Mar 26, 2014

Exploit:JS/Urntone.BD Virus Removal

Help! My computer was attacked by Exploit:JS/Urntone.BD virus and it performed very poorly. Unfortunately, my anti-virus software can’t seem to get rid of the Trojan horse. Shall I deal with the Trojan attack via another anti-virus program? If not, what is the most effective way to remove the Trojan infection completely? Read this post and delete the Trojan infection effectively with following removal instructions.

Definition of Exploit:JS/Urntone.BD Virus:

Exploit:JS/Urntone.BD is a harmful Trojan infection that usually comes from hazardous websites. Net users are likely to suffer from the Trojan attack while they visit risky web resources without any caution. This JavaScript Trojan is released by cyber hackers to compromise the target computer and violate user’s privacy. Soon as the Trojan attacks the computer, it takes over the whole system immediately. Meanwhile, it exploits the system vulnerabilities of the computer to drop malicious codes which can be worms, adware, malware and spyware. It creates new affected files and leaves similar items in the computer. Moreover, the Trojan infection is capable to modify the system files and registry entries to cause destructive damages to the computer. Consequently, the affected computer gets slow system speed. Constant freezes will occur to the computer while users play games, surf the net and launch large programs. The computer is just in a mess. In this case, users should take measures to delete the Trojan horse completely and promptly.
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Published by on March 26, 2014 1:05 pm

Mar 26, 2014 Redirect Removal Tips

Browser is infected by redirect virus? Each time when I try to go online, you will be redirected to this site automatically? How can this virus infect your browser since you have installed anti-virus program? What is the way to get rid of this browser hijack redirect virus? Learn more from this post.

What is Redirect Virus : redirect virus, as a new version of the browser hijack redirect virus, it is able to infect Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome for its malicious purpose, PC users may get the virus infection while installing some free programs because the cyber criminals will attach this redirect virus to those infected files. Once the virus process has been installed, it has the ability to take over the infected browser by changing items or other key settings, the infected browser will face terrible virus infection and slow performance, it has been one of the most dangerous browser hijack redirect viruses on the Internet, this redirect needs to be removed completely to keep the infected PC. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 26, 2014 7:17 am

Mar 26, 2014

FineDealSoft Virus Removal

My computer is infected by FineDealSoft adware, whenever I open my browser, this pop up ads will be shown automatically and immediately. I try to remove this nasty adware on the control panel but I can not fix it. How can I remove this virus completely from my computer? Do I have to install an anti-virus program to remove it? What about manual removal? Any help will be appreciated.

What is FineDealSoft Virus :

FineDealSoft virus can be classified as a nasty adware which is created the cyber criminals to attack Windows OS computers, usually Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are the main targets of this virus, cyber criminal attack the infected PC via infected files, processes, unsafe E-mail attachments, once the PC users open these infected files, FineDealSoft virus will be able to attack the infected PC in a short time. This browser hijack redirect will cause terrible virus infection on the infected browser and even the whole computer, it needs to be removed completely to keep the infected PC safe. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 26, 2014 5:35 am and last modified on March 26, 2014 12:37 pm.

Mar 25, 2014 Redirect Removal

Yesterday I downloaded a media player from the Internet but I uninstalled it s00n because I found it was not pretty good to use. Today I noticed that my default homepage was changed from Yahoo to I am using Firefox and I have tried all kinds of way to change my browser settings, but it still redirects me to this WOW Search page. Is there any way I can get rid of it for good? Any help will be appreciated. Redirect Description: hijacker is a fake and malicious web page that appears itself to be a search engine to trick inexperienced users. The purpose of this redirect malware is to get you to click on an advertisement and use its bogus search engine so that you help the person who created this virus make money. When it is downloaded, it hijacks Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer and changes your homepage to Wow Search without your permission. It forces users to use its search engine so that the attacker can boost traffic and generate pop up ads to make money. So it is not surprised that various ads are listed below this bogus Wow Search. It lures users to clicking on it so it keeps giving false information like saying you are the winner and click the ads so you will get a free iPhone 5s, iPad ect. As long as you click on those advertisements, it brings other threats to your computer immediately which can slow down your PC and even crash down the system.

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Published by on March 25, 2014 12:02 pm

Mar 25, 2014

Windows AntiBreach Patrol Virus Removal Guide

Windows AntiBreach Patrol virus infection, I installed this program because I thought it is a good program which can protect my computer, but I finally notice that it is just a rogue program. Then I try to remove this fake anti-virus program on the control panel, but this rogue programs keeps staying on my computer, what is bad, each time when I try to run my real security tool, this Windows AntiBreach Patrol will pop up and stop me from doing this! How can I remove this nasty fake anti-virus program completely? What is the best way to get rid of it since my other programs are disable? Any help will be appreciated.

Is Windows AntiBreach Patrol A Rogue Program? How to Uninstall This Thing?

Windows AntiBreach Patrol is a new rogue program which acts as a real security tool for its malicious purpose, all the Windows OS like Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 computers can be attacked by this nasty virus infection. PC users may get this fake anti-virus program while opening unknown executable process because cyber criminals will attach the virus process to those processes so that it can attack PC users in the whole world. Some PC users may regard it as a real anti-virus program if they have no idea about this fake anti-virus infection, but they will finally know that this rogue program is totally unreliable, anyway, Windows AntiBreach Patrol can not help PC users protect their machines, it needs to be removed completely to avoid further damage. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 25, 2014 5:39 am

Mar 25, 2014

Trojan:Win32/Crilock.B Removal Guide

You get a Trojan:Win32/Crilock.B alert from the antivirus program? What can the Trojan virus do in the computer? Is it able to steal your personal stuff? You virus protection program does not seem to be able to remove it successfully? What is the best way to get rid of it?

Details of Trojan:Win32/Crilock.B:

Trojan:Win32/Crilock.B, which is a very rampant Trojan virus released by cyber criminals, is good at exploiting system vulnerabilities. In reality, it focuses on trying to destroy the target computer and steal computer users’ sensitive information stored in the computer. In order to gain profit, various Trojan viruses are continuously distributed in the network world by ill-disposed virus makers.
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Published by on March 25, 2014 4:46 am

Mar 24, 2014 Redirect Removal

I received a notification to update an Adobe product that is commonly used by internet users daily. After installing, the actual product download failed but now when I open Firefox and Internet Explorer it directs and goes to I have tried to reset my homepage but it still does the same thing taking me to this annoying Zoo Search. How do I get rid of it? Redirect/Hijacker Description:

Search engine redirection problem (often referred to as a Google redirection problem) is, no doubt, a very serious and quite annoying issue for many active Internet users these days. redirect is one of the bogus search pages designed to trick users for boosting affiliate payments from artificial traffic. It performs the same malicious activities like other browser hijackers do. When it is installed, it can initiate serious havoc on IE, Mozilla Firefox and other browsers. It modifies web browser settings without asking any permission in order to change default homepage and redirect a user to undesirable Internet sites. In addition, it can install unwanted toolbar on your browser which gives opportunity to advertise various products or services. Thus, whenever you browse Internet, a lot of pop-ups will come to your screen asking you to install a plug-in, download a program to clean your PC or update a fake flash player.

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Published by on March 24, 2014 3:59 am and last modified on July 17, 2014 2:25 am.

Mar 23, 2014

Remove HEUR.Trojan.Win32.Generic Virus

I got this HEUR.Trojan.Win32.Generic virus when opening an unknown email attachment. Indeed, I was freaked out by this Trojan horse as it triggered destructive damages to the computer. I launched my antivirus, but I found it unable to delete the Trojan infection properly. What should I do? How to remove the nasty Trojan attack completely? Manual removal guide below will enable you to get rid of the Trojan horse safely.

Definition of HEUR.Trojan.Win32.Generic Virus:

HEUR.Trojan.Win32.Generic is a horrible Trojan horse that has targeted many users’ computers from worldwide. Such a Trojan attack turns out to be a great threat to your computer as it is capable to mess up the computer miserably. It is released through network and targets the computer during users’ improper web browsing tasks like visiting harmful websites, reading junk emails and downloading freeware carelessly. Once the Trojan horse arrives, it installs in the computer automatically and launches itself as a background program. Absolutely, it is a potentially unwanted program which takes the computer at great risk. The affected computer just results in poor Internet connection and system performance. The system files and registry entries of the computer are randomly changed by the Trojan infection, and some risky affected files may be dropped to the computer secretly. Also, the affected computer may come across unexpected computer freezing and system crash issue. Therefore, users need to remove the Trojan attack from the computer completely and immediately.
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Published by on March 23, 2014 5:46 am and last modified on March 23, 2014 5:57 am.

Mar 22, 2014

How to Remove Win64.Patched.B.Gen

Is your personal or work computer tortured by a virus called Win64.Patched.B.Gen? It takes every chance to penetrate into your computer when you know nothing? Do not know what kind of malicious things it can do in your computer? Is there an effective way to get rid of it? Will it hand your personal information over to the virus makers? Don’t be panic and you can read the entire article to understand the nature of the virus.

Details of Win64.Patched.B.Gen:

Win64.Patched.B.Gen is a troublesome computer virus that can be detected by some famous antivirus programs such as MSE or Norton. It is created with Rootkit technology, which allows it to root in the infected computer deeply and bypass the removal of antivirus programs. Under normal circumstances, it distributes in some suspicious web sites or spam emails. Unsafe free program downloading resources will also make your computer infected with the virus.
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Published by on March 22, 2014 4:27 pm

Mar 22, 2014

Win32/VB.CP Virus Removal Guide

Win32/VB.CP virus infection. I got this virus when I try to install a music program from Internet. I try to remove it by anti-virus program but none of it can make it. How can I remove this Trojan horse completely? Do I need to find a more advanced security tool? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of Win32/VB.CP Virus:

Win32/VB.CP is a dangerous virus process which can cause chaos on the infected computer, this nasty virus process has the ability to attack all the Windows OS computers. PC users may suffer the virus infection while installing or clicking infected programs, processes or links, once they activate this Win32/VB.CP virus, the infected PC will be under attack in a short time. Usually the security tools like anti-virus program or firewall may detect the virus infection but most of them are not able to get rid of it because the nasty virus can escape the tracking of anti-virus program by changing the name and position. It is suggested that PC users should remove this virus in a manual way to keep the infected PC safe.

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Published by on March 22, 2014 7:38 am

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