Dec 20, 2013

PUP.Optional.NetLiker.A Virus Removal Guide

My laptop is infected by PUP.Optional.NetLiker.A after clicking on an unknown link, this PUP virus has caused chaos on my machine! Now I need to spend a long time turning on my computer and opening a program, I try to remove this PUP virus by my AVG anti-virus, but the PUP virus keeps coming back after I restart the infected PC. How can I remove this malicious process completely from the laptop? Should I use another security tool? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of PUP.Optional.NetLiker.A Virus:

PUP.Optional.NetLiker.A is a nasty malicious process which can cause dangerous virus infection on the infected PC. Usually the PC users will suffer the virus infection while surfing on the Internet, especially when they click on the unsafe links on the unknown website or forum, some PC users even get the virus infection from the spam E-mail attachment. Once the PUP.Optional.NetLiker.A process has been activated, the infected PC will be under the attack in a short time. The security tools like anti-virus program or firewall may detect and remove the virus, but this PUP virus is able to come back after restarting the infected PC. So it is suggested that the PC users should remove the virus process in a manual way.

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Published by on December 20, 2013 7:42 am and last modified on December 20, 2013 7:43 am.

Dec 19, 2013 Redirect Removal Help

What is Is this a reliable website? I will be redirected to while surfing on the Internet, do I suffer a virus infection? It happens on my Internet Explorer, but Firefox is OK, Can I just ignore the problem on IE and continue to use Firefox? How can I remove the virus completely? Any help will be appreciated.

What is Redirect Virus : is a new version of the browser hijack redirect which is able to cause chaos and problems on the infected PC. This browser hijack redirect virus can change the Internet setting like homepage and default browser once it starts its working on the infected machine. Usually the redirect virus will be attached to some programs and .exe processes, it will be installed to the computer once the PC users run these infected files. PC users will be redirected to visit some unsafe websites or forums while surfing on the Internet, it is extremely dangerous which needs to be removed completely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 19, 2013 5:34 am

Dec 19, 2013

Trojan-PSW.Win32.Tepfer.sika – How to Remove

Your computer works slowly and strange? You know Trojan-PSW.Win32.Tepfer.sika virus is in the computer but do not know how to remove it? Various antivirus programs are only able to detect it but unable to get rid of it? Is this Trojan virus dangerous? You have tried everything but it still stations in your computer firmly? In this case, please read the article which shows detailed information about the Trojan horse.

Details of Trojan-PSW.Win32.Tepfer.sika:

Trojan-PSW.Win32.Tepfer.sika is a dangerous Trojan virus made by cyber criminals to destruct the target computer. The Trojan gets into the computer via lurking in some free software, spam email attachments and plug-ins, unknown links or pop-up windows in some malicious websites. It mainly attacks computers provided with various Windows operating systems around the world because the virus makers have it spread globally. It can finish its installation in your computer when you do not know so that you realize belatedly that the computer is infected after you see the warning from antivirus program. If you are not so cautious when online, your computer may be infected by this kind of Trojan virus.
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Published by on December 19, 2013 5:24 am

Dec 19, 2013 Redirect Removal

It drives me crazy!!! Whenever I open any web browsers installed on my computer (IE, chrome), I get redirected to this  link: It seems my browser is hijacked by a virus but I run different antivirus programs, still get nothing found. What should I do? How do I get rid of redirect and get my homepage back? Redirect Description:

The redirect is installed by a stealthy browser hijacker virus that infects Firefox, Chrome and Explorer Internet browsers by modifying the Windows HOSTS file as well as other settings on your computer so that your infected computer will become more vulnerable to further infections. It usually comes bundled with various free software like free video players, video recorders, PDF creators. Anyone of us can download it without actually intending to get the application. During the download process,  you may need to click Next button a few times in order to complete the installation. And users may miss the information that some bad things are going to be set as your homepage and change your settings, they click Next to agree the change so that hijacker was installed since then.

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Published by on December 19, 2013 5:01 am and last modified on December 19, 2013 5:49 am.

Dec 18, 2013

How to Remove PUP.Optional.FastAdressBar.A Completely

How did you remove the PUP.Optional.FastAdressBar.A virus? I unfortunately got this virus on my laptop when I was trying to install a game copied from a friend of mine. My antivirus software detected it out after I ran a full scan. It said that some of my files have been infected with this virus. I tried to remove it by myself but it finally turned out with no luck. I want it off from my computer immediately because  I don’t want my computer be ruined by it. Anyone can help? Any suggestion?

Brief Instruction on PUP.Optional.FastAdressBar.A Virus:

PUP.Optional.FastAdressBar.A is a new member of the PUP (potentially unwanted program) family. It is regarded as another potentially unwanted program and is categorized in Trojan virus infection field. It is a specific detection used by many antivirus products to indicate and detect a Potentially Unwanted Program. The general character of PUP viruses is that they always contains adware, install tool-bars or have other unclear objectives. They often get into a target computer via freeware, back links, or some sites that are not safe. Computer users who are newbies can be easily trapped in. As soon as it get access to the infected machine the virus may not begin to reach its scam. It may hide for some time first. It will spread its files secretly on the infected computer. After it successfully infects come system files it may begin to work more rampantly and thus it will be caught by antivirus. The antivirus program will send out warnings of infection and let users know it. However, that is somehow late because the virus has spread all over the hard drive.

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Published by on December 18, 2013 12:22 pm

Dec 18, 2013

Remove Redirect

Can’t get rid of redirect virus via antivirus? I got this hijacker infection recently and came across many troubles when performing computer tasks. My browser homepage was replaced by this redirect, and I got unwanted Internet search results even if I clicked on familiar web links. I need to get rid of browser hijacker, but my advanced antivirus just failed. What will be a better way to deal with this redirect infection? If you have no clues, please read this article and remove this nasty redirect completely with following removal steps.

Description of Redirect Infection: is identified as a browser hijacker which becomes a great threat to computer users from worldwide. The interface of the bogus website seems as those licensed ones, in order to cheat net users into taking it as the default homepage and search engine. It pretends to be from a legitimate party and offer functions for net users to search for their favorites, including webs, news, images and videos etc. However, it is a fake search engine that makes great chaos to the computer. In fact, the bogus search engine is a computer infection itself and it won’t help users to enjoy various online resources safely. Whenever users launch the target Internet browser, they will get as the default search engine and homepage other than their familiar ones. That is, the browser hijacker is capable to change your homepage and other browser settings casually. Also, it will typically redirect your web search results to other harmful web pages. If you take its search bar to search for news, videos, images and other resources, you will get different search results related to this redirect and other third parties. Don’t trust this redirect infection or keep it in the computer too long. Instead, PC users need to get rid of this browser hijacker immediately to save the computer.
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Published by on December 18, 2013 5:50 am and last modified on December 18, 2013 5:58 am.

Dec 17, 2013

TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I Removal Help

My laptop is infected by TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I virus while installing a music program from the Internet, now my computer is so slow that I can hardly open any program. I try to remove this Trojan horse by anti-virus program AVG but no luck, this Trojan horse keeps appearing after restarting the infected computer, how can I get rid of it completely? Should I try another security tools? What about manual removal? Please help.

Description of TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I Virus:

TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I is a dangerous Trojan horse that targets on the Windows OS computer. This Trojan horse belongs to malicious process which can cause problems on the infected PC once it has been installed completely. Some PC users report that they get this virus from some infected files, E-mail attachment, or the links on some porn sites, they try to remove the Trojan horse by anti-virus programs but most of them can not remove it completely. TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I virus will keep appearing after restarting or rescanning the infected PC, that is why this Trojan horse is so nasty. The dangerous Trojan horse needs to be removed from the infected PC, or the PC user may become the next victim by it.

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Published by on December 17, 2013 4:44 pm and last modified on April 10, 2014 5:23 am.

Dec 17, 2013

Windows Efficiency Console – How To Remove

I turned my computer on as I usually do but there popped up a window of Windows Efficiency Console scanning my computer. It detected several threats on my machine and said my computer was at risk. What is that? I don’t remember when I installed it and I cannot bypass it. It just blocks my whole screen. How can I remove it and gain my access to my personal computer? I need help!

Details of Windows Efficiency Console:

Windows Efficiency Console is a vicious application which is considered as the rogue anti-spyware reported by many computer users. It is a very dangerous virus to both PC and PC users because it pretends itself as a legitimate anti-virus application which is helping people detect virus and delete threats. Most importantly, the fact that we must remember is that in it appears many false alerts and fake scan result in the main program asking people to activate its full version. The main function of false alert is displayed in order to create a general atmosphere of fear that the current computer has been infected severely by uncountable virus such as Trojan horses, back-door viruses, nasty threats and dangerous worm viruses. It tells user that if you want to remove all the threats it detects you must purchase the full version of Windows efficiency console. Similar to other Rogue anti-spyware program hackers use for making profit, in reality, all the report it shows is not true. This program only use for money scam and it will only result in stealing money from victim people.
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Published by on December 17, 2013 1:05 pm and last modified on December 17, 2013 1:06 pm.

Dec 16, 2013

Windows Software Saver Virus Removal Guide

My HP desktop is infected! Yesterday I downloaded a program named Windows Software Saver, I thought it was a good anti-virus program, however, I found that I was wrong! This program is totally a virus, I can not open any programs normally after installing this fake anti-virus program, each time I want to do that, this program will stop me from doing the actions and tell me that it is infected. How can it be possible? What is worse, it keeps asking me to pay for its full version by credit card which I don’t want to do it at all, I can not even uninstall it on the control panel, how can I remove this rogue program? Any help will be appreciated.

Is Windows Software Saver A Rogue Program? How to Uninstall This Thing?

Windows Software Saver is a dangerous rogue program which belongs to fake anti-virus program, this rogue program is designed to attack the Window OS computer including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. These kinds of the fake anti-virus programs will be attached to some programs, the computer will be attacked by this rogue program while installing the infected program. Some cyber criminals even put the Windows Software Saver on some unsafe websites and forums, the PC users may download it if they have no idea about this rogue program infection. Once it is installed to the infected computer successfully, it will cause chaos and problems on the computer, the infected PC will be in an unsafe situation which cyber criminals can do dangerous actions on it. Anyway, this rogue program can be a top virus which PC users must be careful while dealing with it. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on December 16, 2013 12:31 pm and last modified on December 17, 2013 2:58 pm.

Dec 16, 2013

How to Remove Systener Hook Virus?

A few days ago, I did a computer scan with AVG, and the end results detected a medium threat called “sysenter hook.” It said i have 16 systener hook threats. I tried to remove it from my computer but it said it is in the rookit category and will not allow me to remove because it was apart of the operating system. I am confused. Is this a false positive? How to get rid of this Trojan virus?

AVG Keeps Finding Systener Hook Virus? – An Overall Description About This Trojan:

Systener Hook Virus is categorized as a backdoor Trojan detected by AVG antivirus recently. This virus can weaken the security of the infected PC and modify your system setting as soon as it is downloaded. The symptoms of this infection can be very diverse or, in some cases, nonexistent so that it is hard for users to detect this Trojan unless they run a scan of AVG. Even though Systener Hook virus can be found, it doesn’t mean it can be easily removed like other traditional Trojan viruses because this virus is tricky, it creates many junk files on your computer that disguise as a part of your system files, and the running process of this Trojan is a valid Windows component so that anti-virus program will not help to you get rid of it automatically.
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Published by on December 16, 2013 5:15 am and last modified on April 10, 2014 2:46 am.

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