Sep 6, 2014

Remove Trojan-Downloader.JS.Agent.gww

What is Trojan-Downloader.JS.Agent.gww? How does it get into my computer? Why is my antivirus software unable to stop and delete it? What kinds of damages can the virus do on my computer system? Is there a good method that can get rid of the annoying Trojan virus completely?

Details of Trojan-Downloader.JS.Agent.gww:

Trojan-Downloader.JS.Agent.gww is classified as a hateful Trojan virus created by hackers to mess up your computer and collect your valuable information without letting you know. Because this virus is particularly designed by hackers with evil purposes, it has the ability to bypass most of the antivirus programs to slip into your computer furtively. That is why it is still able to get in your computer successfully though the computer is equipped with an antivirus program. The Trojan is very dangerous! First of all, it will weaken the system protection and create system vulnerabilities in order to bring in more viruses and even help hackers to access the computer remotely. Some other effects of this Trojan virus include replacing the system data as well as documents, redirecting your browser and slowing down the speed of the computer.
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Published by on September 6, 2014 4:00 pm and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:46 am.

Sep 5, 2014

Remove ICE Virus On Android Phone, Tablet or IPad

The ICE virus warning appears on my android phone. And it blocks me from doing anything. Anyone else’s phone has been locked by the ICE Cyber Crimes Center Virus like me? Entering a code like it instructs me help unlock my phone? If not, what kind of damage will it do to my phone? I got the ICE warning sit that said I got to pay $250 or I will go to jail and I got it for watching inperope shows and accidently downloaded something from porn hub and my phone locked up, what do I do? This popup says call a number like pin code, how to get rid of it? Is there any way to get rid of the virus completely and get my phone to work normally? Could anyone help me delete the nasty thing? Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

More Details About the ICE Virus On Android Phone, Tablet or IPad:

The ICE virus is categorized as a ransomware that usually claims to be from law enforcement agency or government and requests certain amount of fines to unlock the targeted phones, tablets or IPads. As we know that Android smartphones, tablets and Ipads are used by tens of thousands of users around the world nowadays, those cyber criminals won’t miss this wonderful chance to inject all kinds of viruses to phones in order to gain profit. Cyber criminals are deliberately designing different versions of their viruses to intrude different mobile operating systems. Once the ICE virus is running, users will get a big warning and they may be scared, thinking they will surely get a code to unlock their mobile device once they pay the fine without a second thought. In fact,it is just a trick well-designed to scam your money. It accuses the mobile device users have done something violating the law, such as visiting pornography websites or downloading or distributing copyrighted material, distributing spam emails and then claims that a penalty must be handed up in a limited time or your phone, tablet or Ipad will be locked forever. It takes over the whole screen and ask you to input the Moneypak code if you want to unlock your device.
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Published by on September 5, 2014 1:30 pm and last modified on July 28, 2015 7:38 am.

Sep 5, 2014

Remove DOJ Virus From Android Phone

Porn sites asking for paypal accounts to view them? I had a problem where this message told me that the cyber police was charging me 200$ worth of itunes card because i did something wrong in the internet. But that’s where I got very angry. First of all I haven’t done nothing wrong. Second of all why itunes this is BS. I need to get rid of it in the required time. Hello, i recently got the pop up ransomware telling me to pay up 500 bucks using paypal within 24 hours. How can I remove the DOJ virus from my Samsung galaxy s4? It says that I was looking at child pornography and it took pictures of me as I went to go look at my email. what do I do? I was downloading things from a torrent using my android and then something was installed on my phone without my permission. It flashed so fast so I didn’t see it clearly. I guess it might be a flash player app, not sure. Anyway, after that, A ‘DOJ’ page popped up, took a picture of me, and is falsely accusing me of numerous things. It said I had to pay with a $300 moneypak within 24 hours…I was scared to death at that moment. So I looked it up. It’s called the Department of Justice virus, and it’s just a money scam. I tried to find a solution, but all the ones I saw were only for computers. My android phone is completely useless right now… How can I remove the virus?

Phone Locked By DOJ Virus Scam? – An Overall Description

Since android phones are widely used nowadays, cyber criminals have turned their eyes to the growing android market and produce a new DOJ Virus (as known as Department of Justice virus) used to attack smartphone users. As similar as what it does on a computer, it also seizes control of infected phones and prevents users from doing anything on their devices by showing a fake warning that says your phone has been locked for viewing and distribution child pornography, zoophilia and other perversions. If victims want their Android back, they have to pay a ransom to the attacker. Usually the requested ransom is $300, through a prepaid card called Moneypak which you can purchase from Wal-Mart, Walgreens or other shops, within 24 hours. However, paying the fine is just a waste of money because DOJ virus is just a scam. It is important to know that Department of Justice or other legal authorities would never lock your PC and ask you to pay any fines like this way. If you really have violated the laws, they will come to your house and arrest you, rather than simply locking your computer and asking for only $300 fine.

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Published by on September 5, 2014 4:39 am and last modified on June 23, 2016 4:02 am.

Sep 5, 2014

Remove National Security Agency Virus from Android Phone

What should I do when the phone screen is locked by a police warning in the name of National Security Agency? Am I really involved in legal issues? The warning page on my android phone screen shows that I have violated the law, therefore the phone is locked and I need to pay a fine. I know it is a scam for I never do what it says. Is there an appropriate way to deal with it so that I won’t be in trouble? To remove National Security Agency Virus from android phone, what should I do?

Is the National Security Agency Screen on Android Phone Real?

National Security Agency Virus (NSA for short) is a ransomware which attacks android phone in the name of the government so as to swindle phone users out of money. In fact, it has nothing to do with the government. It is just a scam virus created by hackers. The fake warning message points out that the phone is locked due to illegal activities detection on the phone. A certain amount of money is required as the penalty or fine within a period of time. There is a also count-down to make you feel more nervous. We should avoid logging in suspicious sites file, opening spam email attachments and clicking unknown links since these cautious online behaviors can help us keep our phone clean.
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Published by on September 5, 2014 3:56 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:48 am.

Sep 5, 2014

How to Remove Savingtoyou Ads

Do you see tons of pop-ups titled with Ads by Savingtoyou whenever you go to shopping website like ebay or amazon? Is your default homepage suddenly changed to an odd web page you have never seen before? If you are suffering these problems, then your computer must have adware or PUP (also called Potentially Unwanted Program) installed. It is not surprised that your antivirus fails to pick up this threat because adware is not a virus technically. However, it is frequently described as a form of malware because it acts aggressively by presenting unwanted and crazy advertisements to the innocent users. To completely get rid of Savingtoyou ads, please follow the manual removal guide below.

“Savingtoyou” Ads Description:

Savingtoyou belongs to advertising-supported software (also called adware) that has been criticized because it usually includes code that tracks a user’s personal information and passes it on to third parties, without the user’s authorization or knowledge. In fact, we see adware all the time because there are many programs can generate unwanted ads on your computer or within the software itself, even you are using a legitimate program. These types of programs display these ads to generate further revenue for the developers or to promote other software that they may sell. The good new is most adware is free for use. If you’re using legitimate adware, when you stop running the software, the ads should disappear, and you always have the option of disabling the ads by purchasing a registration key. But Savingtoyou adware doesn’t offer you any option to uninstall and it has malicious intention on your computer. This adware can be added to all most popular web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, once downloaded it performs tons of malicious activities to prevent you from going online properly.
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Published by on September 5, 2014 1:49 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:50 am.

Sep 4, 2014

Remove Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.TXHN

Do you have any idea of what a Trojan virus is? Trojan is a word derived from the ancient Greek. Unlike other viruses, Trojan viruses won’t present in the computer screen. For example, Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.TXHN virus is able to hide deep in the computer system. It also has the ability to help the virus makers sneak into the infected computer without letting you know.

Details of Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.TXHN:

Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.TXHN is defined as a Trojan virus created by hackers which aims to steal computer users’ personal information and even helps hackers take control of the infected computers around the world remotely. Why is it global? People now use computers everywhere. In order to share information, they need to connect the computer with the Internet. The Trojan is widely circulated in the Internet. There are a lot of viruses being created every day, so we should develop good surfing habits if we want to keep our own computer clean.
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Published by on September 4, 2014 3:04 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:51 am.

Sep 4, 2014

Remove Trojan.Win32.VB.ckac

My computer must have been infected by a Trojan. Every time I turn on my computer, some nasty ads pop op, and the computer runs very slowly now. I don’t know what more malicious activities it will do in the background. And the Trojan.Win32.VB.ckac displays numerous warnings stating my computer is under security threats. Is it real? Will it even cause a complete computer crash? It is so disturbing to think about it. My antivirus program seems useless in front of it. Can anyone help me deal with the infection? Please help!

Details of Trojan.Win32.VB.ckac:

Trojan.Win32.VB.ckac is a dangerous Trojan horse which is designed by cyber criminals. It can intrude the computer through security loopholes. Once installed, it is able to conduct a series of destructive activities in your computer. It is usually harmful for inexperienced computer users and it brings a lot of uncomfortable problems. It can provide the back doors for cyber criminals to take control of the targeted computer remotely. Once controlling the computer, they pursue their evil aims by stealing personal information like passwords, credit card, bank account information etc. And you will find the Google, Yahoo Searches are redirected and browser homepage settings are changed without your permission. Furthermore, this infection will change your registry settings and other important windows system files. If you leave it in your computer for a long time, it would bundle with some adware, ransomware or other threatening programs to mess up your computer together. In that way, the PC becomes very vulnerable.

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Published by on September 4, 2014 12:07 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:52 am.

Sep 4, 2014

Remove Trojan:Win32/Ropest

My Norton reports that there is a Trojan:Win32/Ropest virus in my computer and claims that it is removed completely but it comes back again like a nightmare after I restart the computer. I search about it. And I know that it can perform many destructive activities in the background if it stays in my computer for a long time. It is so annoying! I try everything but I can’t still figure out a way to deal with it completely. I am so grateful if there is someone who can help me out of the issue!

Details of Trojan:Win32/Ropest :

Trojan:Win32/Ropest is a harmful infection which is widely spread on the internet recent days. It usually disguises itself as an innocent software to convince computer users download it. This risky Trojan intrudes the computer when you download some unknown freeware or shareware applications on the Internet. It cheats you that it can improve your web browsing performance by saving your money by providing discounts like other bonuses and deals. It will degrade your computer’s performance and make your computer run slowly. Some variants of this virus have the ability to redirect the search results when using Google, Yahoo and etc. You computer suffers a lot when these kinds of malware slide into the system. It is able to track your online history and Internet activity and steal valuable personal data like passwords, credit card, bank account information etc. It is very difficult for users to get rid of Trojan:Win32/Ropest from browser completely because it keeps coming back again and again. Besides, this dangerous Trojan would provide a back door for the cyber criminals sitting remotely to access and take control of your computer
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Published by on September 4, 2014 12:04 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 9:59 am.

Sep 3, 2014

Trojan.Startpage.AK Removal Guide

Oh, god. My computer is suffering a severe problem. AVG said that my computer is infected by the Trojan.Startpage.AK. Is that true? My computer is at risk due the Trojan virus? How did this nasty virus access my computer? Why did the AVG could not remove it? Why did it always keep warning after rebooting the computer? How could I get rid of this malicious virus? Any recommendation or help would be highly appreciated!

Information about Trojan.startpage.AK:

Trojan.Startpage.AK is a kind of very malicious and risky virus which belongs to the Trojan horse family. Once the computer was infected, it could conduct some unwanted actions on the computer. It is designed by the cyber criminals to attack computers and then perform illegal activities on the operating system. Maybe you feel so confused about how the Trojan.Startpage.AK virus accesses your computer without your notice. Because it hides in many unknown websites or unwanted soft-wares or spam email attachments, etc. Therefore, it is hard to be detected and found through the scanning of anti-virus tools. It would access your computer by clicking on the link of the malicious website, or downloading the disguised flash update, video codec or media files which contain virus’s activation code, or opening the unwanted email. If you did all the things carelessly, then your computer would be the target of the virus. Once your computer infected by the hateful Trojan.Startpage.AK, you should have it gotten rid of immediately.
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Published by on September 3, 2014 11:25 pm and last modified on November 10, 2014 10:39 am.

Sep 3, 2014

Trojan.Ransomcrypt.K Removal Guide

Is your computer infected with Trojan.Ransomcrypt.K virus? Have you tried a lot of ways to remove it but this Trojan virus still keeps coming back? How does it come to your computer? Now many victims who have this virus will find that computer locked up by a fake police warning saying they have violated laws and need to pay a fine to unlock the computer. If you are suffering the same issue, please don’t pay anything to this scam. Follow the manual removal guide to clean up your computer now.

Learn More About Trojan.Ransomcrypt.K

Trojan.Ransomcrypt.K is classified as Trojan virus that can pass through your security program to damage your system, and even block up your computer with a fake police warning like “Your computer has been blocked up for safety reason”. This is a deceitful virus associated with ransomware like FBI Moneypak virus, Metropolitan Police Virus, AFP Ukash virus and other malware. Thus, after your computer is attacked, it may be locked up immediately so you cannot do anything on it. It will display an alert stating that your computer has been blocked up for safety reasons such as viewing or storing prohibited pornographic content (child porn, zoophillia) and you have to pay a fine within 48 hours. But don’t be scared because this is not a real warning from the government or police. Instead, it is created by the remote hackers who aim at stealing your money from the non-existent fine you have paid. Don’t rush to pay the ransom even though the ransomware page seems legitimate. This Trojan is known to attack computers running with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 (8.1). It is very annoying and disturbing so it has to be removed as soon as possible.

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Published by on September 3, 2014 3:27 pm and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:05 am.

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