Remove ICE Virus On Android Phone, Tablet or IPad

The ICE virus warning appears on my android phone. And it blocks me from doing anything. Anyone else’s phone has been locked by the ICE Cyber Crimes Center Virus like me? Entering a code like it instructs me help unlock my phone? If not, what kind of damage will it do to my phone? I got the ICE warning sit that said I got to pay $250 or I will go to jail and I got it for watching inperope shows and accidently downloaded something from porn hub and my phone locked up, what do I do? This popup says call a number like pin code, how to get rid of it? Is there any way to get rid of the virus completely and get my phone to work normally? Could anyone help me delete the nasty thing? Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

More Details About the ICE Virus On Android Phone, Tablet or IPad:

The ICE virus is categorized as a ransomware that usually claims to be from law enforcement agency or government and requests certain amount of fines to unlock the targeted phones, tablets or IPads. As we know that Android smartphones, tablets and Ipads are used by tens of thousands of users around the world nowadays, those cyber criminals won’t miss this wonderful chance to inject all kinds of viruses to phones in order to gain profit. Cyber criminals are deliberately designing different versions of their viruses to intrude different mobile operating systems. Once the ICE virus is running, users will get a big warning and they may be scared, thinking they will surely get a code to unlock their mobile device once they pay the fine without a second thought. In fact,it is just a trick well-designed to scam your money. It accuses the mobile device users have done something violating the law, such as visiting pornography websites or downloading or distributing copyrighted material, distributing spam emails and then claims that a penalty must be handed up in a limited time or your phone, tablet or Ipad will be locked forever. It takes over the whole screen and ask you to input the Moneypak code if you want to unlock your device.

The hackers who design the ICE Cyber Crimes Center Virus can change the versions of the warning message, but just keep in mind that no enforcing authorities will punish a person by locking the android phone, tablet or Ipad. The cyber criminals have used the same way to trick a lot of users by locking their computers before. Now they land their eyes on the growing mobile markets and repeat the same tactic. By disguising as a friendly app or a cool game, the malware can easily slips into the targeted mobile device once you download this app or game careless, and it takes control of your mobile device and messes up your data without your permission. Once it is loaded, you will not able to do anything, not to mention open any app on your phone, tablet or IPad. Each time you power on the phone, tablet or Ipad, ICE virus will come up at once. In addition, the hackers may use the compromised email account to send a malicious email message to everyone in the victim’s contact list, distributing the ICE virus on the Internet in this way. It is doubtless that you should take effective measures to get rid of the virus completely. Here is the guide.

Please Contact YooCare 24/7 Online PC Expert now if you don’t know how to start the removal on your phone.

Know more about this virus:

1. Your mobile phone will under its control rapidly once it is downloaded.
2. It may damage the Android system.
3. It is not allowed to change phone settings or to download antivirus program.
4. It will ask for a ransom to unlock the phone.
5. You can’t open other applications.
5. It is a big threat to your phone security and your personal information.

A Step-by-step Manual Removal Guide On Android Phone

1. Restart your phone to safe mode.

Note: When you reboot your phone into Safe Mode, your Android device temporarily disables all third-party apps that you’ve installed on it and lets you analyze the cause.

Safe Mode On Samsung Galaxy S6 S5 S4:
1.Turn off the device. 2. Press the power button to turn it on. 3. When the screen turns up keep tapping the soft Menu key that is left to the Home button till the device boots up.

If you have managed to select Safe Mode, you will see the text “Safe Mode” at the bottom left corner of the screen.


Safe Mode on Galaxy S3 and Others:
1.Turn off the phone. 2. Press the Power key to restart it. 3. Press and hold the Volume Down key till the device boots up (Galaxy S3 and others), Volume Up (This way can be used for LG, HTC,ZTE or HuaWei and others mobile devices), or Volume Down and Volume Up together (Motorola devices) when the vendor’s logo appears.

2. Once you have put your phone in safe mode, contact an expert for further removal instruction.


Government blocked my phone is it real? I was messing with my phone because I was bored and this message popped up saying that I was blocked because I apparently was using child porn, and that I had to pay 250 with paypal to get it removed. The ICE virus is known as a big threat that is rampant on the internet. And a lot of users were shocked to find their phones have been locked by the virus. Though the name relates to some legal authorities, actually it has nothing to do with them. Don’t be freak out and don’t be fooled by it. This is an internet fraud which is designed by hackers. Those guys now turn their eyes on the growing mobile phones and reach their goals using the familiar way as they have used to trick numerous users by locking their computers before. And unfortunately, once the terrible situation happens to you, you can use the above guide to unlock your phone.

Note: Manual removal needs sufficient professional skills. If you haven’t enough expert skills, you may make some mistakes damaging your android phone, tablet or IPad immediately. If you are not sure how to do, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help.

Published by on September 5, 2014 1:30 pm, last updated on July 28, 2015 7:38 am

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