the Trojan/Koler Ransomware family of computer infections, which is designed to identify all kinds of phones/tablets as its targets all around the world. As soon as the FBI ransomware is activated, a fake notification will pop up immediately and nastily, stating that your device has been locked because it is found involved in illegal pornography, which is worded to pretend to be the agency of the FBI. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 16, 2016 5:01 pm and last modified on December 16, 2016 5:01 pm.

Dec 15, 2016

IPhone/iPad Locked by the Illegal Pornography [email protected] Virus – How to Remove It?

Hey, there? I am from New Zealand. There is a suspicious notification on my iPhone now. It is something like your phone is locked for the illegal pornography. There is an email address of “[email protected]”. It seems like an address of the justice agency of New Zealand. Is it real? My iPhone is completely blocked and I can’t even to power it off. I am really scared. Is that possible that the authority will come to my house? But I have done nothing illegal. I can’t remove this thing myself. Please help!

“Justicezealand Scam Virus” Description:

The malware with the similar message like “Your iPhone/iPad locked by the illegal pornography [email protected] is a piece of ransomware that can be called fake government virus like the fake FBI virus prevailing in the USA. Some common traits are shared by all variants of such a virus. First, to force the victims to pay the non-existent fine as fast as they can, the virus usually disguises itself to be the powerful law enforcement agency of the target country. In this case, we can tell from the fake email address “[email protected]”, the virus pretends as the justice agency of the New Zealand to threaten to victims to pay a fine for illegal pornography. For the victims who are sensitive and prudent enough, this trick is being able to avoid easily. While for some victims, the case becomes a nightmare. They are frightened so much at sight of this scam that can’t help moving to pay the imaginary fine as the hacker’s demand without having the situation turned any better. Some of them payed as much as 500 bucks to the hacker’s account in an irreversible method. Apart from this trick, another method the hacker uses to threaten the victims to pay is the second common aspect of such an infection we are going to analyze. It really makes sense in combination with the trick we have just discussed to drive the victims to step into the whole scam trap. And that is supposed to be probably the most annoying and upsetting trait that drive mad the victims. Yes, the virus will partly or completely block you from using the device again. In some cases, even the attempt to restart or power off the device is prevented, let alone using it as normal to operate such functions as making calls, sending messages and running an antivirus program to detect and kill the virus. And this aspect of the virus plays a critical role in making the victims believe that the hacker’s claim of deleting all the data stored on the device is real.The logic of such a judgement can be that since the infected device has been blocked completely by the hacker, it is natural that the data is being at his disposal. While, as a matter of fact, by now, there is no evidence that show a fake government virus like the one discussed in this article will delete the data of the device infected with it. Finally, to escape from being reversed and traced, usually, the hacker will prefer to demand the victims to pay the non-existent fine in an irreversible and untraceable way like via GreenDot MoneyPak, Ukash or Paysafecard code in the case of the victims in the USA. This adds the sadness and sorrow of the victims who have been fooled into getting trapped.
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Published by on December 15, 2016 7:18 pm and last modified on December 15, 2016 7:28 pm.

Dec 15, 2016

HTML/Refresh.BC Trojan Virus Removal Guide

My computer got warnings saying about HTML/Refresh.BC Trojan Virus. Norton and AVG couldn’t do any help for removing the virus. Computer got stuck so frequently. White screen happened from time to time. What should I do? Please help!

What Is HTML/Refresh.BC Trojan Virus?

HTML/Refresh.BC Trojan Virus is made by malicious cyber criminals with the aims of attacking target computer’s system and getting into the system to perform malicious activities on the infected computer. This Trojan virus mainly attacks windows computers like Windows xp, vista, 7,8,10 etc. You used to get your computer being infected by this Trojan virus due to your careless online behaviors. Most cases, cyber criminals used to get the virus attached to the third party application. You may get infected during the process of “free” application installation like computer games, “free” online apps etc. The virus used to hide among the application’s plug-ins. Besides, while you are browsing the Internet, if you click on the unknown and unfamiliar pop-ups, ads, links, banners or coupons, you may give the chance for the virus getting into your computer without your permission. What’s more, spam emails as well as its attachments are turned out to be a way for the virus’s distribution. Therefore, if you want to avoid being infected, you’d better pay attention on all your online activities.

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Published by on December 15, 2016 4:06 pm

Dec 14, 2016

W97M.Downloader!g18 Trojan Virus Removal Guide

Hi. I have Trojan virus issue. This morning, Norton told me that my computer was infected with W97M.Downloader!g18 Trojan virus. I got it removed the virus immediately. However, the threat came back after I restarted the computer. How could that happen? I have two antivirus programs on the computer. Somehow, the virus just comes back again and again. How can I stop it? Should I remove it manually? Can you help me?

Brief Information of W97M.Downloader!g18 Trojan Virus

W97M.Downloader!g18 is associated with the W97M.Downloader family that has been detected lately. It has been designed to be more complicated and powerful than its predecessors. Its owners spread it widely on the Internet to attack unexpected users. This Trojan virus can intrude your system without your knowledge. Once it is installed on your computer, it can perform various malicious activities. You will suffer many kinds of computer issues brought by this threat as time goes by. It will spare no effort to protect itself and destroy the computer for your money and precious information. Your computer will freeze while you play game. It takes a long time to react when you are about to open a program. Popup ads, alerts, notifications and other weird things will appear on your computer frequently. That will interfere with your work badly. To protect your computer and previous data, we suggest you remove W97M.Downloader!g18 Trojan virus soon before it ruins your computer. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 14, 2016 1:27 pm

Dec 13, 2016 Browser Hijacker Manual Removal Guide

Hi. I have been redirected to all the time and the page kept giving me abundant commercial pop ups. I could not move into a site I wanted as I did before! My anti-virus can do nothing to handle it. I lost my patience, but I failed to remove the annoyance. What should I do to get rid of Is there any way to remove it manually? To be honest, I know little about computer. It would be great if you can help me fix it.

What is Browser Hijacker? is classified as a hazardous browser hijacker which was sponsored by Cyber criminals to assault computers. Internet users who come from different places have been the victims of this browser hijacker and gotten the vermin on their computer without any agreement or consciousness. Once it managed to sneak into a targeted computer with a success, the virus is supposed to present tons of redirections when innocent users launch browsers regardless of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google chrome, or Safari. Instead of moving into a right website as the users should do, it will relocate to or ones related to it. Additionally, the intentional web page shows a mass of the pop-ups which are associated with commercial ads. The existence of the numerous pop ups will cause online traffic so that computer users are unable to surf the net as effective as they did before the infection. You ought to delete browser hijacker to fix the problems. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 13, 2016 6:17 am and last modified on December 13, 2016 6:26 am.

Dec 10, 2016

How to Get Rid of Virus Manually?

Hi Sir. Please help me get rid of virus. My computer is badly infected. I get popups, alerts and banners all the time. Things seem to be out of control. I tried to reset the browser, but it didn’t work at all. I have no idea how to fix it. Need your support now. I want it to be fixed as soon as possible. Any assistance will be appreciated. Thank you ahead of time.

Brief Description of Virus

The virus is a browser hijacker which is designed by cyber criminals to intrude computers of internet users. Once installed in victims’ computers, the browser hijacker virus will freak the sufferers out by redirecting their homepages or other websites. Random ads, alerts and fake system notifications pop up on your screen after you connect computer to the network. When you open your default browsers, such as Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, the virus will mislead you to suspicious websites and display lots of pop-ups advertisements which substitutes for the trusted results you are trying to get. Those commercial advertisements have paid for the developer of this browser hijacker virus, so the ads will keep popping up all the time when you visit a website. The longer it stays on your computer, the more money its developer will get. The virus has the ability to alter the settings of your search engines without your consent. Consequently, you are unable to use your search engine normally and visit websites smoothly. The longer it stays in your system, the more dangerous your computer will be. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 10, 2016 6:21 am

Dec 9, 2016

Win32/Teerac.Q Trojan Virus Manual Removal Guide

Is there anyone who can help me remove Win32/Teerac.Q Trojan virus? Yesterday, I opened an email attachment. Soon, the antivirus program told that my computer was infected. I had it removed immediately. However, it came back every time I restarted the computer. Is there any way to remove Win32/Teerac.Q Trojan virus completely? Please help me. Thank you.

Brief Information of Win32/Teerac.Q Trojan Virus

Win32/Teerac.Q Trojan virus is a harmful and tricky computer threat. As a member of the Trojan virus family, it shares all the characters of Trojan. It is able to hide itself deeply in your system. Few anti-virus programs have the ability to detect it, let alone your naked eyes. It performs tasks so silently that you will not notice it until it brings you a big mess. It can attack many versions of operating systems, such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows vista and Windows XP etc. Once it accesses your system, it blocks security programs and browser firewall to get maximum right to control your computer. Your files and system will be badly corrupted. You will gradually notice that your computer fails to work normally. Various popup alerts, ads, banners and other annoying things appear on your screen frequently. In the end, you barely can use the infected computer to work. Besides, this threat also targets on your personal information on computer. They can make illegal money from your information. Hence, we strongly suggest you remove Win32/Teerac.Q Trojan virus as soon as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 9, 2016 1:11 pm and last modified on December 14, 2016 1:21 pm.

Dec 8, 2016

How to Remove the WowMovix browser extension?

Hey, there? I have a thing on my browser called something like WowMovix. I don’t know who installs it on my system, I never did it. I searched information about it on the internet and learn that it is a program to help find free films. But I also find negative information about it, saying it is a suspicious extension and may cause problems. So I decide to remove it from my computer just in case. But I know little about computer and don’t know how to do, please help!

Important Information about the WowMovix browser extension.

The is a webpage of good appearance that is used to help distribute the suspicious WowMovix browser extension. According to official declaration, the extension is designed to target Google Chrome browser users to help easily search the web for FREE unlimited movies, TV series, thrillers and movie reviews. From the declaration, a piece of important information can be learned. The WowMovix will install the suspicious WowMovix browser extension on the Google Chrome only. This should be a piece of good news for users who use other browsers instead of Google Chrome to surf the internet. But as matter of fact, whether the extension is targeted to Google Chrome only or not is still unknown according to a report. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 8, 2016 2:15 pm

Dec 7, 2016

How to Remove Different Variants of Fake Police or FBI-like Virus on Phones or Tablets?

What is a fake police virus? How to identify a fake police virus like the fake FBI virus? Some victims say that they can feel it is just a fake police scam virus at the sight of the infection. While some who are not that techy and sensitive feel freaked out about the virus. In some cases, the victims are so horrible that they end up paying a non-existent fine as the hackers’ demand without the problem being solved. Some even deal with the infection in a ridiculous way, for example by throwing the infected device into a river to eliminate the evidence, because they scare the virus-claimed authority will come to their house to arrest and put them in jail. What is more, since the first infection about several years ago, the virus has varied a great deal in many ways. There are many different variants prevailing all over the world. Hence, we think it is still needed to tell about the characteristics of the fake police virus that can help identify such an infection.

More Information about the Fake Police or FBI-like Virus Scam:

Based on a thorough analysis of the reliable materials about all variants of the discussed virus, which are collected in various ways such as from the reports of the victims who come to us for help and by reading all kinds of essays or articles involved with the virus, we conclude that a fake police virus or FBI-like virus always features the characteristics that are going to be analyzed as below. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 7, 2016 6:44 pm

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