Jan 13, 2014

NVCPL.DLL Error – How to Fix?

Does NVCPL.DLL error appear on your screen and you cannot get rid of it? Is this error associated with any kind of virus? Why you get such an annoying message while you are installing certain software, surfing the web, logging into windows or even during a Windows installation? How to stop the NVCPL.DLL Error coming up and make your computer work properly?

NVCPL.DLL Error Appears Out of Nowhere? – How to Fix?

NVCPL.DLL is a DLL (dynamic link library) file, created and used by NVIDIA Corporation for the correct use of display properties of their graphics cards. It is installed along with graphics card drivers when installing a NVIDIA graphics card. Generally speaking, this belongs to a legitimate file, however, if the file is already corrupted or a virus like Worm or Trojan installs on your computer and adds its malicious files inside the related folder, your computer will keep receiving NVCPL.DLL error that bothers you to do anything on the computer. Here are the common NVCPL.DLL errors you may see:

“Nvcpl.dll Not Found”
“This application failed to start because nvcpl.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.”
“Cannot find [PATH]\nvcpl.dll”
“The file nvcpl.dll is missing.”
“Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: nvcpl.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again.”
“Error loading NVCPL.DLL – The specific module could not be found”

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Published by on January 13, 2014 4:18 am and last modified on January 13, 2014 4:19 am.

Jan 13, 2014

Triple-search.com Redirect Removal

I downloaded a program on the Internet before and then I uninstalled it. But after that I noticed that my start up page on Google Chrome and Firefox have been changed to Triple-search.com without my approval. I have been trying to change it to the google home page. I have changed all the start up pages and the search engines in the settings but i still can’t get rid of this at all. Also I tried to downloaded spyware removal program but it said nothing in my computer is corrupted. That is really annoying and frustrating. Is there any way to remove this hijacker?

Triple-search.com Redirect/Hijacker Description:

Triple-search.com is categorized as a browser hijacker that can cause an immense problem to the functioning of your computer system by altering the browser settings and changing browser settings without any consent. It usually arrives bundled with freeware applications, such as shareware games or various video players. As soon as it is installed, it can hijacker Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome in the background by modifying the Windows HOSTS file. Thus, you will find out your homepage has been changed to Triple-search.com without any permission. It also can hinder security tools and redirect google, yahoo, and bing search queries to its page or other unwanted website.

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Published by on January 13, 2014 1:57 am and last modified on January 13, 2014 1:58 am.

Jan 12, 2014

RoboSaver Ads Removal Guide

I scanned my computer yesterday, and then a warning popped up saying my computer is at risk. I checked the scan result and it shows that my computer has a risky program named RoboSaver. Is it a virus? I am not familiar with PC virus and is wondering what this RoboSaver is and how I can deal with this software on my computer? It is annoying while I am surfing online. Can I take it off? What to do so as to get rid of it?

RoboSaver Ads Description :

Claiming as a useful tool to improve your online surfing experience, unwanted adware like RoboSaver Ads is reported interfering with user’s online activities by offering annoying popping up message such as discounts, bonuses of online transaction on famous online shopping site of the top retailer trying to convey latest information so as to save your time and money. To meet different use, this unwanted software has different version for different product of browsing tools. It can be installed in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Apple Safari. The form it displays varies from video advertisement, banner advertisement, Pop under advertisement to picture advertisement. And its advertisement includes sponsored link, coupons, and bonuses. Each links you click will let them get a commission which usually is a certain percent of the profit it made. No wonder why it keeps promoting its discounting advertisement.
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Published by on January 12, 2014 5:09 am

Jan 12, 2014

Downdapp.com Redirect Virus Removal

My Internet Explorer is wired, each time when I open a new tab on the browser, it will redirect me to Downdapp.com automatically and tell me that I need to update my Flash Player. Is that real? In fact I don’t want to download something from this site, but I can not get rid of it completely. How can I remove this thing from Internet Explorer? Do I need to use another browser instead?

What is Downdapp.com Redirect Virus :

Downdapp.com is a nasty browser hijack redirect which is able to target on different kinds of the browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and other browsers. PC users may get the virus infection on the unsafe site because cyber criminals will put this redirect virus on it, once it has been installed to the infected PC, the Downdapp.com redirect virus will cause terrible virus infection on it, not only can it slow down the Internet speed but also damage the browser. Infected browser will be modify completely, which homepage and default search engine can be replaced and lots of strange add-ons created. This Downdapp.com site is not a reliable site, PC users need to get rid of it from the infected browser to avoid further damage. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 12, 2014 3:56 am and last modified on January 24, 2014 5:44 am.

Jan 11, 2014

Adobeupdate2014.com Pop-up Ads Removal

I was hit by a virus that can keep adding tabs to my internet browse. As soon as I surf the web, it always opens a site automatically asking me to download Adobe. The web sites is http://www.adobeupdate2014.com, with some random letters and numbers after the link. Now, I can obviously see that it’s fake, it’s obviously malware because I have installed the latest version of Adobe a few days ago. But I can’t seem to make it go away. It is becoming a massive problem especially when going on youtube. How do I get rid of this annoying pop-up?

Adobeupdate2014.com Pop-Up Description:

If constant popups from Adobeupdate2014.com keep appearing on your browsers no matter you use Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome while you are surfing the web, then your computer must be infected with an adware virus or browser hijacker virus. This kind of virus usually comes bundled with some shareware applications. It makes some system changes and modifies the registry once it is installed so that it could load every time you start your computer. It turns out to be a clear sign that your computer is infected because whenever you go to Internet, you will have a sea of unwanted pop up ads that are impossible to stop. It may block your access and give you a prompt saying that ‘New Flash Player is required to view this page. It is recommended you update Flash Player to the latest version to view this page. ‘ Other than that, it will install additional programs on your computer system, such as unwanted toolbars, add-ons or some start-up processes, which could lead to annoying website diversions. Thus, you may find out that whenever you click on а link on the search engine, it won’t take you to the page you’re looking for straight away, instead you will be taken to Adobeupdate2014.com which requires you to download a fake flash player first.

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Published by on January 11, 2014 12:46 pm and last modified on January 22, 2014 10:08 am.

Jan 11, 2014

Windows Virtual Protector Virus Removal Guide

Yesterday I accidentally clicked on a link, then a fake antivirus program called Windows Virtual Protector installed itself on my computer which is driving me INSANE now!!! I can’t open anything because it always says whatever i try to open is infected. I tried to uninstall it but I don’t see it on my programs list on the control panel. Also i can’t open up any anti malware programs to get rid of it, and it also blocks windows task manager. It won’t let me use a lot of plug ins on the internet including adobe flash. How do I get rid of it?

Windows Virtual Protector Virus Description:

Windows Virtual Protector is a rogue antivirus program detected recently which is good at using fake reports and misleading security errors to scare innocent users and make them to pay for its useless product. As similar as its previous version called Windows Accelerator Pro, it comes and infects your computer with a help of Trojans. In most cases, computers users got infected with this rogue program because they have been downloading something from the internet. Windows Virtual Protector virus is bundled with those useful applications users downloaded so the unwary users are tricked into downloading them. When it is successfully installed, it becomes a real headache for PC users because this virus can carry out many harmful tasks on the target machine.

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Published by on January 11, 2014 8:50 am and last modified on January 11, 2014 9:13 am.

Jan 10, 2014

Remove PUP.Optional.Visualbee

After installing a free program, the antivirus program in the computer sends you a warning saying your computer is infected with a virus called PUP.Optional.Visualbee? Do you feel confused that how it can bypass the intercept of the antivirus program to install itself into the computer? Where does it come from? Do you want to know why the removal and quarantine function of the antivirus program do not work? How to get rid of it completely?

Details of PUP.Optional.Visualbee:

PUP.Optional.Visualbee is a new computer virus that is thrown into the Internet world by cyber criminals. It has the ability to monitor computer user’s online activities as well as use the collected information with illegal purpose after infecting the target computer. You will get the virus if you download or install some unauthorized free programs, visit the sites that are hacked and open spam e-mail attachments sent by cyber criminals accidentally. It is also able to take the initiative to attack computers with relatively low security level. Please be careful when surfing the Internet to avoid this kind of malicious virus.
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Published by on January 10, 2014 5:57 am

Jan 10, 2014

Browser Is Locked By Police-service.net Virus? (Removal Guide)

I was surfing the web, when somehow I landed on Police-service.net. The web page displayed a so-called message from the FBI, claiming that “Your browser has been blocked up for safety reasons” and it wanted me to pay $300 to unlock the browser. I can’t minimize the locked page, neither can I close it down. So is this warning real or just a scam needs my money? I can press CTRL+ALT+DEL to get Task manager opened, but I don’t know how to do from there. Any help will be appreciated.

How to Remove Ransomware From Police-service.net?

Police-service.net is a spam site that can display a bogus notification from your local law enforcement agency (eg: Mandiant U.S.A. Cyber Security, FBI, Department of Defense and U.S.A. Cyber Crime Center) to lock up your Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome browsers. It pretends itself to be one of the legitimate websites from the government and then further deceives innocent users, hoping to get a ransom from its victims in exchange of unlocking the system. This virus can add malicious codes as soon as it is downloaded and then it takes over your browser, notifying you that all activities of your computer have been recorded and all your files are encrypted. In addition, it alleges that your browser has been blocked because you have been viewing or distributing prohibited Pornographic content or you have been violated Copyright and Related Rights Law etc. As a punishment, you have to pay $300 Moneypak. Although this site seems to be authentic and message coming from Police-service.net is pretty convincing, you should not be taken in, it is just a virus that gets into your computer and preys on fear in order to separate you from the money in your wallet.

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Published by on January 10, 2014 4:29 am

Jan 10, 2014

Remove Windows Excelerator Pro Virus

My laptop has been frozen by Windows Excelerator Pro Virus which will display fake system security warnings and then will prompt you to buy a full version of this program to remove threats that don’t even exist. Though I knew it was fake but I cannot find a way to uninstall it because this program didn’t show up on Control Panel. I tried to restart the computer to safe mode to delete it but now none of my programs works, only the rectangle black screen comes up. How do I remove Windows Excelerator Pro pop-up completely?

Windows Excelerator Pro Virus – A New Rogue Program Hits Computer Users Recently:

Windows Excelerator Pro is the upgraded version of the nasty Windows Accelerator Pro virus that also disguises as a legitimate security program for Windows operating system. It claims it is able to help people detect virus and delete threats found on the computer, but in reality it doesn’t own any virus database at all. This belongs to a rogue program which is designed to scare computer users and make them think that their system is indeed badly infected, then it further promotes its full version and lures unwary users into purchasing this useless product. If this virus pops up on your computer and runs itself automatically every time you boot up the system, please don’t trust it because it is nothing but a virus, all it can do on your computer is not protecting your PC from virus attacks, but  displaying bogus reports and generating fake alerts. In addition, it can disable functions on your PC and make all the executable programs not working any more. Thus, it is impossible for you to getting online or running the real security tool. When you attempt to do that, you will get a fake error like “Security Warning! Application cannot be executed. The file or program is infected. Please activate your antivirus software now.” All in all, this pesky virus will do whatever it can do to destroy your computer and sweep out your bank account, then the hackers behind this scam can easily earn a profit from its online fraud activities.

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Published by on January 10, 2014 3:19 am and last modified on January 10, 2014 3:19 am.

Jan 9, 2014

Searchexithomes.com Redirect Removal

I got this Searchexithomes.com redirect on my computer accidentally when I did some free downloads. I was freaked out as I got no idea to save my computer. The redirect messed up my computer miserably. Unfortunately, my advanced antivirus just failed to pick up the browser hijacker. What should I do? How to get rid of the pesky browser redirect entirely? Any clue of this redirect removal will be highly appreciated.

Description of Searchexithomes.com Redirect:

Searchexithomes.com is a nasty browser hijacker which PC users should not ignore but take actions to remove it immediately. It is a fake website with a search tool supposedly helping net users to reach various online resources. The bogus website pretends to provide net users with functions to view webs, images, videos and search for favorite content. Its interface seems quite licensed which is designed by cyber hackers to fool net users into taking it as default homepage. When users launch up the target browser, they will get this fake website as default homepage rather than your favorite ones. Even time net users search for specified content, and they will be typically redirected to other unwanted web pages. And constant pop-up ads will appear on the screen, luring net users into downloading things and purchasing unwanted products. Your default homepage, search engine and other settings may be changed without any notice. To make it worse, the redirect may enable remote hackers to visit the contaminated system secretly in order to collect your precious information for illegal activities. In this situation, PC users had better get rid of the horrific browser hijacker as soon as possible.
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Published by on January 9, 2014 1:08 pm

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