Apr 10, 2015

Remove Websearch.goodforsearch.info – Remove Browser Hijacker

Your favorite browser suddenly does not work properly? Even your home page has been reset to the strange website called Websearch.goodforsearch.info? Do you think this continuous pop-up page is safe? Why can’t you uninstall it from the browser? How to get rid of it completely?

More Details about Websearch.goodforsearch.info:

Websearch.goodforsearch.info is classified as a browser hijacker which appears on your computer without your permission and brings you troubles. The browser hijacker is able to change your browser home page and redirect all of your search results to the some unknown web pages and links without your approval. With the appearance that is similar to some other famous search engines, some inexperienced computer users may think that it can provide a lot of online contents. But if you use it for your online activities, you will be in trouble. The search results it offers are really unreliable. There may be a lot of viruses and malware hiding in those results. Once you click one of them, the viruses will enter your computer and damage your data.
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Published by on April 10, 2015 3:24 pm

Apr 10, 2015

How to Remove “Ads by SalesPrize” Pop-up?

My windows 8.1 laptop started having tons of pop-ups titled with “Ads by SalesPrize” and I don’t know how to get rid of them. I went to control panel to check all programs installed, but I didn’t see any one associated with SalesPrize. I also ran Mcafee to scan my PC for 3 hours or so, but it detected nothing. The problem is really annoying and it happens with every website I go to (I use chrome). I’ve tried Firefox as well and it worked good. How do I remove those ads and fix the problem permanently?

“Ads by SalesPrize” Pop-up Description:

Ads by SalesPrize is caused by an adware named SalesPrize that can install on a computer without any permission and it has become one of the most frustrating things to a computer user. Although the pop-up is not harmful as other computer viruses, it can be very annoying and could probably redirect computer users to website they don’t really want all the time. Most of time, SalesPrize adware enters a computer bundled with free applications downloaded from unverified sources. As soon as it is installed, it hijacks all kinds of web browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or even Safari. Whenever you go online, it may present its numerous advertisements as boxes filled with coupons, pop-ups, sound or video advertisements and similar contents. You will see crazy ads titled with “Ads by SalesPrize”,””Powered by SalesPrize” or “Brought by SalesPrize” everywhere that interrupts your browsing activities notably.
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Published by on April 10, 2015 7:03 am

Apr 10, 2015

How to Remove Warning-alert.com

There is something so strange on my computer now. No matter when I start my computer and begin to browse, I am always redirected to a websites called Warning-alert.com. I don’t know why and I have no idea how to remove this thing out of my computer. Antivirus tools don’t work on the removing of this pesky thing. It is said this webpage is a browser hijacker. I don’t want to leave this virus on my computer any more. But how can I get rid of this virus? What should I do now? Can anyone help me? Thank you so much.

More Information About Warning-alert.com

Warning-alert.com is classified as a browser hijacker virus. It is a malicious computer infection which is created by cyber criminals with the purpose of hacking browsers on the compromised computer. If this virus gets the opportunity to get into your computer, it may have the ability to change your computer settings like your default homepage and browser settings, such as Safari, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome and so on. Once your browsers were changed, you will be readdressed to its domain when you start to browse. This program is unwanted application which may do lots of troubles on your computer after its installation. This virus may pretend to be a good program to trick you to add it into your computer so that it can do malicious things on your system.

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Published by on April 10, 2015 6:17 am

Apr 9, 2015

How to Remove Trojan horse Agent_c.mb Virus?

I have been getting Trojan horse Agent_c.mb virus for the past 4 days and AVG is not removing it. I followed the location stated but I have seen no files in it. However, this trojan is constantly detected. It is really annoying and frustrating. How do I get rid of it from my computer completely? I have Windows 8.1 on a brand new Dell Inspiron 1500. Help!!!

Learn More About Trojan horse Agent_c.mb Virus:

Trojan horse Agent_c.mb(as known as Trojan Agent_c.MB) is categorized as Trojan virus that sneaks into a computer by clicking on some malicious links, downloading free software, browsing sites with bad reputation or opening the infected email attachments. Once installed, it can commit evil conducts to decrease the overall performance of the targeted system or perform other malicious tasks. Now this virus aims to attack Windows operating system including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and even Windows 8 (Windows 8.1). Trojan horse Agent_c.mb is designed by cyber criminals to distribute malicious or potentially unwanted programs, or steal account information, passwords, online banking data and credit card information from the target users, so you have to remove it as soon as possible.
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Published by on April 9, 2015 1:35 am and last modified on April 9, 2015 1:36 am.

Apr 8, 2015

Remove Win32/Small.cox

Hey, there. My computer worked so slowly during recent days. I had no idea about why this thing happened on my computer. Norton reported that there was a malicious Trojan on my computer. This infection is called Win32/Small.cox. This virus is so tricky. It can’t be removed by any antivirus programs. I had tried all my best to do this work done. However, none of these methods worked. This virus now is still making chaos on my computer. What should I do now? If anyone can help me get out of this problem, it would be so highly appreciated.

Learn More Information About Win32/Small.cox

Win32/Small.cox is a malicious computer infection which is sorted to be the family of Trojan virus. This infection is created by vicious cyber criminals with the purpose of hacking all computer users around the world. Once this Trojan gets into your computer, it may make all the files on your system corrupted, so that you can’t use your computer normally. Your online activities may be taken control at once. This virus may do lots of unwanted action on your background automatically no matter when you start your computer. Usually, this virus may sneak into your system from the help of a third party program. This Trojan is bundled with freeware program downloads; spam emails attachments, suspicious links and websites and so on.

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Published by on April 8, 2015 11:14 pm

Apr 8, 2015

Generic36.bahp Virus Removal

Hi there. My AVG 2015 detected several instances of Generic36.bahp but didn’t help to delete them. The virus alert continues to pop up every 2 minutes or so. I was worried about that. Can it steal my personal information like bank account or hack my computer without my knowledge? Does anyone have the same problem before? How do I get rid of the virus without losing my data?

Infected With Generic36.bahp Virus – How to Remove?

Generic36.bahp is categorized as Trojan virus that acts very aggressive and can even destroy users computer system or steal personal data without any knowledge. It gets inside the PC through security vulnerabilities found on a network and then it can run many malicious tasks on different operating systems including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8. With the help of this Trojan, cyber criminals could spy on a user, manage files, install additional software or dangerous threats, control the entire system including any present applications or hardware devices, shutdown or reboot a computer or attack other hosts. Although AVG antivirus can detect the virus, but it doesn’t mean you are safe from the virus attack. This virus will apply an advance technique that aims to conceal itself and block the deletion of any anti-malware programs. Therefore, manual removal will be the best choice to remove Generic36.bahp virus.
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Published by on April 8, 2015 11:12 am and last modified on April 8, 2015 11:13 am.

Apr 8, 2015

Remove Goldensearch.org – How to Remove Browser Hijacker

You always see a website called Goldensearch.org on your browser? It has become your new home page and you can’t change back to the previous one? How to get rid of it successfully to let the browser return to normal?

More Details about Goldensearch.org:

Goldensearch.org is famous as a nasty browser hijacker, because it always appears in computer users’ browser and redirects the users’ online activities without permission. It is said that the browser hijacker is designed to help the developers collect as much information as possible from the computer users. Pretending to be an intelligent search engine that can provide rich online contents, Goldensearch.org has successfully deceived many computer users. Real search engine services providers will not force to change the computer users’ home page and force the users to use them as the only search engine. The search results Goldensearch.org provides may be a lot of malicious sites, some of which even contain viruses that can damage your computer.
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Published by on April 8, 2015 1:38 am

Apr 7, 2015

Remove PC Safe Antivirus – Complete Removal Guide

PC Safe Antivirus program appears suddenly in the computer? Why does the program start scanning the whole system every time the computer starts up? You do not allow it to do so and you cannot stop the scan? There are really a lot of risks in the system like it says? How to make the computer back to normal?

More Details about PC Safe Antivirus:

PC Safe Antivirus is a fake antivirus program. It is said that this fake thing is specially designed by computer hackers in order to defraud computer users around the world and steal their privacy. As long as the computer is connected to the Internet and once you visit bad websites, click on the unknown links or download free software, the rogue program will have a chance to infect your computer. In general, after PC Safe Antivirus gets into your system, it will start a scan and then report to you a lot of risks and vulnerabilities. Because many computer users do not have experience, they will be terrified by those reports and afraid to lose important data. So they can easily become the victims of the PC Safe Antivirus rogueware – paying to buy its full version.
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Published by on April 7, 2015 8:48 am

Apr 7, 2015

Win32/DownloadGuide.F Virus Removal

Yesterday I clicked on a site, and then I had Win32/DownloadGuide.F virus on my computer. I’ve been spending my morning searching all around to get answers of how to get rid of it but still nothing worked. I scanned the computer with several antivirus programs like AVG, Norton and Malwarebyte. After I removed a few malicious items they found, the virus was still there and won’t go away. I’m so frustrated & annoyed!!! Any clue as to why this could be happening? Why antivirus programs cannot get rid of it? How do I delete the virus completely?

Infected With Win32/DownloadGuide.F Virus – How to Remove?

Win32/DownloadGuide.F is a nasty Trojan that takes chance to penetrate into the computer by visiting harmful websites, clicking suspicious links and downloading nasty freeware. Mostly Trojan Horse programmers tempt you into downloading and installing their malware on your computer by making you believe they are innocent – or maybe even helpful. Once you are tricked, this virus will come bundled with the malware and start messing up your computer. Once it is installed, it drops other malware files that are needed for successful attacks. You will notice some system settings are changed without your permission and also the performance of the machine reduces to a half as well as your Internet connection. It takes a long time for you to launch a program and your CPU occupancy rate is very high that makes most programs not respond frequently.
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Published by on April 7, 2015 3:31 am

Apr 6, 2015

Ransom:Win32/Isda Virus Removal Guide

Your computer is subjected to the entanglement of Ransom:Win32/Isda virus? Antivirus software cannot remove it? You tried many kinds of antivirus software, but all failed to remove it in the end? This Trojan can only be removed manually. In this way, you can get rid of it completely.

Details of Ransom:Win32/Isda:

Ransom:Win32/Isda is a very hateful Trojan virus that has been very active on the Internet recently. Many computer users from around the world have experienced it. This Trojan designed and made by computer hackers is able to create chaos in your computer and collect valuable information from you. So once you find the virus infection, you had better not easily enter your personal information in the computer.
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Published by on April 6, 2015 1:21 am

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