Oct 30, 2017

How to Access StumbleUpon on iPhone 8 in China?

What is StumbleUpon?

StumbleUpon is a social web page recommendation engine that finds and recommends web content to its users. In the first beginning, three Canadian software engineers started it a browser plugin in 2001. With its fast growth, it has been developed in the US headquartered in San Francisco. According to your personal preferences, it shows you website which is recommended by most people. You can easily access to the web pages with high quality content. The content will be served up with perfect mix of photos, articles, recipes, quotes, news, art, videos, memes, travel tips and much more. You don’t need to waste much time to visit a lot of content that you are not interested in. Here are parts of its catalogue, Photography Outdoors Cartoons, Writing Electronic Devices Beauty, Clothing Gadgets Computers, Books Environment Movies, Drawing Science Music, Health Quotes Online Games and History Internet Graphic Design. Many users say that it is a wonderful to use StumbleUpon because it provides amazing browsing experience. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 30, 2017 7:15 pm and last modified on May 30, 2019 8:06 am.

Oct 28, 2017

How to Access DuckDuckGo in China on Samsung S8?

Just like Google, DuckDuckGo is another type of anonymous search engine that has been blocked by the Great Firewall of China. You can’t use it to search for information you need. The good news is there is a tool which can help you bypass the firewall and unblock DuckDuckGo in China. We will talk about it in this article.

Brief Information of DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckgo is the first search engine which decided not to keep track of its users who are accessing the data from the engine. It does not record users’ information. For this reason, it has grown amazingly in the past years. This search engine was named on the famous child game Duck, duck goose and first introduced in China in 2008. In order to lure new users, it often provides different type of services. After being recognized by Apple on Safari browser and Firefox, DuckDuckgo search engine is growing day by day and becomes more and more famous. DuckDuckgo and Apple product both protect their privacy well. You can search for useful information with the help of this search engine and keep your online information safe at the same time. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 28, 2017 4:05 pm and last modified on May 30, 2019 8:06 am.

Oct 27, 2017

How to Access Twitter in China on Samsung S8?

If you live in China, you may notice that it is very difficult to access websites outside China. You can’t use the social media apps like Twitter, Facebook and Line etc. Only Wechat, QQ, Weibo and other China-based apps are available. It is because Twitter and other services are blocked by the Great Firewall of China. If you want to access them, you need to bypass the firewall and ISPs’ censorship.

Why can’t You Access Twitter in China?

Twitter is a free social networking microblogging service where users can send message to contact friends and post interesting things to share with friends instantly though they live far away from each other. Twitter is based in California, United States while it has lots of registered users all over the world. It is especially popular among the young who uses it to interact with frequently. The default settings for Twitter are public. You don’t need to approve social connections. Instead, you can track hundreds of interesting tweeters and read their content with a glance without being their friends. By following your favorite twitters, you can comment their tweets and retweet. It is an effective way to make friends with people who have the same hobby with you easily without going out. However, Twitter is not available in some countries and regions.

For example, Twitter has been blocked in China since February 2011. The Great Firewall of China has been created to prevent users in China to access it. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 27, 2017 6:09 am and last modified on May 30, 2019 8:07 am.

Oct 26, 2017

How to Remove Bed Rabbit Ransomware Virus?

What is Bed Rabbit Ransomware Virus? Is it Dangerous?

Bed Rabbit is a suspected variant of the recent ‘Petya’ ransomware that sparked disruption across Europe, according to a number of experts, including the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team. This Ramsomware require victim download a fake Adobe Flash installer from infected websites and manually launch the .exe file, thus infecting themselves. So, it is not easy unlock the infected computer. In order to decrypt the files and lock the whole screen, computer user is asked to pay a fine about 0.05 bitcoin, roughly equivalent to $280. Also, this virus infection will create a “.txt” “.exe” and “.gif” files in the computer and tell the victim how to process the payment. However, some people who have already done the payment, their files are still encrypted. So, we suggest the victims not to pay the so-call fine under no circumstance. If won’t decrypt the files for the victims, it just focus the victims to pay more.

How did I have this Ransomware on my computer?

There are many ways for cyber hackers to spread this warning virus to innocent people. It is comes to you unconsciously when you click some links on the website, opened unknown e-mail attachments, or download unknown “free” software and so on. Freeware download websites encourage users to use small download programs (called ‘installers’, ‘download managers’, ‘download tools’, ‘download clients’, and so on) to download the chosen software. Download apps supposedly ease the download process. However, they offer installation of third party applications with the chosen software. When you download some documents or apps which you are interesting, this virus program will also be attached to download, and run as document application. There are also set up that contain the hijacker and users are directed to those sites from links within email messages that are sent out. Some of the emails will not contain the link, but they will instead have an attachment that they will be asked to click on. Once the virus goes into the target device, it may be trying to hijack your android and lock your apps began to generate advertising revenue. We strongly recommend that you don’t do that above behavior, because they are likely to be false. No matter whatever how you get the virus, it is necessary to remove it from your computer before the arrival of more dangerous. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 26, 2017 8:46 am and last modified on November 6, 2017 1:41 am.

Oct 25, 2017

How to Access Netflix in China on Samsung S8?

Can you watch video on Netflix in China? Do you see any error that pops up when you try to visit Netflix after moving to China? If you can’t access Netflix in China, it is normal because the Golden Shield Project has been made to block Netflix and many other famous western websites and services. In this article, we will talk about how to bypass the censorship and unblock Netflix in China Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 25, 2017 8:43 pm and last modified on May 30, 2019 8:08 am.

Oct 24, 2017

How to Watch VUDU Video Smoothly on PC in China?

Hey. I find it is very difficult to load VUDU video in China. To be clear, my Internet connection on PC is very good. I can watch the video with high quality smoothly on Youku (It is a China-based video sharing platform). However, it is totally different on VUDU. Do you know what the problem is? How can I fix it?

Brief Information of VUDU

VUDU is a video streaming service which allows subscribers to rent, buy, and watch more than 17,000 HD movies and TV shows on demand. It doesn’t require a subscription fee. Sign-up is free. So, you only pay for what you rent or buy, no more else. You can rent the one-time movie which is cheaper. Also, you can purchase the movie and own it forever. Compared with some video platforms, movies on VUDU come sooner. You can purchase feature movies which are still in theaters. Besides, you can enjoy the free streaming service on it. In order to win competition with other streaming service, it offers Movies On Us which is ad-supported. You only need to sit through the commercial ad time, but no need to pay to stream. VUDU is an Internet-based application, which means you access VUDU movies through an online connection. The fast connection, the better. Of course, it doesn’t matter if your connection is not that good. You are allowed to select quality of your video download. Or, you can download video at a place where the connection is good and watch it any time you want. VUDU is very popular due to the latest and huge video library. If you would like to watch the latest movies without going to the theater, VUDU is the best choice. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 24, 2017 11:31 am and last modified on May 30, 2019 8:08 am.

Oct 23, 2017

How to Listen to YouTube Music on Samsung S8 in China?

Do you have problem in listening to YouTube music in China? Why it always displays “timed out” error and tells you to check the firewall while you try to open YouTube music? It is because YouTube music is blocked by the Great Firewall of China. In order to listen to the music, you need to bypass the firewall. In this article, we will talk about how to listen to YouTube music in China.

Why can’t You Access YouTube Music in China?

YouTube music is a channel of YouTube, and YouTube is owned by Google. It is a music library which allows you to watch and listen to a nearly endless catalog in an app designed for music discovery. You can listen to the music while running, walking or doing other things. Besides, it lets you watch lots of music video with different styles from different countries during spare time. Many music loves choose YouTube music because of the famous platform and various contents. The YouTube fans love its music. However, YouTube music is not available for users in China due to some reasons. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 23, 2017 3:10 pm and last modified on May 30, 2019 8:09 am.

Oct 21, 2017

How to Remove Facebook Child Porn Virus?

Hey. I need your help. The Facebook child porn virus attacked my Samsung S8+. It claims to be the FBI, saying I violated the laws for watching child porn. I swear I didn’t watch anything like this. I was looking a birthday present for my girlfriend. Now, the virus blocks my phone and won’t allow me to do anything. I want my phone back and to get rid of the fake FBI warning. Please help.

Brief Information of Facebook Child Porn Virus

Facebook Child Porn Virus is a term used to describe a dangerous Trojan virus which is created by the cyber criminals. The infection first started spreading among high school students on the East Coast. Now, it has been spread widely. People got it from the share videos, games and other programs on Facebook social media platform. it corrupts your system files and programs files to mess up your device function and programs’ running. There are lots of malicious havoc that it can create on your device. It ruins device with a help of tricky messages that have been circulating on Facebook for years. According to reliable report, this malicious program has already been shared tens of thousands of times and has received more than 15,000 likes. Therefore, there are lots of victims of this Facebook child porn virus infection all over the world. This nasty virus steals the name of the authority, such as FBI, US Marshal, Cyber police, Metropolitan Police, NSA, DOJ, NCA and Garda Síochána etc. to scare users into paying a penalty of $ 500 USD. It is an international virus. The name of the authority and language of the warning is different in different place. No matter who it claims to be, it is fake. Its owners are not the police, but the cyber criminals. Do not trust it. It is a piece of dangerous malware. You need to get rid of it to protect your money and device. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 21, 2017 4:55 pm and last modified on December 23, 2017 5:06 am.

Oct 20, 2017

How to Remove FBI Virus from RCA Android Tablet?

I have the white screen virus on my tablet with the fbi message. They took a picture of my face and say pay this fine. And the message said I had some images on my tablet of child porn, and it showed me and I never had those images even on my tablet! Long story short, I wanna use my tablet again and get rid of it, I have an RCA Android. It even won’t let me shut it down. What do I do? Please help.

Is Your Tablet Locked by FBI Warning Virus?

Is your phone or tablet blocked by a police threat? Have you been fined by a FBI waring on mobile device for watching illegal porn? Are you wronged by an unexpected popup while browsing on your tablet? If your answer is “Yes”, your device has been attacked by a dangerous virus. The warning is not sent from the FBI. It has nothing to do with the real police or any other legit agency. Instead, it is made up by the hackers to scare you.
Many victims lost money due to this FBI virus. They believed that the FBI warning is real, thinking that they were in trouble with the police. In a way, the warning looks authentic. It has the logo and seal of FBI. On the waring page, it claims the police scanned your device and detected some suspicious files. You have been caught due to attendance of the forbidden pornographic sites. Some pornographic images also are displayed on your screen. It says those images are the proof that you violated related law. Specific laws are listed, telling what punishment you will receive. In order to make it look real, it collects your basic information, such as name, location, IP address, device, contacts, and picture etc. and shows them on the warning page. That makes victims think it is the police who are able to monitor their activities and grab the information. Besides, the FBI virus blocks the device completely and does not allow you to do anything, like someone is controlling it. It does not go away though you turn off the device for a long time. It still comes back right after you turn it on again. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 20, 2017 10:43 am and last modified on December 23, 2017 5:07 am.

Oct 19, 2017

How to Watch Amazon Prime Video in China on iPhone 8?

Hey. I heard that China is absent from Amazon Prime video’s global rollout. I am moving to China and need to use Amazon Prime videos for work. How can I fix the problem to watch Amazon prime video in China? Any suggestion?

Why can’t You Watch Amazon Prime Video in China?

Amazon prime video is a popular video-on-demand service which is launched by Amazon. With the popular shows such as Jeremy Clarkson’s “The Grand Tour” and transgender comedy “Transparent”, it has been developed very well and expanded its streaming service to reach over 200 countries and territories. You can enjoy the videos in United States, United Kingdom, Austria, Germany and Japan. However, it leaves out China. Due to the copyright restrictions, Amazon prime video can only be watched in specific countries. Though it has the largest population and huge entertainment market in the world, is notably absent from the global rollout. If you are located in China, you can’t watch Amazon prime video with the help of the local ISPs.
In fact, there is another reason why Amazon video is not available in China. It is because the Internet in China is extremely high. After the riot in 2009, the Chinese government dealt with online statement cautiously. They blamed the false rumors that provoked people into chao. They believed that the fake rumors were spread out of control on social media platforms, videos-sharing websites and other similar services. Therefore, they started to monitor Internet users’ activities. At the same time, they developed the Golden Shield Project to block western websites and services that deemed to a threat to their unity and society. The Great Firewall of China was built to prevent user from accessing the listed websites. Even though Amazon video was offered in China like YouTube, it will still be blocked by the firewall. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 19, 2017 6:31 am and last modified on May 30, 2019 8:09 am.

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