Dec 25, 2016

Trojan.Shunnael!gen2 virus Removal Tips

Computer got infected by Trojan.Shunnael!gen2 Virus? Norton kept sending you about malicious warning alerts? Couldn’t get online normally as usual? What to do? How to get rid of this malicious computer infection? Have no idea on how to remove the virus? Need help! Please read the following post:

More Information About Trojan.Shunnael!gen2 Virus:

Trojan.Shunnael!gen2 Virus is a malicious and tricky virus that made by cyber hackers with evil purposes. With the help of this infection, cyber hackers can be able to connect to the infected computers and then access the compromised computer without being known by PC users. Once cyber hackers get into your computer secretly, your sensitive data and privacy information on the computer might be in great of danger. Because, cyber criminals’ plan to do is to steal privacy like bank detail on your machine so that they can get illegal benefits. In addition, if your computer is infected with this virus, you may note that your machine performance can be slower and slower and there will be a lot of junk files saved. So, it is a must for all users who have this Trojan virus on their machines to remove it in time.

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Published by on December 25, 2016 4:06 pm

Dec 25, 2016

Android Police Paysafecard Virus Removal Guide

Hi I have been infected with an Android police paysafecard virus. The FBI logo occupied my whole screen where I cannot take it off my Samsung galaxy 7 edge. It says my phone is blocked for illegal porn, asking for $500. I cannot even restart my phone . I am freaking out. Please help. Thank you.

Brief Description of Android Police Paysafecard Virus?

Android Police Paysafecard virus has been categorized as a hazardous group of ransomware which is sponsored by Cyber criminals to attack unexpected users all over the world. Once installed on the targeted device, this Android police virus will threaten users with a fake alert that they have violated some law by moving into unauthorized websites. Android Police Paysafecard virus attempts to convince the victims that the alert comes from police or associations and then frighten the innocent Internet users to pay an inexistent fee to get a so-called code to get their devices unlocked. Plenty of Internet users from different nations who have been swindled out of money, because they have been scared by the screen which keeps displaying a distinctive institution of police or another association and victims maybe footed by the virus easily. And then victims will realize they can’t get rid of the block page after paying the fee and they can’t get their money back, as well. Please keep in mind that the Paysafecard police warning is completely a virus, despite its authentic appearance and threatening words. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 25, 2016 4:54 am and last modified on December 25, 2016 5:01 am.

Dec 23, 2016

Quick Guide to Remove Pop-ups

My Internet Explorer gets redirected to the for no reason and I am unable to get my homepage normally. My anti-virus program can do nothing helpful to handle such a headache. The pop-ups come from a virus or malware, right? I have tried to get rid of it myself but ended with a failure. What should I do to remove the pop-ups completely? In fact, the pop-up is a browser hijacker and will make chaos if no removal in time. Manual removal is the most effective to get rid of it. Please follow the post to get some assistance to eliminate it.

Brief Description of pop-up pop-up has been categorized as a browser hijacker which is sponsored specially to attack computers all around the world. Once installed on a targeted computer in degrading manner, the pop-up redirects victims’ website regardless of browsers or search engines. The pop-up will display plenty of pop-ups which are related to the browser hijacker so as to promote their products. So that innocent Internet users can’t surf the Internet easily as they usually do. Meanwhile, it forces you to view ads and malicious websites now and then. More malware will be installed to damage your computer. Gradually, your computer will run slowly and take a long time to react. It just gets stuck frequently while you are playing game or writing an important report. Hence, you must remove this threat in time. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 23, 2016 12:33 pm and last modified on December 23, 2016 12:36 pm.

Dec 23, 2016

CIA Special Agent 767 Trojan Virus Removal Guide

Hi, there. If your computer gets infected by a malicious Trojan named: CIA Special Agent 767 Trojan Virus, antivirus tool can’t get rid of it. What will you do? You get problems on your computer continually. How to remove this malicious virus? Need help? Here is a post on how to get rid of CIA Special Agent 767 Trojan Virus by manual.

What Is CIA Special Agent 767 Trojan Virus?

CIA Special Agent 767 Trojan Virus is malicious and stubborn computer infection which is made by cyber criminals with the aims of attacking Windows computers. It mainly attacks computers which run with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 and so on. This virus can be distributed through several means. Malicious websites, or legitimate websites that have been hacked, can infect your machine through exploit kits that use vulnerabilities on your computer to install this Trojan without your permission of knowledge. Besides, if you download spam email attachments or visit its junk emails, the virus can get the chance to get into the target computer and then make chaos on the infected computer. Thus, you’d better pay more attention on all your online activities just in case the virus gets into your computer again.

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Published by on December 23, 2016 5:58 am

Dec 22, 2016

How to Remove the Virus?

Hi, I have the sticking on my web browser of the Chrome. To tell the truth, I don’t think it is the worst search facility I have ever seen. But I google information about it and learn that it is not safe and reliable. So in case of any loss occurring in the future, I decide to get rid of it from my Dell computer totally. But when I worked on it, I found i could not remove it myself. It came back anytime I thought it is deleted. I am really tired. Can you guys help me? Please! Much appreciated!

Important Information about the is a malicious program which is released not long time ago. While the designer and developer of it is still not known to all. On a blank page without any logo or mark, there is only a Search button and toolbar lying respectively on the top and where is close to the top. Such documentations as the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use or any information detail with regard to how to use this piece of program are seemingly not provided for the newer versions. Redirection malware is also the name that can be used to call the virus. And is the search facility of which the takes advantage to support its redirection feature which will function anytime as soon as the search button is clicked on. Therefore, due to the intense color of the redirection feature, the virus discussed in this article is much more classified to be an unwanted program than a typical computer virus in a more strict sense. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 22, 2016 8:21 pm and last modified on December 26, 2016 6:55 am.

Dec 22, 2016 Virus Removal Guide

Hey, there. was setup as the default search engine on my Google Chrome. I got lots of banners and pop-up when I used this search engine to find something. I couldn’t do anything normally. What’s wrong with my computer? Someone said that my computer was infected by Virus. Really? What should I do? Help!

More Information About Virus: Virus is advertised to improve your security while using services at,, and It is said that it can help you scan the links online and provide you trusted and usefully webpages only. What it will do is to make you into believing that is a good and legitimate websites. Cyber criminals used to add this virus into the third party applications. This virus may be attached to the online resources, such as links, pop-ups, ads and websites etc. In most cases, people may get this virus into their computer due to mis-clicking on something unknown while they are browsing. Besides, you may get the virus after you installed some “free” apps from unauthorized websites. In addition, you just read the emails on your junk email folder, that may lead to your computer gets infected. Hence, it is strongly to remind the majority people who use the computer to be more cautious when you are online doing something.

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Published by on December 22, 2016 1:20 pm

Dec 21, 2016

Web Browsers on iPhone/iPad Locked by the Interpol Ransomware Virus? Remove It Now!

Hello, this Interpol thing is really frightening and even right now I am still scared! Help! Early in the morning today, I was using my iPad to surf the internet with the safari, and all of a sudden, a pornographic website showed up, after which I was informed of a notification, stating that I would face a term of 5-8 years in jail or a £100 fine for illegal pornography. The charge with illegal online pornography is seemingly put forward by the government agency of the Interpol Department of Cybercrime. I am threatened to pay the fine using the Ukash. And my safari is now completely locked, I have no idea how to unlock it. It is really upsetting and annoying. Is the charge real? Do I have to pay the fine to unlock my safari and avoid being put in prison? Or it is just a scam? But how can I remove it from my device without paying the fine? Please help me!

Interpol Ransomware Virus Description:

In recent years, iPhone/iPad is more and more becoming the target of many popup ransomware programs. Usually, these malicious programs are designed to damage the iPhone/iPad device in the way of preventing the user from using the web browser such as safari or chrome to surf the internet. And the Interpol ransomware is as well an ill-known member of these programs which is created to aim at the iPhone/iPad users in both North American and European countries. Spam emails that carry such a ransomware program as an attachment, reliable websites that have been hacked and conquered, and malicious popups that contain suspicious advertising content are most common methods used by the hacker to distribute such a ransomware program as the Interpol ransomware virus. As soon as the Interpol ransomware has successfully sneaked into the user’s device, it will immediately lock up the victim’s safari or chrome by taking advantage of the JavaScript technology in the name of the Interpol Department of Cybercrime, with a notification stating that your web browser is locked because of the illegal online activities like watching child porn videos and you will have to pay a fine of a certain amount, for example £100, to unlock your iPhone/iPad via Ukash or Paysafecard within 24 or 48 hours, if not, you will be put into prison for a long period of time according the law of the nation. While, according to the reports of many victims, no matter how much you pay, the situation caused by the Interpol ransomware virus will not become better at all. So, do keep in mind that, however you are threatened by the Interpol ransomware, for example, blocking your apple ID or erasing all your data on the device, never become so nervous as to rush to pay the non-existent fine hoping everything will be good after payment, because by now there has been no reliable evidence showing that this Interpol ransomware will do damage to the infected device as it claims. Instead, you are strongly recommended to turn to an expert in this field to have it removed as soon as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 21, 2016 4:47 am

Dec 20, 2016

Quick Guides to Remove Pop-up Tech Scam Virus

Hello. I think my computer has pop-up viru. Every time I open Edge, it redirects me to where I can see warnings. It says my computer has ZEUS virus and my hard drive will be deleted if I close the page. I tried to run anti-virus to fix the problem, but I couldn’t do it because a notification says it was infected too. It asked me to call a tech support number to fix my computer. So, I did. They said they would help me while I have to pay $200. That’s too expensive for me. I only have 5 hours before they delete my hard drive. Please help me. I know you can because I used your service before. Thank you.

Brief Description of Pop-up Tech Scam Virus

If you see pop-up warning on your browser, your computer is infected with a piece of nasty malware. It hijacks your browser and pushes fake virus report, prompting you to call a tech for instance help. Hence, we also call it pop-up tech scam virus. It takes your browser hostage and scares you with non-existed virus infection. In order to achieve your trust, it pretends to be Microsoft certified technicians. A number will be provided. If you dial that number, well-trained salesman will storm you with useless programs that you have pay several hundreds of dollars. In this way, they can easily make a large amount of money every day. In order to protect your computer and avoid sending so much money on this problem, we suggest you remove the pop-up tech scam virus manually. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 20, 2016 1:20 pm and last modified on December 20, 2016 1:27 pm.

Dec 19, 2016 Browser Hijacker Manual Removal Guide

Hello. Need help of removing I used yahoo as my search engine all the time. Somehow, this one appeared and became my homepage. I tried to reset Firefox, but still can come back. Not to be mean, but I don’t like this domain. Too many ads show up on my screen since I have seen it on my browser. It brought unknown programs on desktop while I can’t uninstall them. I would like to delete it as soon as possible. Can you help me? Thank you in advance.

Brief Information of Browser Hijacker is a potential unwanted program that changes the system and browser settings without your permission. This program has been spread widely as a free Internet browser extension for emails. According to the research, it supports Internet Explore, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. It claims that it provides computer users quick access to email, such as Gmail, Yahoo mail, Outlook and Hotmail etc. In this way, it is able to achieve your trust gradually so as to have more rights on your computer. In fact, it is not a reliable domain. Not like Google or Yahoo, its main task is not providing useful information or quick access to email. If you use frequently, it will change your default browser settings with special code that make it very difficult to change back. Various ads from unknown websites will be injected to your browser. You will receive ads now and then and cannot block the ads with security program. No matter you run browser or not, it works silently and interrupts your work badly. It also collects information for its developers. To protect your computer and information, delete browser hijacker thoroughly. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 19, 2016 5:57 am

Dec 18, 2016

How to Remove Fake FBI Criminal Investigation TextView on Android Phone/Tablet Manually?

Hi, completely freaking out! My mobile phone was attacked last night by some kind of FBI virus that wants me to pay a 500 dollar fee to unlock my phone. It says my phone is locked due to the violation of the federal laws of the United States of America. I am accused of visiting websites containing pornography which I did not. I was looking at Christmas things and browsing the net when the attack happened. I am innocent. Please help me. I don’t want to go to jail.

Brief Description of Fake FBI Criminal Investigation TextView

Fake FBI Criminal Investigation TextView is a scam that the cyber criminals use to swindle money out of unexpected users. It takes users’ devices hostage and asks for money to unlock. We also call it Ransomware for this reason. In order to scare you into paying the money, it pretends to be FBI and accuses you of law violation. It threatens that you will go to jail if you do not pay the fine in time. In this way, many people believed that they have been in trouble with the FBI and chose to pay money to get rid of trouble. We have to tell you that it is bad idea to follow it to give it money. They are not the FBI or other legit police. The cyber criminals are the real behind-the-scenes owner. If you paid as it required, you were sending money to the cyber criminals. You would lose money for nothing because the virus would not disappear. Our customer told that their devices still were locked though they had paid via prepaid card. Hence, Never ever trust the fake FBI Criminal Investigation TextView. It is not sent from FBI. You can ignore this message and concentrate on the virus removal. If you are one of victims, remove the fake FBI Criminal Investigation TextView and unlock your Android devices soon. Do not allow it to damage your device or steal money from you. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 18, 2016 1:02 pm

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