Feb 2, 2017

Guides to Get Rid of the Search.couponsimplified.com Virus.

Every time you use your web browser such as Google Chrome, Edge and so on to surf the internet, you are presented the domain of Search.couponsimplified.com. On this occasion, you should get alert because that means your PC is now infected with a kind of virus called browser hijacker. The virus itself does not pose too many threats, while it is reported that more severe malwares or viruses will be introduced if it manages to stay long enough on the victim’s system. So it is recommended to delete the virus as fast as you can any time you find it on your computer.

Important Information about the Search.couponsimplified.com.

The Search.couponsimplified.com looks like a useful program that is advertised to be able to help save both money and time by providing the best coupons and deal offers to the online shoppers. As a matter of fact, experts and victims do not agree with that at all. It is not known whether you can get the best coupons and deals. It is sure you will experience such forms of advertisements as banner, contextual ads, and pop-up. Even when you try to open a new tab, you will be presented a page with ads on it.
Usually it is on e-commerce websites, for example Amazon, that you will see those coupons or offers presented by the Search.couponsimplified.com. It seems you will be able to enjoy low prices to buy some particular products or commodities. But in fact, it is just a trick that the hackers used to attract your attention and lure you into clicking on those links behind the appealing ads. The reason why so many security experts do not advice users to click on any of those ads is involved with the security threats such a behavior would bring about. Once clicked on, those links may redirect the users to unknown websites that are full of malwares or viruses more severe than the Search.couponsimplified.com itself. Under this circumstance, your computer will completely be devastated and such sensitive information as bank details will be put at extreme risk. Such cybercrimes as identity theft, disastrous financial loss would follow. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on February 2, 2017 3:05 am

Feb 1, 2017

Futuremediatabsearch.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi. Need help with computer problem. I can’t remove Futuremediatabsearch.com from my Chrome manually. I have removed it many times, but it just came back all the time. It is crazy. I didn’t install or download it. How can it appears and changes my browser like this? I can’t change my homepage now and I don’t want this wired homepage. Please help me get rid of it. Thank you.

Brief Information of Futuremediatabsearch.com Browser Hijacker

Futuremediatabsearch.com is an unwanted ad-supported program that hijacks your browser for malicious purpose. It changes your default browser and system settings. Having this on the computer, it means your browser is infected with and controlled by adware. This browser replaces your browser search engine secretly and shows ads in user’s search results. It’s a nasty scheme that will bring financial benefit for its developer. However, it annoys most computer users who are suffering from it at the same time. It messes up your system and basic applications. It performs malicious activities silently and you will not notice it before it creates big trouble. Many people think that Futuremediatabsearch.com browser hijacker is harmless as it doesn’t destroy your system as fast as Ransomware and other aggressive threat do. In fact, it is not a wise idea to keep Futuremediatabsearch.com hijacker on your computer. Do not understate it. It can attack various web browsers, like Google, Bing, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari etc. After this Futuremediatabsearch.com virus successfully sneaks into your system, it will block security software in the first place so that it can do anything it wants freely. Your system will be trampled upon by the cogged transactions badly. You will be flooded by numerous commercial advertisements when searching on the Internet. No computer user should trust it. Not only does this hijacker change your browser settings, default homepage, but it also can shut your internet connection down, degrade PC running. The computer will run slowly and work ineffectively. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on February 1, 2017 7:49 am

Jan 30, 2017

Fake FBI Threat with Vanilla Card Scam Virus Removel Guide

Hello well my phone did the same except it was a vanilla card and 500 dollars on it and it opened up itself and locked. On the top screen, the FBI logo is there. At the bottom of my screen, there’s like 5 separated apps and if I got each one, it’s showing different screens but one has a very graphic site of hard core porn.It said all I need to do is deactivate the card but I don’t have 16#’s or 3# on back of card. It just downloaded by itself without any reason. I swear I didn’t do anything illegal. what should I do?

Brief Information about Fake FBI Threat with Vanilla Card Scam

What is Fake FBI Threat with Vanilla Card Scam? It is a piece of nasty ransomware that the cyber criminals use to swindle money out of innocent users. It steals the name of FBI to scare you. There is a bit difference between this virus and its predecessor. It doesn’t ask for money directly. Instead, it provides a fake $ 500 Vanilla card and asks you to deactivate card. On that page, it requires 16#’s or 3# to proceed. However, nothing is provided on the Vanilla card. Without the code, they are not able to unlock their devices. Hence, many people use their own Vanilla card to finish it. We have to tell you that it is totally a scam. They will take all of your money away once you provide enough information. Do not trust the Fake FBI Threat with Vanilla Card Scam. It has nothing to do with the FBI. It is a trick of the hackers. Do not be fooled by it and lose money for no reason. To unblock your device, you only need to remove the virus completely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 30, 2017 6:50 am and last modified on September 26, 2017 6:15 pm.

Jan 29, 2017

Trojan:JS/Vigorf.A Virus Removal Guide

Early this morning, when I booted my computer, I got an alert from Norton telling me that Trojan:JS/Vigorf.A Virus was detected and it killed the virus. So, the virus was removed completely? I was free from the virus? Was it real? Oh, no!!! The virus wasn’t removed! Because, after I rebooted the computer, warnings and alerts came to my screen again. How could I remove the virus completely? Could anyone do me a favor? Thank you!

More Information About Trojan:JS/Vigorf.A Virus:

Trojan:JS/Vigorf.A Virus is made by the malicious cyber criminals with the aims to attack Windows computer around the world. This virus can get into the target computer with the help of third party applications, such as spam emails, junk emails’ attachments, porn sites and so on. Once this malicious Trojan virus gets into your computer, it may mess up your computer severely. This virus mainly attacks the Windows computer like Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10 etc. It mostly hacks into the computer users who are lack of computer protection awareness. In most cases, people used to visit the Internet too carelessly so that the virus gets the chance to sneak into their computers. Downloading free-charging applications from unknown websites, visiting porn website or other malicious websites, clicking on virus-carrying websites, reading spam email and its attachments may give the opportunity for the virus’ attack. Anyway, no matter when Trojan:JS/Vigorf.A Virus is detected on your computer, you must pay attention to how to get rid of it completely as soon as possible.

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Published by on January 29, 2017 6:17 am

Jan 26, 2017

W97M.Downloader.K Trojan Virus Removal Guide

Hi. My computer is infected with the W97M.Downloader.K Trojan virus. I have no idea how to remove it. Would you please help me get rid of it? Thank you in advance.

Brief Description of W97M.Downloader.K Trojan Virus

W97M.Downloader.K is a harmful computer threat which writes malicious codes to mess up your system and ruin the important data on your computer. By making use of your computer’s network exploits and system vulnerabilities, W97M.Downloader.K Trojan virus sneaks into your computer easily without your awareness. Besides, it is good at concealing itself so that it can escape from many users’ eyes and some security programs. You may not notice its existence though it hides in your system for a long time. Until one day, you find that your computer crashes down frequently without reason. You are not able to use your programs properly and receive various errors. Sometimes, your security program tells you that W97M.Downloader.K Trojan virus has been detected and removed. However, your find that this Trojan virus is detected again and again after you start your computer. It is so stubborn that you are able to remove it completely with the help your security program. Good news is that you can do it in a manual way. Remove its related files and programs one by one manually. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 26, 2017 9:35 am

Jan 25, 2017

FBI headquarters Scam Locked Phone or Tablet – Unlock Guide

Hi, completely freaking out! The FBI headquarters locked my phone. Was web searching and a porn site popped up (not that uncommon on computers, by accident I clicked a link when mouse shifted – although not sure it matters even if I was looking at porn – idk) anyway then the website clicked out (exited) so I clicked my browser to start up again and a horrible page appeared saying it was from FBI headquarters and I had to pay $300 for viewing child pornography? Also that criminal charge would be taken against me? I am a twenty year old girl. I swear I am innocent. What do I do to end this creepy event?

FBI headquarters Scam Locked Phone or Tablet?

Is your phone or tablet locked by a FBI headquarters warning? Have you been accused of viewing illegal porn? Have you been fined for illegal actions that you never have done? Are you freaking out by this horrible police alert? Just calm down. You have not been in trouble with the FBI headquarters or any other police agency. The police warning is fake. Its owner is the cyber criminals instead of the FBI. The cyber criminals develop this virus to lock all Android, Windows and Apple mobile device, asking for money to unlock. Hence, we also call it Ransomware. In order to scare you into paying the non-existed fine, the nasty virus claims to be from the FBI headquarters and threatens that you will spend years in jail. Do not be scared by it. You will not face any judgement or go to jail. To unlock your device from the FBI headquarters scam, you have to remove the malicious virus behind it. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 25, 2017 1:28 pm and last modified on September 26, 2017 6:17 pm.

Jan 23, 2017

Remove “Your system is heavily damaged by four virus” Alert From Mobile

When I visit a certain Web page, the browser redirects to Google your Samsung device has been damaged by 4 viruses. Have you encountered with “Your system is heavily damaged by four virus” before? If you are watching rick and morty on website and bunch of adds kept popping up i don’t know what’s wrong now a FBI warning this is here please tell me how to get rid of it? I am using an android phone Samsung galaxy S6 three days before suddenly it is locked telling me that i m viewing child pornography but i wasn’t. I was opening my webpage suddenly some pictures appeared and it was locked suddenly since then neither i can shut down or open any thing from my phone i think my phone is hacked, so what should i do now to unlock it? The alert stated: We detect that your Samsung Galaxy S6 active is 28.1% damaged because of four harmful viruses from recent adult sites. Soon it will damage your phones SIM card and will corrupt your contacts photos, data and applications.etc. If you do not remove the virus now, it will cause severe damage to your phone.
step 1 : tap the button and install app for free on google play
step 2: open the app to speed up an fix your browser now.
This article will probably be found when you are trying to find a whole set of guides to tackle the mobile problem related with “Your system is heavily damaged by four virus”. If you have encountered a pop-up message stating something like the screenshot presented in this article, it is believed that you are confronting with nasty mobile virus that can be called Four Virus.

What Is the “Your system is heavily damaged by four virus”?

You may have come to realize that tons of various ads such as banners, pop-pus and new browser tabs are nastily presented after the infection of the “Your system is heavily damaged by four virus”. It is agreed that any program that is developed to lots of ads within the victim’s web browser can be commonly called Browser Hijacker. Accordingly, many experts in many reports classify the Four Virus into the category of the browser hijacker. It has all the nature and performs typical behavior of the browser hijacker.
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Published by on January 23, 2017 6:38 pm and last modified on March 19, 2018 8:49 am.

Jan 22, 2017

HEUR.Trojan.Script.Generic Virus Manual Removal Guide

What should I do? My new Dell laptop got detected HEUR.Trojan.Script.Generic virus which was reported by my Kaspersky security/protection. Tons of pop-ups and ads were displaying on my screen to keep me away from doing anything normally on the infected computer. Threats warnings were popping up frequently. How do I get rid of this malicious Trojan virus? Please help!

Brief Introduction of HEUR.Trojan.Script.Generic Virus:

“My Kaspersky security/protection is what alerted me of the potential infection. It appears as though my laptop computer has potentially been infected with the HEUR.Trojan.Script.Generic virus…..I don’t feel confident enough about my knowledge of computers. I attempt to do the manual removal process by myself… WHAT SHOULD I DO? CAN YOU HELP? THANKS!”

HEUR.Trojan.Script.Generic virus is defined as a nasty Trojan which is a serious computer virus created by cyber criminals with new technology. This malicious virus has the ability to make the infected computer in a mess and be infringed by other viruses easily. Once this virus gets into the target computer, it is capable of taking control of the whole computer activities and then conducting bad performance. In general, it may sneak into the target computer smoothly by making full use of security vulnerabilities and computer user’s reckless behaviors. For example, the following action may attract the attack of this Trojan horse virus to your computer: clicking on some pop-up ads from malicious websites, downloading unsafe freeware applications from unauthorized websites, clicking on unknown links and opening spam email attachments.

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Published by on January 22, 2017 1:30 pm

Jan 22, 2017

How to Remove the Virus of the Search.ragitpaid.com ?

Please help! I need help to remove this Search.ragitpaid.com. I have no idea how it sneaks into my computer, I never did it. It is really an annoying program. Since it appears on my web browser, I have to deal with a lot of inconveniences and problems every day. I am tired of it. I experience a lot of unwanted ads. And I find it seems my personal information have been stolen, if not how can they deliver such accurate ads to me? I am very concerned about this. Please help me!

Important Information about the Search.ragitpaid.com.

Search.ragitpaid.com is reported to be another nasty program that will bring a lot of troubles and inconveniences. Even if the virus is not as dangerous as a Trojan virus, it is strongly recommended to get rid of it from your computer as soon as possible before more damages take place. The Search.ragitpaid.com is one the members of browser hijacker. As soon as your web browser is infected, the virus will try every effort to make some changes to the settings of it. Among those changes, one of them is your homepage domain. Your homepage domain will be altered from the preferred one to the www.Search.ragitpaid.com. Then anytime you start your web browser to surf the internet, such particular website will be presented as presented all the time. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 22, 2017 5:33 am

Jan 21, 2017

Search.classifiedseasy.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Search.classifiedseasy.com appears on my Mozilla Firefox recently. Someone made it as my homepage and my favorite one is gone. When I try to change it back, Search.classifiedseasy.com replaces it again and again. Therefore, I give up. But still, there are some things that I can’t stand any more. It redirects me to Search.classifiedseasy.com and other various ad websites all the time. When I am reading news on the Internet, endless ads pop up blocking the contents and I have to close them one by one. I wasted lots of time on those annoying things. The problem is I have no idea how to get rid of it. Is there anyone who can help me out?

Brief Information of Search.classifiedseasy.com Browser Hijacker

Search.classifiedseasy.com is an ad-supported program that performs harmful activities on your computer. Though it claims that it is a useful online shopping helper, you would find it as an unwanted program soon after it sneaks into your system. It displays tons of pop-ups that contain online service, update alert, pornographic, product, video and other attractive contents. Some of you may say that you are ok with or even interested in those things. We have to admit that it is true in a way. However, you should note that most of pop-ups supported by Search.classifiedseasy.com contain links to malicious websites. Your computer may be infected with viruses, Trojans, worms and other threat. This browser hijacker brings you huge potential risk. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 21, 2017 5:18 pm

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