Jan 1, 2014

“Do Searches Virus” Removal Guide

My personal computer is infected by Do Searches virus. All of my browsers(Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome) are infected by it completely, each time when I try to go online, I will be redirected to this website which I don’t want to visit at all.  My friend tells me to remove the redirect virus by anti-virus program, but none of them can figure out this problem. How can I remove this redirect virus from my PC completely? Any help will be appreciated.

What is Do Searches Redirect Virus :

Do Searches virus is a fake search engine which is created by the cyber criminals for their malicious purposes. Once this browser hijack redirect has been installed to the infected PC, it will start to modify the key settings on like homepage and default browsers, that is why most of the infected PCs will get Do Searches as their homepage and PC users have no way to change their homepages back. All the browsers like Internet Explore, Firefox, Google Chrome and others can be the target of this nasty redirect virus, PC users will suffer slow performance on the infected machine which makes them annoyed. Do Searches virus is extremely dangerous which needs to be removed completely to avoid further damage. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 1, 2014 2:08 am

Dec 31, 2013

Remove Servermarketing.net Redirect

Servermarketing.net took over my Firefox, and I got numerous pop-up ads during surfing the web. I was freaked out with such a browser hijacker and got no idea to uninstall it from my web browser. Why does my advanced antivirus fail to pick up the redirect? How to get rid of the browser hijacker completely? Lean from this post and follow removal guide below to remove the redirect completely and effectively.

Description of Servermarketing.net Redirect:

Servermarketing.net is identified as a browser hijacker distributed by cyber criminals through network, and it makes chaos to the computer and pilfer information from unknown users aggressively. The bogus search engine seems as licensed ones which offer net users to browse various online resources and search for web, news, images and videos etc. It is designed that way to trick net users into taking it as the default search engine and browser homepage. Also, the redirect can add to Internet browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer and so on. Once the Servermarketing.net redirect hijacks your Internet browser, it will change your homepage, default search engine and other important settings. It just redirects your Internet search results to unwanted web pages, no matter what specified websites you want to search for. If users use this fake search engine to search for required information, you will be redirected to this bogus website or other related ones from third-online parties. No matter how real as the browser hijacker seems, PC users should not trust or leave the redirect in the computer too long. Instead, users need to get rid of the browser hijacker completely at a quick time.
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Published by on December 31, 2013 5:40 am

Dec 31, 2013

Qtype.inspsearch.com Redirect Removal

Why does my web browser failed to set my wanted search engine? It keeps redirecting me to some unwant website like Qtype.inspsearch.com? Every time I type in a certain website address in the address bar this search engine directs me to somewhere else other than the search I clicked on? Why is that? Is it a browser redirect? How do I get rid of Qtype.inspsearch.com redirect?

Qtype.inspsearch.com Redirect Description :

Qtype.inspsearch.com redirect is a stubborn Browser Hijacker which poses a threat to computer safety and interferes normal online surfing. People are confused about how this unwanted redirect would be allowed to install because they have set several security measures to forbid malware installing. The way it used to break into target computer is quite simple. It basically invade target browser via BHO techniques which all the malware attack will use so as to get into victim PC legally and make sure no antivirus will stop it from installing. It is equipped with system identification with latest techniques so that it can go the firewall. Even more high level of security level you have carefully set to prevent malicious add-ons or plug-ins installing, you will still have the risk of being infected because firewall will not detect it as a virus and allow it get in.
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Published by on December 31, 2013 5:38 am

Dec 30, 2013

Trojan:Win32/Tobfy.W Removal Guide

How do I get rid of Trojan:Win32/Tobfy.W virus on my windows 7 computer. Yesterday I noticed that I had this Trojan virus inside my PCs. I used some anti-virus to remove it but they failed. The virus is still in my computer. This is driving me crazy! What to do so that I can get rid of this virus completely?

Trojan:Win32/Tobfy.W Description :

Trojan:Win32/Tobfy.W is a stubborn Trojan virus infection that not only infect computer software component but also affect you daily life. Your computer usually is infected with malicious software which can easily enter your laptop computer via free downloading or unknown attachment of scam mail. The malicious domain contains many viruses. It can let the other threats infect the same system as well because this virus also is able to intrude in other viruses. When it intrudes into the fragile system, the software will first visit important folder to change computer settings so as to kidnap the target system. Before changing system settings, it will prevent you to reset start-up program or uninstall function in control panel in case you can delete it from these two positions. Then it will start its viral process with security.
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Published by on December 30, 2013 12:57 pm

Dec 30, 2013

Update-browser.org Redirect Removal Guide

Every time I open Firefox, there are three tabs opened from Update-browser.org telling me to update Firefox. It gives me a box saying “It is recommended that you update your browser to the latest version to view this page.” Is it trusted? However, my Firefox is set to automatically update on its own and had just done so moments before, this struck me as suspicious and possibly a phishing attempt. How do I get rid of this annoying thing from my Win 7 laptop?

Browser Keeps Redirecting You to Update-browser.org. What is it?

Update-browser.org is not a reliable web page because it is affiliated with browser hijackers which can attack Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, and can function in most versions of Windows, including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. It usually invades a targeted PC without a computer user’s approval and awareness. Most browser hijacker viruses won’t come alone, it can be bundled with free programs or video files that you download from the Internet. Once it gets attached to your browser, it can change your browser settings instantly and add its malicious contents to your computer. In this way, this redirect virus can run itself automatically as soon as system boots up and it has the ability to disable antivirus programs installed as well as install a variety of malware threats and unwanted or even malevolent toolbars on your computer.

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Published by on December 30, 2013 12:13 pm and last modified on December 30, 2013 12:14 pm.

Dec 30, 2013

Masponi Adware – How To Remove

I used the free AVG to scan it and in the virus result it said I have Masponi Adware. I scanned it then deleted Masponi Adware over and over but nothing changes. when I scanned it again, nothing good news showed up. So does that mean this virus is unresolvable? Now I’m freaking out because I heard it’s really bad to my computer!! How do I get rid of every trace of Masponi Adware! Please help me remove Masponi Adware completely!

Masponi Adware Description :

Masponi Adware is an unwanted adware. This harmful software program can be installed to the target window operating system without requiring certification. In general, to avoid the security check this will allow other malicious software to connect and change the system registry file. It is created by hackers for remote controlling to meet their business needs. Usually, the advertisement will be packed in spam or share files and it is waiting for the opportunity to invade to the target computer. If your computer is not fully protected, all of a sudden, the software will be the victim’s browser and unwanted advertising will be set to pop up which finally will result in preventing you from accessing your system but also showing a lot of unwanted advertisement. This virus not only damages your system but also suffers data lost.
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Published by on December 30, 2013 11:38 am

Dec 30, 2013

How to Remove Trojan:Win64/Patched.H Virus

A few days ago, I scanned my computer and then a virus called Trojan:Win64/Patched.H was found. I removed it and today when I turn my computer on, this virus appears again and it also makes my computer extremely slow. How do I get rid of it permanently?

An Overall Description About Trojan:Win64/Patched.H Virus:

Trojan:Win64/Patched.H is one of the malignant Trojan horse viruses that is designed to attack computers running with 64 bits. This virus can only be quarantined for a while by antivirus software but never got removed completely so that it keeps coming back to bother computer users. It looks for system flaw to get into vulnerable PC and can be installed on the computer from compromised web sites, spam emails, social networking site, and instant messaging program without any permission. Once it is running, it instantly drops a number of unwanted files to take up system resource, making computer system sluggish. Other than that, your computer may experience no browser connections or download ability. No pages are loaded when you open Internet explorer, Firefox or other browsers. Some of the users will find their browsers being redirected to various harmful websites against their wills.
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Published by on December 30, 2013 9:32 am and last modified on December 30, 2013 9:38 am.

Dec 30, 2013

Trojan Agent Gen-Banker Virus Removal Guide

Trojan Agent Gen-Banker virus is on my computer! I get the virus infection while installing a music program on the Internet, my anti-virus program warns me the virus infection but doesn’t have enough power to get rid of it. I change another anti-virus program but still no luck. How can I remove this virus completely? Is there a brief guide that I can follow?

Description of Trojan Agent Gen-Banker Virus:

Trojan Agent Gen-Banker is a virus process which is created by the cyber criminals to attack the careless PC users on the Internet. All the Window OS including XP, Vista, 7 and 8 can be the target of this malicious virus process, once it has been installed to the infected PC, Trojan Agent Gen-Banker is able to change important system settings so that the virus can cause chaos on the infected machine. Usually the virus process can be attached to some programs or executable processes, once the PC users run these infected files, the virus process can be activated in a short time, security tools can not figure out this problem perfectly because the virus process is able to change its name and position to protect itself. So it is suggested that manual removal is the best way to clean the virus infection.

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Published by on December 30, 2013 2:28 am and last modified on April 10, 2014 5:22 am.

Dec 29, 2013

How to Remove Trojan-Downloader.Win32.MultiDL

The antivirus program sends you a report saying there is a risky virus called Trojan-Downloader.Win32.MultiDL in your computer? Your computer becomes very strange, which lets you realize that this virus really exists. You begin to look for an effective method to remove it? You have tried various removal tools but still cannot get rid of it? Isn’t there any other way to remove it? Please do not be discouraged, this article can help you.

Details of Trojan-Downloader.Win32.MultiDL:

Trojan-Downloader.Win32.MultiDL is a new Trojan virus which is able to sneak into the computer by making full use of system security vulnerabilities and damage the infected computer seriously. Computer users had better not visit suspicious websites, click on unknown links ad arbitrium, open spam email attachments and install some insecure programs, otherwise you may invite the virus to get into a computer. In addition, it is very rampant and extremely aggressive so that it can attack the computer even if the user does not do anything wrong.
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Published by on December 29, 2013 1:47 pm

Dec 29, 2013

Remove Boot.Cidox Virus (Removal Guide)

Norton 360 keeps alerting me that my computer was infected with Boot.Cidox Virus, it is a laptop in Windows 7 and my desktop in Windows 8 didn’t get this warning. I need to get rid of boot.cidox virus as i have been fighting this with at&t for 4 days now, no matter what Norton recommended that I run, none of the methods worked. It keeps showing me remove failed for some reasons. There are several ways on the Internet for me to try, but it still appeared after all the steps are done. I found that everything was fine, except for that stupid virus. The virus made my computer extremely slow. How to get rid of Boot.Cidox virus completely without coming back? Learn more below.

Boot.Cidox Virus Description :

Boot.Cidox Virus is a newly Trojan virus which is reported by Norton Internet Security and it has infected many Internet users recently. After sneaking into the target computer, this virus will tamper with the legal DLL files on your system in order to make your antivirus disabled and achieve its final goal by automatically starting its attack as soon as computer starts up. Thus, Norton will keep showing you security alert and report that your computer is infected with Boot.Cidox Virus. At that time, you may hear strange sound coming from your computer, or get unwanted pop-up messages displayed on your computer. In addition, unusual error messages may come up without your permission as well as important settings are changed against your will.
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Published by on December 29, 2013 1:45 pm and last modified on March 5, 2014 6:31 am.

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