Jul 11, 2017

How to Listen to Google Play Music in China?

Hey. I would like to listen to Google Play Music in China. I have stored all of my favorite songs there so that I could listen to them when traveling. However, Google is blocked in China. It is so boring because I have no friends here and even can’t listen to my songs. Please help.

What is Google Play Music & Why It Is Blocked in China?

Google Play Music is a music and podcast streaming service which allows you to store up your favorite songs for free. You can upload your own song collection, create playlists and listen to them on Android, iOS, and the web anytime no matter where you are. If you have a subscription to Google Play Music, you can stream over 30 million songs and skip as many songs as you want when listening to music offline. It has the family plan which allows your family to share the same plan at a low price. Google Play Music also makes it possible for you to transfer music to a specific device. Besides, you can listen to the radio for free which is cataloged by users’ mood, activity, or favorite popular music. You can get what you want quickly on Google Play Music.
Google Play Music is very useful and popular among music lovers. It is the default music player on Samsung Galaxy S8. However, not everyone can listen to Google Play Music. Why is this happening? It is because this service is blocked in some countries and regions. As we all know, Google Play Music is operated by Google. In which country and region Google is blocked, Google Play Music is blocked. For example, Google Play Music is not available in China because Google is banned by the Chinese government. The Great Firewall of China has been built to prevent users in China to accessing some foreign websites and services which have been considered as harmful to Chinese government and people. That includes Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many other famous services. Does that mean it is impossible to listen to Google Play Music in China? If it is possible to use it, it is legal to access Google Play Music, Facebook and other banned services in China? Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 11, 2017 11:20 am and last modified on September 11, 2017 2:30 pm.

Jul 10, 2017

What is Bitcoin and How to Buy-Sell Bitcoins?

What is Bitcoin and How to Buy-Sell Bitcoins? Digital currencies which are not in ties with either the government or the bank is known as Bitcoin. The users can spend the Bitcoin anonymously.

These coins are generally created by the users by mining them. They basically lend the computer power to verify the transaction of the other users. These users, in turn, receive the bitcoins. Bitcoins can also be purchased or sold with the exchange of currencies like US dollars, or even other currencies can be used. The worth of the bitcoins is now even more than gold ounces. These coins are digital. Bitcoins were the best currency choice for those cyber attackers who were capable of crippling the computer network all over the world in earlier days. When the Ransomware of the attackers was in action, the victims were held hostages, and their data was encrypted, they demanded the payments in bitcoins so that the attackers could access their computers.

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Published by on July 10, 2017 1:17 pm and last modified on July 24, 2017 8:54 am.

Jul 10, 2017

What is ICO (Initial Coin Offerings)?

What is ICO (Initial Coin Offerings)? Initial Coin Offerings or ICO is a means which helps in raising funds for cryptocurrency ventures that are new.

ICO or Initial Coin Offerings is generally used by all the startups in order to bypass the raising of capital that is regulated as well as a rigorous process required by the banks or the venture capitalists. Percentages of cryptocurrency are generally sold in ICO campaigns to the early backers in projects for an exchange of legal tender as well as other cryptocurrencies. But, this is done mainly for Bitcoins.

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Published by on July 10, 2017 10:03 am and last modified on July 24, 2017 8:50 am.

Jul 10, 2017

Case Study on Ethereum

What is Ethereum?To study the essentials of Ethereum, it is very important to know what Ethereum is. It is basically a computing platform which features smart scripting or smart contract functionality, whose distribution is based on the blockchain concept and is a source open to the public. The main functionality is related to the facilities of the online contractual agreements. Making use of the nodes which are public and based on networking at international level, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) generally executes the scripts. The concept of this Ethereum was first proposed in the late quarters of 2013 which was followed by the initial release which took place on 30th July 2015. The working of this concept of Ethereum is based on the operating systems placed by Linux, Mac, Windows, POSIX, and Raspbian.

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Published by on July 10, 2017 5:52 am and last modified on July 24, 2017 8:57 am.

Jul 9, 2017

How To Use Tinder Without Facebook In China 2020?

Hey. I would like to use Tinder in China. I can’t use it because I am not able to create a Facebook account to set up Tinder because Facebook is blocked in China. Can I use Tinder without Facebook? If not, how can I access Tinder here? Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 9, 2017 1:36 pm and last modified on January 13, 2020 8:55 am.

Jul 8, 2017

How to Remove YAHOVER.WORM Virus?

Hello. Need help of removing YAHOVER.WORM virus. My computer was hacked by this virus last night. I thought I could remove it with the antivirus, it came back again this morning. It messed up my computer. Please help! I want YAHOVER.WORM virus removed right now.

Brief information of YAHOVER.WORM Virus

YAHOVER.WORM virus belongs to the Worn family. It is able to duplicate and update itself to help its owners grab money and precious information from victims. This worm virus is able to handle the attack secretly without letting you know. It has been spread widely on the Internet. Malicious web sites and free software released by unknown guys on the Internet are possible to contain the YAHOVER.WORM virus, so it can attack computers from all over the world. If you access those sites or install free programs from unknown sources, your computer can be easily infected, even if the computer is equipped with an antivirus program. It has the ability to bypass blocks from many antivirus programs. This is why your antivirus didn’t work when the sneak in to your computer and corrupt the system. These type of malware is also able to take up a lot of system resources and your computers’ memory, which seriously declines the performance of the computer. You can hardly use the computer, because everything seems to be very slow in the computer, including Internet access. More importantly, you may see that a security alert pops up constantly saying the computer is in a bad situation. It can also infect other files, steal personal information, and spam your contacts to spread itself to other users. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 8, 2017 6:08 am and last modified on July 8, 2017 6:10 am.

Jul 7, 2017

How to Remove FBI Porn Virus on Phone or Tablet?

FBI scam on my Samsung s8+, Please help me remove this FBI Porn virus off of my new phone, I think it’s a virus scam as it is saying I have watched pornography and never have and the FBI is charging me a fine. I cannot turn my phone off, I can just make the screen go dark. I don’t know how or where I can remove this from my phone. I was watching porn today when a message popped up saying that I have successfully downloaded the porn app (when I didn’t) and I tapped the message and brought up the virus screen . The virus was demanding $500 to unlock my phone. I tried pressing the home button, back button, closing the app, and even restarting my phone but nothing works . My phone won’t even shutdown completely. They even have all my contacts numbers and a picture blurry picture of me that I never took. Please help me out.

My phone was locked by cyber criminals and don’t know how to get rid of it says I gotta pay $500 I saw the illegal porn site in my file because I was curious to see what it was. I downloaded it and then my phone got locked by cyber criminals now I don’t know what to do please help me fix this problem.

I was downloading a singing app. and this showed up it showed me horrible pictures of naked dogs and girls and other disturbing stuff, I was literally in tears a few seconds ago… I got locked out and I cant get back in, can someone please help me. I was so scared because I couldn’t figure out what I did wrong, I’m pregnant so imagine the fear of a mother, having to go through something so humiliating before my child is born . So, someone please please please help me I would appreciate it so much.

What Is the FBI Porn Virus Like? FBI Cyber Bug or FBI Cyber Lock?

The FBI porn virus has been confirmed by many technicians in the computer security area to be a type of ransomware which is a little different from the kind of ransomware like the the worldwide WannaCry ransomware attack on May 12, 2017 and the 2017 NotPetya cyberattack on June 27, 2017 that encrypt the data of the victims and demand a payment via Bitcoin. The FBI porn virus is developed by hackers to cheat money from victims by locking up the infected phones or tablets. It pretends to be a law enforcement agency like the police department of the country and requires the victims to pay a nonexistent fine ranging from $100 to $500 USD due to accessing illegal pornographic content like child porn. If the fine is not paid, the virus threatens to take the victims into justice and they will suffer a 5-8 year prison sentence. FBI, the abbreviation of Federal Bureau of Investigation, is a well-known law enforcement agency in United States. The cyber criminals who develop the FBI porn virus take advantage of this agency by stealing the logo and title of it to drive victims into horror and panic so that they can move to pay the unreal fine as fast as they can. This trick is really nasty. And it is reported that some victims end up falling into the trap and paying the fine finally as the FBI porn virus required. Some users may have watched the pornographic content; some may have not. However, it does not change anything that the FBI porn message is actually a scam virus in essence. Nobody can put you in jail. You can unlock your phone or tablet at rather lower cost in a more reliable way by turning to an expert in the field to completely remove the virus. So if your device is found infected with the FBI porn virus, you should keep yourself calm and talk to an expert in the cyber security area as soon as possible instead of becoming so nervous as to suffer a financial loss by paying the unreal fine without getting anything better.
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Published by on July 7, 2017 6:03 am and last modified on February 26, 2018 7:27 am.

Jul 5, 2017

Don’t Know How to Get Rid Of OneVanilla FBI Scam on Android?

Hi. I happened to be on my Android Kindle fire and I was watching a video when an ad popped up, saying I needed to update my media player. So I did. It turned out to be totally wrong. The screen went black and this thing about the FBI popped up suddenly. It said my tablet was and would always be locked by the FBI until I paid 500 dollars via OneVanilla card. I was accused of doing illegal things with the tablet, but I can say I never watched kid porn on there ever. Now I find out that it is a scam virus. Don’t know how to get rid of OneVanilla FBI scam on android Kindle fire. Please help!

Brief Information of OneVanilla FBI Scam on Android

Is your android device locked by a FBI warning? Can’t use your device because the police warning takes over the whole screen? Have been fined for watching illegal porn on android? Is it true that you are in trouble with the FBI for illegal activities or contents? No, it is a scam. The OneVanilla FBI scam is generated by a piece of ransomware. It is a risky and aggressive virus. Its owner is not the FBI or any other legit department. The cyber criminals are the real persons who are behind this scheme. They create and spread virus to attack mobile devices. By stealing the name of FBI, Cyber police, Department of Justice, it scares users into paying a non-existing fine via the OneVanilla card. If your device is locked by the OneVanilla FBI scam, do not pay the fine as it demands. According to the victims of FBI scam virus, they didn’t take their devices back and the virus was still there after 24 hours paying a fine of $ 500. It is useless to pay the so-called fine. We strongly suggest you remove the OneVanilla FBI scam virus manually to unlock your android device to avoid more loss and further damage. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 5, 2017 11:06 am and last modified on August 19, 2017 7:12 am.

Jul 4, 2017

How to Access Kakao Talk in China in 2024?

Can you use Kakao Talk in mainland China? I am unable to receive or send anything using Kakao Talk anymore. I thought something wrong happened to Network, but other apps are working fine. It seems like the general consensus is that Kakao Talk service is blocked in China. I used it solely to talk to my wife back in Canada. Real pain, considering FB is blocked as well. How can I use Kakao Talk again here in China? It is awful that I can’t talk to my wife frequently as we live so far away from each other. Please help me access Kakao Talk in China. Is there a way to get it accessed? Read the rest of this post »

Published by YooCare Editor on July 4, 2017 12:09 pm and last modified on May 28, 2024 7:32 am.

Jul 3, 2017

How to Remove Fake Warning Message Claiming to Be from FBI on Android Phones/Tablets?

Hi. Can you help me unlock my phone? It is a Samsung phone and blocked by the FBI warning message. I cannot do anything now. It accuses me of watching illegal porn and asks to pay $500 dollars to fix the problem. I have done nothing wrong. I was visiting websites and trying to click out a commercial. This FBI thing took control suddenly. I can’t even turn off the phone. Is this message real? Please help me delete the message and I don’t want to pay $500 dollars. Thanks.

Yes, I need your help. Please help me delete the FBI screen on my LG phone. It blocks everything. It says I watched illegal porn videos and violate the law. I need to pay $100 bucks to unlock my phone. If not, I will be put into justice and sentenced 5-8 years in jail. Is it real? Can it delete my data on the phone? How can I get it off without paying the money? Help me please. Thank you very much.

More Information about the Fake Warning Message Claiming to Be from FBI.

The fake FBI alert has prevailed for several years since the first variant was programmed by the cyber criminals to corrupt all types of android phone and tablets. If your device is infected with the FBI warning message, you will be blocked completely from using the device the to do anything. Victims can’t even power off the device let alone trying to run an antivirus program to get rid of it. The victims are accused of watching illegal pornography and needs to pay an unreal fine ranging from $100 to $500 dollars to unlock the device and fix the issue. It is not advised to make any payment. First, some victims report that they pay the fine but the phone is still locked. Secondly, it is not wise to trust that a scammer will help remove the virus completely he develops to attack you. Finally, as a matter of fact, you can get rid of the FBI warning message completely at much lower cost by turning to an expert in a legit company to help deal with it. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 3, 2017 2:52 pm and last modified on July 3, 2017 2:52 pm.

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