May 22, 2017

How to Remove “Your browser is heavily damage by (4) virus” Scam Popup?

Please help me! The “Your browser is heavily damage by (4) virus” thing is on my Apple iPhone. It is annoying and scaring. But i have no idea how to delete it. There is Google logo on the page, sayig my iPhone is heavily damaged and my SIM card and contacts, photos and so on will be corrupted. Is it real? It also offer instructions to repair it. Is it safe to follow the instructions? How can i get rid of this horrible warning and fix my iPhone?

Learn More about the “Your browser is heavily damage by (4) virus”

The “Your browser is heavily damage by (4) virus” alert is the result of a piece of rogue program being downloaded and installed unexpectedly on your system. The statement is fake and false. It is nothing but a trick plotted by hackers or cyber criminals to rip the victims off. They use the scaring message to trick users into downloading and installing their programs and then requiring the victims to pay money to remove non-existent viruses from your device. The warning may look real as it takes over your browser and bring suspicious ads to your device. Furthermore, it is really a tough job for victims to get off the alertl The message never stops popping up until the malware behind it is completely deleted. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 22, 2017 12:29 pm

May 21, 2017

The Best Way to Access YouTube in China

Do you know what is the best way to access YouTube in China? Hi. I am going to China for a trip. I heard that the Chinese food and traditional festivals are fabulous. I am looking forward to share some videos on YouTube to my friends. However, I also heard that YouTube is blocked in China as well as some social sites like Facebook and Google. They are my daily used applications. That will be awful if I can’t use them during my trip. Is there any way to access YouTube in China? What’s the effective way to get access to YouTube in China? Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 21, 2017 3:12 pm and last modified on July 2, 2019 8:40 am.

May 20, 2017

How to Use Snapchat in China?

I have the Snapchat app on my phone, but, as it is blocked in China I can’t use it.Is there any way to use Snapchat in China?

Brief Information of Snapchat

Snapchat is an application for text and video chats, images sharing, and multimedia with millions of users worldwide. It is different from other chat platform. For example, you are broadcasting to the world if you post something on Facebook. When you share a photo or video on Snapchat, you’re sharing a moment with chosen friends. This is a much more personal experience.  You don’t need to think if the pictures or videos you share are good enough because everything on Snapchat is temporary and exists for only a moment in time, reducing inhibition to share. They  are self-destructed after a few minutes of the addressee watching or reading. However, the bad news is Snapchat is blocked in China. You can’t access it with the regular network. You need extra help to use Snapchat in China. That is a VPN which helps you overcome the Great Firewall of China. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 20, 2017 4:01 pm and last modified on January 31, 2018 6:26 am.

May 18, 2017

What to do if You Download Something and the FBI Charges You 500$?

What to do if you download something and the FBI charges you 500$? My Samsung Galaxy S8 got locked with a pop up that says the FBI cyber crime department data center saying I was on an illegal website with child pornography which is definitely not the case. I was trying to download apk pure app something I’ve used on other phones in the past. It says I need to pay $500 dollars in 48 hours on a OneVanilla card. What do I do cause this is not right I wasn’t even on a porn site and definitely wouldn’t be on child pornography. It took my picture, and personal information out of my phone

FBI charges You $ 500 for Illegal Child Pornography? Is it Real?

Will FBI charge you $ 500 for something like app and video you download off the Internet via a popup on phone? Will FBI supervise you while viewing pornographic? Will you be fined by FBI for watching porn? The answers are Nos. As long as you don’t download something illegally which violates copyright or other related laws, you will not be fined by the FBI. Besides, the FBI will not collect a fine via a popup on phone or computer. They will come to your directly if you did something illegal. Hence, The FBI warning popup on your device is fake. It is not sent from the FBI, but the hackers instead. In fact, it is a virus which the hackers use to swindle money out of innocent users. The hackers spread the FBI warning virus widely throughout the world to attack all kind of devices. The FBI warning virus blocks users’ device and requires a fine. This is why we also call it ransomware. After studying on this virus, computer experts classify it into the dangerous threats. It is harmful to devices as well as users’ personal data. If your device has been locked by the FBI warning virus, remove the evil virus off your device as soon as possible. Do not allow it to ruin your device or steal your information. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 18, 2017 1:18 pm and last modified on May 19, 2017 3:25 am.

May 17, 2017

The Best Way to Unblock Telegram in China

Do you know what is the best way to unlock Telegram in China? I need help urgently for accessing Telegram in mainland China. Recently, i have trouble using Telegram on my mobile device. I can’t turn on it on any device. I even tried many times using the phone of my Chinese partners, checked the internet connection, confirmed my Telegram account with the company, everything is good, but why i just fail to use it? This problem is annoying and weird. Everything was good in my country two days ago. Please help me fix it.

More Information About Telegram.

Telegram is a free instant messaging platform where you can send and receive messages, photos,stickers,video clips, audio and all kinds of files with your friends or families. There are different Telegram clients for different systems. You can use the service on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, Ubuntu Touch, Linux and MacOS. The most important feature of the Telegram service different from other services is it allows secret chats. Message sent within a secret chat are encrypted with the service’s MTProto protocol. It is a client-to-client encryption. Messages can be accessed only on designated sending or receiving devices. What is more, within secret chats, you choose to remove the messages any time you want or set it to be self-destruct. All these measures make Telegram a secure and reliable instant messenger and stand out among so many instant messaging services. Although the service has attracted many users all over the world and become one of the most well-known service in the industry, users, residents or visitors, can’t use Telegram in China because it is blocked by the Chinese government using GFW.

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Published by on May 17, 2017 12:42 pm and last modified on February 22, 2019 8:23 am.

May 16, 2017

WannaCry Ransomware : What to Do to Avoid Being Attacked by Ransomware?

The WannaCry is a typical ransomware program that works to encrypt the victim’s data stored on the computer to ask a ransom amount to recover. It is wreaking havoc all around the world. More than 230,000 computers of many individuals and organizations in about 150 countries have been conquered and compromised since the infection was found on Friday, 12 May 2017. WannaCry is so violent a ransomware program, what can we do to avoid being attacked by it?

More Information and Facts about WannCry Ransomware.

The recent notorious ransomware WannaCry is also named WannaCrypt, WanaCrypt0r 2.0 or Wanna Decryptor. On Friday, 12 May 2017, WannaCry was began to use to attack Microsoft Windows operating systems all over the world exploiting leaked NSA tool EternalBlue. As with other similar ransomware, the victims will be presented a message to be informed of their situation after infection. The ransomware works to encrypt data stored on the computers and demands a ransom amount in bitcoin ranging from $300 to $1200 USD within 3 to 7 days to restore the corrupted files.
The attack is described as unprecedented and undoubtedly, it is one of the most serious disasters in scale in history. It is estimated that the attack has compromised over 230,000 computers in 150 countries including the US, UK, Spain, China, Russia, Italy, Ukraine, India, Turkey, Germany, Vietnam, Philippines etc. Many computers and devices of more than 200,000 victims of both individuals and various organizations such as schools, automobile corporations, hospitals, telecom companies and banks are corrupted by the WannaCry ransomware. According to reliable sources, UK’s National Health System (NHS), Gemany’s rail system Deutsche Bahn, France’s Renault and Japan’s Nissan factories, Russia’s central bank, US FedEx, Spanish telecom Telefonica, South American airline LATAM Airlines, and many schools in China are all affected by this notorious attack.

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Published by on May 16, 2017 10:37 pm and last modified on May 16, 2017 10:41 pm.

May 15, 2017

Samsung Phone is Locked by Fake FBI Headquarters Virus for Suspicious Files Detection?-How to Unlock?

So, what have I done? I have been fined $ 500. This morning, I was looking for interesting videos on a website. Then, as soon as I clicked on one of their videos to watch, my phone got locked up by this FBI message saying that they locked my phone because they found some suspicious files and attendance of forbidden pornographic sites on my phone or something like that. They say I am a criminal subject. I have to pay them 500 dollars. What should I do to unlock my phone and clear me? Please help. I am scared.

Phone is Locked by Fake FBI Headquarters Virus for Suspicious Files Detection?-How to Unlock?

Is your phone locked by a FBI Headquarters warning? Are you being fined $ 500 for suspicious files and illegal actions on phone while you didn’t do anything like that? What do you do to fix the problem? In this article, what on earth it is and how to unlock your phone from the fake FBI Headquarters virus.
First, the FBI Headquarters warning is fake. Though it states that it is from the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI Headquarters and Washington DC Department, UAS etc., its real owners are the hackers. They make use of fake police warning to swindle money out of users with the help of nasty viruses.
The fake FBI Headquarters virus has been categorized as a hazardous group of ransomware as it blocks devices and demands a fine to unlock. The cyber criminals release this evil virus to attack various mobile device and computers all over the world. Once installed on the targeted device, the fake FBI Headquarters virus blocks your device immediately. Some victims told that the FBI warning appeared suddenly and quickly when they were browsing or watching videos. The virus was installed so fast that you didn’t have time to react. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 15, 2017 5:23 pm and last modified on May 15, 2017 5:23 pm.

May 14, 2017

Best Way to Access Line in China

Do you know what is the best way to access Line in China? It seems i can’t use it normally in mainland China. As of I am trying to use Line in China. I met a girl who came from Japan last week. We both like Gong Fu and have many things in common. We used to text each other. Today, she asked me if I have a Line account. Then, I tried to use Line app. Somehow, I can’t load it. Please tell me the best way to access Line in China. I really want to chat with her on Line. Thank you.

Introduction to Line and Reasons Why Line is Blocked in China

Line is a free app for users to have instant communications on electronic devices, which is really famous among the countries of the East Asia. However, you can’t access this app if you’re in China. It is because both the great firewall and the Line cooperation have blocked it from being employed in China. However, it doesn’t mean that Line is not famous in China. It is one of those companies who have taken over the most of the Chinese local markets with their character soft toys, t-shirts imprinted with these characters and much more. The CEO of the Line Corporation has stated that the cute characters of the Line chat app are completely perfect to reside in Chinese market. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 14, 2017 2:47 pm and last modified on January 17, 2020 6:36 am.

May 13, 2017

How to Use DuckDuckGo in China?

Hey. I am trying to use DuckDuckGo in China. My work is translating and I need to search for useful information all the time. However, DuckDuckGo is blocked in China. How can I unblock it? Please help. Thank you.

DuckDuckGo is Blocked in China?

As we know, DuckDuckGo is blocked by the Great Firewall of China. China has been famous for its Great Firewall that has one simple aim “To check if the data that has been accessed is following the cultural rules or not?” From cultural rule, we didn’t mean something about the culture of China, but it means that data is not offensive, not a threat to the public. Everything should be completely non-offensive. That’s why the great firewall has blocked many websites and search engine for Chinese network. If you want to access DuckDuckGo, Facebook, Google, Twitter, or any other website that the firewall thinks it is not filtered then, sorry mate, but that site has already been blocked by the Chinese firewall, and you can’t access it directly. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 13, 2017 3:18 pm and last modified on May 24, 2017 4:50 am.

May 13, 2017

How to Bypass Government Censorship and Surveillance on Internet in Countries like China?

Internet censorship is a form of government surveillance. Surveillance is popular in the world; almost all nations have got its own surveillance on their citizens or visitors who travel to such states to ensure the safety and security of the country. But no matter what the reason is, it is fact that surveillance is not only an issue of safeguarding the countries from being threatened, but also a matter of privacy and freedom invasion. So how to bypass government censorship and surveillance on Internet in countries like China to protect our privacy and freedom?

Why and How Does the Government implement the Censorship and Surveillance?

When you travel to China, you will find that such popular websites as Facebook, Twitter, Google search engine etc. are not accessible in this country. All these websites are all blocked by the facility named GFW, abbreviation of Great Firewall of China. It is a tool used by the government to implement Internet censorship and restrictions to regulate the Internet domestically. It is the combination of legislative and technological actions taken by the government of Mainland China to achieve Internet censorship in China by criminalizing certain online speech and activities, filtering sensitive key words out of searches initiated from visitors whose computers are located in Mainland China, preventing users in China from visiting selected websites and so on. That is why when you try to access Facebook or any other blocked websites in China; you are just informed of an error message which is something like this site can’t be reached.

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Published by on May 13, 2017 5:00 am and last modified on May 13, 2017 5:02 am.

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